Chapter 2 (Dated: 12/10/2018):👆🏼 Currently Titled ☝🏼 | Poll is for outdated Chapter 1 events

MDT = Multi-category Discussion Thread | Category will change as per the nature of current discussion chapter.  

I whitelist most (85%+) of the users whose GAs I can enter & also most users with {a} lower contributor levels & {b} cute cat & dog DP. (Judging by their behaviour within the discussion forum.)

Click this GA here to see if you're in my whitelist or not.

If you want to get in my whitelist, here's where you APPLY. Somethin' tells me ...

EDIT 30/10/2018: IMPORTANT NOTICE - Form is intentionally disabled temporarily. Sorry for the inconvenience.

You can skip the form ONLY if you're a member of AEG and/or AWG, just comment here in this thread.

Feel free to re-apply even if you're in it. After all, who doesn't want to fill up a few extra forms in life?
PS: There is only 1 way for you to get in my blacklist: You didn't thank me for past GA(s) you won from me.
(Only you can rectify this inaction.) | Disagreements within the discussion forums doesn't factor in blacklisting decision(s).

Comparative Analysis of 💙🖤 Dated: 13/10/2018

More analyses will be added when a significant change occurs.

Chapter 1 (Dated: 10/10/2018): ⚡ FLASH 🎁 Giveaway (OVER) : A 🌌 Odyssey



6 years ago*

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View Results
Yes... Yes... Yes... YES... YES... YES...

Thanks for Assassin's Creed Odyssey!

6 years ago

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Long live Ubihardsoft!!!

6 years ago

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*>1 means more than 1, I think you mean <1

6 years ago

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Your arrow positioning is technically correct, my number positioning is also correct.


6 years ago

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x>1 doesn't mean x less than one in any context that I'm aware of.

Also, posting this in Deals you are bound to get more blacklists.

6 years ago

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The link is not working though

6 years ago

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Works 🅰🆗 for me.

6 years ago

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Nay, bad post.

6 years ago

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if this is some kind of puzzle, I lost... I don't understrand those SG puzzle. Never ever solved one. Haha. So gl to everyone

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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is a fake gleam link but his posted in Deals section and this is a giveaway not a real Deal.

6 years ago

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Yeah, the giveaway just ended.

6 years ago

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ZIGZACTly explained, Mein Freund!


6 years ago

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got to the last station: youtube channel and have no idea what to do next :(

6 years ago

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Did you mean YT video or channel?

If it's the video then I suppose watching it would be an option if it's the channel IDK it wasn't supposed to lead you to the channel.

6 years ago

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YT video, but I look at the name of the channel. It look like a code for SG so I clicked

6 years ago

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I saw that your assumption was somewhat correct as my YouTube channel identifier currently looks like an SG-GA code. But since I currently have less than 100 subscribers I can't do anything (read customizing) about it.

But the thing is when you land on a YouTube video you should at least watch till 25% of it (you would've seen the instructions by then, and watching the video would've given you the code "/Gcr4H/") before moving on (at least that's what I do). And I would've posted the GA link for you here if it was still active but your initial comment was made 20 minutes after the GA ended.

6 years ago

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End of Chapter 1

Start of Chapter 2 | BUMP 4 Visibility

6 years ago

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Applied for whitelist, but already on it :) 💙
Have a nice weekend!

6 years ago

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I am a member of AEG

6 years ago

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💙 + 📃

Sorry for my delay in informing about whitelisting you so late.

BUMP for Visibility.

General note for the community: I'll check all the pending applications within a day or two. Sorry for the delay.

6 years ago

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its ok, thank you.

6 years ago

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musical bump, as always
Sorry, but I discovered this amazing italian rapper and I needed to share it.

So, I worked half an hour on this bad translation, so that you can enjoy this song. It's a poem to me.

"When are you going to take me with you? I want to see what you see.",
she had asked him just after the wedding
despite the sea sickness that squeezed her bowels
she would have followed him on every route, every single time.
and when he came back from his nightly travels,
bringing the hull closer, talking to Libeccio
she used to catch the sight f him, questioning the mist,
she could see the docking of the fishing boat through
Despite the thirty years that felt like an era
she was still waiting for him in the evening, as the whole candle disappeared
you never know when someone who works at sea is coming back
when you get used to the absence there he is again
She waited for his frugal smile
As if the water and the salt were keeping him away, in distant regions
and every time she asked: "And what are you doing this time?"
and it sounded like a stupid question, a lullaby that went like this:

Are you staying or going? What are you going to do? What are you going to do?
When you're silent, what are you thinking about? Our love is made of silences.
My dear, what are you looking at? Seamen come back late.

She decorated the white table with some local flower
a vase full of water and a branch of boxwood
she always made the table for two, with the sea as background
with the eye trained to catch all the movements in the harbour
Then finally there he was, the peak of a mountain
his elbows leaning against the balustrade of the dock
The moon poured on the still water a refracted light
that gently descended full of batting dust.
Then he used to tell her what we witnessed between the waves:
the rocky coast going from Genova to Tolone
or the white mantle, at the faults of the Azores (not sure about this one, as in italian is falde, and I looked for a translation)
the zinc shackes of the south, whitened by lime
"The orange blossoms explode everywhere in April!
... but don't be fooled, words know how to deceive
this is a terrible job, some vista strikes
beyond that, it's only struggle and a loneliness that annihilates-.
-I'll borrow your eyes, then…- she said, in a rude way
the wind veil covered the streets of the town
and took away their hope of being together
and then again, it bring her hope to see him again in a month.
Are you staying or going? What are you going to do? What are you going to do?

Little time and he fleed, in the dawn
and sitting on the armchair, she imagined him engraving the haze
sailing toward new harbours, new docks, 30 knots, new Suns
or fighting against furious walls of lather
and he would have come back, come back
and he would have surprised her once again
like the last time he came back, late in the night
and he gifted her a wedding dress from Cefalonia.

  • you husband is always away? Lucky him, he travels. -
    used to say the women, greeting her from the terrace
    and she used to nod, cleaning the iron railing
    always covered by a veil of sand, brought by the wind.
    The village of few hearth got used
    see her waiting, and some tourist used to ask to the locals:
    "What is that old woman doing, in the evening, looking at the harbour?"
    they answered: "She's waiting for her husband to come back from the sea, from the sea...
    it's been ten years since he died..."

Are you staying or going? What are you going to do? What are you going to do?
When you're silent, what are you thinking about? Our love is made of silences.
My dear, what are you looking at? Seamen come back late.

6 years ago*

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Not sure if you're doing any more of these, but I'm in AEG and AWG and would appreciate the whitelist. Thanks for doing events and giveaways like this :)

6 years ago

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I'm very confused. I know that I completed the form already some days ago, and would swear I immediately came back and posted here "I applied!" - and yet no such post exists. I'm a bit baffled.
Well, in any case. I'm pretty sure I applied. I think.

6 years ago

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Here's your comment. It was in the invite-only Homeworld GA.

I did reply to your comment that I added you in my white-list & forgot to press the button actually. Sorry about that.

6 years ago

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So I'm not totally insane, excellent news! Thanks :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Well, I'm pretty sure I got the riddle correct, but... it might not be the correct answer for YOU! Gave me a nice chuckle though!



Naked Gun throwback song!!!!! YEAAAAAAAH BABY!!!!

"He's alive Frank, although he's on life support. The doctors say he's got a 50/50 chance of living; though there's only a 10% chance of that..."

6 years ago

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thrilled, filled but left me chilled.

6 years ago

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