After few days game will go over from Free2Play to Paid.
Last chance add free in your steam.

Game in steam -

Message from the dev:
In 7 days, the game will change, once again, its business model. Now from Free2Play to Paid.

Here in Carlos Alberto Martinez Carrillo we (I) are (am) very transparent. The reason behind this change is because the free2play business model didn't work out in the end. The revenue has been null or near to null since the change some months ago.

It is preferable to make the game paid again (and not expensive), while also running discounts periodically. That way, I will see at least some bucks xd

Existing players who grabbed the game while it was free keep it (as far as I know, pardon me if it is not the case). And, well, you still have one week to grab it :p Go ahead!

Thank you for your support, see you around! ♥

(By the way, I'm already cooking a new game, can't really talk much about it in this "type" of announcement, but you can check it out in my Developer Page ;) ).

4 years ago

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