So OP, you're asking us to vote a girl who's not even a real gamer while at the same time you qualify other people as posers. I'll translate what it says in the descriptions so that people can judge by themselves, even if they don't know Spanish.
First girl. Cute pictures of her and blahblah. This is what it says:
"Hello! My name is Sofie and for those who know me, in internet I go by the name "chofi rouge". I've been playing since I was a child but I'm too lazy to post a list of games like others since I don't remember how many games I've played, hahaha. What I know is that I'm better at MMORPGs, MOBAs and shooters. Now I practically only play League of Legends and Audition because I have little time because of the college, but whatever. I hope I win the earphones because they'd help me a lot for my streams, even more now that summer is coming and they'll surely be more common (her streams). And for those who want to see my page, here it is: facebook.com/chofitaa (I do LoL cosplay as well). That's all, kisses and vote for me :c!"
Second girl. We don't get to see her face. Why? Because she's wearing the Oculus Rift thing!
"Many know me as Lunatika or just Luna. I see lots of girls talking about LoL, Dota, CoD, CS, but where's the true gaming? Where's the cracking your head with a retro point-n-click game, roleplaying with an unforgettable character in your favorite RPG, riding to the horizon in Shadow of the Colossus, dying of fear with any Silent Hill, laughing as hard as you can with Crash Bandicoot, or crying with To The Moon? I think there's a lot of people that forget that BIG piece of gaming culture, of single-player, old-school and indie gaming.
For those who don't know me, I'm 22 years old, I'm the founder of Survival Horror Downloads - Argentine website dedicated to horror games (my favorite genre). I'm a redactor of the [IRROMPIBLES] magazine and been a user of Taringa (local website) for all my life.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lunatikashd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lunatika_shd
Taringa: http://www.taringa.net/lunaticaSh
PS: In the picture I appear playing an Argentine game (The Hum) with Oculus Rift :)"
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For those who wanna know.
Also +1 for Chris Taylor
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Easypromos receives alot of facebook info when I vote.
Sorry I wont vote.
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But you're fine with facebook selling all of your info?
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And the most girls are just Gamer Girls and everyone knows that gamer girls are no real gamer...
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So... Slut or raging asshole? Are those the only options?
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Spanish is spoken in more than one country, the contest is from Chile I think but there's people from argentina, uruguay and other south american countries
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.- -- --- --- ... . --- -. -.-. . -... .. - -- -.-- ... .. ... - . .-.
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This is why 90% of girls think they are special snowflakes when they pick up a controller.
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I remember a time where the sole purpose of playing games was to have fun, not garnering recognition and entitlement. I dont know why a normal human being who respects her identity as a whole would put themselves out there and expect to be rewarded for being female and playing games.
What's the point? They all play games so what separates them? What makes any of them unique? Their looks obviously. It' a beauty contest. I would rather rate them according to their capabilities in the kitchen.
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This. For this reason I prefer not to be labelled a girl gamer or gamer girl or whatever people call each other. I hate that the whole 'I play CoD, tee hee!' thing has further driven the wedge between male and female gamers. I just want to go to the shop and pick out my weekend entertainment without people thinking I'm a spastic self entitled slut, because if I have boobs and games I MUST be, right? I'd also prefer to avoid the other end of the sword in which people think I do nothing but sit at home all day dole bludging and playing dota. It seems like if you're a chick you're automatically either one or the other.
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No, because the only joystick she knows how to use isn't a controller.
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And she isn't even a gamer. "I've been playing since childhood but can add a list as others because obviously I do not remember" What a load of shit.
I can remember pretty much every game I've ever played.
Everyone should vote for the Lunatika Moon girl instead since she is in second. And she has pretty good taste in video games.
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Quoting OP "heres a lot of posers trying to steal the first prize". Even when the person he linked to isn't even a gamer, just someone who poses as such.
I'm happy to see Luna in the second place. She's cool, writes for a local magazine I support, runs a website dedicated to horror games and... did I mention she's actually a gamer?
Whatever, I'll translate the description that appears in the first 3 places and hijack the first post so that people can judge.
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Please vote my friend, she needs our help! Theres a lot of posers trying to steal the first prize!
You can help us while there is still time!
Thanks for your vote!
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