Lord of Hell: dam ci prawdziwy klucz

Lord of Hell: samem nie jestem

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: czemu nie pokazuje mi w ekwipunku tej gry ? :/

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: przeciez kupilem

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: i dalem opcje dodaj do mego ekwipunku

Lord of Hell: em

Lord of Hell: czekaj wejdz w swoj ekwipunek

Lord of Hell: i zobacz czy mozesz wymieniac

Lord of Hell: moge zobaczyc twoje gry?

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: no dawaj :P

Lord of Hell: zrob tak zebym mogol

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: widze mam w ekwipunku

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: w steam

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: the binding of issac

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: taki lezacy bobek :P

Użytkownik Lord of Hell zaakceptował zaproszenie do wymiany.

Thomson | KC Olciu ;-* <3: poszlo ?

Użytkownik Lord of Hell zmienił status na: Offline.

For users out of Poland This man have nick Lord of Hell and he scamm me i know he want scamm me but i want to prove it :D first he say "i give you CS: GO key only 200 persons have that" and from this sentence i know he was lying becouse a lot of my friends have CS: GO :) so i make a stupid person from myself :D and countinued this conversation i send him the bindings of the isaac and see OFFLINE !! :D so i just want to say AVOID THIS PERSON he only try to scam you too :) THANKS FOR READING and Have a nice day

1 decade ago*

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Wstrząsająca historia!

1 decade ago

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Jak zwykle wstyd za Polaków. I nie mówię tu o temacie, tylko o debilnych komentarzach od gówniarzy i neokidów.

1 decade ago

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nice to give scammers things so they try it again and again

1 decade ago

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WTF, isn't this an English language site? Of course, I understand, that there is nothing wrong with this, but god damn! Huge part of forum is on polish language, which nobody, but Poles can understand. It is english-supporting site, so please, use english! Do Poles have to occupy everything? D:

1 decade ago

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Jesteśmy Polacy. Opór jest bezcelowy.

1 decade ago

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Find me a rule that states SteamGifts is English-only.

1 decade ago

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I have a greater number in my nickname. Your argument is invalid.

1 decade ago

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Zamiast pisać jego nick, daj link do steamcommunity... nick łatwo zmienić
[Instead of writing his nick, give us link to steamcommunity ... nick is easy to change]

1 decade ago

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co za asy!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ThomsonPL.