I too am not sure if your question is appropriate for this site, but generally this type of discussion is frowned upon here since this is site is NOT steamtrades. It would be nice if steamtrades had a forum like this one, so maybe email their team and express interest there.
From the guidelines on this site I found the following which seems the most relevant but does not expressly prohibit this question itself, though does seem to discourage the topic as a whole:
"Trading. This site is not for trading, so do not attempt to directly trade games or other items with users in our community. If you attempt to indirectly trade or express a willingness to trade with an unusually high frequency, it will also be viewed as trading.
Reselling keys and links to reseller stores. Do not use our site to resell keys, and do not post offers from stores which allow third parties to resell their keys or gifts. For example, do not ask others if they are interested in buying your leftover keys from a recent bundle purchase, or link to keys for sale on sites such as Kinguin, G2A, or Eneba."
As for trading in general (steam keys or otherwise in life) I say if it is worth it to you then don't worry what "value" the items could have. If you want something and can trade something you have but don't want, isn't the choice obvious? I know worrying about the "value" can get in the way, and if you are really worried there are some sites that I won't mention by name that you can go to and research, but that is not a topic for here.
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Thanks for explaining the rule to me, but I think steamtrades was abandoned a long time ago, that site doesn't have mods or anything.
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It's not specifically against a rule, but as Chad said it's discouraged, because suppose everyone here comes asking these questions about their trades?
This site has nothing to do anymore with steamtrades, it's the same as asking randomly on reddit, although it's better off there.
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I would say no. That trade seems very poor for you. If you check out GG.deals, it'll give you current prices both in official stores and less trusted places. As far as value goes it's about $110 for about $60. If you really don't mind, it seems fine if you really want the other games and don't care about lost value. Those are unbundled games afaik and you are trading away bundled stuff, but you would lose 3 premium games that are easy to trade for more value so I would personally pass.
A lot of the people who are on SteamTrades and make offers like this are likely key resellers so they know that they can take your keys and sell them for more than the keys they are trading you are worth.
Also, I don't think discussing trades is that much of an issue so long as a new trader asking for help, but I'd recommend against discussing trading more here.
TL;DR - Figure out values of games in whatever metric you like and trade off of however you feel best about it. You never have to say yes to a trade proposal and just trust your instincts. If something feels off, is probably is
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OK, your suggestion helps a lot, I would be aware it in the future. Thanks
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Always try and get even value with key resellers. Never trade for under the value of your games. Since they sell at grey market prices, look at those, dont look at what they offer on their page, they want to make a profit. Also, I would suggest using Barter as well, as it shows you how many have and how many want the game. While this doesnt make every game with high wants and low tradables valuable (if they are 1-2$ on sale, having only 2 tradables and 100 wants doesnt make it extreemly valuable), it will help you see if you are being taken advantage of by these users. But just be warned, when you register, you will receive a ton of offers for those three games. You will get plenty of non bundled games as offers. But always, always check the price they go for on the greymarket and dont let those key resellers or retraders get a better deal. I tend to avoid them if i can and trade with people who activate games on their accounts.
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You're pretty much telling him to just be a pro trader lol. From the post I don't think he has the experience for all this, but if he does want to get into trading more that is all solid advice. I too like to trade with people who activate and play their traded games, especially when I add them and see they are currently playing a game and working on the achievements. The best feeling is when I ask them about the game and they are excited to talk about it in detail, then I know they aren't just scraping for a profit even though there's nothing fundamentally wrong with that either.
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Anyone willing to trade you unbundled games to your bundled ones will do it for profit 99% of the time. Also no normal trader will be willing to trade you unbundled ones at exactly the same price they would get the bundled if they just buy it off a site instead. In this case, you should allow the key reseller to actually profit or just specifically trade bundle for bundle if you want it to be absolutely fair.
The key difference is to not get scammed by the value. Remember that gray market prices also includes fees on the seller so give an allowance of 5-10% off whatever price you see there, then go off from that. If your games are worth $100, you will only get $90 if you sell them in a gray market site. So a reseller will look to profit by buying it off you for around $80. I will call that fair due to saving you the trouble of doing it yourself. Paying you $60 for something worth $100 is a scam though for sure.
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Someone at steamtrades offers me this: Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX + Monster Train for Call of Duty®: WWII + Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy + Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy + Tower unite?
I don't trade a lot, and generally are among bundle games with 1:1 ratio, so I don't know if this is a fair trade or not and I guess I couldn't verify the source of the keys. What I am struggled is the person who sent the offer has really high rep, and those two games are on my wishlist.
Any suggestions please? Thanks a lot. And I am not sure the rule allows you can talk about this kind topic, so sorry in advance if my made mistake.
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