Greetings! You like crossword puzzles? Then you came to the right thread! You don’t? I don’t care! Grit your teeth and endure it if you want my giveaways!

A personal little rant first; feel free to skip it if you don’t care and just want to get to the games.
This whole thing was supposed to be ready weeks ago, but with the usual stress, work, chores, et cetera, I didn’t have as much time as I wanted. Then, when I could finally look forward to a a few days off, everything blew up in my face like a ghostly, purple balloon (if you catch my drift) when I tried booting up my PC and it… didn’t. Or rather, it did, but I couldn’t get an image. I tried everything, swapping out monitors, cables, but ultimately, it seemed that my graphics card was fried.

Luckily. the writing had been on the wall for some time now (the PC was rather old already, and replacing anything wasn't worth it), so I had already been in talks with a friend about buying his old PC off of him (which is still much newer than anything I ever had), and he delivered it a few days after. Still, this meant I had to devote some time getting the new system ready, which isn’t a trivial task for someone who doesn't know that much about PCs. Silly me also decided to try out this "Linux" stuff, which took even more time to properly set up... It mostly works now, although my friend advised me to swap out the power supply sometime soon.
Oh, and I originally planned to keep my old Windows 10 available on my old hard drive, just in case... which fell flat, because I somehow managed to brick it, and now it won't boot up anymore. (I backed up all the important data first, but it still sucks.)
I suppose this ends up being a blessing in disguise, as it forces me to actually get comfortable with Ubuntu, instead of putting it off indefenitely and just going back to Windows.

An added hurdle for me was that I am more or less exclusively used to working with Paint.NET when it comes to image editing, which I tried getting to run on the new system, but failed. I toyed around with Pinta and GIMP, and neither really appealed to me, although I'll try figuring it out... eventually. Anyways, that made creating this crossword puzzle much more of a hassle, and I ended up doing it in Calc, which, at least right now, feels like "we have Excel at home" to me.

Enough of this! You're not here to read my life story, but to win some games!

In the image linked below (or just click here) you will find a crossword puzzle. In the table to the right of it are the clues needed to figure out which words you're looking for; the numbers in the squares relate to the clue needed. Most of the words are video game related, but there's also some trivia stuff, a few memes, and more!
Some of the squares have letters in the upper left corner, and you'll find the same letters in the squares below, next to the titles of the games I'm giving away. When you fill in one of those squares in the puzzle, you can also fill in the square in the solution that bears the same letter. Note that if the letter in the corner in the solution is a capital letter, then you need to enter a capital letter there, as well... and if it's a lower-case letter, you need to enter a lower-case letter. Makes sense?
See this example if you need some clarification.

I am giving away the following games:
Everspace 2
Game Dev Tycoon
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
Solasta: Crown of the Magister
SteamWorld Dig 2
All giveaways are going for about four weeks, ending at April 18th. Level 1 or higher is required to enter them.

That should be all! This was more effort than I originally thought, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm off to bed now, I have to get up early tomorrow... Here's hoping that in my sleep deprivation I didn't mess anything up and forget to add, like, half the required letters. If you run into trouble, just try to solve it as far as you can, and let me know in this thread!


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5 hours ago*

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5 hours ago

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Maybe I'm a bit dumb but where is the capital C ?

4 hours ago

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The "hint" letters in the puzzle are all lower case. In the solution below, they are either upper or lower case, depending on what you need to enter. So if, for example you enter an "X" into the puzzle square with the c, then you need to enter an "X" into all squares below twith a C, and an "x" into all squares with a c. Take a look at the example I provided: The solution has one upper- and one lower-case b, but only the lower-case b appears in the puzzle.
If this doesn't make sense, I'll try to make it clearer after I'm properly awake... whenever that might be. :'D

4 hours ago

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No I think I got that, it's just that there is no c on the crossword while the "astroneer" one ask for one so I got confuse

4 hours ago

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I may be blind... but I feel like alot of the letter keys to make codes are missing.

I don't see any a's, h's, l's or n's needed to get the code character

theres like others not around to... but I am not looking to get those codes so idk

edit: not missing... solve what you can and you will figure it out

4 hours ago*

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bump for fully solved

2 hours ago

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Maybe I'm a bit dumb but where is the: a, b, c, h, l, n, r?

4 hours ago

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OOoooh, I am so glad I am in good company NOT knowing where those are... :D :D

Edit: I got it now! Sorry! :D :D :D

2 hours ago*

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4 hours ago

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Solved one of them, might edit this later
Thank you for the fun puzzle and bump 💙

4 hours ago

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Ok solved one of them too, thanks :)

4 hours ago

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4 hours ago

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First to solve, thus I bump :)

4 hours ago

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bump for solved :)

3 hours ago

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Took a while, but solved :)

3 hours ago

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3 hours ago

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Linux is an adjustment but it beats Wind0w$ 10 for sure. GIMP is not too bad once you get used to a few bizarre interface choices.
Anyway R.I.P to your old PC and long live the new!
Bump for crossword solved... now to solve those missing letters...

3 hours ago*

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bump ;)

3 hours ago

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Bump. That was great fun to solve!

3 hours ago

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2 hours ago

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I solved the crossword, but when I try to use the letters I got, nothing comes out, although I'm sure they are the right letters (otherwise the crossword puzzle would not be solved)
edit: partially solved...I guess

2 hours ago*

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Bump for solved

2 hours ago

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That was, something. Bump :)

1 hour ago

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loved it!

1 hour ago

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BTW for image editing, photopea is a very clean browser photoshop like, pretty simple to use

1 hour ago

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Wow, that took a while to complete... Thanks for the GAs!

48 minutes ago

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Bump for solved

16 minutes ago

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Finally solved the crossword puzzle. Thanks for the giveaways!

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10 minutes ago

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