Hope they add Sword of the Stars II as a bonus game. That would be so awesome.
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Heard that the sequel was bad. But if it's there, i'm fine with it.
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There's around 73 patches, so I'm guessing it can't be that bad as most of the people are saying. Also, almost all reviews about this game are published when the game was released. A re-review would be of great help if anyone's willing to do it.
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That's a lot of patches... Tells me that game needed fixing.
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One of the mystery game ends up being Sword of the Stars 2. Well congrats, your wish came true.
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Edna and Harvey is a really good point and click adventure if you're into those. Otherwise I can't really say. Might have to wait for the unlocks to make your decision.
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I'll be grabbing one with Group Buys, not a bad bundle at all :)
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Wait... what exactly is group buys? Do you and other people pick the games you want and pay for it together? Wouldn't that be easy to scam people?
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The bundles are not split. A few trusted sellers buy all the bundles (since IndieGala does buy 1 get 3 free Happy Hours) and we all pay them. They email us the full bundle. I've done it tons of times, never scammed.
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Pretty sure that's against the Indiegala rules but alright.
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What's the point of allowing multiple Happy Hour purchases if not for group buys? Can you show me where it's against the rules?
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In the FAQ. and the point would be giving them as gifts, not to resell.
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They allow single accounts to buy hundreds of "gifts". They even have a ranking of "most gifts bought".
They are fully aware that people do this, or else they wouldn't do 4-for-the-price-of-1 Happy Hours. They are happy to get the sales haha!
Also, I can't find anything in the FAQ about selling full bundles. They have something about selling individual keys but the link is is broken and doesn't really apply anyways.
As well, once a bundle is bought, the buyer can do what they please with the bundle. IndieGala has no rights to determine what their customers are allowed to sell, just like any store. A "FAQ" is not law.
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I'm not personally saying not to do it. I don't really care how people acquire their games. I just figured something about that would be in the faq and probably against the terms and whatnot. The devs probably don't like people reselling them. Not that they're gonna stop it as long as they sell the bundles and look the other way. haha
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or you could say
"I gifted this person the IG BTA bundle"
that person can say
"I gifted you a tf2 key/dota2 key/steam game/paypal"
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Either way, rules or not, people will find a way around it or just do it anyway.
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They already know people sell them anyways. Think about it, during Happy Hours they give 4 bundles for the cost of one.
Sure, there might be some people who want to give 4 of their friends all a free bundle; but most people are going to split the costs with friends.
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I'm thinking Deponia will be Tier 2 unlock and Chaos on Deponia Tier 3. They have a 1-day special on Chaos on Deponia right now at the Gala Store. They usually run deals way longer. Deponia is from the same dev and Edna & Harvey and A New Beginning.
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I actually really doubt they'll have Deponia because that was in their Magicka bundle back in January. Might have Chaos on Deponia though. That'd be cool.
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Never played Creatures before myself. Is it good?
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To some people it will be quite enjoyable, although to be honest a better adventure would be to jump into the Creatures 3 or the Stardock one, I don't remember what they call it now. It's offered for free since the company went under.
Like I said though, if you loved the Tamogachi's and wished for the ability to splice them, then creatures will be for you. Otherwise... go into it with an open mind.
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Yeah... finally fell to the pressure of want and got this one haha
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At the bottom it says: "Buy in first week, get more galapoints and also Beat Tier 3 to become early buyer." and "early buyer" is in a different color, which makes me wonder if it signifies some kind of title or bonus. Is that right? Do they do something special for people who buy in the first week, beyond apparently giving bonus galapoints?
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When happy hour comes along, people who BTA'd in the first week qualify to receive 4 gifts for each gift purchase. People who BTA'd but not in the first week get 3. People who have not bought previously at all get 2 during happy hour.
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What he said. So if you only want to buy one for yourself get it whenever. If you want one extra wait for happy hour. If you want to get one for multiple friends or to giveaway here then it's best to buy it now for yourself and then get it again as gifts during happy hour. Of course then you have to buy it twice but getting 4 for one is nice. Keep in mind the average price tends to increase a bit during Happy Hour.
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Can't have enough 4x games! Worth if for those two games alone (that's Sword of the Stars and Star Ruler). That and the unlocks always deliver.
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Their facebook page said they're gonna unlock 2 games soon. I wonder how soon that means. Any other guesses/wishes on what they might be? Remember that the tier 1 unlock is a Desura game.
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Yeah some of them have been bundled before but why do you say they're junk games? They look pretty good to me.
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Well obviously some of them are great, but there are some really bad indie games out there that would never get sold if they were not in a bundle. That's what I'm a bit annoyed about. That and the fact my Steam library is clogged up with enough games I barely touched because they were just plain bad.
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Lol yeh, who needs games like FTL and Braid when we call all just gift each other Call of Duty!
By the way, thanks for gifting the community 6 indie bundles so far.
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Looks like someone needs to take the broom of his ass.
I think you also need to quit alcohol or take some math classes. Having spare keys is one thing, buying them in bulks and spamming the website with it is another (like you do it so well). Last, comparing aids to cancer is not making any of them better. Do some thinking and come up with something better than butthurt next time, especially if you're doing worse.
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Yeh, my 130 winners all hated the gifts I gave them. Oh, and the $700+ CV came from all bundle games too right?
Why not just filter out the games you don't want to see? Many people love indie games, public giveaways for most bundle games are in the hundreds or more.
If you don't like em, fine; ignore them and move on. No need to downplay the games or the generosity of people who are giving the games away in order to make others happy.
Oh, and as if the irony of you giving indie/bundle games away isn't enough; 11 of your wins were indie/bundle games. Were was your loathing for these games and giveaways when you were entering and winning them?
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Bloobloobloo. Cry me a river. I only entered in the giveaways for games I was interested in and for which I would not buy a bundle filled with crap games. My point still stands and I'm not the only one asking for it. See, I'm against the use of nuclear energy. Does that mean I have to quit using electricity in France? Heck no. Your argument is just as absurd. It's here so I take it, but would it be gone I'd be happier.
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Again, why not just filter the games you have no interest in? With all the complaining about certain games, I would hope you're using the SG+ add-on to hide them.
Out of sight, out of mind. I have tons of games filtered out that I don't want to enter; now I never see them at all. I know some people might want them, however, and I wouldn't want them removed just because my tastes are different from theirs.
I don't understand how this is so "absurd" to you.
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I do filter them, just like you. But it's still making the website lag (although it seems to run a lot, lot better lately). Also I have absolutely nothing against indie games, for most of them (exceptions being mostly from assholes devs like the one of Braid, or SMB / Binding of Isaac, Fez, you name it.). It's just the concept of the bundles themselves I'm kinda shocked by.
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So, all that hate (likening the games to cancer/aids earlier, and calling me a "spammer" for giving out many games) is because the games you don't even see are making the site run 1% slower? I can't even tell there is any lag, the site seems 100% fine to me.
That doesn't seem to justify removing games that many people would love to play just to improve your site load times by a second or two. This is a giveaway site after all, the whole point is to give away games. How is "too many giveaways" on a giveaway site a problem?
And to address your last point; what is so "shocking" about bundles? You yourself have gifted 2 IndieGalas and 4 Humble Bundles (the one with Braid and SMB...), doesn't that put you in the same camp as any other bundle/indie gifter?
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I see nothing wrong with bundle giveaways because I don't buy every bundle and sometimes wanna win said bundle games. And I don't experience any lag.
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"All the hate" is coming from a general lassitude of marketers habits. The Humble Bundle is just fine. Most of the time, they release from over the average quality games or just plain great ones, with a share of their revenue on every sale for charity. This was humble, indie, and it was a bundle. What's not to like.
But then some others brilliantly wanted a part of the cake and ruined the whole thing (indie gala, as an example) who offered awful games, at least for the first bundle, that like I said would never have been sold in any other case. Now every god damn website does it. Even Steam does it! I don't even know how many indie bundles websites there are right now. That's crap.
Now, taken that into consideration and the way they turned something fantastic into something not so humble anymore, seeing the website spammed with these "games" is indeed tiring. So there are a few gems here and there, I won't say otherwise, that I'm glad to see, but most of the time this is just clogging up the website with... well. You know.
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I still don't understands how people giving away games to others who want them is a bad thing in any way. You said yourself, you ignore these games so you don't even see the "clogging" that you claim is occurring.
I can understand feeling like there is a "bundle overload", but there are many gamers who want these games. Who are you to say which games are OK and which are "junk" as you put it?
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There is a reason they deleted contributor value for bundle games... speaks for itself.
As for the rest, you're right, who am I to judge of the quality of the same stale copypasta of hundred of bug-rigged sidescrollers in 8 bits? Some professional reviewers do it just fine though, so you might want to check gaming websites. It's not my opinion, it's a consensus.
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Absolutely not. I'm saying that bad games shouldn't get sales. I'm not saying indie games are bad, I'm saying some of them are awful, but it's the same for the AAA games (that I tend to avoid, by the way).
Funny enough, just when I say that, HiB for Android 6 launches with two of my favorite indie games... Stealth Bastard and Frozen Synapse.
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The CV was removed to prevent boosting (spend $1: get $50 CV), not because the games were "junk". Get real, you know that for a fact.
Yes, some indie games are bad. Some of any type of games are bad. However, this was not your argument. Reread your first post, you said SG should "remove every single indie game". Now you are saying some are OK, others are not, and that we should instead rely on "professional reviewers" to determine which games are good?
To what end? Use Metascores to ban games from SG? How about we just leave things as-is and worry about more important things.
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We jumped to another subject which may explain the confusion. My point is still the same: people are kinda ruining the website's prime purpose, in my opinion. Same for the numerous bundles around.
This whole thing makes me think of a big indigestion. Usually, when you have one of those, you get either a diarrhea, you vomit, or most of the time end up with both. I'm going to pull an EA on this one: it is devaluating the games, both for good and for bad...
About the reference to "junk", well, in my opinion it is junk. Literally. They are adding junk around and on top of one or two shiny things in order to make it look more imposing, as if that were a one of a kind offer while it's god damn not. Like I said, I'm sure most of these games would never have sold if they weren't in a bundle. And people wouldn't gift the same things over and over because they have spare keys of already activated games, thanks to crap bundles, if we went back to basics and put a stop to this whole not so indie anymore marketing move. And people would quit buying so much of them.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the purpose of this website not to give away games to those who may want to play them? That's the "prime purpose" of the website.
I understand that you think many of these games are filler junk, but to the people entering to win them they may not be. Your "cancer" analogue makes no sense as that implies cheap/free games are unwanted and harmful. Even if you think they are just a "pest"; you already have the games filtered so how much of a "pest" can they really be?
As for devaluing the games, the publishes/developers chose to participate in these bundles. Library "filler"? Just give away the keys/games you don't want. Most bundles don't combine keys anymore so no one is forcing you to activate every game.
Or, you know, ignore the bundle sites, filter the games, and stop worrying about something that affects you in no negative way.
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You're against nuclear energy? What do you want to use to power your computer? To replace one nuclear plant you're have to cover about a third of France in solar panels or create a wind farm nearly as massive that would wreak the bird population and create micro-climates that mess up all sorts of stuff. You'd rather oil burning plants? What's the alternative? Or do you just want to live with electricity?
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It's probably because they either figure they're already gone or because this isn't an obvious ninja attracting thread.
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Or because some ninja's just copy and paste everything and not and try to figure out what that some nonsense means.
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Mystery games:
Why? Links:
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I was hoping they would add Sword of the Stars II
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Error: Not Found
The requested URL /img_game/ig-june/aquanox2.jpg was not found on this server.
The requested URL /img_game/ig-june/crusader.jpg was not found on this server.
The requested URL /img_game/ig-june/painkiller.jpg was not found on this server.
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They can choose whether or not they even have a happy hour and it is at random times. Usually it happens during the 2nd week.
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511 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by AceBerg42
780 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
Tons of deals going on at IndieGala so check em out!
Summer Dream Bundle $1 minimum for Fibrillation and Oil Rush and beat their price for all the games!
Creatures Exodus (DRM Free)
Creatures Village (DRM Free)
Drod: King Dugan's Dungeon (DRM Free)
Drod: Journey to Rooted Hold (DRM Free)
Fibrillation (Desura)
Oil Rush + DLC + OST (Steam)
Beat the price:
Drod: The City Beneath (Desura)
Drod: Guntrho and the Epic Blunder (Desura)
Droplitz (Steam)
Dawnstar (Desura)
Paranormal (Desura)
Doc Clocks: The Toasted Sandwich of Time (Steam)
The June Bundle has been extended a few more days so if you haven't picked it up yet you should check it out.
Tier 1: Pay what you want
Creatures: The Albian Years (DRM Free)
Pirates of the Black Cove (Steam)
Survivor Squad (Desura)
Pay more than the tier 2 price:
Chester (Desura)
Sword of the Stars Complete Collection (Steam)
Vessel + Original Concept Art (Steam)
Aquanox (Steam)
Painkiller Overdose (Steam)
Pay more than the tier 3 price:
Star Ruler (Steam)
Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes (Steam)
A New Beginning Final Cut (Steam)
Sword of the Stars 2 Enhanced Edition (Steam)
Aquanox 2: Revelation (Steam)
Crusader Kings Complete (Steam)
While I'm at it I might as well mention the bundles available in the Gala Store. These are nice if you missed past bundles.
The Mega Bundle
Minimum $0.99
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes.
Unstoppable Gorg
Beat $4.99 (or $3.99 if you bought the full June bundle)
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons & Donuts
Twin Sector
Future Wars
Greed: Black Border
Trapped Dead
Deadly 30
Gear Grinder
The Mayhem Bundle
Minimum $0.99
Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
Robin Hood
Pacific Storm
RIP Trilogy
The Double Death Bundle
Minimmum $0.99 (top 10 contributors win full Summer Dream Bundle and top 5 also win full June bundle)
Death Track Resurrection
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
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