I watched the first series then was annoyed that there was no kind of conclusion. It felt very drawn out and slow.
I guess I'm not a patient person. I prefer to wait until all the seasons have been shown, then I can watch them all together.
The only long running U.S dramas I've watched and really got into were The Wire and Breaking Bad.
So...I didn't watch the end and I can't comment on it. I'm just diverting the question a little :-)
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I love Lost ^^ The first three seasons were truly incredible. I've watched them through about 3 or 4 times. The remaining seasons up until the end were not so great :( They never clearly provided explanations for so many things and just kind of winged it in the finale. This problem existed from the first season though because they designed the story for one season at a time instead of outlining a proper explanation from the start until the end.
I liked the very ending when Jack closes his eyes in more or less the same place that he originally woke up, but I didn't like the rest of the ending, the man in black possessing Locke and that strange glowing energy. Didn't make any sense to me and although I enjoy coming up with explanations myself, there needed to be more explained :S
None the less, I really enjoyed Lost and it's not everyday a show like that comes along :)
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Yes, I'm agree.
I think that in the first season there are one of the best managed cliffhanger in a TV series. (At the end of the first season when they open the hatch and you can see the beam of light that comes out ... fantastic).
Then you are right, many things have not been adequately explained but only in part and often the mysteries change and are left hanging without answers.
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Me too. Since it's so famous, I tried to give it a go.
I watched a few random episodes from random seasons when it was shown on TV knowing fully well that obviously I wouldn't understand the story.
Then I tried watching it from the start on the internet, I watched about 10 episodes, but I got bored of it.
But I did read as much as I could from the lost wiki. (Not caring about spoilers) The things like electromagnetic fields, technology, time travel, teleportation and whatever else were very interesting since I like sci-fi stuff. :)
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I agree with this guy, mostly. It was an interesting premise and I got hooked and loved all the curveballs it threw, but after a few seasons it got pretty obvious they had no idea where the hell they were going with it. I mean, come on you have to answer some mysteries, not just double down each episode and add more. I don't know why I watched all the way to the finale and knew there was no way they could wrap anything up well, but it was still definitely the most unsatisfying thing ever.
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Thing about Lost ending was that they left it open for interpretation.
Dunno if I read this or came up with it meself, but as I understood they all lived out their lives in some manner after the events on the Island, as , I think, was displayed, and then finally when they had all passed on and reunited with everyone again in the afterlife, they were able to move on.
It did go from plausible to sci-fi scenarios, which a lot of people don't appreciate, and the ending was very much unlike what you see mostly, so it's understandable that some people weren't able to cope, but I liked it for an ending, since it did feel like a proper way to wrap it up out of all possibilities.
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The first two seasons were epic, the third I actually still liked, season four and five were just meh but season six with the afterlife was somehow cool I thought. ;)
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I didn't watch season 3 and don't feel like I missed anything. I think I skipped through most of season 4 on the ABC site (watch a minute, skip ahead a bit, watch another 30 seconds, skip ahead, etc.). At least, until they announced that the show would end after X seasons. That brought me back for the majority of the rest of the episodes.
The ending? Meh. Nothing was explained that people hadn't already guessed at and been told, essentially, "no, that's not what's going on" -- so that was shit. But I respect and like that the ending was what they'd originally written when the show started. I took nothing valuable from that show as a beneficial human being, only as a storyteller (keep people in suspense, even if the suspense is built on shit that came out of your ass, and you'll have an audience).
As a show in general though, nice premise, great characters, good stories, amazing production (practically unseen outside of a few cable television shows at the time), and generally pretty cool. If it didn't make such a focus of shit it never intended to explain, I would love it. Since it did, I just kinda don't care about it.
Also, a lot of the reason why I started watching Lost (Season 1, Episode 1), was because I thought it looked a lot like Far Cry. :D
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Me too, when I started watching Lost some time ago, I immediately thought to Far Cry, but then I quickly changed my mind as soon as it was "revealed" the black smoke. :)
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I think that is absolutely fantastic! Lost isn't a normal TV series, it had captured me since the start, also because there are a lot of mysteries and some of them are explained (in part) at the end.
About the ending I've heard some negative reviews but I really loved it:
I loved it when Jack is lying on the grass in the reeds and is awakened by the dog (as in the beginning) and also i really liked that, what I thought was a parallel universe that had been created following the explosion of the bomb, is actually a kind of afterlife, where they found all together when they are ready after death(for example, Anna Lucia was not ready, as says Hugo, and also I think Ben does not feel ready or "worthy") .
What are your opinions about the ending?
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