"Xavi and I were talking about a possible Towns2"
I was talking with my mate Murray about how great it would be to run around the Waikikamukau shopping mall with my scrotum pulled over my forehead, yelling "Bring out yer dead"...
There are several cautionary tales herein...
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So it really can be used for a raincoat? Who knew...
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"Thanks for the money guys but i'm just not into in anymore, oh well g2g cya"
The wonders of Greenlight
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Ah yes you're right, i'll edit it. Well he certainly paved the way for others with this attitude
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Gee, I am so glad that I bought an incomplete game under the impression it would be worked on to completion.
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And this is why you always hold off until the product is complete enough to justify the asking price.
Though to be fair, don't blame Frankenberger too much. The article states that the original devs abandoned ship in February, and this one guy took over. And he found it simply uneconomical to continue development. Yes, he should have scrutinized the games' (lack of) sales performance before taking on responsibility for it, but don't blame a guy for deciding his time was better spent.
The Towns 2 comment though. Yeah. That's just insulting.
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Looking at the Early Access games I own, there are very few I have paid good money for, most of them come from bundles or gifts.
The ones I did choose to spend my money on were either produced by an established developer (Prison Architect) or released by someone I wanted to support (Delver).
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My question is what did he even do during the time he was working on the game? The only update that came out was a small bug fix update back on April 2nd. At the very least he could have finished up a small content update before quitting, fixing a few bugs does not encourage sales. Heck, if money is the issue they should have tried adding steam cards which always gives a bit of a boost. No effort = no profits.
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Who knows how many other early access games are going to turn out like this
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Pretty sure Starforge will be, I bought it, seriously it seems like its actually getting worse with each slow slow update.
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Yeah, I can't even play it anymore thanks to the last update. I'd count Kinetic Void in with the who knows games, have owned it since it showed up on steam, hasn't done much apart from continuous overhauls of the shipyard it started with. Devs need an attitude adjustment too, poor guys can't handle any criticism.
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Starforge is one of those games that look like it will take decades before it's polished enough for a real release. The devs were probably a bit too ambitious.
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I honestly doubt it will ever be a solid game, pretty sure it will fade into nothing in another year or so, would love to be wrong though...
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StarDrive? maybe, Also Akainero though they still got 1 guy to fix bugs. Cant recall others.
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Akainero doesn't really count; given that it's free-to-play (and, from what I saw, doesn't really try to gouge you or anything), it's a decent enough game already. I mean, I wouldn't spend money on it, but I enjoyed playing it for a little while, and what more can you expect?
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Lol I regret getting the spearhead edition for 11 keys...
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This is always going to be an issue now that we have Early Access. At least with Kickstarter, you have more of a guarantee that you'll get something. Personally, I'd rather just wait for any game to be finished before I purchase it. Except Kerbal Space Program. Everyone should buy Kerbal Space Program, especially now that Kerbal Space Program is on sale.
Its ok, I'll wait while you go purchase Kerbal Space Program.
Did you buy Kerbal Space Program yet?
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Wait, what? Kickstarter has no guarantee. On KS you're basically paying for hopes and dreams, it's even more risky than Early Access.
Though I agree that for the most part it's best to avoid all of it, unless you have cash to burn and a good reason for supporting the project.
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Nope, Kickstarter has no guarantees. If you choose to pledge to a project your money is at risk of going into a black hole. If you look into it there are a few ugly stories about projects that took people's money but either never delivered or have no real intention of delivering.
Edit: Related video
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Some of them says it's really hard and you should be educated enough on science and maths. Some of them says "that's not that hard". Because of that i couldn't even dare to try it on my friend's PC.
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Failure is part of the glory of the game! There is a learning curve and a decent understanding on physics would be a good place to start. But trial and error works too! My first major error was trying to escape Earth's gravity by going straight out, which briefly works. But if you don't get into orbit by shifting your trajectory, you'll just plummet straight back down to the planet. Or, if you attach enough boosters, you'll simply shoot yourself off towards the edge of the solar system.
Everyone should at least try the demo. Its the only demo in a long time that I played for hours.
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To be fair anyone who's bought it in the last year or so(unless i'm mistaken they abandoned tlast spring) deserves what they're getting. There were tons of threads telling you the game is broken and the devs abandoned it and to buy other similar titles or just go play DF. You guys bought it at your own risk.
I was tempted to get it as well after trying the demo, it was between it and Gnomoria, but thankfully i checked the forums and i ended up buying Gnomoria which turned out to be a much better game with a nice dev.
Also don't blame this new developer too much, he got scammed by the original developer to work on it. It's only natural that he would quit working on it when he found out he would be paid very little. The "hilarious" part is that now, according to the post of their forum, they're gonna try to fool some other poor sap into working on it for peanuts.
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This is why the early access method needs to end. Bring us fucking full games, maybe then we'll consider buying, but fuck alphas and betas, those should be free, they always been free.
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Don't play on fucking word. Early access or not, buying an unfinished game should be prevented. You can call it whatever name you want, it's just the fact that dev are selling unfinished games, and dev run away when they see their game won't sell well enought for them to continue working on it, leaving people with useless and bugged games.
You can blame people for "trusting" promise, but hell, it could be called scam, with someone selling you something he will never deliver.
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Yes, that is a possibility, but I would also like to point out that people who buy these games (despite the disclaimers concerning Early Access) are not without fault as well. If they did not sell and people did the more 'responsible thing' by not buying them, then they would have no reason to exist in this state.
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Unfinished doesn't actually mean anything does it? There's "finished" games on steam that are much worse than Towns and then there's games like Gnomoria and Kerbal Space Program that are well worth the money even incomplete. All a dev has to do is claim the game is "finished"
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Why should it be prevented? Because people are too stupid to read the early access disclaimer? Too stupid to check the steam forums where there will very likely be threads detailing the problems of the game? It's your decision to buy an early access title, no one shoved it down your throat. I do blame the people that buy some of these bad games, because there are plenty of bad games on early access i never disputed that, on impulse and then bitch like idiots everywhere they can about how bad early access is and how they were scammed. Like i said in my post above, it was fucking known that Towns was abandoned for a year now yet people still bought it, they have only themselves to blame for getting scammed.
I'm not playing on anything.Towns was sold as FINISHED. Blame Valve as well for accepting them in the first place.
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So buy Unearthed or Bad Rats instead? It's a finished game. These labels mean nothing. The devs can always introduce games with plenty of bugs. If on the other hand you trust the dev, then you can influence the creation process. Always do your due diligence.
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This is why the early access method needs to end. Bring us fucking full games, maybe then we'll consider buying, but fuck alphas and betas, those should be free, they always been free.
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I paid more than bundle price, but I never could get into the game. I guess I shouldn't be THAT upset. I wasn't ever planning on playing it again anyway so I was writing the money off as just one of those things that happens. Sometimes you get a bad meal, sometimes the you get a bad book, sometimes you get a bad video game.
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I very nearly purchased Towns. Then I realised that when it was released on Steam they only just added sounds, as in, it was completely silent on the patch prior to Steam release. The sounds they added were token and low-grade at best, and then the game faded to nothing.
Really, making a Towns2 is a horrible idea. That's like naming a new cruiseliner "Titanic 2".
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The dev addressing people as "son"...
Calling card of the sparingly hung keyboard warrior.
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For a second there i considered taking the dev's side since he was saying they still plan on working on it but then... i read his answers to people below and just wow... I'v seen dick devs before but this guy takes the cake. Even if your customers are too demanding you should never under any circumstances talk to them this way. You're running a fucking business here presumably not trolling on the internet.
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People really need to stop complaining about things in Early Access.
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Especially stuff that has been abandoned in a miserably incomplete state in favour of making a sequel (which will no doubt also find its way into the Steam Early Access programme.
People are so demanding :(
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You're supposed to go into the Early Access program knowing that you're buying an incomplete product.
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But a product that will eventually be completed, all the same.
Towns has as much chance of being completed as North Korea has of joining NATO.
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well, in case of a war against the evil countries chances are that US invades NK and settles a protectorate or dummy dictatorship somewhat integrated into NATO, so that a Homefront sequel can be done at last. anyway Towns fans don't hold your breath.
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Except for the fact that they didn't sell it as early access but as a finished game, even if it wad not.
Then they just gave up on it and walked off with people's money.
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Article at pcgamer.
Not super surprising. Who would they expect to work for 15% after taxes/fees? Of course now they expect fans to buy Towns2, even though they never delivered on Towns1.
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