and I’m probably not forming words properly yet
All hail the written word!
Seriously though, you have a witty way of writing. Almost made the $39,000 seem less scary. Almost. What an absolutely insane amount of money for a couple of teeth. That would put a lot of people into debt just bc of a minor accident. Not sure what I would have done.
Anyway, welcome back and thank you for the trains.
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Welcome back, and thanks for the trains.
I know there are differences in pay and viewpoint, but hearing stories like this, I'm supper happy here in Europe we have universal healthcare. Of course, dental is covered only partially, so it would still be expensive, but not like this.
Hope everything turns out fine for you.
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I only have one implant so far, and at least I got my tooth knocked out very unstealthily while playing basketball (elbow in the face while I was driving to the basket). I really don't envy you (neither the surgery itself nor the tremendously high bill), but I hope that you will feel better and the bill doesn't ruin you.
I am happy you sound quite positive despite it all, so there's that. 😊
Also: Always wear a gumshield at night as long as your 5-year old has dreams of MMA fame. And I am sure he will hear this story for many decades to come. 😋
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I hope you get better and that the surgery will be worth in the end. Also, thanks for the trains :D
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My parents also had to deal with my night terrors for a few years around the age that your son was in after my, back then, young and naive dad didn't want to buy me a zombie toy that I insisted on getting and decided it would be a good idea to tell me that if I got it, it would turn alive while I'm sleeping and bite my ear off. Of course, I didn't want to sleep in my room because that's where I kept my toys in.
Luckily, I didn't knock any of my parents' teeth off, but I had one of my front ones knocked out during recess in elementary school. Luckily, it was partially knocked and I had componeers installed. Were yours fully knocked out? If the root was intact componeers could have been a solution as well.
Regardless, sorry to hear you (and your bank account) went through all this, but we're glad to have you with us once again!
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Welcome back!!!
Having children is a wonderful experience. Provided we survive, that is.
Good luck to you!
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Oh man, I'm no stranger to dental issues myself, so I can empathize. My brother-in-law needed a single dental implant and yeah, it was like 8k+ just for the one tooth.
Glad you're back and surviving
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Welcome back to SG Althalus! My teeth hurt just thinking about that (and the price tag) but glad you'll have a better quality of life, once the pain subsides :)
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welcome back Althalus. :D My youngest still likes to jump in bed with me, now I'm going to be nervous XD
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welcome back! i always have nightmares about my teeth falling out, i can't imagine the terror of experiencing that in real life
hope all goes well!
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I'mma gonna hurt you more, not because you deserve it, but because I can. You are welcome:
What award did the dentist win? A little plaque.
What do dentists call the x-rays they take of patients’ teeth? Tooth pics.
What did the dentist say to the tooth when he had to leave the room? I’ll fill you in when I get back.
Which teeth do you need to brush? The ones you want to keep.
If a kid has 25 candy bars and they eat 22 of them, what do they have? Cavities.
What did the dentist say when Tiger Woods came in for an appointment? You have a hole in one.
My teeth were stained, so the dentist asked me, “do you smoke or drink coffee?” I told him I drink it.
Patient: How much does it cost to have a tooth pulled? Dentist: $100. Patient: All that for only a few minutes of work? That’s expensive. Dentist: Don’t worry, I can pull it out slower if you’d like.
Dentist: Can you please help me? Scream as loud as you can, like you’re in a lot of pain. Patient: Why? My tooth isn’t hurting this time. Dentist: Because there are many patients in the waiting room, and I don’t want to miss the game!
Dentist: Do you floss? Patient: Yes, I floss religiously. Dentist: Really? Patient: Of course, on Christmas and Easter.
Patient: What did you do before becoming a dentist? Dentist: For a few years, I was in the army. Patient: Oh? What did you do? Dentist: I was a drill sergeant.
The dentist told his patient to open wider. “My goodness!” he said. “You’ve got the biggest cavity I’ve seen, the biggest cavity I’ve seen.” “Ok,” said the patient, “but I’m scared enough. Do you need to repeat yourself?” “I didn’t,” said the dentist. “That was the echo.”
A young boy was sitting in the waiting room for a little bit after getting his tooth pulled. The receptionist asked him if he was ok. “Yes, but I didn’t like the bad word the dentist used while he was pulling my tooth.” “What did he say?” asked the receptionist, worried. “Oops.”
A young girl was talking to her dad about what she wanted to be when she grew up. She was thinking about becoming a heart doctor or a tooth doctor. “Dentist,” said her father. “Why?” the little girl asked. “We only have one heart, but we have 32 teeth.”
A man goes to the dentist to ask how much it would be to pull a tooth. “$100,” said the dentist. “Oh, that’s expensive,” said the main. “Do you have anything cheaper?” “That’s the normal price for an extraction,” said the dentist. The man thinks about it, “what about if you don’t use the anesthetic?” “Well, that would be unusual, but we could do that. It would be about $75.” The man thinks some more. “What about if you used a trainee and no anesthetic?” “Well,” said the dentist, ”I think that could work, but it would be a lot more painful. I think that would be about $35.” The man thought some more. “That’s still a lot. What if you make it a training session with a student doing the extraction, and the other students can watch?” The dentist says, “Ok, that would be good for the students, but it will be traumatic to have it done that way. I’ll charge you $5 for that.” “Great,” said the man. “That’s perfect. Can I book my wife for her appointment on Wednesday?
My dentist said I should try flossing more. I’ve started taking dance lessons now.
Who’s job is the most dangerous in Transylvania? The dentist who works on Dracula.
What does the dentist give a bear with a hurting tooth? Anything it wants.
What’s the dentist’s favorite kind of dinosaur? A floss-iraptor.
What made the snowman go to see a dentist? He was suffering from frostbite.
What does the dentist do when he’s on a roller coaster? Brace himself.
What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
What do tuba players use to brush their teeth? A tuba toothpaste.
My dentist has a TV in the exam room. I go there for Netflix and drill.
I have to have a root canal done. Just the thought of it is unnerving.
My dentist asked me to open up, but I don’t know him well enough to confide in him.
Until it came out in conversation, no one knew she had a dental implant.
Dentists practice their trade by going through many drills.
The lawyer asked his dentist to give him a retainer.
In Panama, dental care is called a route canal.
Word-of-mouth was how I got my job at the dentist’s office.
He said to put my money where my mouth is, so I got gold fillings.
When I went to the dentist, he put all caps on my teeth. Now I can’t stop shouting.
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That's an unfortunate incident. I'm glad the surgery went well. I wish you a quick recovery, and thank you for the many giveaways! :)
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After nearly a year away, I’m finally back! For those who remember me, you’ll know I’ve got three amazing (and occasionally chaotic) boys—12, 5, and nearly 2. I absolutely love being a dad, whether it's creating fantasy stories with my eldest, weaving "choose your own adventure" tales, or trying (and sometimes failing) to harness the creativity of the little ones. Parenting is an adventure all on its own… but one of my kids decided to take things to the next level.
You see, my 5-year-old has always been a bit of a nighttime terror. A champion of unnecessary midnight invasions, he’s spent years sneaking into my bed, tossing, turning, and generally thrashing about like a fish on land. Unfortunately for me, his chaotic sleep gymnastics had some unintended consequences. Over many months (and probably hundreds of accidental headbutts, kicks, and wild flailing limbs), he managed to knock out my two front lower teeth. One at a time. I swear, if there were an Olympic sport for stealthily breaking a parent's spirit (and dental structure) while asleep, he’d be a gold medalist.
Now, I’ve never been the most self-conscious person, but walking around looking like a hillbilly horror show did a number on my confidence. A trip to the dentist confirmed my worst fears—without intervention, my lower teeth would slowly shift and eventually just… fall over on their own. Fantastic. My options?
So, after raiding my superannuation (because, let's be honest, I wasn't waiting for my teeth to fall out one by one like a grim countdown to self-destruction), I just had the surgery two days ago. My face currently feels like it doesn’t belong to my body, I'm doped up on pain meds, and I’m probably not forming words properly yet… but hey, I’m back!
With that said, I have a couple of small trains. Get your tickets, checkpoints here - With no defined order, or significance, cos I couldn't be bothered:
I've prob screwed something up but they should be up for a week. -Yep, screwed up, I have an odd cart.
12 goes for two weeks. Oh noes, anything goes ^^Train - Level 0
Train - Level 1
Train - Level 2
Train - Level 3
Train - Level 4
WL Train - Level Over 9000
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