Could it be that your original winner was from a country that has their own region like Japan or Germany?
Max payne 3 for example (i'm assuming that's the game you're talking about) has a special German cut version and in most cases steam won't allow them to redeem a regular version afaik.
In case it doesn't work out, to my knowledge you should be able to delete your giveaway at the cost of losing 1 giveaway slot, normally it can't be done after a winner has been picked but since he agreed to a re-roll i'd assume staff would let you delete the giveaway as if a winner was never picked, not 100% sure on that though.
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It was not, it was GTA Collection and the winner is from US.
But Max Payne 3 was for a brazilian group, so I can't tell if it was region locked as well. Probably was.
It is really bad when you are aware of something, you consider yourself to not be a noobie, but still the lack of information the site provides you leads you to mistakes and go through this kind of embarrassment.
I hope SG understand that it was Nuuvem's fault.
If I have to get the game at original price to giveaway I don't mind, SG its on their right, but its better for Nuuvem that I don't have to do that because it would be another reason to take this to a small claims court.
Ty for the feedback and support. WL for GA soon!
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I had the same situation once. Created giveaway for GTA Collection, the winner was from Canada, but he couldn't activate it. He was cool enough to reroll it, the next winner was from Europe and there wasn't any problems then. I think there might be some restrictions for North America.
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Thats good to know. I wonder if I could reroll till someone who could activate win, but I don't want more people to think they won and then figure out its region locked if its the case. :(
Ty very much!
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I'm from the US and buy from Nuuvem on occasion. So far, I haven't had any problem, but that may be because they block people outside of Brazil when the item is region-locked, or so I thought. Now I'm wondering if I might eventually run into the same problem. Hopefully they give you a refund, since the key hasn't been used and you were not correctly informed. If not, I'm going to have to consider whether I continue to buy from them.
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Yeah, their ToS is a complete mess regarding that. They lack to provide vital information and when you contact them their answer doesn't even makes sense with their own ToS, having conflicting information.
I totally understand the fact of why region locks exists, but when you're dealing with selling keys you must be totally clear and transparent on what you're selling.
For me it was a complete surprise the fact that Nuuvem is this messed up.
Its all so clear characterized that its an obvious won cause in a small claims court.
Ty very much for the support, wlisted for giveaway soon
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Nuuvem have been slacking a lot when it comes to putting a warning in the description. There are very few of them but most of the time as soon as you look into your cart it says "Item not available in your country" (e.g. tried Vermintide right now). Which obviously won't help you since you're from Brazil yourself and won't get those messages :/
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Yeah, I don't get that message at all. Its funny how they could get away with this for so long.
Look all info they provide:
In the cart
(the info below only says: "1 - All itens are delivered only digitally for download and are not refundable; 2 - Verify the system requirements and the Terms of Service before the purchase" (so I did about the ToS, and as I said it is not clear about anything), and "3 - Its not possible to buy the same game twice for the same Nuuvem account".
In the game page, no info at all
And a example of another game page where you actually get the warning message
Ty and welcome to WL
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i better delete it before i get some1s hopes up :s
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Never bought anything outside steam store before, so i don't really had the idea you involved in.
Usually for all kind of transaction, there will some kind of restriction which you cant do when you want to checkout.
Nonetheless, hope your problem sorted out.
Here. a cute little friend wants to play with you.
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well make a spare gmail or the others, you could delete them later (or just leave them for use in giveaways or whenever you need them)
also maybe check the yahoo spam settings, you dont want anything to automatically delete, you want it in a spam folder that you can review
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what if rockstar (take2 interactive) didnt tell them?
that's why you need to check steamdb - usa, canada, mexico, puerto rico ONLY - some poorer countries blocked, plus the ones above, but that leaves the other hundred available (probably why there was no mention in the store, although it should mention no venezuela since it's near brazil)
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Ty for the answer, might help me avoid this in the future, but well, once it already happened, still not my fault.
I really hope I don't need to check steamdb everytime I want to buy game at retail stores in future, but actually trust the info this stores provide.
And if they can't tell for sure if a key has region lock or not, they should not sell it, or contact Rockstar for more info about the situation of the keys.
EDIT: Forgot to tell I wlisted u for the feedback
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well, if the price is lower than 'the west' (north america or europe), if the store is a local region, then you can never trust that it will work in more expensive regions, it's the publisher's job to tell the stores what inventory is being supplied
alternatively, if the store is north american, usually you can trust that it will work for poorer regions
one should always do a quick check at steamdb or user comments when activating across regions
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There is a way they could get away with it and still not be much clear, just add a message to all the games "This might not work outside Brazil" and boom! You're warned.
I'm pretty sure this is not the first time this happens, so they really could be more careful about that.
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I bought several times on Nuveem with no problem
Last one tried to buy (was impossible) was Sniper Elite III (cool offer) and the season pass
The sistem said to me. One of the games probably dont work in your country...
So i didnt get it. But only this time was a message saying me that.
None of the other games do i bought. Appears any mssg at all.
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They do warn you when the game might not work in your region, but once I buy something, its mine and I should be able to do what I want, and the lack of info of if its work in other regions or not it really get in the way of doing what I want. :/
Ty for the feedback wlisted u
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i'm from argentina so most of the times i dont have problems with nuuvem, but last week i was about to purchase "saints row 4" wich was only available on brazil and when i add "SR4" to the cart an orange pop up warned me about the region lock.
i think they're improving really fast but its getting more and more localized (if that's the right word).
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They do warn you when the game might not work in your region, but once I buy something, its mine and I should be able to do what I want, and the lack of info of if its work in other regions or not it really get in the way of doing what I want. :/
Ty for the feedback wlisted u
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hey dodi88, you've pretty much done everything you can by now, I haven't had problems personally but I've heard this story before, and they either got a refund, gifted it to someone whom could use it, or forgot about it and never bought again from nuuvem.
Sucks I know, but when not sure, you might want to play safe and just do it southamerica region locked, that's what I do it now, unless I know for a fact it's row (low chances of that happening now since steam regionlocked/cemented our gateways :S)
So, yeah, living in one of these regions pretty much screw us, but at least you as a brasilean have very good prices! regional prices that I in Argentina don't have. Sorry, can't be much more of assistant, but I might ask to some friends how they handled that, for you. GL buddy and keep it up :)
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Ty very much! Yeah, after I sort this out with them I will probably never buy from there again, unless they change their ToS and begin to be clear about this situations.
Its not even like they cant be vague but still honest, they can, just put a message in the pages of ALL games "We don't guarantee the functioning of this game outside Brazil". And then I will know about the risk and wont buy. But when they say in one game "This product only works in Brazil" and in others don't, you just assume will work.
Next time I will just play safe and buy from international retail stores with international cc. It sucks go through this situations. :/
Ty for the feedback anyway.
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Ok, asked someone about it, if I hear more from him I'll let you know. Thanks for that thing.. U2, and, you're welcome :)
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I personally think your best bet is ask for a refund since I highly doubt they are able to give you RoW key . Nuuvem is known for many of us ( I mean for people who live in NA or EU) is take it your own risk due to their cheap prices & region locked mess up. Nowadays it seems the seller company always assume that you bought the key is for yourself or your friend who happen to live in the same countries as you are so the company can take that advance and sell you less exp.
As for SG giveaway I suggest you delete the giveaway and make a new region locked and compensation the old winner later.
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i know a lot of that because something like this happened to me...
i tried to buy some games one month ago without "only brazil".
When i tried to pay...i saw that in all games appear a line saying this ... "the game is not available in yourt country"
I send a ticket and the only thing nuveem was able to tell me was that they will never send games to other countries like spain...(mine)
I asked because i have a lot of games buyed there and only tells that at the moment they arent able to sell games in some countries...dont know why
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sorry for my english XD i wish it could help you mate
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Nuveem changed recently focusing more on SA rather than being global. You're right about them not giving warning on their page but also yourself said you're aware they may provide region locked keys. If you're aware of such risks in the future make sure to check, packages section for that particular game. If you see game has many packages and especially ones dedicated to SA, do not purchase those games assuming unless you particularly get in contact with seller to be ensure.
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region locks are awesome. soon enough there will be more different regions than games on steam and before you know it, a game you bought in Norway store wont tradeable with people from lets say Denmark. region locks ftw :3
not to mention i find all that region lock crap highly annoying considering so many companies, including game developing ones are moving (or already have) to countries with cheaper labor to save money, and you know, thats totally cool but god forbid users should be able to buy a game from cheaper store. hypocrites.
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I bought this game at a Nuuvem deal to giveaway. I was aware of region locked keys there, I even seen at a lot of games at Nuuvem a warning saying "This game can only be activated in Brazil". Even bought some of those for myself knowing I couldn't giveaway.
But at some games there is not that warning. So you think "Well, I might giveaway this, then".
I googled about Nuuvem and region locked keys, and every answer I've found was "If there is no warning, it is not region locked".
Then I found a game without the warning and trusted.
So turns out it was region locked afterall.
The thing is, by law (at least in Brazil), that is illegal, because its false advertisement by omission.
And in their ToS they're very unclear about that. They say "In the case of games that have region lock, the user will only be granted access to it if he lives in the country where the purchase was made".
So they admit there is games that are not region locked. And they warn about it in some games. But they don't warn about others.
That clearly leads the costumer to a mistake.
I don't know how costumer laws works in other countries, but this is 100% illegal here.
I've sent multiple tickets to Nuuvem, they only answered first saying they couldn't do anything and then ignored.
Any tips on how to proceed with this, both on Nuuvem and on SteamGifts?
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