It's like a group made for me. :o Here's my ProtonDB profile
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Linux user here ! I mainly play exclusives but this is a great idea/initiative and I encourage it. Maybe someday I will join, for now I'm going to keep to my backlog of exclusives and those 5 proton games :) I might want to create GAs for this group in the future though :)
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I am assuming you have yet to submit a Proton report. You also don't seem to have any Linux playtime logged since Steam introduced OS separation in the API. If you could confirm that you are familiar enough with Linux (basically installing Steam and clicking Play) then I'll accept your request.
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Hi !
I love the idea, here's my ProtonDB profile :
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Hi! I think this is a great way to encourage reporting to ProtonDB.
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I'd like to join. Here's my protondb profile:
But I've also left reports when protondb was just a Google Sheets document.
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I would like to join. I play games exclusively on Linux, been using Linux for more than 12 years now. Currently running Parrot 4.9 (Debian 11) as my main OS. I'm not going to say that i am a fan of Playing Matters movement as I have won here more than I can play in a lifetime but I do try to play Linux games I win (if my computer is capable of running them).
I did submit few items in protondb, currently says "pending" so I can add url here later on. Usually I tend to try to fix issues I have in running games by myself without submitting any reports (unless I can't fix them) but than i submit them to respective games and not something like protondb or winehq
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Submitting problems to the developers is always good, as long as they are willing to fix problems for an unsupported platform, but the main reason I want reports on ProtonDB or the Proton issue tracker is that Windows users willing to switch need a place where they can easily check if their favorite game works.
Anyway, you have plenty of Linux playtime logged so you can send the group request right away if you want. Just post the url of your profile when you get a chance.
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Hey, where were you two years ago? :-D
I'm leaving SG in a couple of months, but still want to join if you don't mind.
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I haven't submitted any bug reports myself, though I have contributed to others:
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Thanks! I'm curious, what do you count as Linux playtime? Native games?
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The Steam API provides playtime data (among many other things) for users with public profiles, which is also separated by OS. I wrote a bash script to automatically get this information from the profile URL. If you are interested, this is the script:
#!/bin/env bash
STEAM_ID=$(curl -s "${API_URL}/ISteamUser/ResolveVanityURL/v1/?key=${API_KEY}&vanityurl=${VANITY_ID}" |\
jq -r '.response.steamid')
LINUX_PLAYTIME=$(curl -s "${API_URL}/IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v1/?key=${API_KEY}&steamid=${STEAM_ID}" |\
jq -r '[].playtime_linux_forever' |\
awk '{s+=$0} END {print s}')
echo Steam ID: $STEAM_ID
echo Linux playtime: $((H=$LINUX_PLAYTIME/60))h:$(($LINUX_PLAYTIME-$H*60))m:00s
Then you just do: ./script.bash
You'll have to replace XXXXX with your own API key which you can get from here. You can enter a bogus domain.
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You could also check SteamDB Calculator, it shows playtime per platform. For example here is yours:
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As I mainly played Dota 2, which has a native version, my ProtonDB profile isn't kept well updated. I recently submitted two reports, both of which are for the game in question shown at the time of making the post and another which should show up on my Steam profile.
I would love to join this group if possible.
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I still don't have ProtonDB account, because I didn't really make any reports on games. I will do so in the future. I game on Manjaro mostly, and occasionally on Linux Mint as well.
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Thank you. I game only on Linux, so it's either native or Proton for me when it comes to Steam.
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Hey. Great idea! Would love to join and possibly help out the fellow Linux users by doing that :)
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May I join if I haven't submitted any reports? I've linked my profile to ProtonDB though.
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I never submitted any reports because i don't have much motivation to submit reports for games with plenty of them, in the past i thought about looking for games i have with no reports but never got around to do it. Then i saw this thread and soon after that this one:
[FREE] Football Club Simulator - FCS NS#19 - Steam
And it reminded me of a game of my childhood PC Futbol, saw that it didn't have any reports, tried it and it didn't work, adding flags was useless the game still crashed. I had to uncompress the game assets and then no crash but black screen, now the problem was dxvk so using OpenGL fixed it.
Now that i have my first report (for now, gonna have a look at my Point&Click games with no reports) here's my ProtonDB profile
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Added 3 more reports to ProtonDB.
Now i should create a Github account and report the issues in FCS19 and also the failure to capture the screen for the savegame with dxvk in A Stroke of Fate: Operation Bunker
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How does the ProtonDB site work for pending reports?
Earlier Today i had a report for The Samaritan Paradox and when i submitted one for Jack Keane it disappeared (another one for Bizarre Earthquake remained), so i resubmitted.
Now i submitted a report for Alternativa and now Jack Keane and The Samaritan Paradox reports disappeared.Leaving only Alternativa and Bizarre Earthquake. The weirdest thing is that i tried Chromium and there were 0 pending reports, refreshed in Firefox and the 2 remaining are still there. Also tried in Firefox in a private window and again 0 reports pending.
I'll update when the reports get published, and how many and which reports got published.
Did someone else experience this?
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If you play on Linux and you frequently use Proton you might be interested in joining this group.
Giveaways for Proton reports
What are the rules?
There's only one rule: if you win a giveaway from this group you are then required to make a report on how the game runs with Proton on ProtonDB or the Proton Issues tracker. You have 3 months to do this so take your time.
If the game won is native to Linux, you don't have to submit a report unless the Linux build is known to be broken or you weren't able to run it on your system.
Why should I join?
This group has very few members and there are other Linux groups to join which are public and have no rules. This is for people that like groups such as Playing Appreciated, Playing Matters, Play or Pay or any group that requires something out of the winner of the giveaway.
How do I join?
Post a comment with a link to your ProtonDB profile or the GitHub account you use to submit reports to the issue tracker and then send a request from the Steam group page. I'll check your profile to see if you actually have some Linux playtime logged (it's fine if you also play on Windows), so make sure your profile is set to Public, at least until I accept your request.
How do I find my ProtonDB profile?
Go to and scroll down to Your Contributions and click on any of your reports. This will open the page for the game you reported on. Find your report again by searching for your username, under your username you'll find your total number of reports in the format (# reports). This is also a link to your profile page.
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