This is what I woulda done. First game, payment, second game, payment, then third game, payment. That way you can only get scammed for 1 (hindsight is a wonderful thing)
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It's not only rep that counts... I bet you mean the rep he had on his Steam profile? That doesn't matter at all.
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Not entirely.
One could chargeback or use fraudulent means to purchase games on Steam. A gift can, and will, be revoked if that happens.
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In the case of a trade through Steam, it is possible to get back your items at least. Trading a key, it is gone.
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Yes it is, but you have to go through the hassle with support, and they usually claim it's a one-time exception, "do not trade with strangers".
If it's a one-time exception it makes the steam trading system and all the guidelines recommended by steam for safe trading totally pointless.
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The only safe way is buying everything from the Steam Store or other reputable sites. That'll cost you more money (unless you live in Soviet Russia), but it's the only 100% safe way.
It's up to the user what he choose: safety & spending more money, or taking some risks & spending way less money.
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always get paypal funds first if your the one with the games.... if the person paying paypal gets scammed he jsut takes screen shot and shows paypal and they refund him... so his part of the deal is 100% safe...
the item seller has no protection....
after a trade always take screen shots that it was successful incase they make paypal give their funds back at least u can dispute it and show them it was a legit trade
EDIT: be sure to screen shot the chat then report him to so he is permanently marked as a scammer on his steam account
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This is complete and utter bullshit, no sane company would do this. It's the key-holder's own liability what they do with the key and you can't ask the company to just nullify the key and give out new ones, especially since Valve won't deactivate key-activated games.
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Actually, you can ask certain sites to request VALVe deactivate a key, and remove the game from an account. You just don't get another key. VALVe do deactivate key-activated games.
I remember someone said on a thread they asked GMG if they request VALVe deactivate keys, and remove games if they have been "stolen". GMG said they do do this, they just don't give out another key.
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"Officer, arrest that man for theft! I signed the ownership of my car to him without a contract that ties both parties into the deal and he promised to pay after he drove it to the bank to get money but he never came back!"
Do you know how retarded that sounds?
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I don't believe someone with a good rep is trying to scam you. Be sure to check if the profile on steamtrades is the same as the one you're talking with! Some people impersonate good traders. I noticed this myself a few times.
Check if the Steam-ID's are 100% the same (not only the name, profile picture, etc). You can also check the number of games easily. Most traders don't have a private profile, so this is easy to do.
I feel sorry for you!
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I sayd his Steam Profile, on SteamTrade he has 0 rep, now he have -1..
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Report him here as well. It might help someone else.
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Like i sayd, you are like scammers... no soul... get out of here
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What I mean is that people would have to be fairly simple to get scammed in such levels. OP definitely shouldn't give all keys at once especially when they carry such value and blah blah obvious stuff that nobody should fall for. The situation OP is in now sucks obviously but I don't feel for someone whose own fault their situation is, you can't wholly blame the scammer. I don't care how hard you wish or try, there will never be a scammer-free trading community and calling scammers who take advantage of people who in the heat of the moment throw away their last savings evil won't help at all, the only way to better is for everyone to use common sense for a bloody second. I honestly don't get how anyone allows themselves to get scammed.
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No one middlemans for key trades, because keys can't be verified.
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Selling games to pay rent - BWAHAHAA. Good one. You sound like a gambler. "I needed that money." It's so pathetic that it's hilarious. I can't feel sorry for someone like that. ^^
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First of all.. learn to read, it is not RENT... second, i am sorry if not all the peoples are full of moneys like you... i am so sorry..
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Bills* then. You owe someone money, it's the same deal whether one word is used or the other. There's this thing called Steam Trading. If you learn how to do it, you never have to spend money on a game again! Very amazing stuff.
But hey, you can throw your money on all of the new games you'd like (enjoying Remember Me?). Just don't cry when that $25? you lost was so important that your life is going to fall apart over it. That's just bad money management period and your problems are much bigger than a simple scam incident.
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I really would have to agree with you on this subject... to be honest how much money can he even make by selling those games he listed? Will that even make him $50? Is that enough to pay rent? >.>... I understand that desperate times call for desperate measures, but if he was really desperate he'd be a lot more careful about who he'd trade with.
The thing that really bugged me was he said "He had a lot of rep on his profile", nonetheless you make a great point.
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Hello there Mr. Ukrainian reseller. I'm sure you're making enough off of selling steam games to feed an entire African nation, but not everyone is given the opportunity to make Steam their full time business. Most people have to get real You know? No, you probably don't. Forget about it then.
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Once you grow a bit more and learn a bit about life, and won't have your mom pay everything for you, maybe then you would understand that people will do a lot of things for living (and selling games isnt the worst of it), but hey what would I know about it as you said it. Good day Mr. Racist.
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Haha, it's rare for me to butthurt someone as much as your butt has been hurt today. Good day, Mr. qq. :)
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Tell me what part about his comment was racist. He was simply expressing envy that he can't exploit such a cheap and easy method of untaxed income and showed loathing towards the fact that you are able to but not him. Grow up and stop calling anyone a 'kid' who disagrees with you, especially when they're expressing that they prefer actual employment over sitting at home browsing forums for people who want to buy cheaper video games.
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He didn't disagree with me, he disagreed with OP, what are you even talking about? And I don't see the point in pointing out that I'm Ukrainian in his comment. I mean, belive me, I know that already but thanks for reminding, so there was obviously hatred there.
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I'll be a bit more direct for you then. You first started the conversation with an insult that has absolutely nothing to pertain to the topic itself. Notice he said "Ukranian Reseller", that's an important part. Lastly, he merely responded to your comment that had no relevance whatsoever.
MaximumBunny made good points, but I'll admit he was a bit too harsh with his points. Then again someone who... types.... like... this... the... whole... time..., How can you take them seriously?
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You're being a complete douche right now, not everyone who has internet was born with money. If he sells a few steam games on the side who are you to judge? What do you know about the place he lives in? Can you read minds to know if he tried to get a job but couldn't? You're not a saint. Stop judging random people online.
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What he's saying is that even thinking about (in an unorganised fashion aka. unless you're GMG or companies like GMG) trading steam keys for your only method of income is unreliable and really god damn stupid, and it only adds to the stupidity that you let yourself get scammed by someone of that caliber, only going by comments on their steam profile going '+rep'. OP had it coming and I don't feel a single bit sorry for him.
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but what do you know about the guy? do you know if he didn't have to pay some kind of medical bill? had to fix something around the house? and had to spend more money than he usually earns? Of course selling games on steam is not a reliable income source but you still shouldn't talk like you know him and his life. (i don't either hehehehe)
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'had to' , 'need' - Nice terminology there. You're trying to put desperation where there is none. This is what I've been finding amusement with for the whole thread.
It's not about selling your hobby items to acquire interesting things. That's no different than a garage sale. It's about doing something that violates the TOS (unauthorized reselling) to acquire money for bills that you should not have used on games in the first place. This guy is playing a $50 new game (Remember Me) and he's crying about losing $20 of old games that have been bundled and had significant sales. Imagine had he not used the money on said new game...he'd have more than enough for his bills!
Can you see it now? I'm not laughing at a guy who's having hard times, I'm laughing at a hypocrite who made this thread to get pity and charity for his bad management and investments. That he was scammed was just a coincidence has nothing to do with his problems. If he has hard times he shouldn't be in Borderlands 2 and CSGO. Find a kitchen to clean dishes in or a floor to mop. There's always a job for someone really looking.
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Thats what forum told me, they told me "KEYS ALWAYS GO FIRST" or "THE ONE WITH THE LOWER REP GOES FIRST" and i got scammed..
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before doing any trade ask them for their profile page there you can see his proper rep
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780 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AceBerg42
Yesterday i asked some advices on how to make a trade, i had 3 keys, he had to pay on paypal, the forum sayd that the one with lower rep goes first... i had only one rep on my steam profile, he got at least 2 pages... now the problem is, i gave him the keys, he activated them and blocked comunications with me... the games were Max Payne 3, Brutal Legend and Bully... i really needed the moneys, as i sayd i am in a bad financial situation... I had to pay some bills... now it is kinda over..maybe they will disconnect my internet because isn't payd... if i would not have this problem of the bills i wouldn't give a shit about the three games.. but i was in really need of moneys.. scammers don't have a soul... they don't care about a person who sells those games maybe he doesn't have even what to eat on those moments... i don't have any other words... Goodbye
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