I'm pretty bad at this stuff, but maybe it's your graphics card? :P
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Well, sorry. Like I said, I'm not good with that kind of stuff. He didn't have to seem rude, I just wanted to help. :P
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sure it can... I had the same problem on a desktop. One day screen went blank. Boots into bios just fine, however when loading windows, screen turn blank. Graphics card was jacked up, so when trying to load the aero desktop it wouldn't show anything. Tried reinstalling windows and that went fine. When installation completed and computer finished loading onto the windows desktop, screen went blank again. Swapped out graphics card and that solved it. It was a defective GeForce 8 series graphics card (there was a recall and class action lawsuit against NVidia for this graphics card).
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I think it has an integrated and a dedicated graphics card, so that's not a problem.
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It sounds more like he needs to check if a cable was unplugged. Most likely cause, and the repair shops make a fortune off of poor suckers not knowing how to do a basic fix on their hardware...
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I hope your Boot is not screwed up to a point you need a rebuild
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if anything but windows works, than most likely problem is windows itself. as minanu wrote (again citing him, damn), try safe mode or any way maybe to get to system recovery?
maybe try launching livecd for any Linux distro? if it will launch, than fix windows somehow or reinstall?
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My first guess the hard drive has a problem and can't start the Windows boot. If you start it from CD can you access any files from the HD?
What kind of HD does it have? Every HD manufacturer has its own HD test program. I suggest download the right one and run it from a CD or memstick.
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Look in the bios. Is the harddrive being seen/recognized?
Unplug the harddrive cables & plug them back in (reseat the wires). Do the same for the cable (not powercable) where it plugs into the motherboard.
Power back up the computer and see if the same problem occurs.
While your in there, take a can of compressed air and blow any/all dust out of it. If you decide to open up the computer, do the dust blowing first.
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Excuse me Sir, it might be good idea if you have done that before and/or you work in a desktop PC with enough space to work the wires.
If you are inexperienced with hardware I wouldn't do the unplug/plug in a laptop, I would ask for help. It's VERY easy to screw something.
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I deliberately did not go into how to do what I suggested. Heartwork is right. If you don't know how to work on laptops, give it to someone who does. :)
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It's impossible to tell from your description what is wrong with the laptop, there is literally 100s of problems that could cause it.. So you will never get a satisfying answer..
If you dont know how to fix laptops, go to someone who does :)
i guess ill add something a little more constructive cause... why not.
If you can run a recovery from the cd, and you get into the windows based portion of the setup the basic functionality of the system is still working, and so should safe mode..
It could still be a memory, processor, video, harddrive, mainboard issue
First i'd check the bios to see if the boot order is correct, and there are no strange settings, you edited the settings to boot from the cd, so make sure everything is set correctly (making errors here will cause your system to hang on a blank screen)
Then i would download and run a bootable hardware test program, there are lots of those around the net.
If nothing is found then I'd switch the Hard disk and see if that helps, if not switch memory and see if that helps, if none of these help then there is really nothing you can do without asking professional help..
(on a side note i would like to say Packard Bell notebooks aren't know for their build quality so if the owner didnt do anything strange to the pc a hardware error seems most likely, harddisk/mainboard would be my educated guess)
Good Luck
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well, it took a while for someone to talk about using as linux live cd...
if it boots fibe, then you have to look for bad hdd, then bad/corrupted windows and then bad drivers.
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Have you tried taking the battery out and starting it with purely the wall charger ? My laptop had a similar problem and i diagnosed it like this. Btw i have no idea what the battery has to do with the screen , but it somehow fixed mine!
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since you cant enter safe mode seems like a problem with the OS. but is the graphics card nvidia? and if so did you have nvidia system tools and attempted to overclock? this causes bluescreen on some graphics cards but thats as far as i know for a desktop not sure if a laptop would end up the same way
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well it could be looking for a second monitor, is their a function key combo that cycles through monitors/projectors. Bios would display on the laptops screen until windows takes over, then would black screen. If you can not find a function key combo that works then hook the laptop up to an external monitor and see if you can get to the desktop.
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+1, while this might not be super likely, it's such an easy thing to test that OP should definitely try it before giving up.
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first rule of being a computer fixer.
dont offer to fix peoples computers when you have NO clue how to fix one.
offering to fix someones computer then go online to try and find the issue, is disgusting. you should be ashamed of yourself v__v
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If that doesn't work try to flash the BIOS (at your own risk) and format it again. Once i picked a notebook that refused to boot even if every single thing was ok (HDD was ok, GPU, CPU, RAM) but everytime i tried to format it again the OS was corrupted and didn't start, but after the client told me that the notebook refused to boot after a power outage (he was using the notebook without the battery, don't ask me why) i thought that maybe the power outage corrupted the BIOS.
It's a long shot and i only saw that once in my entire life, but it's worth a try...but remember, only try to flash the BIOS if you are 100% sure of what you're doing.
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Sounds to me like it's either a faulty OS system install or you're hard drive's going bad. So here's what I suggest. Go to this link and follow the directions on reinstalling you're Windows 7 system. Link is a really handy guide on reinstalling Win 7 without the disk and it's provided to you by PC World. If you try this and are still experiencing problems it is most likely a faulty hard drive at which point buy a new laptop hard drive and repeat the steps above.
I wish you the best of luck friend!
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Well it's one of two things:
As you said you've already done memtest, so I'd recommend burning say, Ubuntu onto a CD or flash drive, then booting from that. No errors, then it's your HD or Windows installation.
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"Have you tried turning it off and back on again"
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Words cannot explain the laughter I just had. Thank you for that.
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If it's something messed up with the boot of Win7, I remember doing something like this, F8 once you start the PC (you might need to hit it a few times), and it should bring up bootloader or something like that, where you can select Windows 7, but there is also "advanced options" or something like that, there should be an option for using last successful boot settings, try that.
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this is why everyone should learn how to use linux and unetbootin I would pop in a linux live usb just to see what happens.
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yup, last 2 laptops I had to fix for friends I had an easier time re-installing the windows os using the linux booter off a flash drive and just added the wanted os to the multiboot, it also had a great partitioner that let me delete the old corrupted recovery partition so I could install a fresh one
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Hey there, my friend gave me his laptop because it's broken, when you start it, only black screen appear, BIOS works and it passed memtest without error. It's Packard Bell EasyNote TS with Windows 7 OEM, I tried to use recovery with pressing Alt + F10 at boot, recovery started without any problem and after it was done, it restarted and same black screen appeared again, but my friend also had Recovery CDs, so I changed boot to CD and recovery started again, but then it restarted and same black screen appeared. I'm pretty hopeless how to fix this. Does anyone know what to do?
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