Have you ever seen an online "discussion" between PC gamers and console gamers? Do you think your presentation will end up any better?
PC gaming is without a doubt superior, but let people play what they want to play, don't force anything and especially don't allow yourself to be dragged into an argument.
"You can't make people smarter. You can expose them to information, but your responsibility ends there."
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yes yes I know, but these are people in a Univ. not some ignorant 6 year old. There have already been talks that they know PS4 and XboxOne is pretty much shit, but they still think PC is the same as console and it costs more. So im hoping that the fact that they are in University gives them enough intelligence to see THE TRUTH!!!!!
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well if consoles died out, we might nto have to deal with any stupid ports, or any "competition" ruling out the use of "exclusives". Mods, blah, blah blah, etc. I personally think comparing pc to consoles, is like comparing Linux to Windows, except there shouldn't be any learning curve win-win
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Yup, but instead the price of PC games would inflate drastically because there wouldn't be any competition. Not the mention development costs to keep the games at top-edge quality (ohh the PC gamers will feel that too to run those games), and also they won't sell as much copies then they would if there was also consoles (some people can't/don't want to play on PC).
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yes that's the mindset that is current.
but change wont happen without any action, and i have shown my friends that you can play PC with controller and they are still arrogant to not do it.
im not tryin to change the world here, just persuade a few people if i can
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um no, it's arrogant when they try to use that as an excuse. as stated below they think you are restricted to desk and keyboard.
i really need to change up my original post to try to calm down some of you who are taking this way to seriously.
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Maybe you should make it an interactive presentation. Hook up a PC to a big TV or projector, plug in a couple of XBox controllers, and let them play for a while. Maybe even have a console on display just to fool them. Then the big reveal, actually guys you were playing on PC the whole time. Well, it won't actually show them PC is better, just challenge their assumptions about the keyboard/mouse chained to the desk thing. I don't know, maybe you could have both the PC and console running simultaneously, but hide the console/PC tower. Ask them which one looks/runs better, collect the results, and boom reveal which one is the PC. Of course if the console somehow wins then you're screwed. And I guess if it's an interactive presentation you're not doing much speech which is kinda the point of the subject. I don't know man do your own homework.
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it would nice but, I don't plan some big E3 expo to show them real "next-gen" graphics. lol the taste test wouldn't work anyways. If the only thing holding people to consoles is their own arrogant opinion even if they know PC is better because it isn't all that hard to comprehend they would just take a guess at which was console. Just a speech yes, and I was doing my own homework but a lot of footage showing differences in games aren't always titled as such. I mean I wanted to look up GTA V cars or terrain graphics and both usually end up with some guy in a garage or someone driving around town with the camera in a bad place. So I was asking if anyone had any videos they had in mind because when they had seen the video they had clearly noticed a huge difference. Like me just recently saw some PS4 gameplay of alien isolation.....the place literally looks like theyre in a bounce house, like wtf, pc version is a lot better, but walls and floors are clearly not a big point for console ppl to switch.
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"that you can play PC with controller and they are still arrogant to not do it."
hgjksd. It drives me nuts when my friends tell me they don't want to get into PC games because you're somehow "restricted to a desk and keyboard" and they like to relax on their bed or couch.
My father is an old, disabled Army vet and he has no problems treating my desktop like a console, with a controller, my TV, and my armchair, lol. Why can't people my age grasp this concept?
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That's nice. I never said you should always/only use a controller, nor that you should always use m/kb. Only that you can do either.
The option is often there for those that prefer it, and for a lot of crappy ports, a controller can be easier to use than m/kb. For a lot of us, that's one of the biggest general reasons we prefer PC gaming -- it has more options.
And fwiw, my main complaint was only that my friends only ever tell me they feel restricted to a desk and a keyboard. That's the only 'reason' they ever have for not making the switch - not even a simple "I prefer x console exclusive titles" or some other normal reason - just the keyboard "issue." As if it is completely impossible to play on a PC in any other way.
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that's some wisdom right there XD. but i guess i should explicitly say that this is a 10 minute presentation i plan to show to my class, not some Illuminati bureau that plans to change humanity because some people are bashing me like i'm stating myself as some messiah to the world ;D
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Except that consoles and PCs aren't substitute goods. They're basically unrelated, many people own both.
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Consoles will always have to upgrade, or risk being left further and further behind PCs in power, graphical ability, etc. There are many people who own both, but there are many who choose between gaming on PC and gaming on a console. If consoles weren't trying to stay with PCs, I would think that people would eventually see that consoles were inferior (not trying to say that they are, don't flame me), and not buy the next gen of consoles, and put their money towards a gaming PC.
PCs, on the other hand, don't really need consoles to innovate, as all the separate hardware companies provide the competition needed to drive innovation.
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There exists no correlation between the competition in the console market and the PC market, except perhaps between Valve, Sony, and Microsoft, specifically for games that exist on all 3 platforms. In no other situation do Sony or Microsoft have to compete with PCs, because the PC gamer is nothing like the console gamer.
That's not to say that console gamers are smarter. They aren't. PC gaming is a superior choice, economically, for the consumer.
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I don't think all console gamers are dumb, but I do think that consoles are really useless nowadays. This thread wasn't really made for this argument per say, so I don't want to say too much on that, but I do think if they stopped making new consoles and everyone would eventually switch to PC everyone would win in the end.
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"So I'm going to be doing a presentation for Univ. trying to persuade console gamers to start pc gaming. I'm showing FPS, resolution, and cost."
What has that do with univ? I doubt this is a presentation for a grade...
"but you guys already know how fanboy console gamers can be."
Never met the PC "Master" Race have you?
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its a speech assignment, i chose to do this because it interests me. Sure someone might be doing one over why you should eat cupcakes instead of muffins. So that is how serious this should be taken, im not asking to change the world, im asking for legit reliable sources that can be used for this presentation
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Go to Eurogamer. Most of their articles nowadays are tech comparisons and PC always wins.
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that's some really harsh judgment over someone you don't know very well.
It's a speech assignment, not a course that has anything to do with technology. I just stated it was for univ. to give a premise of why i'm asking for this. You are the jerk for using that to be prejudice over this topic, if i hadn't stated anything about education would you have responded differently to this at all, would you actually have given it some thought or even tried to show me some next gen gaming being better than pc at least without having to bring in "ITT: "educated" master race circlejerk." into the mix?
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@bloosh100: Be mindful not to attempt to remove the intellectual insecurity of the ignorant; you'll only become aggravated. Intellectual capacity and insecurity are often over-simplified as a single gauge of intelligence; based on your initial post, the issue isn't if they're educated enough (being uni students), it's their axiomatic convictions in regards to consoles and/or PCs.
"Beliefs are hard to change; better to have a good idea." -- Kevin Smith.
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heh, well i never got mad with this in the first place, if people are judging me that's not something i care too much about on the internet if it's mean judgement. The whole university thing or education wasn't meant to be a part of this in the first place. Just explaining that i didn't just make this post because im bored, want to spam, or to show to my imaginary friend :3
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Yeah, I figured that was the case. That was my "I don't know you, but I'll attempt to convey my view while erring on the side of paranoia" thing. The key element of my mini-ramble was the gauging of intellect; your dismissal of the initial pretense is inspiring a content smile. =)
Still, the only thing I could add to all this is a side-by-side video comparison of modern console vs. modern PC. (Crysis 3, GTA V when it's released, Ryse: Son of Rome)... Then there's the pseudo-exclusive titles like Next Car Game: Wreckfest, and ARMA III.
Ahh, the good ol' internet... How glad I am to still have ample opportunity to communicate with others face-to-face - text (& emoticons) leave a lot to subjectivity (for us "old fogies" at least).
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Well before giving them examples, you will need to explain what is "resolution" at least, seriously most of them won't know, and what is a GPU and what it does, and for what is RAM, and CPU, and more things, and that you can play with a controller on PC.
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Go to http://www.30vs60fps.com/ . Name 30fps console quality and 60 fps PC quality.
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mhm im thinking of maybe askin if i could ask people to quietly walk up to the moniter to look closely for themselves one at a time during the speech. because i don't think the projector can, but who knows maybe i can ask them to get a hold of one for me for this.
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The best reason to get a PC is the overall cost. I don't notice huge game differences in most games, mainly because my rig is not "cutting-edge".
Since these are students, I'd wager 99.9% of them use a computer anyways. Why spend $400 on a crappy PC + $400 on a console? They already have to buy a PC for school, so why not just go big and buy a really nice machine. Something that will be awesome for school as well as gaming, instead of 2 mediocre devices that end up having a same combined cost.
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It CAN save you money, depending on how you buy games. If you buy every single game/bundle you can get your hands on, you're gonna spend a shit ton of money whether you're buying for PCs or consoles. If you only buy games you'd want to play, you can get multiple games for the price of one game from a console, and so you'd get all the games you actually need/want, you'll get there a lot cheaper and quicker than you would on a console.
Here's an example of a new-ish game: Shadow Of Mordor That's the cheapest price I could find for consoles. Granted, I didn't look very hard, but still.
But for PC, here's the cheapest price I could find without looking very hard: About $27
There's also trading for regional prices, GMG usually runs vouchers for new releases, and price errors, like Evolve for $5 :D
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I want game X. It cost 60e on consoles and 50e on PC on release day. If I'm willing to wait half a year, the game has gone down in price at least 50% on PC and still costs the same on console. You will never get AAA titles on console for 10e (or even as low as 5)
You are saving money on PC with the same games you would've bought on console. Saying "spending money is saving it" is dumb, since who spends money without using it on something that hey want? That 100e is only a few games for console and the same amount of money nets you dozens of games on PC.
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Not true, I picked 2 random games from Steam and searched for the cheapest PS4 price, both are the prices atm WITHOUT being on sale (to keep it fair)
CoD AW Steam
CoD AW PS4 Retail
Wolfenstein NO Steam
Wolfenstein PS4 Retail
Again those are the prices outside of sales atm, Steam would be cheaper during sales then those retailers but PSN is slowing getting the same quality price drops as Steam now has.
I'm not a fanboy for anything, I love both console and PC. I'm just pointing out the facts.
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Then you wouldn't have used that money on console either.
Game X costs Y on console. You want that game. Game X is half the price on PC. Ta-da, you saved half of your money. If you never wanted it in the first place, why would you put money into it.
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CoD AW Steam
CoD AW PS4 Retail
Wolfenstein NO Steam
Wolfenstein PS4 Retail
I will save soo much money by buying the PC version /S.
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You're cherry picking. Alright, maybe the release prices aren't that different but they will never get the sales the same size as steam does multiple times every year and getting AAA games for even 5e. Those kind of prices are only day dreaming for consoles while others are picking their things and going home with a pile of new games that they wanted for a fraction of the real price and much lower price than if you were to buy them from a console sale.
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I've had sales, bundles and price glitches galore whilst using my 360. Not only that but unlike PC where my keys can be revoked Microsoft can't remove those games from my acount.
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Shadow of Mordor comparison video
Shows the difference between the PS4 version and the Ultra textures on PC. There's a significant difference regularly throughout the video. Figured I'd include the article for you, too.
Disregard the fact that they'd almost be required to buy a $1k Titan to get this performance. Just look at the pretty graphics.
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In that case, you have the 4gb 780s/780 TIs, which are far cheaper than titans and will net playable ultra quality (minus ultra textures)
The newly released 970 runs almost exactly the same as the 290x for $350 as well, again playing ultra minus textures at more than playable framerates on 1080p (or higher)
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We're going to abandon the thread, let them fight it out amongst themselves then send in the Guard to mop up whatever is left standing.
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also only kids don't know the limitations of the newer consoles, i think people buy them for their game library, at least that why i bought a PS3.
hell, i would buy a Ps4 for Silent Hill alone if i had the money.
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Mafia 2 looks way better on PC and you can get a texture mod that makes it look amazing!
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GTA IV with mods. I think this is enough evidence of the gap between console and PC.
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You can't do this on those consoles. Ok, now I'm leaving the thread.
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This is actually a really good, and amazing comparison.
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I've recently watched a Rooster Teeth video, and since recently Youtube started allowing 60fps videos the discussion in the comment was mostly about that. No matter how much evidence you provide, no matter how many videos and images with objectively better quality you show, no matter how many stricly superior specs you list, someone will come out saying they still think console is better because some reason. Maybe it's just confirmation bias, maybe just to spite you and for the sake of arguing. The amount of people buying the "30 fps is better than 60 because is CINEMATIC" and "60 is weird, did you see the Hobbit" is disheartening.
If your project is about presenting an argument, good luck with that and beware of ports intentionally botched to adhere to console standards. Numbers and cost are your help here. If you hope to actually convince anyone, it's a waste of time.
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yea, i can understand that. i'm asking for undeniable evidence so someone who is willing to listen or pay attention will be persuaded, they still have their choice and opinion. But i still want legit footage that can be used to give a justifiable argument
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I used to be a console gamer, what i loved about it was i didn't have to understand different kind of techinacl stuff to know if the games were compatible or not with the "rig" i had. If a game was designed for my PS3 (no Xbox, that shit only sales in US) i knew I could run it without any problem. That why i stuck with console gaming for so many years, because i didn't have the time, the envy or whatever to check out if the game was compatible or not with the computer i had at the time. (games sponsored by Nvidia telling you what nvidia graphic card is the minimum requirement doesn't really help if you're using an AMD for the people like me who aren't really into computers and vice-versa). Mod I couldn't care less, even till now i have plenty of computer games i never and still don't use mods. I don't know know what i'm missing or what problems i'm avoiding i just don't really care. I think it's a pain in the ass to have to modify the files yourself especially after you paid full-price for an half done game. Plus DLC are more frequent on computer than consoles.
So yeah good luck to convince people about which one is better than the other, everyone is looking for different kind of stuff about gaming. I switched to computer since i didn't want to buy a TV coz i'm never watching that shit so it was pointless to buy one to me. But I needed a computer for work, so the choice was quickly made. I buil a gaming computer that i could also use for work since giving up on games was out of question.
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Oh also if you're making a video, don't forget to put the computer cons. Like some games will run fine on AMD computers but run like shit on Nvidia or run really well on Invidia but are shit on AMD.... Also about the different resolutions and every cons of pc gaming. Otherwise you'll just make a pointless subjective video instead of an objective one where people could decide by themselves which platform they prefer.
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Being objective, showing PC gaming on a couch and showing a clear and thorough price comparison is key.
About games running poorly on AMD or Nvidia - that's mostly for new releases, the problems get quickly ironed out to the point of nobody cares. Busy Uni people probably don't mind waiting some. Few people experience gaming experience-destroying incompatibility issues with hardware.
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I also used to be a console gamer until around 3 years ago, while i do think PC is better for my uses, this poster is right imo, to get console gamers to switch you would need to explain how to build/maintain a pc, how to know whats wrong etc
Also keep in mind that if all console gamers did switch, dedicated controller support would have to get better, an easy counter to whatever you present is games like jade empire, it can be played on pc but a standard 360 controller won't allow full movement, so the game for controller users (console gamers) is useless via pc but very fun (opinion) on console.
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I have powerful PC, but I also bought PS3 and PS4 !
On consoles you do not care about anything - it just download and you play and everything works and also you do not have to set up graphics or controls. Everything is perfectly prepared.
On PC you sometimes have problem with graphics drivers, directX or any other junk that you must have to run the game or any logging or registering.
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You're saying that consoles have never had problems?
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I have console for 1 year and got only 3 crashes (one new game that just come out)
For developers it is much easier to test it, because there is just 1 device with 1 updated system, that can play it. On PC user can have different HW, different system - win XP, 7, 8 and also different patches in it, different drivers on graphics card...and it is really hard to test it properly (they mostly only hope, that it will work)
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In a lot of cases many console games will out-perform the same PC titles for the very reason you are giving here. Even though the equipment in a console comes in at best as a mid-range PC, the equipment is consistent and development for a console is easier than the PC. PC's have so many variables that go along with them from software to hardware. This in essence forces devs to "dumb it down" to make compatibility and relative performance less of an issue. If they were generating games that were only capable of being run on the high-end rigs they would kill a vast majority of the market.
The designers are certainly aware that they can tweak performance/detail levels in game, but they also understand that most end-users really only grasp the differences between low, high, and ultra-settings thereby making many of the other attributes the equivalent of a foreign language for most.
Ultimately, yes the PC (in most cases) will leave the consoles in the dust based on their sheer capabilities. However, it is not an economically viable decision for a studio to kick out a title very few can successfully run with phenomenal performance and detail. It is also to their benefit to focus attention to consoles because their uniformity creates a friendlier environment for development (not to mention the entry cost in to consoles is generally a cheaper endeavor).
This discussion actually makes me curious as to how sales for PC titles are holding up these days.
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Well the Crysis series is a good example of games made only for high-end PCs, and although it's amazing in that Crysis and Crysis 2 still look better than many newer games, in relation it's a series that does poorly because only a small percentage can run it.
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To preface, I'm primarily on PC these days but I still have some consoles. Mostly older ones aside from Nintendo consoles. You can't get that kind of platforming action on PC. :P
That aside. You know what would be really great on consoles? Console commands. Totally relevant.
"On PC you sometimes have problem with graphics drivers, directX or any other junk"
With a lot of games (Bethesda, I'm looking at you), you have problems like quests breaking, NPCs getting stuck on geometry or disappearing altogether, etc. etc. On PC, you can fix these with a quick reset or revive command. On a console, you may have just lost several hours of progress because you can't go any further. Better hope you saved on a separate file recently.
tl;dr We can do this all day. The pros and cons list here is nearly endless.
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i can understand the whole logging and registering >_< yes that's annoying as heck. some gameplay problems could be due to ports. when not having to do with ports, it's pretty much games being published before they should, but that's a problem in general
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ask em about xboxgifts.com and playgifts.com ...and bundles ...and trades
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MODS !!!! ....are from the PC GODS !!!
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Meh trust me, you'll only be losing time, console gamers are the most naive, ignorant people I have met. They all think they know better even if they never played anything on PC, they have some stupid self-defend mechanism that doesn't make sense. If you really need to persuade a console gamer that PC is better, then you are basicly argueing with a mentally retarded person with an IQ below 70. So why bother? I also don't argue with my 6 year old son who still thinks the world is flat, it's a waste of time and only he (my son) thinks is always correct wich is rediculous compared to my age.
Even if you show them console gamers benchmarks (something they never heard of) or any statistics at all, they do not comprehend it because they are not the smartest persons around. Just like people who keep buying the newest iPhones. Just drop it, you can't get along with all humans :D
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Now seriously....
I guess you are right about the IQ, all peasants I know are sturdy, lets call them, not very intelligent bunch of peeps.
They for some reason even decline my generous offer as I invite them to try out my rig, My theory is, that they are afraid to discover that there is actually really something better out there....hmm that reminds me of something (looking at you religious fanatics)
On the other hand, all of my fellow "master race brothers" own also consoles. Hell, I own even older consoles like atari, snes, comodore amiga, etc .... I miss only the Xbox, Xbox360 and PS3 and personally I love playing games on them. Even tho I have another PC hooked up in my living room I do play on consoles. My most favorite so far is WiiU although I own only 5 games for it.
Now honestly...how many of you got also consoles a play on them the 5-10 games they have?
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I also have/had many consoles starting with the Atari 2600 I received in 1989 from my uncle, since then I think I had around 20 different consoles until I started PC-gaming, still I bought a console each 3-4 years but never used it, only for movies as DVD-player. I did play stupid little games on PS3 though like Little Big Planet, Joe Danger n stuff wich was cool with friends co-op and this is my point, consoles are fun to have friends over, drink some beers (or smoke ;-)) and play co-op together, if you really want to GAME then it's PC for sure.
A computer is like a black person, once you go black you never go back (except if retarded hehe)
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I have a friend who recently "matured" and bought a non iphone. He can not believe or understand how he use to swear by iphones before. The answer is simple and over looked because its about tecnolgy and brands these days. It use to be "my dad is better than yours because..".
Basically it is normal childhood behavior to believe wholeheartedly that what you have is the best and no arguement will be tolerated. The issue only becomes a concern when they reach late teens, then you can appeal to their maturity.
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So I'm going to be doing a presentation for Univ. trying to persuade console gamers to start pc gaming. I'm showing FPS, resolution, and cost. This is a SPEECH assignment, not some ITT class(im not attempting to tinker with the minds of your probable future console creators) University has almost nothing to do with the topic at hand. I just stated that to explain why I am asking this. This should not be taken TOO seriously, it's my assignment to a class, not a governmental bureau.
Now I have collected a bit of info and video, but you guys already know how fanboy console gamers can be. So I need some hardcore video that shows undeniable evidence that pc is a lot better. Now this has to mostly revolve around texture and VERY noticeable antialiasing. Motion blur, field of view, etc. isn't something I want to focus on too much. Because I was actually told when showing motion blur to someone that the pc was "lagging" -.-
I have been collecting mostly footage from recent FPSs, Watch_Dogs, and tomb raider. Now the watch_dogs footage is with mods, but that bring the root of the problem. A lot of the blockbuster games are ports, bad ones at that so the footage is pretty similar (when using a projector for the presentation)
I'm actualy thinking of showing footage of some ultra modded skyrim, to show fine details in textures that the pc is capable of.
New giveaway as thanks, my old one I only set for 3 hours which I think wasn't fair for everyone. Injustice: gods among us, 30.99 CV M?g?B Bump is appreciated if even for just so other people can try the giveaway, I got a lot of what I need to finalize a presentation, but more could never hurt. Page 2
Any video footage that shows the huge gap between console and pc? Preferably for games in next-gen consoles.
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