Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

8 years ago*

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Had a query for a long time, Im unable to see the HLTB label on the GA page eventhough it is enabled. HLTB times is synced as well.
Am I doing something wrong?

View attached image.
View attached image.
5 months ago

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There is nothing you can do. The Google script used to fetch HLTB data is no longer available, so ESGST doesn't have any data to display.
Open issue on GitHub: https://github.com/rafaelgomesxyz/esgst/issues/1754

P/S: The screenshot is small, I have to zoom x2,5.

5 months ago*

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Feature Idea: Would it be possible to include ignored creators (devs/publishers) in the ignore sync/filter?

I think they can be retrieved from value rgCreatorsIgnored in: https://store.steampowered.com/dynamicstore/userdata/

5 months ago

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I successfully synced my hidden games, but now I can't sync at all anymore. No matter what I select in manual sync (hidden games always unselected) I always get an pop up error 'WARNING: You have synced your hidden games in the last 30 days. Please disable it in order to continue.'

Any ideas?

Edit: after coming back to the PC an hour later the automatic syncing worked except it won't sync my owned / wishlisted / ignored games. Still can't sync manually at all.

5 months ago*

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With Manifest v3 around the corner and therefore likely the end of the (unfortunately abandoned) extension, I'm on the fringe of going back to the script in Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey and therefore testing the process of making the move in another browser.

[ib4 Edit 3: Importing the presets is not the problem - the feature itself (Giveaways - Giveaway Filters - Multiple Filter) is broken in the script version.]
Turns out importing the backup zip file does not work at all - even with a reduced amount of included settings. And while importing via download of the settings without personal data works, none of the filter presets are imported - even though they are included in the data since importing the file into the extension rather than the script, all presets show up after. And I'm not only talking about the custom presets, standard presets are also missing.

Has anyone any experience with importing all data successfully into the script (incl. filter presets)? Did you get it to import absolutely everything?

(BTW: I went with the settings without personal data because attempting to created a backup as text file makes the whole page crash. Apparently there's just too much data for the extension/Chrome to handle.)

EDIT: There's also no "Permissions" section (1.) in the settings - no idea if that's correct or if the newest script is broken available on Github is broken.

EDIT 2: I guess given that the filter drop down on the Wishlist page looks this https://imgur.com/CfOhflb, it seems like the filter import worked - but the interface is completely broken. Even setting up filters manually is not possible like that.

EDIT 3: Can confirm - 2.21.2 of the script (i.e. the equivalent of 3.21.2 in the extension) is broken for ESGST script v8.9.3.

5 months ago*

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The advanced filters seem to be broken on the script and extension, if you hide advanced the basic should work.

5 months ago

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You are right in that the Advanced filters in the script are broken and should be hidden ( for filters to work but in the extension they work as intended ( So I can confirm only half of your comment.
Unfortunately the only solution (for now) is to hide them (if not, it causes issues when Steamgifts filters are supposed to be shown) and not hide the basic filters.

I've played around with exceptions to the hide advanced filters setting but I couldn't get the advanced filters to show up - even though they are applied correctly to the list of giveaways when imported from the backup.
Considering the filters work, even though they aren't shown, this seems to me like it would be a quick fix. But with nobody finding the error in the code and fixing it, this sadly will remain as is. But I guess we can be glad that the script will be a generally working alternative at all once/if the extension stops working. So that's a positive.

EDIT: Corrected feature number for extension and fixed wording.

5 months ago*

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I probably will add a fix for it on my fork tomorrow so worst case scenario there is always that.

5 months ago

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I'm very much looking forward to your fork since SG without ESGST is completely unusable for me

4 months ago

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It has been up for 9 months, it is just small fixes ... etc it won't ever be a manifest version 3 extension though.

4 months ago

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it won't ever be a manifest version 3 extension though

Pouty McPoutface :-/

4 months ago

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I started to migrate to Firefox, and I can't even set up a grid view - other than the restore data option ALSO wants to save a file on my PC instead of reading one, not even the manual changes gets saved in the extension. Which was a good discovery after spending 15+ minutes with it.

edit: had some success with the script, the extension just refuses to work.
Still, the narrow sidebar option doesn't seem to work, so I have neat empty space on both sides of the screen, of the width of my palm. So bad :D

4 months ago*

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narrow sidebar reduces the sidebar from 300px to 206px, steamgifts page width is a max of 1400px so most people will have space on the sides unless they have low screen resolution. ESGST unfortunately does not have an option for page width.

4 months ago

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Same. SG without ESGST would be like going back to the stone age.

Luckily, I use Opera which is expected to continue supporting Manifest V2 even though it's Chromium based.

4 months ago

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Does the Genres filter not work anymore?

View attached image.
4 months ago*

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If you are using the extension make sure permissions for *://*.esgst.rafaelgomes.xyz/* is allowed

4 months ago

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already allowed <all_urls>

4 months ago

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Had a quick look seems functional if Show each genre/user-defined tag as a separate category. is not enabled, when it was enabled I had inconsistent results or no results at all.

4 months ago

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Oh, thank you. But doing so would make checking the type cumbersome.

And the AND and OR buttons seem to be reversed? Clicking on the AND gives you the effect of the OR and vice versa.

4 months ago

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Is the whitelist wishlist checker known to broken or have I missed a setting? (almost certainly) It loaded the libraries side of the page fine but the wishlist side remains completely blank.

View attached image.
3 months ago

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Congratulations on not missing a setting :)

Steam recently made changes to the wishlist that will break how certain features retrieved the data.

3 months ago

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RIP my christmas giveaways. Thanks for the reply.

3 months ago

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Is it possible to set up filters in such a way that the group section hides only a specific group, but also show GAs that someone shared to both the aforementioned group and their WL, of which I'm part of?

3 months ago

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Maybe an advanced filter like this. An OR group, with 2 rules: groups doesn't contain "group1, group2,..." (without quote), whitelist equal true.

Note: Some groups don't have a name in SG and can't be filtered. Whitelist means that it's a whitelist giveaway. I don't think that we could filter by if we're whitelisted by the giveaway creator or not.

3 months ago

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What I was looking for was an AND group, cause I want to enter giveaways for this group only if I'm whitelisted by the creator, and not if it's just for the group, which I am part of just for making giveaways and not joining them. Want to avoid entering them by mistake.
With that said, I finally understand how Advanced Filter works! Thank you.

3 months ago

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I just want to clarify about AND and OR.

Suppose that we have 4 giveaways: GA1 (for Group A only), GA2 (for Group A and whitelist), GA3 (for Group B only), and GA4 (whitelist only).

For AND to evaluate to true, all of its operands have to be true (satisfied). For OR to evaluate to true, one of its operands has to be true.

With the rules (groups doesn't contain Group A) AND (whitelist equal true), no GA will be shown.
With the rules (groups contains Group A) AND (whitelist equal true), only GA2 will be shown.
With the rules (groups doesn't contain Group A) OR (whitelist equal true), only GA1 will be hidden.

There are features Whitelist/Blacklist Checker, and Highlight checked users. You could use these features along with the second or third rule, and only enter giveaways that their creators have a check mark beside their username (the creator has whitelisted you).

Note: Whitelist/Blacklist Checker needs to be run manually, and for some users, it takes an age to check them, due to many share group/whitelist giveaways.
I'm not sure how the filter behaves with the rule "(groups doesn't contain Group A, Group B) AND/OR (whitelist equal true)" (multiple groups filter). Can't test because I don't have any giveaways like that.

3 months ago

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Reminder: Endless scroll does not show the boxes after the first page on the holiday event pages.
The SG holiday boxes script still works to enable that (originally posted on page 104).


3 months ago

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I'm quite happy with the recent changes you did. Would it make sense to release the extension on https://addons.mozilla.org/ ? I'm currently using the userscript.

3 months ago

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I don't think so, if it was accepted it certainly would be unethical. The main purpose of my fork is to help out until Rafael updates.

3 months ago

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Is there a way to stop Images from loading every time for Image button https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/profile?esgst=settings&id=cfh_img
I just realised it slows the site a lot for me because I have a lot of gifs there but I don't want them to load until I click the image button. I tried turning on "Attached Image Loader" https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/profile?esgst=settings&id=ail but it doesn't work

3 months ago

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Are you sure that the Image button is your problem? It's part of Comment Formatting Helper, and it loads nothing. It only helps you enter the correct syntax for the attached image, like below.
You could verify this by disabling the Image button and see if the performance is improved.

Attached Image Loader is working for me. It only loads the image on demand when I click the View attached image link. I tested with the below page:

Do you have the Dark Reader add-on installed? It could cause a slow page load.

3 months ago

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Thanks, turns out it's another comment formatting script which loads any image I've ever posted lol
I want to remove it but don't want to lose the image links :c

3 months ago

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If you want to keep using that user script, you could make the following modification to make the images load only when needed.
Edit the user script, replace img class="bsg-image" with img loading="lazy" class="bsg-image".

To export the image links, you can run this code in the browser developer console (shortcut F12). It'll offer you to download a file Bladito_sg_comments_images.txt.

const storageImage = 'Bladito_sg_comments_images';
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.download = storageImage + '.txt';
a.rel = 'noopener';
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(
  new Blob([JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageImage)).join('\n')], {
    type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8',
3 months ago*

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That worked thank you!!!

3 months ago

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anyone else not having reduced/no cv games sync as of yesterday?

3 months ago

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I am also unable to sync reduced cv and no cv

3 months ago

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Yes. The server is still responding, but seems to be sending incomplete data/stopping mid transmission.

3 months ago

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Me neither. And I'm also getting the error about reduced / no CV when I uncheck reduced and no CV and try to sync the other things, apparently resulting in syncing nothing.

3 months ago

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from what i can tell its tripping up on battlefield 3 because there are 2 entries and the one without any id causes the problem .

      "name": "Battlefield 3",
      "app_id": null,
      "package_id": null,
      "reduced_value_timestamp": null,
      "no_value_timestamp": 1309478400
      "name": "Battlefield 3",
      "app_id": 1238820,
      "package_id": null,
      "reduced_value_timestamp": 1707177600,
      "no_value_timestamp": null

I don't see a reason why these shouldn't be a single entry , maybe this is something CG should look into.

2 months ago

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this might require a separate bug/suggestion post as I doubt CG is reading these threads.

giveaways for the null app ID version do exist, so something must have happened somewhere... but looks like a possible false 0cv to so maybe mods can purge it to fix it(but it may be 0d from something I couldn't find IDK... only thing near matching dates are alpha invites
see here

glancing through some of the old GA's... I am finding GA's for origin keys(so lots of false marked as received to),,, some times I forget how wild SG was back then. Might be why it got 0d... also date is from before it was added to steam.

2 months ago

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I don't think that is a problem here. ESGST correctly shows me that the latter game has reduced CV.

From my observation, the add-on fails when requesting CV status from ESGST server. The server just severs the connection midway.

If I query for recently added games, the server could return the result.

We could see that the "last update" is recent. Games that have their CV adjusted lately (387290) also show up in the result.
So, I think the server has no difficulty syncing bundle games from SG, but couldn't send the data to the user add-on. Maybe there's a RAM or disk space shortage.

2 months ago

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I tested the server it fails adding to the database when it reaches the battlefield game with no ID, if I skip that one it succeeds.

Updating RCV/NCV games from SG (page 1...)
Updating RCV/NCV games from SG (page 2...)
Updating RCV/NCV games from SG (page 3...)
RCV/NCV games update from SG failed: Error: ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR: Column 'sub_id' cannot be null
2 months ago*

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Are you sure that in the original ESGST server, the column sub_id has a NOT NULL constraint?
I can't find the script to create the tables in the code repository, so I assume that that column is nullable (which doesn't make sense), or @rafaelgomesxyz made some private changes to the server code.

My previous comment shows that "Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition" (app 387290, reduced CV since 4/1/2025) exists in the result of the recent reduced CV games (https://esgst.rafaelgomes.xyz/api/games/rcv?show_recent).
That game exists in page 17 of SG bundle games, well beyond page 3 where we could find Battlefield 3 (https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games/search?page=17&format=json).
Evidences suggest that syncing bundle games data from SG isn't a problem.

I found the Battlefield 3 games. They correspond to your examples. So I think that the database tables are making use of the DEFAULT clause.

2 months ago*

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I didn't see anything provided for the tables. I tried allowing null values, but MySQL raised an error because the primary key cannot be null. It’s possible that the server-side code is outdated, and he might have already addressed this. Also sgtools requires an API key so that data is not included.

2 months ago

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I think your error is due to MySQL/MariaDB version.

From https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/insert.html:

For multiple-row INSERT statements [...], the column is set to the implicit default value for the column data type. This is 0 for numeric types.

From the server code, you could see in function updateRncvSg, the INSERT statements are multiple-row.

I tested with this SQL code, in Docker images of MySQL/MariaDB with default setting.

  c1 INT, 
  c2 TEXT, 
INSERT INTO t1() VALUES(NULL, 'a'), (1, 'b');

For MySQL 5.6.51/MariaDB 10.1.18, the statements success. Two rows "(0, 'a'), (1, 'b')" are inserted into the table.
For MySQL 5.7.44/MariaDB 11.4.4, the statements fail. The error is "Column 'c1' cannot be null". No row inserted.

2 months ago*

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i used InnoDB , using auto increment i did retrieve every page from sg but the query for https://esgst.rafaelgomes.xyz/api/games/ncv?show_name&app_ids=1&sub_ids=0 did not match.
my result

  "error": null,
  "result": {
    "found": {
      "apps": {

      "subs": {

    "not_found": {
      "apps": [1],
      "subs": [0]
    "last_update": "2025-01-08 23:20:27"
2 months ago

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In my test, the table also uses InnoDB (the default?), and no auto-increment.

From https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/example-auto-increment.html:

When you insert any other value into an AUTO_INCREMENT column, the column is set to that value and the sequence is reset so that the next automatically generated value follows sequentially from the largest column value.

You could see from their example, the auto-sequence value jumps from 8 to 101, after 100 is explicitly inserted into the column. Also, from their earlier example, the auto sequence starts from 1 instead of 0.
As the Battlefield game with null IDs isn't the first entry inserted, it could get a non-zero value for its sub_id. This could be problematic if it collides with the real ID used by another game.

I think that the original server is using MySQL 5.6.51/MariaDB 10.1.18 or an earlier version, without auto-increment.
You could amend the server code to make it compatible with later versions of MySQL, while retaining its current behavior.
In https://github.com/rafaelgomesxyz/esgst-server/blob/main/app/cron/rncv_sg.js, replace const id = result.app_id || result.package_id; with const id = result.app_id || result.package_id || 0;.

2 months ago

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Issue fixed. No longer update. Please see: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/mDK42T0

[...] got the cv list issue fixed today (was running out of space of all things lol)

I devise a temporary workaround to sync reduced/no CV games for the ESGST add-on.


  1. Download this file to your computer: https://github.com/ngoclong19/sg-spuds/raw/refs/heads/main/dist/esgst_data.zip
  2. Visit https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/profile?esgst=restore
  3. Select Games and Games → Main
  4. Select Settings to update the last reduced/no CV games sync timestamp.
  5. (IMPORTANT) Select Merge
  6. (Optional) Select Backup to...
  7. Select Restore from Computer...
  8. Browse to the downloaded esgst_data.zip file
  9. When asked, "Are you sure you want to restore the selected data?", select Yes.


Currently, there is no tracking mechanism.
If the reduced or no CV date is removed from SteamGifts, the corresponding data may not be removed from the ESGST add-on.

In the tooltip of Reduced and No CV game categories, the date format and timezone are 2025-01-16 UTC (UTC time) instead of Jan 16, 2025 (local time).
ESGST stores these dates as local time.
Since our timezones differ, the data file will supply date in UTC time and let JavaScript do its magic.

Source code: https://github.com/ngoclong19/sg-spuds

I'll keep the file up to date from time to time, until the sync issue resolved. Status check:

2 months ago*

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Worked! Thank you

2 months ago

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Thanks a lot

2 months ago

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Approx how long does the script take to run? 1,101 pages, so 18 minutes?

2 months ago

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The JSON endpoint gives 1000 results per page, so it only takes 30 seconds.

2 months ago

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Oh nice!!

2 months ago

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Chrome says it's now incompatible... =/

3 months ago

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Still says " may soon no longer be supported " for me
and I assume its warning because of manifest v3 deadline when it will be disabled.

3 months ago

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Your fork is perfect, but I really miss these functions. Can you add them please?

2 months ago

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A while ago I asked OP = rafaelgomesxyz via BlueSky if he is still working on ESGST and if not, if he is willing to hand over the project to someone else. I totally forgot to post his answer here -.-

His answer was:
"Hello, I'd still like to work on it, but I just have so little free time these days. 😞
I'd rather not completely hand it over to someone else, but if people want to open PRs I'll gladly take a look at them and merge them if everything looks ok.
I could even give someone merge permission if they seem trustworthy."

So, maybe someone of our other competent programmers here - I am not singling out a special someone, but you know who you are - are willing to step up?
Rafael seems to be reachable via BlueSky and answers rather quickly.

3 months ago

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Thank you for the update!

From GitHub, the last closed PR was merged on 7/2023, and the last open PR was opened on 2/2024.
There are multiple issues reported, but only 6 people have contributed code. Most come from rafaelgomesxyz.

I support the idea of converting the code repository to an organization one. It'll have more granular permission control.
But the biggest issue is that we need more contributors.
Also, Rafael needs to do the release procedure once in a while, maybe half a year.

ESGST is feature-packed. It'll be overwhelming if only one person does all the code and review.
IMHO, I only use a few features, and unless they bug me enough, I won't bother submitting a patch.
Possibly other people also think the same.

So, if you want your issues fixed, how about getting your hand dirty?
JavaScript/TypeScript isn't that hard: Master JavaScript in 30 Days, Learn TypeScript in 7 days [*].
Perhaps you would discover the wonder of computer programming, and your dream game would come true (by you) one day?
[*] I didn't read these books.

We could implement some first/mentored bugs program, where not so difficult bugs are analyzed, what is needed to be done is listed out.
Make the bug good for beginners and first-time contributors. Though this would need a lot of effort.
For example: one, two, and more.

I'm a lazy monkey, I throw ideas here and there, then will do absolutely nothing.
So, if other people do the initiation, I'll lend my hand once in a blue moon.

I'm at fault here. Even after all of his code reviews, I let my PR rotten. I'll revive it Soon™.

3 months ago

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"if people want to open PRs I'll gladly take a look at them and merge them if everything looks ok. I could even give someone merge permission if they seem trustworthy."

Maybe Rafael could sync with SquishedPotatoe's fork after reviewing the changes, and then give merge permission to someone as he said.

I tagged Rafael about the sync suggestion on Github (10 days ago), but he didn't respond yet. He is active there, so maybe he noticed it.

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

2 months ago

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messaged Rafael some weeks past, got the cv list issue fixed today (was running out of space of all things lol)

1 month ago

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yay, no more seeing it trying to sync every page load

1 month ago

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Thank you very much! Good to see it working again

1 month ago

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the extension doesnt run anymore for chrome. i hope we see an update

4 weeks ago

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Basically confirmed extension as abandoned.

Even if it was updated, it still would require a lot of Manifest V2 coding which Google doesn't allow any more. Take it all out and you aren't left with much.

Best bet is to install FireFox or another Chromium browser that will continue to support Manifest V2, and install the UserScript.

As Rafael isn't on much, look for SquishedPotatoe's forked version (it has minor updates done until Rafael updates their one).

4 weeks ago

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I turned it back on but I think Google want me to return to Firefox... 🤷🏽

4 weeks ago

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Yeah... LOL, I've used if for so long I've forgotten how to "manually" use this site... It's hard.

3 weeks ago

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You can still use this extension on chrome, you just have to manually enable it.

3 weeks ago

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When i enter a giveaway how do I i get it to hide that giveaway once I entered it?

3 weeks ago

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To hide entered giveaways instead of fading them (the default), you could enable the element filters.

In the filters option, add this to the end of the existing filters, separated by a comma.

3 weeks ago

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Anybody know how to get the 9.2.15 HLTB to get to work? I have synced successfully as well. But it doesn't show up. Am I missing something?

3 weeks ago

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You had an answer 5 months ago, nothing changed since then: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/cVXi22z.

3 weeks ago

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Yikes that was embarrassing, thanks again. See u 5 months later😁

3 weeks ago

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There are other HLTB scripts which ESGST could probably use. I guess the one by ckatzorke is popular, but it's outdated so one of the updated forks have to be used instead. https://github.com/ckatzorke/howlongtobeat

3 weeks ago

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There is also an API from Is There Any Deal, which powers their browser add-on Augmented Steam, that does all the heavy works of scraping the HTLB pages.

3 weeks ago

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I just discovered ESGST is no longer supported for Chrome. (I see the comments above explaining why.) Is there a way to recover my settings so I can install ESGST on a different browser without having to manually remember every setting I enabled and modified?

3 weeks ago

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Click on the ESGST button. At the top (left to "save changes"), there are buttons to "backup data" and "download settings". I guess the latter isn't necessary / useful in this case, but I would do it anyway. On the new browser you click "restore data".

3 weeks ago*

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I discovered ESGST isn't supported after Chrome updated. The ESGST button is gone, though the extension is still installed. I'm wondering if there is any other way to recover the settings.

I did not have automatic backups enabled.

3 weeks ago

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Oh right, my bad. Maybe someone else knows.

Maybe there's a way to directly transfer the extension to Opera, which supposedly still supports it. Opera could be used to create the previously mentioned ESGST backups, and restore those elsewhere e.g. to a user script version of ESGST running on Firefox.

Or temporarily install an older version of Chrome? But then you have to make sure it doesn't immediately auto update.

3 weeks ago*

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Interesting idea! I was able to import extensions but, sadly, it didn't transfer settings. I guess the last thing I can do is hope that my other computer has not yet updated Chrome. I should be able to turn that computer on offline and see if I can quickly grab the ESGST settings before Chrome updates.

3 weeks ago

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I found some links, not tested as I don't have Chrome installed. They will help you last until June 2025. So you could try to export data and settings.

I don't know if MS Edge is affected, but I see no warning here.

3 weeks ago

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You can still use this extension on chrome, you just have to manually enable it.

3 weeks ago

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Do this fast before this option won't be available: (in a few months probably.)

  1. Go to chrome://extensions/
  2. Find ESGST on that list. (grid)
  3. Click the Details button on that listed extension.
  4. At the top portion of the new page you'll see:

    This extension was turned off because it is no longer supported
    Chrome recommends that you remove it. Learn more about supported extensions

  5. On the right side of that notice, click the 3 dotted menu button.
  6. Choose "Keep for now".

Now all that's left is actually backing up (exporting) all the data and settings from ESGST, then importing it in another browser.

Currently it seems LibreWolf is the best option (according to my knowledgeable techy friends), as FireFox changed their ToS recently, permitting them to use your data to do whatever they want with it.

LibreWolf is:

A custom version of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom.

3 weeks ago

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Mozilla rewrites Firefox’s Terms of Use after user backlash:

Mozilla said that was not the case, noting that the new terms didn’t represent a change in the way the company used data.
You give Mozilla the rights necessary to operate Firefox. This includes processing your data as we describe in the Firefox Privacy Notice. It also includes a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license for the purpose of doing as you request with the content you input in Firefox. This does not give Mozilla any ownership in that content.

3 weeks ago

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Good to know, thanks.

3 weeks ago

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This worked. Thanks!

3 weeks ago

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