How would you choose what to play next?
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Randomly ?
Random Steam Game Picker :
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Hey, you can reroll if you're not happy with the result...
Someone might even reroll until one gets the game one wants to play ;)
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There's also It has a variety of parameters that you can use for your search.
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Damn it, now I'm trying Frozen Hearth; not sure why I only played it for 2 hours but I think it was a time when I didn't have a good PC.
Just figured you'd like to hear. :P
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How do u decide what to play next?
Depending on my mood and my available spare time.
Don't put too much thought into it, just play whatever you feel like playing.
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set a few genres\tags -> eeny, meeny, miny, moe -> download and play
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There are many factors involved in my decision making. Most importantly achievements need to be approachable, then I check the length of the game. Everything in my library is a game I am excited to play until the end and all of them belong to the genres I enjoy a lot. So, I try to make it in a way that I will play 1 hardcore/long game and then play 2-3 casual/short games and then move onto the next hardcore/long game and so on. Sadly I ran out of casual games so my library is left with long games that have very hard achievements.
All of this put me in a massive gaming rut where I didn't feel motivated to play anything, including games without achievements. Then I thought to myself "I'll play Grim Dawn, I can't 100% it anyway so who cares?". Now I'm kinda back to enjoying games again cause it's a really good game. I am at peace knowing that I will never be able to 100% complete that game with all achievements earned. But I'm enjoying it a lot. Hopefully I'll be motivated to go back into playing one of the 47 unplayed games in my library once I'm done with what I want to accomplish in Grim Dawn.
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I kinda now that problem. I tried to 100% every game I played, so it took my ages to get done with one game. By then I mostly forgot why I really wanted to play something I bought...
So I recently decided, that I maybe don't have to finish every game on a 100% or at least not on the first go (yeah, I created a category called "played but unfinished" :D). So I hope that my motivation for games will return soon-ish :)
Running out of casual side games... :/
Hope you get some new ones soon :)
And good look with your unplayed 47 :D
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That's a great decision to make. While I know my mentality is harming me and stopping me from enjoying games, I can't seem to stop going down that road because it feels extremely satisfying to 100% a game.
That's a nice category :P I have one called "rage quit". This includes games I finished but didn't get 100% achievements or games I suck at so couldn't even finish campaign :P Some of those 47 unplayed games make me feel like I have 5000 unplayed games waiting for me :P
I'm positive that Mass Effect: Andromeda will give you your motivation back. Similar to your situation, my most anticipated game currently is Styx: Shards of Darkness. I'm hoping for it to do the same for me :)
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Yeah, I love completing a game 100%. But it takes sooooo much time and it's sometimes soooo frustrating - and then satisfying if you manage to do it :D
Oh "rage quit". I know what you mean. I've named on.... "break off" I guess. Since I named it in german :D
But there are sofar just two games. One, because it was bugged and they were not going to fix it :( And the other one, because I got gaming sickness while playing it, so I had to stop playing it. Sadly it was one of my sg wins :((
Yeah, I think so too :)
And I'm pretty sure, it will work for you as well!
So what was your last 100% game?
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Copoka, pretty relaxing and easygoing game. It was supposed to be a casual game to pave the way for the next hardcore/long game, which turned out to be Grim Dawn.
May I ask which game gave you motion sickness? I have that problem as well but it's been limited to Portal 1+2 so far but even watching gameplay videos of A Story About My Uncle or Q.U.B.E gave me motion sickness.
If you are looking for games to play, I'd be happy to coerce you into finishing Dishonored :P It's very hard to 100% so I gave up on it but the game is fantastic with the exception of Dunwall City Trials DLC.
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Ha, that looks funny :]
Fallout 4 :(
I was really looking forward to it, because a friend of mine loved it and atm I'm a bit into zombies and stuff. I thought it might just be a problem during the building phases, but after playing an hour story... it wasn't working for me :(
The first game I ever noticed it was Serious Sam for me (thankfully that was no game I would have played on my own though, so I stopped right away :D). Skyrim is at the beginning a problem for me, until you choose your character. And Dear Ester was a real problem, but I forced myself through it, because I knew it was rather short.
Ah, ok. I should really. I know! I tried it twice already but stopped everytime again. Although I started to like it the second time. Man, I really should.
Ok. Thanks. I will :)
May I add you on steam and ask you every now and then, what I should play? ;)
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Sure I'd be okay with that, if you believe it would help :) I will be suggesting games I'm familiar with so I'll always let you know about how hard/easy it is to 100% them as well given that you are also another achievement hunter and a completionist.
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Im a person of 'seasonal vibes'. I get the urge to play a particular genre or range of genres (in general by pace- like any frenetic action games or any slow and deep, etc) or a setting stye - i frequently have fantasy, space opera, post-apocaliptic and cyberpunk urges where i want to imerse myself in the genre(setting) no matter type of game. And these vibes last- a few weeks, sometimes a couple of months.
This means i replay some games a lot but it also helps in uncovering unplayed, unfinished or longly not touched games from any genres and release dates.
I also generally have installed a couple of 'defaults'- generally i have at least one of those: a zen-soothing game, a brainless fun action game, a quick match multiplayer one and a turn-based strategy(or rpg) boardgame-like. If im tired i go brainless action, stressed zen, and so on- also if im in doubt i fall to one of those.
Its quite fun to compare similar games or going immersive in a style, id recommend anyone giving it a go.
In general id suggest going by purchase date- so you play the most fresh ones you played less or replay the ones you purchased and played long ago for a new round.
But if all of then were played?
Id go by release date vs 'played time' ratio.
Thing is the older a game gets the more it ages- its less likely your next rig and future os will make it look good or even run it; Even if it runs well as time goes by our standards of graphics, complexity and such rise- and some pretty good designs will become outdone by games that inherited their patterns and improved upon... So the older and more untouched they become more likely they will forever stay that way - and thus less value.
Heck, theres tons of pure gold stellar titles that i cringe playing nowadays (8 out of 10 because of resolution and even fps) - and some i saddly wished i played more or before.
...and finally: for population.
If theres a multiplayer the older it gets the worse. Unless its a iconic highly popular title the populaton will dimmish and die soon so hurry up.
Also theres little point in playing once again even more a older title you played and replayed to exaustion so keep those of for more variety.
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So the thing is, I have a lot of unplayed games. For me to choose a game, I already played mostly means I REALLY loved it (like mass effect. I could replay it again and again and... you get the idea :D). So I normally try to not take a game, I already played. Although it happens. Mostly because of achievements or... yeah, fun :]
Achievements make the game tough. Because those achievements I didn't get on the first go are probably not easy so... frustration starts pretty soon :D
Apart from that, I have round about 20 ~ 30 (maybe?) games installed atm. Some because I want to play them soon (can't motivate myself though...), some because they are the casual type and I play them every now and then.
But I guess you are right. Never really thought about older games being more... let's say challenging to play. I'm not so much into games you play with lots of people (again me was different for me and I sometimes play MMOs, but that is another story entirely). But the part were older games get more difficult to play because of age (and I start to get picky if a game looks old -.-), never calculated that. Man you make me nervous. I gotta play :D
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Yeah i get the feeling. My backlog runs long and in my case i missed a lot of great games- i didn't owned consoles, my machine was always behind requirements and so on- when i finally got then around a third to a half i miss something (too dated, weird compatibility, etc, etc).
But what irks me most is some non-old games that i just missed the release and their multiplayer userbase died. Im way more of a singleplayer and storyfocused games guy but mostly because most multiplayer games for me aren't fun and the ones that are half+ of then have toxic communities... and then i find a great game with fun multiplayer but no one playing because i passed it. Heck, a couple of titles i owned but didn't cared much back then (the multiplayer part or simply gave preference to others on backlog) i missed entirely by poor choosing. Its crazy how multiplayer nowadays is so geared toward few titles, the games that do things refreshingly different die too quickly, its madness.
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The most MP problem I ever had was with ME3. At first it worked just great. Apart from lags and minor bugs an stuff. But at some point they shut down the support and since then it's a problem. Last time I checked there are still ppl playing the MP, it's just so much worse nowadays. And I loved the MP for this game sigh
So next ME I'll start with the MP :D
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What I do is have people on BLAEO and some friends choose a number of games, and then I choose some random games that I think I would like to play around this time and then I install them, when I want to start a new game I just look at what I have installed depending on my mood and the length of the game, ultimately I would have a much smaller list to choose from which is easier.
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it's another site that organizes your games so you can filter them out and group your games, so it's a better way to have everything organized etc. And people usually post what they play recently and talk a little about them and share some screenshots, I just posted there half an hour ago.
Oh and not to forget they have "monthly themes" and pick out a set of games as recommended to play during that month.
This month is lego and city builders, but of course it's not mandatory to stick to it, it's just used if you don't know what to play.
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SG wins, I try for the most part to play them in order I've won them. I feel that if I'm not playing a SG win actively at any given time it's almost like disrespecting, I entered and won something so I should be playing it, especially because I only enter for stuff I will play still got a long way to go but I'm slowly getting there :)
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Mmm probably in a similar way to the SG wins, but going more with the flow of what I am in the mood for really, I still have some great games to be played simply because they aren't SG wins, like dishonored DE
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Choosing by mood is a good way, I guess :)
I tried to play Dishonored twice now (second time was further then the first one :D), dunno why I stopped though o.o
A, right. I just finished Thief and somehow expected something like that, but it wasn't :D
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Take part in events where people choose games for eachother to play
harassing a friend to pick for me
Struggling to pick an SG win but completing it even if it's one of the regreted wins/entries
Checking various lists of people's choices, picks, previous plays and if something looks nice and I have it, I start it :)
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So I just entered the march challenge. That worked so far quite well. I already played one of the three chosen games. BUT they only picked games I won. I have more games than that :D
Randomizing - I tend to have problems with beiing soooo random - unless I have a program for it :D
I don't harass people! ..... Mostly :D Maybe I should start :]
Ok, so here is a thing. Since I joined the group "playing appreciated" I feel guilty for not having played all of my won games. I tried to change that. But sometimes I want to play games, I bought for various reasons :] :D
The last one is indeed a good idea. I sometimes even try to check if I have games friends of mine played (a lot?) so I chose them over other games, because there might just be something that someone liked :D
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But sometimes I want to play games, I bought for various reasons :] :D
Don't push yourself, don't make it into work, or you could lose your mood to play anything. For example I know that playing League of Legends is not good for my backlog, but I still mostly play this in the past few days (+ finally finished Killer is Dead) as having fun is more important than having everything played asap, regardless of time and whatnot :)
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Right. Because the more I force myself to finish one game, to less motivated I am :)
That's why I sometimes love to play games where you just kinda idle around and don't achieve something big. No big storyline or anything, just playing around :)
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It depends on my mood and the free time I have on hand. I usually pick randomly and games I've bought a while ago. I used to write a list whenever I have a summer or spring break and start playing those games I picked on the list and finish them.
With steam and its bundles it become a little bit cluttery but if I buy something on my PS4 I play it right away and finish it before I buy another one. Wish I could do the same with steam :/ but perhaps one day..
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Playing games right away only works for my with the nintendo 3ds. (Don't have a PS or anything alike ;) )
And for PC there are sooo often so much sales, that my library seems to get bigger and bigger :D
I never thought about a list, but that might be a good idea. Maybe I should write some down, which I want to finish this year and than go on from that :)
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I really can't say that I only play one big game. Currently playing the Gothics up to 3 at least, Mass Effect 1 and two, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, DA:O, Mad Max, Divinity II, Both Borderlands, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Grim Dawn, Two Worlds, Dishonored, Risen, BioShock Infinity and also Witcher 3, and a bunch of older rpg's like Neverwinter Nights, Icewinnd Dale and Jade Empire on GOG. I've probably forgotten to mention a few as well :P
Also I've just recently tried to move on from The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing to the Final Cut but since I wanted to play an online character and the servers seem to be in transition I'm still fiddling around in Van helsing 1.
Then like I said earlier I pick some random stuff that peaks my interest here and there :)
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I think I actually like to play games more when I'm not totally involved in them. I feel like almost every game is best at the beginning when I'm learning about the world and mechanics etc then when I've figured everything out they tend to get a wee bit boring and switching between a bunch keeps them more interesting, at least to me.
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I was very erratic with my gaming habits, now I've had it, I want to complete a damn game like before I had a full time job and a gf! The secret of Backlog Assassination for me is to PICK ONE AT A TIME! (2 tops)
Just look at your library and pick 10-15 favorites you really want to play or complete, then just pick 1 of those and stick to it until complete. Some of my priorities are:
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I feel more lost if I don't organize somehow my library tbh, once I have my Favorites or my Top Priorities displayed it's easier to pick what to invest my precious little little time xD
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It works sometimes rather well to stick with one game. But that's only the case for me, if I get hooked. If that's not the case I normally start something aside, because it's just tough staying with that one game :D
If there is a game, I really want to play, I don't have a problem. Than I know exactly what to choose :D
There are these moments in between though. You now, when you feel like there is noooo game you want to play badly in your library :]
And I know what you mean, concerning witcher 2. Just started it... The first one was not THE game for me, so I'm not that overly motivated for the second :D
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Yes I understand your point! I started W2 on Xbox but hated since I expected some hack and slash combat, on W1 I understood the world of The Witcher and fell in love with it, I modded it though! And with W2 I really like it but I hate to play less than 1h30-2h my RPGs and I rarely can block +1h of game time these days... Witcher 3 is far superior though, couldn't resist to play a little of it already.
Try filtering games with Favorite or other categories (Batch 1, Top Priority or whatever) and then pick one or two, might be helpful!
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I pick new games based off of how much time I have in that particular session to game, which I base my guess on if I feel the game is casual (easily able to be picked up and put down, shorter sessions) or immersive (something that is more fun if played for longer periods, longer sessions). Reviews and recommendations more play a part in whether or not I simply GET a game rather than play it a particular day. So it comes down to time and me saying "Yeah this game looks nice" and "Sure I'll at least give this one a try, why not."
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I do it randomly! Or when I got it/bought it a long time ago and never played. ^^
Like with , choosing some numbers for any picked games and let the randomeness decide!
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At some point I decided I will play through the Sherlock Holmes games. But I don't rush them. So after finishing one I take some time bevor I start the next one. Worked so far for me.
But I'm a bit cautious with game series, because if I like them they can take sooooooo much time (and bring so much fun on the other hand :D).
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Yeah, most games don't work that well for me, after lying around a while after starting it somewhen. There are a few though that still worked for me :]
But hey, it's nice, if that series caught you that good :)
I hope Bioshock and/or Batman does that for me. But since I haven't started them yet, I dunno :D
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Hello fellow gamers!
I wanted to start this discussion yesterday... and then I didn't because I thought, that I'd probably get blacklisted by some ppl for it. And because that is stupid, I'm doing it now anyway.
So back to the title.
I thought about this, since I'm waiting for ME Andromeda and have a bit of a problem to motivate myself for something to play.
What do you do, if there is no unplayed game, that you really want to play or are not hooked to something? How do you decide which game to play next?
I thought about doing it alphabetically. So have started a couple of years ago to create categories for my finished steamgames. For example I have one named "done 2017". Doing it alphabetically would obviously be to choose games next, so that I have every letter once in there bevor I start the next round or something. (Hope that makes sense. My head is doing funny things today since I'm feeling under the weather...)
Next idea: Purchase date. So, this one is quite easy. I'd choose the game via the time when I got them.
And last but not least: Release date. I think this one would be a bit more difficult, since I'd have to check every game, when they were published. But still doable :D
There are some other ideas, like recommendation or letting other people choose, but they are not that good, that I really like them :D
Naturally all of these methods stop the moment I a) get a game I really want to play or b) am hooked to a game series :D
Games, that I won are higher prioritized of course ;)
So, do you have any fancy ideas?
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