Which FF game should I try to pick up?`
Agree with him, VII is still and always the answer.
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Okay, said by 2700 hours of a masterpiece like Tera..not bad :'DDD
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I had the original VII on the Playstation. Had the old pc version too. Even own it on Steam, god knows why I did THAT. Beat it many times. Too easy, characters that you can NOT like, one of the WORST final bad guys ( not even a bad guy, just some whining ass that hates the world). And a bland and boring story. You name what you could do in VII, I did it. I even found a few glitches BEFORE sites and magazines (remember THOSE days?) posted them.
But at least VII HAD a story. VIII was worse than VII. No story, less likable characters, crap gameplay...... Still better than X and XIII.
IX I liked, though. Felt like they tried to go back to the basics. You know, FANTASY.
And these days, it's not even Final FANTASY anymore. They stripped all the fantasy parts out and made it Final Science Fiction.
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Careful, I might take you up on that kiss. Remember, there might be mistletoe around. :P
And which part? My little rant on the loss of the fantasy?
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Oh and I forgot to add in- The original Tactics was a masterpiece. FANTASTIC game.
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If he buy FFX, he pay the same as buying 2 games.
FFX: $17,99. The others are between $6 and $8 (excluding IX and Type 0).
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I really like the story and the characters, some of the Guardian Forces look awesome like Diablos and Doomtrain. The combat mechanics and the junctioning of spells to boost your characters' effectiveness in battle or even giving them a chance to cause status effects on striking keeps the combat interesting. The music is also nice.
Triple Triad (the card minigame) kept me hooked all throughout the game and when you get bored with playing you can always transform the cards into useful items like crafting materials or stat boosters.
And then there is Quisty <3
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Every final fantasy has their own subgenre, for example FFVII is steampunk, but FFIX is merely fantasy. I think it's the best one to start in this franchise.
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I wish they released some ultra collection of all.
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2017 is Final Fantasy's 30th anniversary and according to leaks they will release a hyper super uber bundle will all Final Fantasy games in disc format and many additonal stuff. Sadly those bundles will be PS4 only (no mention of PC bundles in the leak)
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I guess that they will try it safely first. Thank you for the news.
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FF X! Mostly because the game has Lulu but also some awkward moments.
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Try play it until the crew leaves Midgar, and go to open world
That 's when everything becomes more fun.
Visiting a lot of cities and their own stories & mini games that made me love FF VII.
Haven't tried any other FF though.
Waiting for lower price.
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FF series never went down lower than 50%, unless pretty rare bundles, mystery box, it won't happen.
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Try getting out of Midgar first. That's still just the beginning of the beginning.
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VIII is a great starting point into the franchise. It retains many tropes from the original games but modernises others including the graphics. After playing 8, you'll be in a great position to try the classic games again, or the newer ones.
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VIII, probably. As both 7 and 8 are considered classic and awesome I liked 8 more for it's characters and plot. Apart from that it has nicer graphics and controls. 9 looked like something made by disney (too childish in spite of couple of darkish moments) to me. Can't really say something about 10 and above as I didn't play them, and parts 1-6 weren't too catchy (5 was good though). How about trying FF tactics if you're into more action and less running into random mobs? Also chrono cross/trigger had great story with similar gameplay.
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I can definitely recommend 6 and 10, with 10 being the better in m opinion. Haven't played enough of 8 or 9 to get a good opinion on those but I plan to at some point. If you are one of those who tries to max everything on every character in your party (stat wise) like I am, than 6 can be a bit discouraging in that aspect (curse my ocd). Still a great game and story worth playing.
I would normally recommend 4 as well, but all we have on steam is a port of the DS version which didn't really do it for me. I would recommend that you play FF4 on either a GBA emulator or the PSP version instead, but thats just my personal preference.
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you might even be better off leaving the series
That's a bit harsh, don't you think? OP has already stated why they didn't really get into FFVII
Plus, not all FF games are alike and it is entirely possible to like one game of the series and not like anything in another, because it's subjective. Y'know, because people have opinions
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That's a bit harsh
Not really.
I hadn't seen that reply, but maybe he/she just didn't like strategy games and forcing herself to try more of the series just because it's famous wouldn't be the best idea.
There was no reason to believe a priori that one of the other games would fare better with how little information was provided about her preferences.
In any case she seems to be enjoying FFX.
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But XII is one of the best! The story isn't anything to write home about but the gameplay is great. I suppose you're one of the people who prefer the more traditional combat system.
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Waiting to hit
Every FF game ever.
movement didn't even amount to any tactical benefits
No movement in combat (excluding party member positioning) in earlier games, which means no tactical benefits either.
I really liked the lack of random battles and being able to just run past higher level areas (e.g. to get Zodiac Spear early). The bounties were also fun. Either way, different strokes for different folks. I know many people dislike XII, but there are dozens of us who like it a lot. :)
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Every FF game ever.
No. Turn based is not the same as walking around while a bar charges which contrasts jarringly to still having movement control.
No movement in combat (excluding party member positioning) in earlier games, which means no tactical benefits either.
So? Let's not criticize it for wasting opportunities and having a jarring contrast between what you can do and what you should be able to do. /s
Turn based gameplay has internally consistent logic, this doesn't.
Good for you, being able to get past it and enjoy the rest of the game; but for me, seeing units stand there getting hit in real time and not doing anything goes beyond my ability to suspend my disbelief. It's a lot like a single player MMO with less control.
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If you didn't like VII, try X or XIII. Both are completely linear and combat-heavy, although XIII is more of a straight-up tactical simulator, with high emphasis on combat and properly preparing for various combat situations. (And probably the only Final Fantasy where the English dub is good enough to not make you want to switch to the Japanese immediately.)
If you didn't like how linear it was, then try VI. It is the only non-linear FF, albeit it opens up only in the second half (where pretty much 90% of the content becomes totally optional, including getting most of your party members).
If your problem was that the story was just throwing you all over the place, try VIII. It is a very slow story, but on purpose; it is supposed to be a romantic tale (with the usual JRPG tropes).
If your problem was that playing as a bunch of moronic eco-terrorists didn't feel grand enough, go for IV or V. Those games have high stakes quite early on, and they also have one of the most quintessential NES/SNES era FF gameplay, so they are one of the best games to show you how this series looked like (not graphically, FFVI is so far the only one where they mostly stayed true to the original, despite the questionable filter they use on the PC port).
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The Final Fantasy series is a very interesting one, in that the games differ a lot from each other, both in tone & gameplay. There's really very little binding them together, in particular once you move past the SNES-era titles.
First of all, I would actually not recommend XIII. Not only does it take a long time for it to get started, but the story is not very well told, falling repeatedly into some very amateurish traps. It does get quite alright towards the mid-point in the story, but it's a game I think you should put relatively low on your priority list. Also, the port is among the worst I've seen in recent years. Its sequel, XIII-2 somehow managed to get an even worse port.
VIII is another I would not recommend. While its story is actually quite good, once you start scratching the surface, the mechanics are really annoying. In this game you don't have MP (basically Mana), but instead "draw" your spell-uses out of enemies, which is fine when you draw a bunch in one go, but later on, with the more powerful spells, you draw 1 at a time, and you need plenty, resulting in the game getting very tedious to play.
As for which games to play, I would recommend V & IX. IX has a really charming, often lighthearted, yet surprisingly dark story that just resonated with me. Sure, the main character is not amazing, but the game dares to commit to its style, and it's not as angsty as VII & VIII. I think it's the best game in the series (but I've not played any of the PS2-era titles, nor have I played 2 & 3). V has a terrible port, and its story is not the best, but mechanically, it's one of the most interesting in the series, and it offers a lot of freedom in how you design your party. You have the same 4 characters, but you're able to change their professions whenever you want, and "borrow" skills from professions that you've previously gained experience in.
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Hey everyone!
Steam Winter Sale is going on (big news, I know) and I want to give the Final Fantasy franchise another try. I started playing FF VII, as it is considered a classic, but I didn't quiet get into it. Which FF should I try next and why?
Help me out, I need to sacrifice money to Gabe! xD
Update: Thanks to your recommendations, I tried FFX and I really like it a lot! :-)
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