I would say that it doesn't really matter. The only difference is that you can get the "Received" quicker than just doing layered GA.
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Well, if you buy non-bundled games then by delaying giveaways you're potentially increasing the chance of that game getting bundled, so also dropping CV value to only 15% of what it was original. Massive steam sales (>90%) also make games bundled.
So, in this case, it matters to do GAs as soon as possible, but if game is bundled already, it does not.
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it really does not matter
What matter is giving out non-bundled games. "What are those?" May ask thee.
It's quite simple, actually:
All games that have had 95% discounts or more on Steam or have been in bundles only give you 15% of their contribution value (according to their price).
Let's suppose X game, that normally costs US 10, gets sold on steam with 95% discount or more. If you buy X when its full price again and give it away here, you'll still only get 15% of its contribution value (in this case 15% of 10 wich is 1.50). It goes that way because there's no way Steamgifts can tell whether you bought X on the 90% sale or when it was on full price (and its unfair both people who bought it at different prices get the same reward).
EDIT (to clear things up):
Bundled-game 15% value starts in the day it goes to bundle. If you today finish Skyrim's giveaway and tomorrow it goes to bundle, you'll keep your 100%.
EDIT: Sorry, it seems it is 95% discount, not 90% (:
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No. It goes by the first date it was ever bundled. So as long as the giveaway was before that date, you keep whatever value the Steam store shows.
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Either you're wrong or I didn't understand balter0's question. Please do check my reply to him below. (:
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No, that's right. As long as you give away a game before it becomes bundled, you get the full value. It's only when you give away a game after it becomes bundled but before it gets added to the bundle list that your CV will drop when it does eventually get added to the list.
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Oh thanks for explaining it, my bad then! It's a bit late here and I have the horrible habit of reading everything too fast. ):
That's good to know and you explained it very clearly (:
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Contribution value will decrease if a game that wasn't bundled before gets bundled, but only if you bought it after it got bundled or went into a sale, yes.
In fact that's one of the things people complain most about here.
I hope that's what you asked, though. I was a bit confused.
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There seem to be a bit confusion here. DAJ01 is correct in that as long as you hosted the GA before the game got bundled, you'll get full contributor value. If a game gets a price drop, then your contributor value will be lowered, as contributor value is based on a games current value, not the value it had when the GA was hosted.
That said, bundled games don't always get added to the bundle list instantly. They need to be manually added. Also, in some cases it might take some extra time before a game gets added to the bundle list due to other circumstances (say keys getting added to a greenlight bundle, which is not advertised, so it might take a while before someone notices and a game gets its bundle status).
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Very well said, as always is to be expected of Fnord (:
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Fix this, as it's wrong, like DAJ01 said few hours ago.
Bundled-game 15% value starts in the day it goes to bundle. If you today finish Skyrim's giveaway and tomorrow it goes to bundle, you'll keep your 100%.
BUT if you give $50 game today and tomorrow its Steam price get down to $25, you're losing $25 CV.
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90% still has a high probability to be bundled...
Serious Sam Classics Revolution (the most recent one serious sam i think) got in sale (90%) last week and bam! bundled.
i think they really don't like serious sam titles. :D
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it was bundled after latest sale Ago 2015... and it was bundled with Nov 2014 date. (which in that time was not on sale).
I think that is not the reason since it goes automatically to your library and you could not give it away.
I believe that there must be a better explanation for SG bundle this game using those dates. I just couldn't find...
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You are going to be limited by your Giveaway slots at first, the more GA's you complete the more you can create with a final maximum of 100 per day. You may get more than 100 GA slots but you cannot create more than 100 in a day.
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Sorry guys, I am new have been popping some games on, but I wanted to know.
Concerning Level advancement?
Is it better to put all the games up at once or better to do them one at a time or it really does not matter?
Thanks in advance
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