Game was sort of hit and miss for me (though not enough of a miss that I didn't complete my own DLCs just now)- basic, always appealing Warhammer/X-Com/etc style turn-based tactical gameplay (made perhaps a bit clunkier given the restrictiveness caused by the underlying card design; Very much recommend the free game Card Hunter as an alternative tactical RPG style game that better uses its cards to actually add an appealing dynamic to gameplay), but definitely in need of balancing and UI improvements that it never ended up receiving (as is unfortunately typical of mobile game ports).
It's definitely not a game I'd consider as competing with bigger name tactical games, or personally recommend to gamers who only sparsely play the genre to begin with. Nonetheless, there was still enough appeal that some would likely still find it a worthwhile purchase, though one may find benefit in checking gameplay videos prior to purchase or playing the game within its refund window, to safely make sure they're indeed one of those individuals.
They removed mandatory online some time ago, which I believe also disabled online code redemption, but it might be worth looking up and testing redemption codes nonetheless (keeping in mind that this is a mobile-based grindy game, with card fusions, so having more cards unlocked is less of a balance breaker and more of a streamlining of play). During the transfer process to offline the codes no longer had any redemption limit, so if you do find a code that works, it may be worth attempting it multiple times to see whether that's still the case. Code redemption no longer works, as tested by RATT78.
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That grind was one of the reasons I stopped playing Space Wolf before finishing the base campaign.
Though with the online part removed, I wonder if it's possible to cheat for cards now. Maybe using cheat engine to give you the currency to purchase card packs. Unfortunately I won't have time to test that before this sale ends.
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thanks, wanted to buy this one for a long time and its now or never
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How nice, they (or Steam) broke the bundle so it's only available in six regions:
oh well, I already have the game and I guess I won't be needing the DLCs
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'they' no, that was crapValve crapping again
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Ok, so valve made stupid rules, but some dlcs are not purchasable because the publisher didn't align with said rules. So they are both responsible in my book.
That said, valve could just enforce their ideal minimum price so the product is 50c or whatever even if the publisher involuntarily makes it cheaper - instead of just hiding it and disabling purchase. Wouldn't it be in the best interest of buyers, sellers and valve themselves?
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Doesn't that mean that the missing DLCs will become available again once the discount ends and they go back above the minimum price ?
Still, it was a bad way for Valve to implement it.
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Not available in Europe either. You can add to cart, but won't let you purchase the bundle. I own base game.
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Deluxe edition is broken due dlc prices. I hope they fix it
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The one DLC listed at zero dollars will need to be purchased elsewhere in order to be able to buy the deluxe edition. Just an FYI.
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even though I own the base game, when I tally up what steam is charging for the DLC (in Canadian dollars) it comes to 4.58 ... whereas GOG is selling complete edition for 3.99 ?
Good time to start giving GOG my business I guess. I guess the only reason to pay more to steam would be because the DLC gives you new cards/achievements ?
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Steam's a complete-the-set, so you get a discount based on what you own; GOG doesn't offer that. The GOG version is cheaper on its own, but should be more expensive if you own even just the base game (though regional pricing may vary that fact).
The only obvious benefit of the Steam version is the achievements, yes. Steam trading cards are only ever unlocked by the listing type of the game- through the base game [standard listings], through DLCs [Free listings], or through in-game purchases [Free-on-Demand listings].
You seemingly can't, as the developer, set multiple unlock methods for the same game (theoretically, cards are toggled by Steam only after checking listing type, so it should be impossible at a technical level to have it linked to multiple methods), so in this case, trading cards would unlock through owning the base game, while owning or not owning DLCs wouldn't affect your trading cards in any way.
GOG being DRM-free and better supported (eg, by integrating unofficial patches), you usually get a lot more bang for your buck there. Conversely, Steam offers smooth multiplayer connectivity and easy modding access through Workshop, making it an arguably better option for certain games.
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is it a game worth getting the dlc? or just base game?
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Some dlc are in my opinion more worth than other. Here are my thoughts on this:
"Saga of the Great Awakening" is essential, because it is the last chapter of the campaign.
"Fall of Karnak" is the dlc version of an event, it is needed for some cheevos. Not a must have dlc, but I would recommend you get it.
"Wrath of the Damned" is the dlc version of another event and needed for some cheevos. I would absolutely recommend buying it, it pretty fun and very rewarding w/r/t to the loot you get.
"Exceptional Card Pack" gives you 20 cards. Was nice back when the game came out, but isn't needed now. If fiddle with the game files you can get any card by that.
"Sentry Gun Pack" gives you cards and a squadmate. Depending on your playstyle might be fun, but isn't essential in any way.
"Drenn Redblade* gives you another squadmate. Not essential but kinda nice to have.
"Sigurd Ironside" gives you another squadmate and a couple of cards. Said squadmate helps in the early game, but isn't essential.
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I don't have any real insights into this particular issue, but in general post-ui-ichange-bug-approach considerations, have you tried seeing if you can add them to cart while NOT logged in, in Steam Community in browser, and then logging in after? Could also try VPN for North America just for the step of adding to cart (toggling it off before actually purchasing) to see if that works. Conversely, if you're using Steam Community in browser, it's been quite bugged since the UI change, so if you're having troubles there, client's worth checking.
The bundle itself seems to be wonked just due to not being accessible by most regions, though, so at best you'd probably only be able to get the individual DLCs, even if you can get that working. :/
(Likewise, being a bundle, there's no way to get it gifted, so that seems to be completely locked out for most people.)
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Thanks for the suggestions, private / logged out session didn't change anything, I haven't tried vpn and I'd be afraid to.
Interestingly, both DLCs show up in search with -90% but when I click on them, there is no purchase button (the whole price field is gone). After some conversion it seems that valve is butthurt about ~1 cent per dlc, so 2c difference "below threshold" and they are willing to die on that hill. What is even funnier, my region is now in top 3 most expensive regions, because they set the prices last October when the dollar was super strong, so now we have games 15-20% more expensive than the US, so I just stopped buying games from Steam, pretty much. I'm only buying the ones that kept the old prices and am boycotting publishers who mindlessly apply valve's "price recommendations" because I can get these games cheaper anywhere, like from fanatical or humble in euro.
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Speaking of getting them cheaper, DarthSidious noted below that the complete edition's available on GOG for only $3.49 USD (compared to $3.99 for Steam, if you didn't already own anything there), if you want to check that out and see if it's a reasonable option for your region.
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It's f'kin hilarious that Valve themselves fell into this trap:
Some of these games are not purchasable in "too cheap" regions, for example Team Fortress Classic or Day of Defeat.
However, maybe they fixed something, because the bundles ARE available. I guess we'll see.
[edit] the bundles are visible on the store but trying to check out (for example HL1 Anthlogy bundle) gives an error and purchasing is not possible.
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All of the DLCs give some few exclusive cards and often also squadmates, as better covered by igel. Given the cheap current price of the DLCs, and their effect on making gameplay more stimulating, I'd say you're getting a decent deal for the price for any of the DLCs, regardless of how lightly one values the DLC cards or even the base game itself.
That said, Saga of the Great Awakening does complete the campaign, as igel noted, and iirc is somwhat referenced by later content (ie, Fall/Wrath). Fall and Wrath are just arena modes for better grinding (though ones with distinct concepts and even characters), but Wrath is heavily recommended by many players due to having good drop rates and playing especially distinctively. Wrath's also one of the cheapest DLCs, making it especially appealing.
While I think Wrath does sort of have sentry guns in its mode, if you're looking to play more with sentry guns, you'll likely want the sentry gun dlc. Drenn and Siguard are just extra squadmates, helps the game a bit from getting stale. I don't recall any vital (ie, playstyle-specific or game mechanic changing) cards in the Exceptional Card Pack, but there's a lot of them in it, so it does help with game variety.
In the end, several DLCs are noteworthy, and all the DLCs are worth getting if they're cheap. Further, if you have the option to get the bundle, you're getting enough of a discount on the less substantial DLCs to make the bundle worthwhile over considering any individual DLCs. Conversely, if the bundle's bugged for you, as it seems to be with many commenters in this thread, then I suppose the big ones to consider are Saga and Wrath, as well as Sentry Gun if you find the idea of sentry gun based gameplay appealing.
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I just installed it to try to activated more promo codes, but the game is now completely off line, so no more codes can be activated to get more cards, this will be not so bad but also all my progress and all my cards/decks and space marines i unlocked in the past are gone, my progression in the campaings also is gone, the game just start from the tutorial mission =S
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For those who logged in between March 3rd and May 16th of last year, their data backed up offline. Unfortunately, that is about all you can do as a developer when shutting down online servers, though certainly they could have done better in making sure that information was better disseminated. :/
Real issue is in having always-online for a single player game in the first place, that was (as it always is) freaking stupid from the start. Sucks that you lost your progress. :(
Appreciate the heads up on the codes, though!
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There's a steam guide on how to reactivate the redeem code button, but I couldn't find the address to edit. I don't know if I'm a dummy or they changed something.
Maybe someone else wants to have a go and post results.
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I find this guide, but it is not for the redeem code button, but for the specific cards.
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Yeah in that guide's comments there's a link detailing the process and they say hexediting the level3 file will make the button reappear, but I can't find the offset in my file.
Thing is I didn't want to unlock all or specific cards, my idea was to have the button back and see if the published codes are still working.
If it gets too grindy I guess one can cheat engine the currency, forge packs or whatever (it's been a long time since I played) and call it a day.
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I caught this one in my Steam news (which doesn't seem to ever be 100% reliable for such things no matter what you do, but does more often than not catch news for any game that you've ever had installed at least once, meaning that you can at least use that method- combined with hitting the "show more from this game" a few times on the given game's news, to ensure the news feed gives it priority- on games you want to try to make more reliably hit your news feed).
That said, would be the general source for that kind of thing. Neither it nor the SG thread are super timely on every delisting, so it can be worthwhile to keep track of both. You might be able to dig up some Steam groups for it as well- there's usually some for that kind of thing- but those're the only two resources I personally take note of.
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So there's no way to get this through Steam because of the $0.00 DLC? I'm not interested in the GOG copy.
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It's not an issue with Valve. It's an issue with Games Workshop. The Warhammer license is expiring, as it has with so many other games. GOG is not exempt from this.
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On October 12, Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf and all of its DLC will be removed from the Steam store.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. They stated nothing about GOG. And for that matter, there is no news about other platforms. It doesn't even use the Workshop (which is a Steam feature, mind you), so that is not even relevant.
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As I understand it, the developer of the game (HeroCraft) got a license from a company called "Games Workshop" - who is the creator of the franchise. This license might be time limited.
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Well, derp. Because this was all about Steam, it was on my mind. But it still doesn't state anything about any of that, let alone how it affects GOG. People are speculating over things that aren't even said. Their own forums on GOG doesn't have anyone posting anything on it, collecting cobwebs.
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Warhammer games are regularly removed due to license expirations, and there's no clear reason for the still-active publisher to remove their game exclusively from Steam for any other reason, so it'd be pretty easy to assume it'd be removed from GOG as well. That said, I can't find any official statements beyond the news post on Steam that I quoted in the thread post, so it's one of those things we can't be 100% about until we pass Oct 12. Seems quite unlikely that'd it remain on GOG beyond that point, however.
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already owned game but not the DLC so gonna grab it now, I hope they just mean they're going to make it unpurchaseable in store though, not remove the pages
I really value having the pages as a reminder of what DLC that I own since DLC doesn't show up in the steam launcher
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as a reminder of what DLC that I own since DLC doesn't show up in the steam launcher
While it's true that you can't tell what DLC you don't own if the pages are removed, all owned DLC is visible within the library page of the given game, if you scroll down and look at the right info bars (see attached screenshot below).
Rather, opening up that section (through "manage my # DLCs") is how you toggle DLCs on and off, a vital feature for some games (ie, those where you need to disable DLCs for multiplayer compatibility or for personal preference and, in some cases, it's a section needed to actually toggle certain DLCs on to start with).
There's no information in that screen beyond their name and icon, so sometimes it's still hard to figure out what they do without googling them, but you can at least reliably tell which ones you own.
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thanks for pointing that out, I don't think I ever paid close enough attention, or if I did I didn't notice the 'manage' aspect
since some DLC involves downloading extra data (increasing install size) this would seem like an important feature, especially for things like when a game has 4K graphics enhancements
Like you want it on your account, but probably with the box unchecked if playing it on a lower-graphics PC
Do you know what happens if you already have DLC installed and then uncheck it? I'm not sure if that auto-uninstalls it or not.
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Now 30% off instead of 90%?! Thought the bigger discount would last longer than this.
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Just tested this and can confirm that the code only gives you the base game, but you MUST purchase something in order to use it.
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933 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Chris76de
Update, Oct 8th:
The game and all DLCs are currently -90% on Steam.
Update, Oct 5th:
Courtesy of igel2005:
Update, Oct 4th:
Courtesy of heads-up from Axelflox:
Also available for $1 at Humble. Humble version includes all DLCs except for the Exceptional Card Set, meaning that it provides different DLCs (and missed DLCs) relative to the Fanatical offer below.
Offer discussion thread:
Update, Sep 14th:
Courtesy of comment by WaxWorm [>>]:, for a $1 / 1€ Space Wolf package.
Note: I'm not seeing the following DLCs listed:
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Fall of Kanak
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Sentry Gun Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Siguard Ironside [Note: Shows in Steam library as Wolf Priest]
and thereby they likely aren't included, making this likely to be an incomplete offer.
With $2 or more total purchase, you can also apply the 10% off code OMEN10 to your order.
Offer discussion thread:
Update, Sep 6th:
"Looks like Gamesplanet is giving that game for free for THANKYOU code" [As noted by xxxka >>][Base game only, requires additional purchase.]
Update, Sep 5th:
Steam version seems to have dropped to a paltry 30% off. GOG version is still available at full discount, for the time being.
Steam's complete edition is available in a $3.99 bundle format, but appears to be restricted in availability to only a small number of regions. Likewise, individual DLCs on Steam appear to be restricted for low value currency regions due to sabotage by Valve. For those who don't already own content on Steam, or are having trouble purchasing on Steam, GOG's complete edition is available for only $3.49.Comment has been collapsed.