The price on (vanilla) Skyrim will drop when they come out with a GOTY version which includes all the DLC. In other words, the price will drop when people no longer are willing to pay the current price. (See Morrowind and Oblivion prices for an example of that.)
Hmm... Looks like we need to go even deeper.
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I say it hasn't lowered because the next Elder Scrolls it not yet upon us. Perhaps Elder Scrolls Online will have... Microstransactions.
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Skyrim outsold Oblivion the first day. It'll take some time, and by then everybody owns it anyways.
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Yep, Blizzard rarely makes any price changes to any of their latest games from what I've seen
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So true.
Dano se wdignat dohodite shtoto inache she qdem chepa s teq ceni...
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i will agree that it may be a fair bit in your country, i get extra taxed so it prob wouldnt straight convert like that (this was AUD price in a store and we have to pay an extra 30-40% on most electronics and video games that are imported in from overseas). but considering i would have to pay 3 times that price for any new call of duty game (not that i ever would anymore) i consider it cheap. (for example, the last one was $128)
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That's just what I was thinking when I saw the title for the thread.
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I can't think of a more logical reason than this.
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Because people seem to think newer is better, and Skyrim is the most recently released TES game.
Of course, Oblivion was better. And Daggerfall. Morrowin(d) was good, even if I hated running out of Stamina trying to get somewhere at a decent speed or dodge attacks. Arena, well, it was a framework for Daggerfall, as far as I'm concerned. It can get away with being mediocre.
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I actually really disliked Oblivion. It wasn't a bad game, but between the monotony of being forced into like 20 very similar Oblivion gates to complete the main quest (as well as the monotonous Thieves Guild questline)... it really struggled to keep my interest. Dark Brotherhood was pretty fun, the rest was meh. The story as a whole wasn't particularly thrilling.
Skyrim however I hit 100 hours before even realizing it. Which is a lot to me.
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Technically you only need to go in the Kvatch gate and the Bruma gate, IIRC. It makes the Bruma fight harder, but odds are you're a physical god by then. All wilderness and unlisted city gates are optional, though they give you useful Sigil Stones.
I agree with the Thieves Guild point though, that was dull. I liked the conclusion though.
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because they are making more money this way than would do otherwise. (when demand for Skyrim will decrease enough, they will lower the price, and another wave of buyers will explode). And i'm happy for them, as they deserve all the money they make
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Black Isle is back too, but it's not the same Black Isle of course. Also Project Eternity looks like it has a much better chance of actually getting to market than Project V13 (I didn't invest in either of them but crowd-sourcing FTW?). Hell I only moderately care for South Park but I'll likely end up buying "The Stick of Truth" after watching some behind the scenes videos on Game Informer's site.
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You can't "buy" them on Steam, they have been added to Steam as a Bonus that you get for free when you buy the Pack, the pack doesn't cost more because of it.
Edit: I guess you want them to be added as Free to Play games so that you don't have to buy the GTA pack and still have GTA 1 and 2 in your library.. i don't understand why though.. they are free, just download them elsewhere.
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ES1 & ES2 free link please & RA 1 free link please
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Because it's worth every penny. Considering what Skyrim gives you for 60$ and what other games give you for 60$, your getting off cheap.
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a) because it's awesome
b) because 1 year, 2,5 months != 2 years
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And the day you decide to complain about this is the day it's 50% off at £17.49
Edit: Also, you tell me why older COD games are so expensive, or ANYTHING else published by Activision/Blizzard
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