For those in the USA:

Get in touch with your Senators and Representatives, tell them to vote no to SOPA and PIPA.

12 years ago*

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As a European I don't know all that much but I read that the White House administration came out and said they will not support this bill.
Isn't that quite the blow for it?

12 years ago

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Only somewhat--it isn't a guarantee. They're also holding off (but not killing) SOPA, and they'll probably try and sneak it in again some other time while they focus on PIPA (which is a different version going through the House of Representatives instead of the Senate).

12 years ago

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The likelihood of the bill passing is very slim, but better to be safe than sorry for it later.

12 years ago

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Google of all people have it up on their logo which pretty much guarantees 70% of the internet will hear about it.
At the moment SOPA will probably pass in the Senate and PIPA will probably fail in the HOUSE. Jan 24th is the "deadline" for the two bills currently.
In the meantime Im currently rushing to complete all my downloads and taking down all my content from file sites and video sites. As long as I dont accidentally pick up my phone while listening to a Disney song, or quote a line from a movie I should be okay.. right?

12 years ago

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I'm actually really not impressed with Google. While I understand that they can't do a blackout without causing havoc, they could have done better than a tiny little text note on the US-only version of the site.

12 years ago

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Wow wtf... SOPA was just shelved on the 15th and it's back already? What a joke..

12 years ago

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Just because it was shelved in its current form doesn't mean it won't change and come back. This is to raise awareness so hopefully it will never get through.

12 years ago

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it's a constant fight against stupid shit like this here - we are forever having to "cry out" against idiotic laws that these sociopaths in Washington D.C. keep trying to shove down our throats and a lot of the insane crap like SOPA does get squashed but yeah, only temporarily and some other fucktard picks it up and tries to push it through again and we start all over.

Left alone, these idiots would have everyone strictly adhering to the national procedure for ass-wiping. It's all a power game with them and they either don't realize the damage they would do if they got their way or they just simply don't give a shit - they just want the power to control EVERYTHING but they can't see that there would be nothing to control if they got it.

I don't think SOPA will pass - at least not yet...

12 years ago

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To be fair, Obama's administration said they were against the indefinite detainment of American Citizens, but signed the bill anyway.

((Editted to remove off-topic political point. Just remembering it's never good to talk about such. I will say, though, nothing is ever guaranteed in governments.))

12 years ago

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Its impossible to say no to millions in "campaign contributions", sure you might loose a hundred thousand votes, but when you can simply outspend your opponent your almost guaranteed a seat.

12 years ago

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Assassinations are ok though.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Press X while loading the page

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Wiki loophole

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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If you have twitter you can join they keep track of senators for and against the acts (tweeting to them reasons why these acts should not pass or thanks for not supporting)
Where can you find updated list and quote proofs of current achievements -

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by dalkiel679.