Didn't know if it was better to make a new comment or just keep it near my original comment
I've actually got some keys now so I would like to be considered. I've been in touhou before (even won from you) so I know all about keeping up your ratio and doing giveaways every couple of months. I read both the rules and the QA before considering typing this
I do have a not received on this account but that was from 5 years ago and not had much trouble since. You can see below I got a positive rating in these 3 groups, they are my most used groups but I should have positive in all the rest also. Total war requires a ga each month, balancing act is kinda like this group with the ratio and things. PA is just there because its my most used really no other reason
Bit of a long comment but you want more then can I join so I'd rather be a bit longer and show I am actually serious
Also oh my I took so long the 1 hour comments turned into 2 and the just recent comment turned into 40 minutes XD
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All right it seems I would like to join also.
Not just for sharing and participating in giveaways but also for events.
My last quest on SG was so long ago it looks like it was forever but still I have plans to do more and maybe with your help it might be something better.
So, could we help each other? :o)
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Hi ya, what's going on here?
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Hey, can I join? I love Steam and love giving games even more. I'm ready to create some giveaways now and i would like to create more private giveaways in future
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Where does your profile picture come from? The girl looks very familiar.
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Oh I mainly spent my time with humans but I did have a role for each type and I believe I went with druids for night elfs. At the time just seemed the best fit and I'm pretty sure they would pick up pick up flowers
My 1st character was a human healer and I legit didn't realise about dungeons until I was around level 60ish for which I then realised I hate healers and went running to paladin. I was pretty much someone who actually enjoyed going through the story for each character then the rest
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So, it will be like Take and Give r8 m8?
hmmhh.. weekly? wow.
mkay, just bumping here.
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Only during the initiation period we like our members to be active every week. This gives them the time to get to know the group and how everything works. Doing 1 giveaway per week for this first period shouldn't be too hard and you will likely also win some games in this period.
After becoming a member we have a relaxed set of requirements where a minimum of 3 giveaways per 3 months need to be made (kinda the same as 1 per month as many groups have, but more relaxed)
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I am interested in joining, I used to be a lot more active on SG but lately, life has got in the way and kind of limited me so I'm trying to insert myself back into the site. I do have a high win to give away ratio currently as I used to be a heavy game collector back in the day and am hoping my past doesn't affect my chances. I've heard many good critiques regarding this group and would appreciate the opportunity to be a part of it. I enjoy not only playing games but giving away/sharing with others as well so that they can also enjoy them.
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That is likely when my account was hacked, I had a bunch of stuff in my inventory sold and I didn't have access to my account for almost 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure I wasn't using Steamguard and after that, I started using it and been safe ever since.
You can deny me if that's what you decide but I never even knew whoever had my account even scammed anyone.
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Sorry - hard pass for me, but thx again & GL
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I know it can be a bit hard to find a group profile.
This is our group profile on SteamGifts.
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hey, BIG D *for a moment I thought I was in the wrong thread.. ^_°*
anyway, thx for the link is what I wanted to say.
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I'm interested, but I'm kind of curious, if there's ever a time where literally every game that's in a bundle I bought is a game I want, will I be kicked if I don't have a game to give away that week/month?
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Ooh, I see. That's easy enough then, I'd be shocked if there wasn't at least one game I didn't want there, I'd like to join if possible, to both give and get games to play :)
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Hello, Dyna, I'd like to join your old (like myself here) group! Actually I thought you're inactive nowadays, I'm glad it's not :-D
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I know it can be a bit hard to find a group profile.
This is our group profile on SteamGifts.
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I would like to apply. I used to be a member, but I was away for a long time from SG.
I belong to a few groups, so I am (so far) careful with keeping up to date with ratios. I have read the rules and I agree with them
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I remember now. I wasn't careful, and when I saw with EGST a few giveways from a member from other group, I checked only the first giveaway and didn't check the rest, which included one of yours.
Sorry about that.
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Bundle Quest is recruiting and looking for a few more members who love bundle games!
This Steam group is a great place for gifting bundle keys with a nice group of friends. And to make sure that sharing is actually fun, it will be done on a ratio system. That means that for every game you share, you are guaranteed a game back. Now that is a great way to build your game collection!
We started almost 7 years ago and in this period a grand total of over 80.000 games have been given. Currently we got around 100 private giveaways running. We have 160 members and we are looking to hire about 40 more members.
We aren't just looking for any member though, so read on if you are what we are looking for.
How will this group work?
All giveaways will be handled by Steam Gifts. We make group only giveaways that the members of Bundle Quest can enter. To keep things fair, we use a ratio. We count the number of games you have given away in the group and the number of games you won, which determines your ratio. For tracking we have our own Bundle Quest website which keeps track of the ratio and everything else. Just keep a fair ratio. It’s that simple.
This group is for active members who like sharing and playing together.
From new members we ask that you proof that you want to be a part of the group. First by making your first giveaway within 48 hours after being invited. Only after this giveaway has completed can you enter the group giveaways. Also we like to see you post a minimum of 1 giveaway per week for the next 4 weeks. During your initiation period we want to see you active, so this way we ensure we only let active members be part of the group.
Off course we also ask you to always follow the group rules. They can be found on our web site. Be sure to have read the Rules and Questions and Answers before applying!
Who are we looking for?
If you are interested in joining this great group, apply by posting in this thread.
Please post more than a simple “I like to join”, but tell us why you would like to team up.
We got about 40 open spots right now and selecting who will be invited will be done by the group admins based on your motivation and criteria posted above. Don't feel bad if you didn't make it.
Note: Please do not send me a friend invite and ask for an invite.
Edit: Recruitment will continue to be active. And will be ongoing as long as this thread is open
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