am I happy?
Or are you just trying to call to attention the amount of entries vs. the amount of possible?
Cause I already owned the game and could not enter.
And if that is the case, well...
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So be honest, I find your discussion creation funny, so I guess we have something in common.
1 year ago
Never read FAQ. Yet knows how to post and reply. That is funnier.
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So you are creating a conspiracy thread to call into question why the numbers do not match up.
That is cool. Yet you titled the thread one of something to resemble your own misfortune of not winning.
You do realize the failure here, yes?
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Stupid ass fucking bullshit thread creation is my issue.
What is your problem?
I mean I do not really care, but since I am up, I have to ask.
Why make a discussion such as this?
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So this is your entertainment then? That is why you do it? Okay. I will leave you to it.
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Not even angry at all, just asking. Not even rude, just inquisitive. You asked me to stop, do you really feel you need the last word that much? Are you even married bro?
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Good, if this is the type of threads you create, I am glad you do not create more. In fact this is most likely the kind of reception you are use to if this is all you do when you do what you do. So please, continue. I already said to keep doing what you love. If you wanted to stop, you would stop responding to me. And go about your business, instead now, playing a victim card. Pat on back, you are MVP.
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I have no idea what you are on, but please give me some.
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Oh wait I get it. This Thread is now about you wishing other people happy birthday. That is why you made it.. Silly me. I am stupid, sorry.
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Go after how? By saying thanks? Yea I guess that is to far, sorry :(
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No I mean the sweary diatribe half way through. This entire post was too much...
"Stupid ass fucking bullshit thread creation is my issue.
What is your problem?
I mean I do not really care, but since I am up, I have to ask.
Why make a discussion such as this?"
He hasn't really done anything wrong, he's said he's won a giveaway. He's having what appears to be a bit of a laugh at the fact that he couldn't lose the giveaway. Your reaction to him was way over the line.
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It was pg-13 words.
Not over the line.
You can have your opinion of the topic.
I see it as being different.
Thanks for your input.
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It wasn't so much the swearing more the way you were basically saying that the guy was not allowed to post topics on an open forum because you didn't approve of his content.
There was absolutely no need to be so rude and abrasive towards him is all. You didn't agree with what he'd said, you made a valid point of don't complain about winning things regardless of what they are. Hell, if you didn't want to win it, don't enter the giveaway right? However, you didn't need to approach it in such a rude and personal manner.
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Never said he wasn't allowed. Just asked why it was so diluted into such a controversy of a topic. Much like I am about to ask why this is so personal to you. Are you this person? Is this your entertainment? Is that your alt account? Wanna see how far this goes? I am not rude, I simply inquire as to why someone felt the need to post, such what has already been posted many times before.
Don't answer. I am to assume I know the response. I mean I find it funny he goes offline, and you come on.
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I'm not the same person no, I'd just rather a prominent member of the community blacklisted me and I stuck to my morals than throw them out of the window and sit idly by. I've seen you post on many of these kinds of threads before and NEVER have I seen you approach it in such a rude manner, usually just the rules, which is more than fine.
However when you decide to go at someone personally, I don't agree with that and I don't care who you are or what you say, I wouldn't stand by and watch it happen in the street, I won't stand by and watch it happen on the internet.
Even now, someone has had a difference in opinion with you and you can't accept that maybe that is what's happened. It MUST be the same guy on his alt account or a troll.
No, sometimes people who don't agree with how you are treating someone, don't agree with it and speak up.
Why did you feel the need to swear at this guy? Why did you feel entitled to say "why make a discussion like this"? Why question the entire thread in such an aggressive manner?
I ask you the same thing, why is this so personal to you? You've posted these kinds of things before and moved on, here however you've felt the need to attack the guy, why?
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It is not personal to me at all, I was simply having a conversation, not attacking. Thanks for the concern.
Generally people have an exchange of words online. In the street where I am from, we shoot each other.
So this is good, just having words. And with that, I am going to watch a movie. Good night.
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Oh Christ alive, you don't need to sound "well 'ard" here mate, it's a gaming forum, I don't care if you are from the battlefield or the prep school. You be whoever you want to be, however, regardless of where you're from, it doesn't cost anything to be polite. If every time you argue with someone in your street you shoot them, you're either the nicest man alive or the biggest mass murderer the world has ever seen.
You've come across as very rude. I've tried to talk to you in a civil and adult way about it.
You HAD good points, you went too far and it waters down the message. Good night to you as well sir, enjoy your film.
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I wouldn't stand by and watch it happen in the street
I responded to that, with what I said kid.
So Jesus fucking Christ. Get the fuck away from me.
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^ controversy, best to keep it good. Keep it fresh like salad tossing.
As I said, to much bullshit tonight with alt accounts. GN
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"Alt accounts" I'd have to be a pretty committed alt to have set all this up just to annoy you. The guy has 250 games and a heck of a lot of play time on his games, I also have a lot of games, over 550 and a heck of a lot of play time on my games. We both own non-bundle games, of which I would have no idea why one person would pay so much to make alt accounts seem "legit". I've also had chats with other steamgifts users in the past and have quite a lot on my friends list.
The world isn't against you here, it's not some big AdamZombie conspiracy. You've genuinely been rude and I genuinely am trying to approach you in a civil manner.
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I simply don't get it...
Let's try to restart this...
Why are you doing this? Simply why? You love the "not rude" manner of speaking that you have, it's simply your person and the way you do things? Why man?
P.S.: Although I started wrong on this topic ("I created a ... or something alike...") I am trying to start it over. Please, don't be so rude.
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GO back to your own topic and play around in that.
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I tried....
You're trying the "I'll win the argument, no matter what" thing, aren't you? I spotted you before opening the discussion and though that you were going to create havoc when you commented there, but I was wondering why you stopped it there. I still have no idea... All I know is that some people are trying to approach you the calm way and you just send them away...
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How can you say that you know that is what I do if you have never encountered me? That seems weird...
You state you expected me to keep going, I stopped as you answered, yet you say you expected more?
That is also weird...
I think it is best that I go away now. The best has been said already. As I have already said it.
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I was expecting you to go away 20 comments back with the "And with that, I am going to watch a movie. Good night.", still you're answering to this discussion...
And "How can you say that you know that is what I do if you have never encountered me?", god bless you! Seriously, where did I say that you "do that"?
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I also expected that you made your topic & that the first thing you would do would be to comment at me.
Which you did, just as soon as your topic dried up. That is funny. Now you are lashing out at me.
Which is also funny. No matter what I say I do, I do it on the Internet, movie, forum, comments.
I am always online. So you think my back is turned... NO. Sleeping? NO.
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I answer to the first comment I saw, and you were the first to make a comment that, like here, you instead of saying, "No, I don't know the answer for this" or "The answer for this is X / here...", you criticized the fact that I was blocking the games I didn't wanted. There I was being sincere, and ignoring the fact that you were being a jerk here, and answering to your comments the same way I would respond to any other person on this forums... But if your life is online, well, good luck there Jarvis!
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Funny to say the least, I will admit, that I am the target of your comments. Considering there is an entire forum here. Just saying, snowflake.
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I mean, I wasn't in your discussion causing any kind of havoc, just as I am not in here either. Yet you seek ME out.. That is fucking funny at the very least, considering you just had a topic you created, which you also closed.
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Yes, I closed because I got the answer that I wanted from someone that instead of criticizing went over and said what I wanted to see.
Don't worry, I'm not here seeking you, I'm here to answer to your previous post, that, don't seeing any other comments appearing here, I assume that is for me (kinda selfish now that I think...), so I couldn't left you hagging there while you "see the movie" waiting for an answer. ;)
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I am watching my movie as I type this. Magic of Windows OS I guess.
Not really sure why you feel the need to place your words into quotations, yet I assume you wanna be big bad boy. Use big bad words, make them seem frightening. You should try throwing them at someone that can get hurt by them, since I don't give a fuck about any of it. Go bother someone else, you annoying little prick.
EDIT: Now, if you don't mind, I have things to do. I'll come back later! :*
Lies, you will be here the entire time.
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Sweetie, how do you even end up in stuff like this? xD
You do know that you can sound a bit harsh with your comments and people get riled up and then all of you waste your time on silly arguments.
In my opinion, the best thing for everyone to do when a situation gets heated up on the web is to just do this... ;)
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Someone I hate was suspended during that time so he didn't get it. ;p
Thank you Karma!
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Squirreltopia: LRDTC-25?4?-LZ9CD
?? = What came before 7.
Hope you get this :)
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