Where are your cheese holes about to fly to?
You can copy this for formating your GA description (just don't forget to add the ) behind the Bump-URL):
[Previous Participant]() ¦ [Bump the thread](https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/TdOHS/trains-are-stupid-so-join-in-and-lets-make-a-polonase ¦ [Next Participant]()
Polonäse dancer #? (GA #?)
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Aaaaah, there it is. I really don't understand why I couldn't find that. Still you could argue, that it is not exactly the same thing, since the conga line (at least in theory 😆) seems to need more of a feeling fo rhythm than the Polonäse, where there is absolutly no demand for this. ;)
But thanks for giving me the hint I couldn't find! :)
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It' called the Conga in English and is more American than German or any other country aside from Cuba.
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Thanks for the information. It definitely is the closest thing to the Polonäise (I somehow managed to don't find this out...), but from what I see on the youtube clips I found, there are some differences as to the Conga seems to (at least theoretically) demand for some rhythm feeling. Something that is not needed in a Polonäse at all. (You don't do anything with your legs there either except for walking.)
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Also i don't think "Polonäse" is nonsense, it's just some sort of german adjective for "polish"
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Well there is actually a Polish dance called "Polonaise" (without the the ä), but it has nothing to do with the Polonäse. I don't know exactly, but I kinda guess that Wendehals (the creator of "Polonäse Blankenese" used the name "Polonaise" as an inspiration but just used it in a silly way in a silly song.
And thanks for the song. Theoretically I speak some French, but listening to this song reminds me just how bad I am (since I don't get a word of it 😆)
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There might be a connection to an old Polish dance --> https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/dXcu2sU
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I understand you. I normally don't make lvl 1+ GAs anymore either, but I thought, for the purpose of this idea, it really should be open for everyone (although I thought, that lvl 1 should be easily enough to achieve for everyone). That's why I made this rule. But what should I do? Kick you out of the Polonäse? That would be no fun and totally mess with the idea. So be very welcome in the Polonäse-line. And if enough are joining in, nobody will mind this lvl2+-GA anymore (well, most participants are probably way above this anyways and won't notice it at all :) ).
Thanks for your participation!
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It is permissible to advertise your curator page inside of giveaways, but not on the forum. Please edit your OP accordingly.
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Ok, I took it out, although I don't quite understand your decision. Is this a new ruling? As far as I understand the guidelines, there is no prohibition of a simple link (mine was even hidden) about something I like to do and want to share with others? Or was it, that I said, I'm happy about people following?
I'm especially surprised about your reaction because I made this big thread for my curator page half a year ago (https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/rDT4A/gamers-with-little-time-with-train-and-promotional-ga), where I had so many positive feedbacks but nothing negative and no complains from one of the moderators. Was I just lucky back then, that no moderator realised it?
This is especially important for me to know, since I thought about making a curator page specific train sometime in the future again, but I would like to know, before I do all the preparing work for nothing because it violates the rules.
Please get me right, I don't want to give you a hard time, but just want to understand exactly how the rules are officially interpreted and applied.
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Yes, the previous instance was missed. Your old post was fine except for the last sentence of the first paragraph. That sentence crosses over into "advertising," whereas the rest of the post appears to just be the announcement of a giveaway train.
Rembmer: SteamGifts is not your electronic billboard. We do allow "advertising" within giveaway descriptions, but the forum is not to be used for solicitation. The moment a post seems to be fishing for followers/likes/page hits/subscribers, et cetera is the moment it crosses the line into "advertising." We do take context into account (e.g. advertising your Steam group in the Group subforum is fine), but it seems to me that you are trying to solicit people to follow your curation.
Or am I gravely mistaken?
P.S.(Replace the sentence I noted above with something like, "If you want to know more, try my Steam page." Anyone wanting to know more can then look it up, and you are still able to provide any links you wish in your giveaways.)
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Thanks a lot fot you taking time to explain it. So do I understand you right that it would be totally ok to write "I do this just for fun and don't expect anything in return. But if you want to do me a favour you may check out my [curator for [Linkt to the curatorpage]."? Or is this still to close to plain advertisement?
I totally understand, that you don't want the forum to be a advertisment playground (I wouldn't want the forum to be this either). And yes, of course I'm happy about new followers since I like to share what I do there. But I don't want to force people to go there and follow me, it's more that I think I kind of fill a special gap with my curator that quite some people find useful too (I know that from the reactions to my old thread noted above) and I'd like to let people know about it. But I totally see, that I crossed a line into solicing there with my phrase.
My plan was to at some point make a thread where I would ask the community which game I should test next for my curator page combined with a train of games fitting the theme of my curator page (short games for people with little time). Would this be forbidden too? Or would it be allowed in the "Group recruitement" section?
Since I cannot make GAs specific for followers of my curator page, there would be no need to follow my curator page in order to join in the GAs and it wouldn't really be recruiting therefore. Still I see, that I'm in somewhat of a grey zone here. All the better, when I get clarity now about how I could do this right, without violating any rules.
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One way to tell whether or not you are soliciting is to ask yourself, "Have I included anything in this post in an attempt to gain customers?" If the answer is, "Yes," then you should leave it out of the forum. Another sign you are attempting to solicit is including a link to some page where you hope for a particular response from your audience (e.g. to "follow" you).
In your old post, just make the last sentence of your first paragraph end with "...for just these kind of games, called 'Gamers with Little Time.'" (No link.)
For future reference, make sure your upcoming thread focuses on community choice and giveaways instead of your curator page, and do not link to your curator page. If you wish to encourage people to visit your curator page, do it in your giveaway descriptions, not the forum.
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I think this is where my understanding is different. I make my curator out of fun and as a service for other gamers. I don't have any gain from it. So it's not primarly about gaining somebody (and most certainly not "customers") but more about sharing something I like to do hoping it is interesting for others as well (and those will probably follow, but not because I pushed them, but because it appeals to them). For some it's their dog, their paintings, their music or whatever they'd like to share. For me it's my little curator. If somebody likes it, then great. If he doesn't: no problem, there is no loss for him.
But you and your co-Mods maintain this site so you make the rules and I will follow them. I won't post links to my curator page in the forum anymore and will try to find a good way around it, for my planned event, without violating any rules.
Thank you for your time to explain me, why you intervened and how I can prevent to exceed any limits in the future.
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"Have I included anything in this post in an attempt to gain customers?"
The entire recruitment page should be off limits then. Every single one is doing this. Can anyone find me one that isn't after members... for some reasons, and post it here... Bet you cannot. That is what the term "recruitment" means.
Please ban the whole section... it violates itself by existing, by this definition.
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The Steam Group recruitment thread allows Steam groups to recruit members for their group. This exception is made in the service of those groups who wish to use SteamGifts for their giveaways. That exception does not apply to all recruitment for all other possible Internet traffic.
General rules apply in all circumstances where an exception is not designated. Exceptional rules apply only in the specific instances they cover and are not intended to cover anything else.
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When describing your Steam group, it is normal to mention any related curator page. Just remember that it is "Steam group recruitment" and not "Steam curator recruitment," so links to the curator page are not needed as people will see them when they check out the group and/or its giveaways. (That, and curation links qualify as "advertising.")
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Looks like fun. Let me see what I have laying around.
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A polonäse [polo-nay-say --> ay like the e in "end"] is a party dance where people form a big line by putting the hands on the shoulder of the person before you while walking (or dancing) through the room.
In my country we call that - the little train :p
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Original kids version. There are also a rock, folk, dance and other variants based on the same text.
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Ok, ok, I take it back, trains aren't stupid. But it's always the same, isn't it? So why not make something else for a change? Like a polonäse?
You don't know what this is? I was pretty suprised, as I didn't find any english equivalent. (EDIT: Thanks to combatbeard and BrandeX I now know, that the equivalent would be the "conga line", but it seems there are some differences regarding the theoretical demand for rhythm feeling of the participants of which there is absolutly none with the Polonäse ;) ) So it seems the "Polonäse" itself is something that mainly exists in german speaking countries (and the Netherlands). Well time to learn something new! (Or for all the German speaking SG friends: to show how a polonäse works.)
A polonäse [polo-nay-say --> ay like the e in "end"] is a party dance where people form a big line by putting the hands on the shoulder of the person before you while walking (or dancing) through the room. Very important is a matching song most famously "Polonäse Blankenese" from Gottlieb Wendehals with the line "the holes are about to fly out of the cheese because it starts now our Polonäse." Sounds silly? It is. It definitely is. A lot. But it's fun and an absolute evergreen. Therefore Polonäse is danced everywhere and by pretty much everybody, from children to elderly.
The cool thing about it is that you can easily join in by just grabing the shoulders of the last person in the dancing line. And because it's so simple really pretty much everyone can join.
Therefore I hereby start: The first Steam Gifts Polonäse!
Here is how it works (inspired by the Community Train 3.0):
Ready to go? Then let's start the Polonäse!!! (Or "Polonese" for all of you who can't write ä on their keyboard ;) )
Start the song: Polonäse Blankenese
And here we go with the dance: Polonäse starts here and here is the end waiting for you to join in (Last updated: 13. Nov 2018, 14:30 MEZ)
😎 Have fun! 😃
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