Notifies the user when a SGTools rules check is complete and optionally redirects to the giveaway.



Go to to run the settings wizard. This wizard allows you to enable / disable the option to redirect to the giveaway when the check is complete (default is disabled).

How does it work?

It keeps looking for specific elements in the page every second, to see if the check is complete. When the check is complete, it adds ✔️ to the title of the tab if you passed the rules or ❌ if you failed to pass them, and shows a browser notification if you are away from the tab.

It also optionally redirects you to the giveaway if you passed the rules.


After installing the script, you can test it on the fake portals below:


7 years ago*

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Thanks a lot. :)

7 years ago

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It also has an option to automatically redirect to the giveaway if you passed the requirements

To be clear, this "requests giveaway link" correct? I know knsys can check for each part of the process to ensure there aren't issues with leaked GAs

7 years ago

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It simply clicks the "Get giveaway link" button after the check is done.

7 years ago

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thanks, that's what I figured but I wanted to make sure :)

7 years ago

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It didn't run at all for me, because it's only configured to run on http, and not https. Should be a simple fix.

7 years ago

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Added compatibilty with HTTPS. I wonder why I don't get https in a few pages and other users do, is https only accessible depending on what country you're in? For instance, if I replace http with https on SGTools, I get a 404 error, and on the Steam store I get redirected to http. And yet, other users have reported those places to be in https. I don't get it.

7 years ago

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Ah, nevermind, I don't get a 404 error, I was testing on It obviously won't work there. :P But it still doesn't explain the Steam store.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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New version up.

6 years ago

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Released a new version that has some improvements, if anyone still uses it.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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