This is because I want to make a GA for a game, but I don't know if the key is still valid or not. I don't want to be wrong and have to buy it again, but I also don't want it to go to waste because I wasn't sure.

I need help finding out whether or not a key has been used. But I currently cannot access the Steam servers because my school sucks.
My proposal is that another user who already owns this game tries it and let's me know the results (duplicate key/Product Key has already been used).

If I enter a used Bioshock Infinite key into steam (I bought Bioshock directly from the store) I get the following: (1st image)
But if I enter an unused Bioshock Infinite key I get this message asking me if I want to re-install Bioshock Infinite: (2nd image)

These are different based upon one thing; whether or not the key has been used.

I am currently looking for someone who owns AoF World Online: Community Edition to test a key that I have. Let me know if you're interested.

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I have a key for AoF World Online: Community Edition, could someone test it for me?

8 years ago

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This is useless and won't work, Steam prefers saying "Owned" over "Duplicate"

8 years ago

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If I re-enter my Bioshock key on a different steam account it will say "already owned/used" but if I use an unused bioshock key on my account it'll say "you already own this" and let you ask if you want to download it again. These messages can be used to find out if a key has been used or not.

8 years ago

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No. If you use used key on account with that game in library it will just say "you already own this"
So there is no chance to know that key is used or not. unless you want to just activate it on someone acc :)

Will write down all possibilities:
Key NOT used
You have game in library - Steam will say "you have it"
You don't have game in library - Steam will activate it!

Key IS used
You have game in library - Steam will say "you have it"
You don't have game in library - Steam will say "USED"

8 years ago*

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you get a message "product already owned" if you have that game. if not, you ADD that game to that account library.
so there's no way to test unless you use the key.

8 years ago

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there's no way to test if a key is used or not.
steam will either add it to your account or say you already have it, not if it's already used.

8 years ago

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As far as i know, if you have that game in library it will just say that you have it, even if that key was used

8 years ago

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Well if you don't know for what game the key is, then yes, somebody with huge library is able to help you. while minimizing the chances of accidentally redeeming the key himself.

But if you know for what game it is - then nobody can help you anymore, because using the key on your own account will always result with already owned message (unless key is actually invalid or revoked, which happened with Shan Gui yesterday), and if your account doesn't own it, then it'll result with appropriate message such as key is used already, key is region locked or key got redeemed.

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by MrAwesomeFalcon.