I like the idea and i really like to complain :P so i would like to give it a shot. Going to wait for more people to join before i make my GA if that is ok with you though.
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this is a good idea but it would only work if you had 100+ people, as not everyone wishes for the same game :(
For me, i want that game that is like a LSD trip and you're walking around in white hallways and shit (forgot the name). i'd like to join but i'd wait to do my giveaway, like memoria.
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Excuse me while I list every game on Steam on my wishlist.
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you can do that, but dont complain that you dont like the game you got, afterwards. :P
Will get you nancy drew for sure! ;)
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yep because that only counts one time, when you enter the group. ^^
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you can wait til the group reaches at least 10 members than make your GA (so you have a greater pool of games to choose from) thats fine with me.
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Liar, I just wanted that people think before they enter a GA if they really want the game, and if they don´t to let it be so the rest of the group, who really wants the game, has better chance to get it. And got attacked for saying that. And your post here is one more reason, that I leave the group.
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What liar, you made a thread asking members that they should only join giveaways when you really want the game, complaining that it's unfair that you are only joining 2 giveaways to others is stupid. There's no such rule that you must only put 2 entries per month.
Also If you want that person to stop giving random games, then report that member instead, put a thread and let other members voice their opinions and also hear that person's excuse.
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You lied again, I never called anyone stupid. I just asked them politly if they could not enter every GA if they dont really want the game.
And please stop to try to make me look bad here, when I´m trying to make my own GA group, like I want it to be.
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/facepalm, I never said that you called someone stupid. Re-read please. I said what you are doing is stupid because you are forcing your "OWN" Ideals to others when there's no such rule to backup your ideal.
If you wanted a group with a super high chances, then find a super elite group that uses a Price ratio mechanic. This won't do with this group of yours, if you want to enforce the higher chance to win, then follow my suggestion, put a restriction of 10 entries per month of something on your group or enforce a price ratio.
Your attitude is full of greediness, if you wanted and was expecting something on return on your "great giveaways" with something equal or greater then please gtfo and find a better group that suit your needs.
BTW: Nice edit removing a large portion of your post
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Oh youre right, you think its stupid to only enter 2 GAs, ok, sorry I read that wrong. Yeah for me it dosn´t sound stupid to let the others have the games, that I dont really want. I´m not using the greedy method, trying to get everything I can get, thats all. And it would have been nice, if you would accept my opinion and might think about doing the same - thats all I wanted.
And this group is planned that in worst case we have 19entries, that a chance of like 5% to win the game. I think thats awesome enough.
And you say Im greedy and should get the fuck off, find a group that suits me better, yeah what do you think Im trying to do here and you try to destroy.
But to make one point clear, I only wanted that people care about the others (yes of course that includes me) when they make thier GAs, and yes of course I would have better chances to win anything if there would be more than two GAs I like to join! I never asked back the same value ore anything. And if thats greedy yeah than im definitly guilty.
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Nooooooooo, I said it's stupid to force your own Ideal of "entering 2 GAs/month" to others. You read it totaaaaaaaaallly wrong. That by itself is not thinking about others, other words selfishness.
Oh, I would accept your opinion on that, if you just didn't q_q'd in the group thread being so onion-skinned. If you just continued petitioning your ideal to become a rule, then there wouldn't be any problems. But nop, you can't take an insult and you decided to bail out.
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I´m not forcing anything to anyone. Just made suggestions. And btw. I never wanted anyone to only enter 2 GAs a month. I wanted them not to enter every single GA (only if he really want every single game what I cant imagine that you really want every game) - thats all.
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Isn't this a whole new group though? This is a 1:1 Ratio group where EOTM Giveaways is a Monthly Giveaway group.
Some people prefer Ratio groups, some don't. Better to find others who do than try to convince a whole group of Monthlys to change, no?
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yep, it's basically nigh impossible to change a whole group of monthlys, but I just hate that she makes a suggestion and can't take the heat on the criticism. It's also obvious that she created this new group to suit her needs upon rage quitting on the previous group.
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Ah OK. I'm not in EOTM so I wasn't aware there was prior drama haha!
Just figured someone wanted to go Ratio rather than Monthly, ignore me :P
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Please stop the character assassination, MDuh! Thank you very much!
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I like the whole idea and principle behind that group.Plus the rules are fair and straightforward.I 'd like an invite and i hope it'll be a nice social group as well.
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I hope so too! (write in the forums!) will send you an invite! :)
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I will send you an invite too! :) Thanks for joining everyone! Hope this group will go well!
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I like the idea of your group, it sounds very fair :)
I would like to join your group, because I hope in this group only peole will enter for a game, that they will really play and I like the thought that the games wich I gave away will be played and loved <3 :D
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yeah I like the idea too! :D Youre invite is send! :)
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you can enter and try it out, if you dont like it, you can leave (would be nice if you write than what you didnt like so we can eventually make it better ^^ maybe even before you leave)
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ok no problem here with that. :) but if you change your mind, youre welcome to join (as long as there a slots)
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I'm in a few 1:1 ratio groups, and by far the best one is the one with a $300 CV requirement to join. Both in terms of quality of members and quality of giveaways. Just sayin'.
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I first invite everyone and whatever they did before, as long as they dont break the rules, make the GAs giving the GAs to the winner, I dont see a porblem. If someone causes trouble they will get kicked instantly.
And if the group will fail now because of this, I will invite new members this time with 300CV requierment. But first I will try it like this and hope it works out.
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The problem with ratio groups and bad members is: they will start off with a small GA to get in, win something big, and not follow up/leave the group.
I've been in a ratio group that died out because winners were not making new giveaways and then it all stalls. But hey, try it out, see how it goes :) Just giving my 2 cents.
As for the group, I like the idea but I'm in too many groups at the moment! Good Luck!
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thank you, will keep that in mind. But I think everyone deserves at least one chance.
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Is it a ratio group then? Count me in then, Im interested :)
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Do you even have giveaway slots left with all those deleted giveaways?
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So, if you get accepted, then what? You can't even make a giveaway :P
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Ok I am done. I do not want in anymore. this wayyyyyy to much work arguing with people. I mean this is for the admin to decide not you guys. all I wanted to do was to join the group. then everyone is on me because I have made one giveaway on steam gifts. Ok I am done cya later.
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Well, how would it be fair to the whole group if you didn't give everyone a chance to win?
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OK, think about this: Say you're in the group and someone wants to give away Dishonored. Ten people have it on their wishlist, so they all want it.
How would you pick? That's the point of SteamGifts - everyone who wants it enters, the system picks a winner by random. Fair for everyone. Then that winner makes a giveaway and it keeps going that way.
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Isn't that the whole point of Steamgifts - that it provides a comprehensive system for random gifting, rather than simply giving a game to some pre-selected person on your friends list, Mr Van Der Schmash?
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the problem here is that if you got suspended you can give away games, am i right? And it makes no sense to have people in the group that cant make or join giveaways.
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this is correct. The majority of suspensions are given as slaps on the wrist by the staff and can be for things on the forums not just making fake GAs
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one simple question
is the introduce need to appear on someone wishlist, too?
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DAMN, miss a few words! xD
should be "is the introduce GA's game need to appear on someone wishlist, too?"
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Ah OK, gotcha :)
I supposed it's up to the OP, but with a group called Wish List Giveaways; I would imagine all giveaways should be on someone's wishlist.
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yes, we only give away games that are at least at one members wishlist! :3
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I think its good idea but how about if I stay in your and make only once giveaway and only win a game from your group?
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Ratio groups work like this:
You give away a game when you first join. Then you can enter giveaways, but for each win, you have to make a new giveaway. If you win and don't make a new one, you would normally be kicked.
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I mean after I win a giveaway and make a new giveaway like your rules and after that I only stay on your steam group and not participate any giveaway from your steam group for while. Can I join?
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Yes you can join, but beeing inactive should not be a steady state.
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Wish List Giveaways
The idea for this group is, that you can only win games that you really wish for, its not important if the game costs 1$ or 50$, the only important thing is that it must be of one of the members wish list. All type of games (bundle games) are allowed. I expect that you keep your wish lists up to date (delete if you won one of your wish list games) and I suggest to have at least a few cheaper games on the list. And here comes the next thing, it will be your choice if this will be another one dollar giveaway group or a 10$+ giveaway group. I hope it will be a mix, maybe some time you can give away a 10$+ game, some times a cheap bundle game, no problem with that. To prevent that people only make giveaways every month and never win, you only have to make a giveaway when you join the group and when you win a giveaway. You win a giveaway you make a new one! And don't forget it has to be at least in one of the members wish lists! So this group will be formed by you, with making a giveaway you automatically spawn a new one (because the winner must make a giveaway, so the more giveaways you make, the more the other members have to make. You can make a giveaway every time you wish, but you only need to if you win a giveaway of another member. Only 20 group members, so that you all have an awesome chance to win a giveaway! :D
1) Make an entry giveaway when you join the group within the next 48 hours after you joined!
2) Have a clean steam profile (and in your own interest make your profile public, if you don´t share your wishlist with us we cant buy the games you wish for :3)
3) You need 400$ contributor value to join the group (please no ontributor value on the giveaways itself!)
4) Only giveaways that are on at least one members wish list are allowed
5) If you win a giveaway you have to make a new one within the next 48 hours
6) Giveaways must be open at least 48 hours (and you should be okay with this short time giveaways!)
7) Use this tool to check what games the group members wish for: http://steamwishlist.mabako.net/AWLG
8) Post the link to your giveaway in the forum thread (and only there)!
9) Keep your wish list up to date (so this whole wish list thing can work properly)
10) If you break the rules, you will get kicked
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