What is the best joystick/Controller thingy for the Steam Games? For like Trine games,Mortal Kombat too maybe,State of Decay,Dark Souls, etc...a neighbour told me he plays oblivion on game pad lol... So wich is best,globally?for Steam games, the Xbox one ,or PS 3 or what?:D
So it's best to get Xbox360 ,the normal one,for the console..& get usb adapter/use it only wireless?(using XboX360 CONSOLE version Wireless on laptops/routers works without adapters?or adapter required or cable only xD ?)

    • I read some people like having the controller with a wire they said it's lighter without battery (did they mean their version/model has NO SLOTS/SOCKETS whatsoever for batteries or that they did but they just were empty?xD) Others said the other way arround that they love their controller with no wire xD .
  1. On my laptop/maybe some desktops too yeah - can i add USB Extender thingies to have more slots in just 1 slot of usb ,& use 3 or up to four XboX360 Controllers for gaming parties?xD

**WOW epic so many posts :D OKAY GUYS SO NUMBER 1 VOTED IS THE CONTROLLER FROM XBOX 360,best is Wireless+Cable best of both :trollface: . Expensive as hell too though ^_^ and i loooove these damn custom ones MicrosoftXboXPimpedcontrollers

11 years ago*

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Xbox 360

11 years ago

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Wired 360 controller. Mainly due to the fact that most games that you can use a controller with on PC do not have issues with it. So if you do not want to mess with extra things I would suggest that one.

Now I prefer getting the official ones due to I have had a few 3rd party controllers that break or stop working way too often. ( This also extends to controllers for other systems.. get the official or at the very least a brand that is considered to be VERY good. ) I also know of a few people who have had odd issues with 3rd party xbox 360 controllers not working for games they should unless you use a extra program like joytokey.

( I had issues with the thumb-sticks in the past with a few 3rd party controllers that is why I am mentioning this. Of course everyone has their own experiences and you might not ever have the experience I have had even if you get the exact same controller )

Also.. to note again.. as others have said. The D-pad is just.. awful. The only thing I hate about the 360 controllers.

11 years ago

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i have logitech F710 - best buy

11 years ago

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Xbox 360 has the best compatibility with Windows/DX & Windows games.
Kinda figures since MS makes them all.

11 years ago

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Xbox360 controller will have best compatibility with most games. But I use Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 - it's good, it's more based on PS design. But has a lot of compatibility problems so I have to emulate it as Xbox360 controller to get it working for a lot of games. So I suggest Xbox360 original controller or ones made by Razer (actually better because they have adjustable buttons and they are stronger than original ones).

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by CrescentMoon.