Atheism is the best?
When someone is telling me what to think and what to do I don't like him, ok? And a great deal of times I am aggressively abused by atheists, not religious people. Two phrases is enough for a religious to stop. Not for atheists. They are annoying. Attack again and again with "clever" arguments.
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If you read the lives and writings of many of the Christian saints (Francis of Assisi is a good one to start with), you will see people free from fear. The great mass of humanity, religious or not, is full of fear and selfishness and apathy and despair and hate. Neither atheists nor Christians have a monopoly. But many of the religious saints and heroes and holy people have been wonderful examples of fearlessness, self sacrifice, generosity, and compassion - and they have been the world's greatest champions of justice for the poor, the sick, the vulnerable. The Dalai Lama, the Buddha, Gandhi, Francis of Assisi, Martin Luther King Jr. - all religious, all made the world a better place. Sure, many religious people are awful. But that's people. People everywhere are pretty awful. Religion doesn't make them awful. But a religious person being awful sure makes religion look bad. And then it's easy to blame all religion. But if one atheist is awful, does that make all atheists awful? No.
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As atheist you can only believe in yourself.
Believing in something may make weaker people stronger but it will destroy their mind.
If you depend on something - each time it fails you will make your faith weaker.
If it fails you too many times - you will realise you must depend on yourself, but it may be too late.
If you depend on yourself - you have control on everything you are doing.
If you will be able to control everything within your reach - you will become strongest, stronger than everyone that depends on something else
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Nice thinking! :)
The "bad" thing of believing in anything, is that it makes you watch in that direction.
I think that everyone should take a bit of time and question his/her thoughts, "why do i think/ believe this?"
If it happens to be something that you got without true reflection (aka. thoughts inherited by your family, friends, education...), don't be afraid to open your mind and explore other views and possibilities out there.
One feels more fulfilled this way...
Just a slight peek into critical thinking
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As atheist you can only believe in yourself.
Uh, no. You can also believe in other people, political institutions, etc. And it's easier to keep control of your environment when you're part of a group, although what you said about failure is still true.
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I think SK9 meant, no higher power. Ie. Not waiting for a miracle.
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Don't won't to argue, just point out some stuff if you follow Jesus (not a Religion)
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added: We can eat anything we want.
added: We can eat anytime we want. No fasting necessary.
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If you ignore parts of the Bible, then I guess you can believe anything you want about Jesus.
In the New Testament, Jesus says the laws of the Old Testament are still valid. The Old Testament has many restrictions.
Matthew 5:17-19
Luke 16:17
John 7:19
Some religions choose to ignore this or interpret their way around it, but it's there.
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i'd rather be agnostic, i don't have enough knowledge to claim there's nothing at all.
atheists seems like religious people to me. they spend too much time making sure others know what they believe in.
but at least they aren't the "chosen ones", that's a bonus some religions remind me of nazism. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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well I am not trying to push any ideas. It is just, many religious people have some crazy ideas about atheists like we worship the devil.
so I think it is good to educate. plus there are countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan right now killing people for being atheists.
thanks for your post!
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well I am not trying to push any ideas. It is just, many ateisic people have some crazy ideas about christians like we think all science is from the devil or something
so I think it is good to educate. plus there are countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan right now killing people for being christians
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huh, government?
"there are countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan right now killing people for being christians"
Number of Christians celebrating Christmas in Saudi Arabia growing
unless you mean random crime, but that happens all over the world.
no government organized killing of Christians.
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Replace country names for North Corea or any Country on this list.
It is currently way more dangerous to be Christ then atheist
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Also Pakistan is on place 4, while Saudi Arabia is still on place 14. So I think it is not that nice to live in one of these countries as Christ
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do you have a list of Atheist deaths? And who killed the Christians?
Otherwise that site is meaningless because there is not context.
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That would be your work
I don't know if there is a English Version, but you can click on each country to see why it is ranked the way it is ranked.
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No, you are trying to prove something. so it is on you.
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You talked about atheist deaths, why should I have a list.
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You are trying to prove something about Christians vs Atheists. I am not sure what, but you need to take things in context. Otherwise you are not proving anything by saying look at this one site.
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I'm an agnostic and mostly agree with what you said.
However :
As atheists we claim to be more tolerant and all, so we have to stop generalizing religious people.
Peace 💗
And thanks for the train!
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I appreciate your views, but I disagree with some.
"Far too much atheists are in fact narrow-minded, fearful people"
This statement lacks evidence and I have never experienced this once.
"Not all religious people are narrow-minded, fearful"
I did not write that.
"Most religious people just want to be accepted and leave in peace with their religion, only a minority of morons try to impose their religious rules on other people"
I disagree, but I won't go into why because this is not what my post is about.
"Religion can do a lot of good too, sadly we only notice the bad."
That is their sales pitch, but I have experienced the opposite and history books contradict that statement.
"so we have to stop generalizing religious people"
I made no generalizations.
Thanks for your post.
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This statement lacks evidence and I have never experienced this once.
But I have ;)
I did not write that.
Sorry I misunderstood then!
I disagree, but I won't go into why because this is not what my post is about.
No problem, I don't feel like arguing anyway ;)
That is their sales pitch, but I have experienced the opposite and history books contradict that statement.
Religion basically incites people to help others. two examples: Mother Theresa did what she did in the name of God ; and Muslims give food to poor people during Eid.
I made no generalizations.
Sorry I misunderstood again :)
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I am not saying religious people don't do good things. Yes, Mother Theresa was very selfless and giving.
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You managed to pick the worst(or best) example of religion and it's practitioners hypocrisy... She was very big on whole suffering thing, and no medical attention... Didn't apply to her though... And then they made her a saint... Says a lot of that group...
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For many years I thought that Mother Theresa was helping people (never cared enough to dig up on this topic). Not that she thought that suffering is good (so no proper analgetic treatment for patients) plus forced baptism of people against their will.
So many people are unaware of this and connect her with only positive things.
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"There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ's Passion. The world gains much from their suffering," -Mother Theresa
Do some research, Mother Theresa was not a good person.
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Happy End of Summer! Plus…
Some people seem scared of Atheism.
Atheism just means:
A = without
Theism = Belief in a god
What are the benefits of being an atheist?
Religion relies on fear to keep you in line.
Chris Hedges has written about this. He went to seminary school and is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist.
I suppose less fearful and more open people gravitate to Atheism.
Christopher Hitchens was an interesting author you might want to check out.
What I am writing here is just my perspective. Not mean to hurt anyone's feelings.
I am not saying I dislike religious people. I would like religious people to stop trying to shove their religion on everyone else; I mean, making laws. Stop making laws based on your religion, please. ie. Separation of Church and State! And let go of your superstitions and fears!
If you are on my black list and want to enter, please post asking for removal.
Plus for group members, just in case you missed the announcement. There is a group train.
Check the announcements!
akagumo group
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