I did their stupid tasks at first when they only asked for a few things, but now they have you doing all kinds of stupid shit for trash games. I can't be bothered to do it anymore.

Rant over just wanted to know if anyone else feels the same way.

8 years ago

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Do you participate in Gleam giveaways?

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8 years ago

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Yeah, the Gleam giveaways got really crazy.
Still, I participate in them on the rare occasions when the game they give away isn't a total crap.

8 years ago

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Giveaways with a bunch of cs:go raffle groups, reffer links and Instagram/Tumblr yeah, TUMBLR are my only problems. I have Instagram, for some reason, but why the fuck do I need to follow "Oreo Giveaways" there?

8 years ago

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Yeah, their too anoying but whats worse is the people who get those then try to gift them on here... hahahaha

8 years ago

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I ignore any and all gleam giveaways. They're always terrible games and you have to do so many actions. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, sell your soul, ...

8 years ago

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it's gotten beyond ridiculous but occasionally they're either more sensible or for a game I want enough to tolerate the annoyance

8 years ago

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I mean, they are giving you the games for free, you can't really argue with that! Also you can use userscripts like gleam.helper (not to be confused with gleam.solver) to speed up the process.

8 years ago

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The profile on this group pretty much sums up gleam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/UnOriginal_Giveaway_Groups

8 years ago

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For a second you got me confused, I thought someone hacked and changed the original-Original GG group xD

8 years ago

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It would have been wonderful if that was the case ^^

8 years ago

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The thing that I confused is
Support said gleam is a ref link.. Indirectly I guess?
So, they're can't be here, since SG rules said so
But it's still happening like it's nothing
Well maybe I'm just confused

8 years ago

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Some gleam.io giveaways require you to visit - for example - tremorgames. If you click on the link and check the url you got redirecred to, there's a clear ref=XXXXXX in the link.
Users are not allowed to post their own ref links, but if a giveaway includes one ref for a user, who's maybe not even SG-user, that's not our problem. It's just a dick move from the creator of the initial gleam-giveaway.

8 years ago

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I wouldn't call it give-aways. They ask you to sell your soul. Give all your information, join this, follow this. It's a reward system.

So yeah, I hate them

8 years ago

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If it's for a game that I'd like to have, I do the stuff. If I don't want it, or I don't like the tasks, I don't do them.
It's not that difficult :P

8 years ago

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I especially hate "more friends = more entries"... luckily there were no such crap when I've won Overwatch few days ago :P

8 years ago

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Not necessarily Gleam itself, but rather the people who set them up.

Way back when, it used to be a simple 4~5 tasks, all relevant to the giveaway itself - Visit a greenlit page for another game by the same developer, look at the developers twitter or FB page, if you were unlucky you might have to join a single group, but even that still held some relevance - like a game had been bundled, so they include a task to go look at DIG for a random example.

Nowadays however it seems most developers can't be bothered and just dish out thousands of keys to so-named "Publishers". Who create the giveaway themselves but then double, or even triple, the amount of tasks for obvious personal gain. Join 3~5 groups to advertise their own crap (and usually scam groups at that, or at least things that require a "buy in", the CSGO "jackpot" crap that's "popular" now for instance...), retweet or like something that has nothing to do with the game(s) given away, or in more recent cases, tremorgames referral links.

I'm all for getting something for your "service" in lieu of actual money, but when your blatantly abusing something you've been given, then it simply becomes greed. I don't care if you post a group link, or your referral link, but pick one. Do two separate giveaways if need be, but when your own crap exceeds what the developer has asked you to do... >.>

If you convert those tremor referral links to profile links, you do find the occasional one or two who actually are SG users. At least I did the once. Even if not, it becomes hard to resist wanting to spam their profile...

I do use Tremor, but never joined by a referral link. Nine times outta then, I go out of my way to remove the referral URL from any site I actually visit unless I actually know the person, just to spite the guy spamming his/her ref link around. Still , unfortunately, it obviously does work when you see how many referrals they have (even if 98% of them are never active).

Anyway, then you have the "other kind" of "giveaways". The Raffles. Now those I outright refuse to even try to win. Anything that has a task to get your "friends" to sign up for extra entries goes straight outta the window. Aside from the fact you actually end up reducing your own chances (e.g 10 friends to get 10 points, but each of those 10 friends gets 6 points from the default. You just gave yourself 50 points of competition.) 9.9/10 people get annoyed by being given some random stupid link and asked to sign up, and that's assuming they're even asked directly, and its not just some link that gets spammed on forums, FB, Twitter or wherever else besides.

Still, almost nothing else can compare to constantly seeing giveaways created for Deadbreed, The Deer, Woodle Tree Adventures...
Deadbreed is even Free to Play dammit, so where do they get the damn keys from? Even dlh had a collection of them.

8 years ago*

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They used to work for me so I did them, now I only get "Sorry, you're creating too many entries; try again." when I try to complete a task.

8 years ago

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