Only 10+ entries giveaways count, Gifts sent value is not the value CV Levels are based on, because Gifts sent value includes bundle games etc.
Games devalue the more copies you give away of one single game
Hover over the CV Level bar to see the exact value
Lvl 0 = 0 CV
Lvl 1 = 0.01-25 CV
Lvl 2 = 25-50 CV
Lvl 3 = 50-100 CV
Lvl 4 = 100-250 CV
Lvl 5 = 250-500 CV
Lvl 6 = 500-1000 CV
Lvl 7 = 1000-2000 CV
Lvl 8 = 2000-3000 CV
Lvl 9 = 3000-5000 CV
Lvl 10 = 5000+ CV
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Now it's even less clear than before... I'd like to see how exactly it's all calculated. What's included or not, when, how - all that. Formulas would be good.
And yes - less than 10 entries rule would discourage a lot of group giveaways... Though I'm not sure if it's bad - this way "elitist" can't raise their value even more :D
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Oh thats a shame, most of my giveaways are less than 10 entris because they are on a private group, i should be Lvl 5 if it wasnt for that :P i think its time to make some public giveaways
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In SgV1 was $104,15 non bundle games, and here i am $117 and Level 3? :/
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bundle games are only counted as 10% for the level decision.
but not for the overall given
Also, the lvls can change. only 10 users or something like that will have level 10. everything is based on that. that means the bars will rise and change.
meaning, that you have to continue giving to remain a high level.
lvl1 - starts at anything, so easy to get
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My cv was 366 i guess and now im lvl 3!! 2-3 hours ago i was lvl 4 but now im 3 . GREAT JOB!
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I think a way to clear things up would be to show how the "Gifts Sent"-value is added up.
Something like you hover over the value and it shows the split into bundle value and non-bundle value, would be more convenient. It also would be nice, if you "Review Giveaway" page would show, how your value and which value will increase with the giveaway you are about to create.
This way we would be able to check how a user contributes non-bundled games and it would encurage the user to give away non-bundled games since he could track how every giveaway changes his CV/Level.
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Yeah, this is really confusing and it seems like a much worse way to do it to me... I dont remember exactly what my CV was before, but I know it was above $60, but I am only level 2... seems low to me, and it feels like I wont be eligible to enter as many giveaways any more.
I slowed down on making more giveaways a while ago, since I havent won anything in so long despite many entries, and I was starting to feel like I was kind of wasting my time a bit on this site... like you have to have spent hundreds to enter anything with a decent chance of winning, and I cant afford to do that, or I would just buy myself more games.
Anyway, the point is that this feels like it is making it much worse, and the CV or Level are just there now to have a 'rich kid' club and make other people feel bad... maybe I am reading too much into it, but I think the old way was a bit better.
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What are levels, and how can I increase my level?
Levels represent a user's contributions to the community. When a user creates a giveaway that's received by the winner, their level increases in value, allowing them access to additional giveaways as a reward. Levels range from 0 - 10, with level 0 being the default after registration, and level 10 being the highest level attainable. If you mouseover your level in the navigation bar, or the level on profiles, you'll see a tooltip with the level rounded to 2 decimal places, giving you a better idea of small increments in level, and when you're about to level up.
Levels increase almost exponentially, meaning each level requires double the contributions of the previous level. For example, level 4 would require double the contributions of level 3, and level 3 would require double the contributions of level 2.
How much a giveaway increases your level is based on the gifts price, so a $20 game would add twice as much value to your level as a $10 game. There are three other factors that may influence the value of a gift...
- After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) in value towards your level. This has little effect on the majority of users, but prevents individuals from receiving a high level from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.
- If a giveaway is invite only, or for a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add value towards your level if it receives 5 or more entries. This is in place to prevent small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.
- Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value. For example, if you gift 2 copies of a $20 bundle game, you would receive $6 (3 + 3) in value towards your level. Keep in mind that changes to the list of bundle games will apply retroactively, so if a bundle begins today, attempting to gift the game before it's added to the list will offer no advantage. Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale.
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it has to do with how many giveaways you have created and what they worth i guess but what's the deal? i mean how can u reach lvl 10 (that's the max i suppose)
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