Is it okay to blacklist winner who doesn't even have courtesy to say thank you?
I would not, but I would not judge one who would do that either....
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I think it's okay to do so - even if I don't blacklist because of that reason myself.
I personally leave a thanks for every game I won. That's the least I can do to show my gratitude.
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It's totally your choice and prerogative and you can do so, or not, at your own leisure. ^^
Blacklisting is not against the SG rules. ;-)
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This happens IRL, too... and you don't have a blacklist there
But you do actually, because you simply no longer gift to such people which is the same end's a manners & common decency thing.
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I don't do it, but why not I guess. Some GA makers actually require winners not to say thank you, so I can understand maybe some winners don't say it for that reason.
As a rule of thumb, I always say thank you unless:
1) GA creator requested not to do so or
2) GA has many winners (say, more than 10-ish), because then it feels a bit like spam
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I think it's a valid reason, I appreciate thanks from the winner unless it's 10+ copy giveaway and thank every one I receive a gift from.
I usually don't blacklist people myself unless they are someone that I don't want to have anything to do with or high level rule breakers. I have 11 people there atm.
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At the beginning i made free for all GA's i had there 90% leechers that don't know at least a thanks. All are blacklisted.
Later i made groups (not sg groups i mean steam groups) GA's and have around 50% Leecher and around 60% that don't know a thanks. All blacklisted with 1 exception (he was first 3 weeks at SG...).
All this guys not set the recieved hook fast too ... often it takes 1 week or longer. Very frustrating when you start and have only 2 or 3 GA spaces.
After that i secured my GA's with sgtools and own rules against leechers. Since this time each winner know a thanks and i meet a lot of nice people as winners of my GA's too ;o)
Before i give anything to anyone that not know a short thanks i will throw it in the trash.
I am too old to support such bad behavior :DDDD
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I recommend sgtools much.
All "free for all" GA's with lvl 0 and lvl 1 are completly infested with bots, bad scripts users (1 click and you join each GA on the side without looking into the description and such things) and leechers.
When you need help or have any question, to sgtools or anything else, write me.
My first experience with sgtools was a 45 Min. try and error rulecreation that drive me, mostly, crazy :DDD (when you have worked in 1x it work nearly "automatic" to make the same rules again -7 clicks and finish at my side-)
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I think that's okay. I always thank to the giveaway creator when I win. I respect them and their effort cause not everybody does like to give something to people they don't even know. I would blacklist the people who don't say thanks but I'm too lazy 😄
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He make only lvl 7 GA's. You are lvl 5. So you can't enter his GA's before and now. Only hurt him because he can't join your GA's :D
And when people BL because other ones have other opinions be happy over that BL.
They are from people that can't handle other opinions. and should learn at least that in her future life (it helps in RL too^^).
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Speaking of Fyantastic's thread, saying 'thanks' at any time, especially before gifter sent anything, guarantees as a solid sidenote, that winner is aware of win and is ready to receive the gift.
You can't require anything though, and can add to BL these rude users who can't care even to thank you.
Sad thing would happen when you will realize that you add to BL too big fraction of users who won something from you. Does it make the rest who haven't yet win anything from you better? Of course not, but at least they haven't yet fail your 'trial'. So any decision can be well justified depending on what is more important to inner yourself. And this is revertible, so experiment as you like <3
It is still amazing how rude and irresponsible people are. Good that mostly - passively, not saying a couple of pejorative words to every gifter they received a present from :) For example "Oh god why I won this shit instead of something more expensive, you greedy .." instead of "Thanks". This would be hilarious <3
Existing of CV has a real backfire effect. Probably a lot of users think that since gifters get CV and levels, they are not doing gifting for any other reason than getting CV, so there is no need to be friendly and even say thanks, not even to think of playing wins etc. And it boils down to winners and participants often not caring who is the gifter (someone faceless), not understanding that gifting spends money, time, efforts etc. CV is just a system of approximate recording of investment of users. There is nothing special on higher levers, at least definitely nothing worth spending anything specially to get here. Best games are most frequently given either as public low lvl or group giveaways + may be invite GA from forum, also low lvl and may be WL
Mythical value of CV and levels is something created by users and further reinforced my users themselves, who create these high-level GAs (either experimenting or having wrong expectations, so it is extremely rare).
About every gift, here can be said "it is not to share but to gain profit in the future". Popular stereotype. Every stereotype is a small defeat of reason.
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I felt compelled to read your whole wall of text. And I enjoyed it!
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For example "Oh god why I won this shit instead of something more expensive, you greedy .." instead of "Thanks". This would be hilarious <3
Funny thing is, I do remember blacklisting someone for that exact reason. I don't have any script to make notes and such for wl/bl, but there was definitely at least one person that complained about what he won.
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Saw something similar in Unlucky-7 a while ago. Winner complained that they won crap game they apparently didn't want (20p game, probably unbundled), with a phrase that this makes -1 to games which they can leech out of the group (it is group for people who have less than 8 wins on account). Would not say who this was though (not winner of my GAs).
One of the most hilarious phenomena of SG I saw so far.
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Honestly, I don't blacklist for not saying Thanks, I honestly don't care.
But to each their own, if you want them to say Thanks, then put it in the description of the giveaway. If they won the giveaway, they at least owe you the service of reading your description.
But just mindlessly saying Thanks, I wouldn't care much about it because the Thanks you do get from your giveaways there is a decent chance that they didn't even put it as I have seen scripts that will do that for them automatically too.
You want them to show some courtesy for winning, put in the description that the winner has to post something other than thank you.
I have done that before and had the people who entered say "Moo" instead just to see how many entered and just mindlessly said thanks, entered and mindlessly said nothing and how many actually cared enough to read what I wrote and post.
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Understood, people are honestly just dicks and like what little power it gives them and will blacklist for about anything and everything and sometimes just for no reason at all for some.
I honestly only blacklisted those who had me blacklisted, once those became reciprocal automatically, I cleared mine entirely.
Honestly never had a reason to blacklist anyone here outside of fair play when they blacklisted me first.
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Yes. It's also okay to blacklist user because you disagree with them. It's okay to blacklist user because they didn't whitelist you. It's okay, because it's your blacklist and your whitelist, and you're free to do as you want with it.
As for the question "Is it okay not to say thanks when winning a giveaway?"
No. It's not okay, it's not polite, and it's disrespectful to the giveaway creator and the Steamgifts community. I'm still willing to excuse it if the key/game was sent via key distributor/email, as new users may not be aware of the possibles workarounds to thanking users without adding them on Steam (my first giveaway won was sent by email, and I wasn't aware I could contact the user to say thanks. Yes, I was dumb and I still am - but now I have knowledge, something new users don't have).
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honestly, i think that people are blacklisting me when i win their giveaway and i usually type "got the code thank you! have an awesome day or week if its the start of the week or weekend if its weekend and at the end i say Cheers!" idk why but people dont like this xd
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It doesn't mean "Thank you", that's a misinterpretation of the usage. Cheers has the actual utility of "Appreciated!" [Or when drinking, '(In) Appreciation (of the moment/of good health)' ], which conveys a much less firm sentiment than "Thank you" does (as the primary function of 'Appreciated' is acknowledgement, while the primary function of 'Thanks' is conveying gratitude; this association is also why Cheers can be used synonymously with 'Congrats'). Furthermore, by virtue of being a term intended for commonplace, casual usage, it lacks any of the more firm sincerity or commitment that "Thank you" does.
And that's actually only if you're in Britain or Australia, where the term is actually used in a commonplace manner like that (and thus has the association with gratitude)- if you're in the States, it instead may imply that you're intentionally being offensive and dismissive- that you're indicating it wasn't worth a thank you, but you're acknowledging the event anyway. Like it was you who should be thanked, for taking the time to comment. Every time I've ever heard "cheers" from someone in the States, it was a statement made deliberately to be rude (usually followed by the individual walking away).
Really, when in doubt about regional usage or difference in the relative gravitas of a term, it behooves you to always go for the most universally understood term for what you're trying to convey. So regardless of anything else, you're already deliberately making a choice to be non-straightforward - and thus, deliberately making a choice to be rude. This is especially true when you're attempting to express gratitude, where clarity and clear sincerity should be your top priorities. That you don't think the person giving you something deserves you putting aside your regional habits for a moment to speak in clearer terms.. well, that's like deciding to write a 'thanks' in nothing but silly emojis. It may be cool with your friends, but you're definitely not behaving respectably when you carry that over to more general interactions.
At the very least, I hope you went ahead and attached an image which expressed the underlying sentiment more firmly.. :S
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depends on the game i'd say
if it's just bundle stuff then i dont really mind per say
but if im giving a pretty good game away, and you cant be bothered to spare the 5 seconds to say a simplistic thank you? it doesnt feel good and i dont feel like the game is going to be played
like im not expecting overwhelming platitudes of gratitude, but it says a lot about you if you dont thank someone for giving you something for free
(the only people i give leeway to are people who are new to the community, like it took me a while before i had the epiphany that I was being rude and should be thanking the creator)
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The exact same can be said in reverse.
Also, if I was the creator of a GA, I would maybe be a bit surprised if I didn't get thanked by the winner, but it wouldn't be a big deal since I'd assume from the start that I've made someone happy.
With the risk of sounding hostile (I blame it on being in the middle of the night, I'm rather tired), it sounds like the only thing you care about is to hear someone say thanks, which is reasonable to a certain point, a point which to me would be to blacklist someone just because they didn't say thanks.
I do not think anyone has a problem with you (or someone else) wanting to be thanked, it is the fact that you just swipe everyone to one side of the board and almost 'demand' to be thanked. I see where you are coming from here, and a thanks is to be expected as a token of gratitude, but come on, isn't the point that a game was gifted?
PS. I am grateful for all games you (and others) have given away to people, and It makes me happy that a website like this can continue to prosper for so long! (I realize this statement probably sounds rather washed out and forced right now, but it is true.)
...I don't know, maybe I'm just tired, just don't take this as something overly hostile, it is meant to show that I am firm in my opinion, nothing else.)
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This discussion is regarding this previous discussion post started by Fyantastic
Okay before move forward, I will answer my part to the previous discussion, I think despite some little to no work, I think creator should at least try to contact the winner and be able to proof that to the support upon request.
Now, why so much heat always on the creator? I am a humble citizen of the SG community and continue to will be cause I feel this world is about sharing and I honestly think winner should at least appreciate that. It's a simple gesture of gratitude. Some of you may feel that you should give and not expect anything in return, all I mean is to be human, share and love, and that's just my opinion in the free world.
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