its free dlc
The DLC will check for the progress you've made in Agony UNRATED, so you should retain access to your saved games and achievements.

3 years ago*

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Now all the cry babies can stop crying

3 years ago

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What a good commentary, not at all toxic

3 years ago

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Like all the people wanting to crucify the devs outright weren't toxic

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Many people bought the various packages to get the unrated version, and now it's also a free DLC. There will be complaints anyway, and not entirely unfounded

edit: I guess they are in refund window, if they bought the game, or a bundle solely for that game.

3 years ago*

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You can't please everyone. Not speaking about everyone who complained, but I'm pretty sure it were mostly people that got it from the Humble Bundle in the 1 dollar tier

3 years ago

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So your problem is if it is 0.01, 0.1, 1 or 101?.. Ok Mr. RainingMoney.. Care to ga it for everyone who lost it since it is pennies? Can you go find all that don't know about it because there was NO revoke message and can't buy it back? Or because 1 dollar means nothing to you, it means that it's the same for EVERYONE.. I'm guessing you never met anyone scrapping for steam cards from freebies to manage to buy a 1$ game on steam.. Congratulations on your ignorance :) And for supporting thievery :)

3 years ago

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I never said I'm supporting thievery, but all the drama about what happened with this game is a tad exaggerated. I wish I could shit out money but unfortunately I'm not capable if doing so, but even though I'm no where near to be rich, one dollar indeed doesn't matter the world to me. And no one forced anyone to to spend pennies to rebuy the game for pennies. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss. I spent big money on games too, that I never played to find out weeks later that they end up in cheap ass bundles. Do I freak out because if this? Hell no. Shit happens.

3 years ago

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I'm not freaking out. But I am annoyed af..
Noone is forcing me to rebuy that's true.. If I don't though what do I have? HALF of what I already PAID for.
It's also not about the dollar to me but about the sentiment behind what has happened..

If we play them or no, it's our right as OWNERS. Doesn't mean that because we play them or no they have a right to TAKE them from us..

And no.. "shit happens" isn't acceptable. Yeah, shit happens, doesn't mean we gotta accept them and move on.. Because next time it's gonna be worst. You can read bellow and examples of only some of the possible situations/scenarios

3 years ago

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I don't want to argue with you, but there shouldn't be any sentiments involved in losing something you paid half a dollar for. No offense, but there are far bigger problems in the world to worry about, and it's not like you lost half your house or something like that. The right to own something on steam is an illusion anyway, in fact we own nothing if Valve gets bankrupt or turns of their service (I know it won't happen, but you get the idea). Have a nice day and take it easy.

3 years ago

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And for those bigger problems I wouldn't complaint here. Here it's for games so for games and/or complaints about them I will speak of..
Your problem is the price tag :) And that's bad..
Hopefully you understand but you do have a point. No sense in keep arguing over this. At least not with you

Good day :)

3 years ago

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i payed the dlc....:(

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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not sure.... i had 95% discount on the upgrade if i remember correctly...and buyed then...was about 1 euro...

3 years ago

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You bought the pack that has Agony Unrated as a game. The DLC is the same thing but counts as DLC. You can still refund if you don't want it (as long as you didn't play it above 2h - or maybe Valve will do an exception by what has happened) but I wouldn't support this thievery anyway.. I didn't bought it and I don't plan to buy it. I'm not giving 1 extra cent to reclaim what is mine anyway

3 years ago

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yep i think u were right.... i didnt played the game so .. :)

3 years ago

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you mean the poeple that lost the game they payed for and then had to buy it again then got it for free as a dlc ?

3 years ago

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They HAD to buy it again? Was Putin pointing a gun on them, forcing them to buy again, or why exactly did they have to buy it again? People overreacted without knowing what's happened, they could have just reached out to the devs or waited for the thing to get sorted properly.

3 years ago

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they could've just mad the "free dlc " from teh start :)

3 years ago

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I guess they didn't think of it plus people would have complained anyway because it doesn't count towards the +1 game count this way. it really doesnt matter what they did or not, the outrage is big

3 years ago

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people will always complain about anything , like you i guess lol well at least they fixed the situation now

3 years ago

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No. In steam 2 games aren't the same as 1 game and dlc. It's missing many features that some care for and others don't like pointshop items, trading cards, +1, extra set of achievements, etc..
It's also double the space amongst other things.

Yes, you play agony unrated but in steam eyes it doesn't count as game nor it has the same features thus not being what we bought.
Many don't understand that steam has people buying just for extra features and not even the game itself but regardless on each one's reasons it is their right to spend money on what they like, be it a game or features.. The bottom line is that they paid for it and to get it back fully 100% they are asked to give extra money over what they ALREADY paid for IT.. That's illegal

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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While the Steam page is not working in Germany, it is possible to get the DLC via SteamDB:

3 years ago

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Thank you. Not sure if I will ever get around to playing it, but I sure prefer to play it as intended if I do.

3 years ago

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Thank you for the info. This is the best solution. Trust in devs restored!

3 years ago

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The difference is we bought 2 games.. Not 1 game and 1 dlc....... Unfortunately in steam that's a wooooorld of difference..

I'll keep pressing steam for the time being. This isn't acceptable for me and it shouldn't be for you too.. This is a medium indie game. Next time it won't be :) Steam is bound by its terms.. Most don't even wanna try :) So feel free to thrown money away and to the trash and support and theft :)

Trust in theft restored!!! ... :))))

3 years ago

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you have issues

3 years ago

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Honestly, I thought that they were being ironic.

3 years ago

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Yup.. I was

3 years ago

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I gave X amount for Z thing. Call it whatever you want but I bought Z thing.. Not z1...................... If I wanted Z1 I would had bought this.

The only reason Agony exists as a game is because Agony Unrated cannot appear to lists. Nobody was buying it so they bound them together to get more viewership and ratings. (And PROFITS)
I was about to buy the Unrated back then but I saw the message and "hey, fine, let's support.. more views, more profits and it's a good deal 2 games in 1 price".
Forward a few years later aaaand my game is gone (many will never take it back even as dlc) and now replaced by a dlc. I don't want a dlc. I didn't pay for a dlc. I paid for 2 games. THE END.
Do I have 2 games? No.. Do I care how much it costed? No. Do I care how much it costs to buy them now? NO. Because I already PAID for them :) And it got STOLEN. So now I get a dlc that I never ever wanted.

When you go out of the supermarket having bought a 2 pack biscuit deal for the price of 1 and the store manager runs after you in the parking lot, steals it from your hands and demands more money what do you call it? Oh! And to say sorry he throws in your face some other random biscuits that you NEVER wanted..

I wouldn't had bought Agony at 2,62 euros back then if it didn't include Unrated as a GAME. I may had never bought it. Who knows? Who even cares? I did buy 2 games though in the price of 1. GAMES. Not 1 game and 1 dlc. Right now I cannot refund and I'm stuck with something that I paid and don't even want because it's not what I bought.. On top of that, Agony has gone on a crazy sale price for new people that they never intended for it to have (the game never goes for sale so low) and if I want what I PAID for and not a random dlc that I never asked for, I'm asked to pay EXTRA money over what I already PAID for for the same thing!

Yet, I have issues? For asking what I BOUGHT to be mine? That's insane xD
Next time you buy say.. The new CoD and Activision comes and says to you "yoooo man soooooz, I take the files back and I give you Call of Arms of NeverLand as a replacement! Our second new game! It doesn't matter you didn't want it! It's our files......", I wanna see what are you gonna say then.. Because above all you seem to be missing the most important thing ->
WHY this happened and HOW :)
And I wanna see and what you will say when a game you love wipes all its files :) Or when CoD says.. "guys.. why we have so many games? Let's find the oldest CoD and dump all CoD games there as dlc" (CoD is a random example, just a series with many games and quite known. What exists on steam or not isn't the point. I hope you have enough intelligence to understand what I'm saying :) )

And along with my issues, take a tissue :)

3 years ago

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Some people will never be satisfied

3 years ago

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Of course not.. Because it still ISN'T what I PAID for. Why is this so difficult to understand? I want what I PAID for, not whatever random "solution" they come up with to maaaaaaaaaybe make this go away. It's a matter of principal and above all a message for steam. Do you even realize that EVERY single game on steam can change files at any moment and steam will tell you "suck it up"? While they are partially responsible but somehow EVERYBODY seems to forget this? And blames us as Scrooges that don't want to support the poor poor devs that got sucker punched by steam? NO. I'm NOT supporting theft and half-ass measures.. You shouldn't either.

As for the devs themselves.. Just food for thought.. Their sales went up from exposure from the linked games.. They are all day in steam, knowing steam views on adult games.. They know they risk a ban at any time for years now.. Steam supposedly makes an exception to a rule and noooooobody thought it was possible one day this would change?.. Especially when steam shouts for adult games and/or Germany and and and?.. Yeah.... Riiiiight....... "Poor devs"..........

3 years ago

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it still ISN'T what I PAID for.

You paid for Agony, which came with the UNRATED version as a bonus. You still have Agony, that you paid for, and you can still get the bonus game for free.

3 years ago

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Nope :)

Because everyday you see examples such as this right?

Problem is.. I got it AFTER :) This is called a deal :)

Like I wrote above: "When you go out of the supermarket having bought a 2 pack biscuit deal for the price of 1 and the store manager runs after you in the parking lot, steals it from your hands and demands more money what do you call it? Oh! And to say sorry he throws in your face some other random biscuits that you NEVER wanted.."

It doesn't matter if it's 2 pack or 1+1 deal or buy 1 and you get X (X in this case being 1) for free.. It's the SAME thing :)

But yeah.. You probably got chased down by many supermarket managers that stole your biscuits and paied them extra money to get them back or accepted a different pack as a "sorry" for the theft. I'm so so so sure of this.........

Huh.. Format problems again xD How do I make a picture stuck between the text and not go to the bottom?.. :/

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3 years ago

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"When you go out of the supermarket having bought a 2 pack biscuit deal for the price of 1 and the store manager runs after you in the parking lot, steals it from your hands and demands more money what do you call it? Oh! And to say sorry he throws in your face some other random biscuits that you NEVER wanted.."

This isn’t even a good analogy, a better one would be the store manager taking away your two packs of biscuits, and then giving you one big one instead that has the same amount of biscuits as the two previous packs.

You’re still getting the same experience, the same game, the same content, the same everything. The only difference being that it’s now attached to the main game instead of being a seperate thing.

3 years ago

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Even your analogy isn't good by your logic. Smaller packages are preferable and more expensive because they stay a bit more fresh longer. As no air enters the package.

Furthermore it is not the same content. A game in steam is counted differently than a dlc. Agony doesn't even have point shop items unlike Agony Unrated, they don't have same achievements (and even with the half-ass transfer it counts half instead of x2+extras), trading cards and and and..

3 years ago

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Real-life analogies rarely apply to digital purchases, but let's roll with your cookie analogy for the sake of it.

  • You buy a box containing a chocolate cookie (Agony)
  • The cashier gives you a second box with a glazed cookie as a bonus (Agony UNRATED)
  • The manager (Steam) catches up to you and takes back the extra box, saying the cashier was not allowed to give you the 2nd box.
  • The cashier then offers you the same glazed cookie, but this time adding it to the box where the chocolate cookie is.

In the end, you still got both the chocolate and the glazed cookie, just in a different packaging. (You are also given the option to buy the 2nd box for a few pennies, if you really really want the glazed cookie in it's own box.)

3 years ago

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To stay true to your example:
In the second box the cashier handed him were some stickers for his sticker album (trading cards) which he could brag about (achievments).
Now he got the cookie back, but they took his stickers and his bragging rights away from him :(


3 years ago*

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You can see how much I brag and care for anything just by locking at my profile...... :))))) Let me give you a hint: ZERO.

I want everything I paid for yes. In the form that I paid it for. Differently I want my money back. None of this is happening so guess what.. I can complain to infinity until it's actually fixed. Because guess what.. That's what I PAID for and it's been stolen :)

Be it stickers, feathers, ash or gold.

3 years ago

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Dust off what happened here :) Steam made an exception for them and LINKED both games (which is why nobody got and a revoke message). Steam always knew as steam was the one who did it FOR them in the first place.
So all of this is out the window as the store manager allowed it in the first place :)

Like I said.. I already PAID for 2 games. Not 1 game and 1 dlc.

Many, including you, have no clue what has truly happened and why.. Yet, you speak like you know better because "hey, it's 50 cents".. Well.. It's not just that :)

(any help with the format question? xD )

3 years ago

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Steam made an exception for them and LINKED both games

It's not much of an exception, as it is done on a regular basis. It's very common for a remastered version, for exemple, to get included in the package of a game so buyers don't need to purchase again. They just recently decided that the regular game and the unrated version couldn't be sold together due to the rating difference.

So yeah, if we stick to the analogy, the manager originally told the cashier to do this, then decided it was not acceptable.

Like I said.. I already PAID for 2 games. Not 1 game and 1 dlc.

And like I said, you still get 2 games, even if one of them is distributed via the DLC system. Once you add the DLC, you do get both games that can be played separately. (Although they share an entry in your library)

Many, including you, have no clue what has truly happened and why..

I believe I actually got a good picture:

  1. Madmind decides to give away the UNRATED version to everyone who bought the base game
  2. Steam agrees to add the UNRATED version to the base game package
  3. Some years later, someone complains about getting a bonus adult-only game that they did not want.
  4. Steam decides to unlink the UNRATED game from the Agony package due to the different ratings
  5. The dev is stuck having to figure out how to honor the commitment they made to their users
  6. They offer a substantial rebate for the UNRATED game for owners of the original, as a temporary solution, while they figure out a better one.
  7. They add the full UNRATED game into a free DLC package that every owner of the original game can add to their library, and get their game back.

(any help with the format question? xD )

You can't have pictures within your text. No matter where you add them, they will always be displayed at the bottom of the post.

3 years ago

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the manager originally told the cashier to do this, then decided it was not acceptable.

After getting away from the cashiers, no fault is recognized. This is literally posted EVERYWHERE on the planet.

And like I said, you still get 2 games, even if one of them is distributed via the DLC system. Once you add the DLC, you do get both games that can be played separately. (Although they share an entry in your library)

This for steam, isn't 2 games.

I believe I actually got a good picture:

Yeah, this is closer. Problem is that by steam terms updates can only be done to ENHANCE game experience (don't make me go find the terms.. I already have a headache from searching for them for steam support) and aren't bound by section 8 that it's for changes as purchases are FINAL. Whether steam likes this or no this WAS our purchase. And they can't retroactively change this like they can their policy because International laws, EU laws, Consumer laws etc, overwrite whatever goes against them in private smaller contracts (such as steam's).
The devs imo aren't innocent either but my main concern is steam. Not them. So I'll leave this for another convo xD
No matter how you color this, it's still theft.. And not what we paid for.
By law what we get the moment of purchase (offline content) is to ALWAYS exist.. Steam may not like for xyz reason buuuut that's the law. And this half-ass dlc isn't what we got presented when we bought the game

You can't have pictures within your text. No matter where you add them, they will always be displayed at the bottom of the post.

booooo xD

3 years ago

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A done deal is a done deal and I think it tells a story about consumer apathy that most people don't have any issue how Valve handles this matter.

3 years ago

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Oh, don't forget.. I'm Karen! You wanna support a Karen?.. Ts ts ts.. Demanding what we PAID for has actually become an evil thing.. Who knew?.. Wait give me a sec to go give my house keys back to the architect that sold it to me.. He found some oil on the ground and now claims that I only own the house but not the ground bellow it, my contract said "terms can change at any time" :(

Anyway.. Irony aside, I do agree with you on this 100%. But this time is something even more "bad" than simple consumer apathy.. People are seriously trying to "demonize" people asking what it is ACTUALLY theirs.. And the worst thing? They don't even know their rights or how to read terms of service.. Or even which "term"/law is "stronger" (which takes precedence in case of a clash).

You have some crying that we are unreasonable for demanding what we paid for and not accepting a half ass solution but failing to see what this means in the long run.
You have others that somehow cry "oh poor poor devs pay them extra for what happened to them" (like they were saints and only a victim.. like they never knew this would happen or how the Agony advertising trick went..) and you are the devil for not wanting to trow them money - totally forgetting they are not saints and that it's not only the devs.
You have already given up people with the stance "that's life, suck it up" -> ok, next time invite a thief into your home to be pro-active and make yourself feel like a charity instead of a victim.
You have others thinking just themselves and only what suits them and is easier for them.
You have others XXXXXXXXXXX.. The list has no end..

So while I agree it shows consumer apathy, I also believe that it shows A LOT more than just that.. From the top of my head -as I just woke up- it shows "defeat" behavior, easily to be tricked and manipulated people, clueless people, people that can't connect the future consequences, uneducated people, etc..
And the worst part? The majority doesn't even understand WHAT happened, HOW it happened or WHY and the most important thing of all.. WHY is it illegal from Valve's side for this to happen regardless of the random replies we are getting from them..

3 years ago

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i'm so envious for the patience you guys have.. i dont even have a willpower to even read this karen's monologue
big respect to everybody who take a time to write a normal response

3 years ago

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That's the problem with uneducated people. They don't know how to read.

3 years ago

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Looking down on people, typical karen

3 years ago

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I like how you read only what suits you :)

Quick question though.. How exactly I'm looking down on people? :) I'm very very curious about it :)

PS. Karen is a fine meme. Only 1 problem with it: "Karen is a pejorative term for a white woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting white women who use their privilege to demand their own way."
You'd have to first know I'm white (luckily for you, I happen to be). Secondly "beyond the scope of what is normal", demanding what I PAID for to be mine hardly even comes close to the previous sentence. And thirdly, again luckily for you the definition has the word "often", I'm not using any privilege; the laws I use and the common sense are for all. Just because you want to through everything to the trash, this isn't my problem :)

3 years ago

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tl;dr karen

3 years ago

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k. Karen

3 years ago

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ah dang, I bought the pack for those few pennies... whatever

3 years ago

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I don't own many DLC's, so I'm not positive how they work, but can you download a DLC without installing the base game? If I understand correctly, these are two completely different games, so if we need the base game installed to install the DLC, I would imagine that we are going to have to install both games which would take up twice as much space.

It's not a massive game, so it's not that big of a deal, but it is a bit of an annoyance if you don't have a lot of extra space.

3 years ago

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This DLC should just update/modify the base game to include the unrated content. Just like almost any other DLC, one install/game. Space won't be a problem. (Edit: the space will increase just depends on the DLC, still only one game install.)

3 years ago*

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That would be for a game that has some kind of expanded content added on, but I don't think this game was designed that way. I think they just compiled two completely different games. It also may not be as simple as using different models, the game could have changed some of the gameplay as well.

I'm pretty sure they just added the complete unrated version of the game as DLC which means that you need to install the base game first and then you have to install the full unrated game.

3 years ago

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Yeah from what the other user said, seems they just slapped it together quickly. They could spend more time and make it smaller but they wont.

3 years ago

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The base game Agony without the DLC is an 11.4G install. If you activate the DLC, the base game becomes a 24.45G install so yeah, double the space required.

Also, if you played through Unrated, your achievements have been dumped down a Hellmouth. They do not carry back to your base+DLC version.

3 years ago

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Having to uninstall 13GB to download 24GB is kinda annoying, but glad it worked out in some fashion.

3 years ago

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Wanted a solution where I got the game back and not a DLC. I guess this is as good as it would get and I gave in to just buying the game again while its cheap.
I would assume after march 7 it will get more expensive again.

Edit: Good thing I did concidering the bundle packages all seems to be gone now :) Too bad I didnt get it the day they had the EU package up. Had to buy the Asia package yesterday for maximum discount :)

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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View attached image.
3 years ago

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You are grateful for what exactly? That they keep failing to fix their mess? Steam and devs alike?

"Better than nothing" isn't what you should accept.. It's like saying to a thief "hey, atleast you threw me back my ID and I don't have to go to the police to issue a new one, thanks!"

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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First of all, let's get something very clear.. I don't give a fuck about what you or anyone with similar mindset with you, think about me..
Secondly, I'm sorry for you as you seem unable to read. I'm not blaming the devs (for the most part anyway) but mainly steam and above all every single apathetic and narrow-minded person.. So no. This wasn't my "true intention". If you cannot read then I'm sorry for you.. What I write is quite clear.. CRYSTAL clear.. Every time.
What's pissing you off so much? In which category are you? Those that have quit? Those that don't care? Those that want their rights to be taken away? Or it just hurts you that you'll lost all will and take everything as "that's life"?..

I will continue to stir it up because guess what.. It's NOT what I paid for and I can't refund it :) I'm sorry but I don't have your ethics to support THEFT.
You want to let 1 thing slide, then a 2nd, then a 10th, then a 100th and then "oh well, I'll trow my money to the trash as there is nothing I can do and I'm fine with being robbed because I can't read 3 words, it annoys me"

I'm doing myself the biggest favor. Self RESPECT. Unlike you and many similar to you.. Oh, I forgot.. You were talking for blacklists.. Yeah, take another guess.. I also don't give a fuck for them :) I'd gladly take them in exchange for even 1 person understanding better what's going on and to leave the likes of quitters like yourself speechless as usual.

You try to shut up what? Reason? That what we PAY for -legally- is OURS to keep?.. Congratulations!

PS. Learn to read, stop being bored, stop being a quitter, stop accepting your rights to be taken away from you and stop projecting your own fears to others.. We care for VERY different things and it's CRYSTAL clear..
I wonder though.. How can a gifter like you not care for those that can't afford to re-buy.. Or what's the point to give something and pay for it but being totally FINE with it being taken -ILLEGALLY- away from you and them (because this can happen almost to anything in steam if you let it.. not just this time)

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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I jumped to 0 conclusions unlike you. I'm asking you :) You probably don't have something "witty" to reply with so you do what's easier.. Say goodbye :)

Everything I comment is based on what the other person's comment/reply is, not from my own head. Apart from everything someone has written, I don't comment extra over things I do not know about.

But I did asked you a few things and yet you seem unable to respond..

If public isn't your thing (or anyone else's that has a problem with it), you can comment on a past ga, add me on steam, ask my discord, anything.. I'm not afraid of something in this regard

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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And you're satisfied with supporting theft? Are you happy you re-paid what was already yours?
So eager to throw them again money.. Will you do the same if games start missing files suddenly and asking for more for them? Or to make you buy a dlc maybe that fixes this along with a pseudo-expansion to justify its existence? It can happen..

Don't forget.. Valve checks files AFTER they have been altered unlike any other platform. If you accept their illegal responses then you are throwing away every gained right you have.
Despite of how they check files, it doesn't mean it's legal to change what was bought. How they keep intact the product we bought isn't our concern.. It's theirs.. As long as the platform is functional.

It's not an online game that lost servers.. That's clear on their terms. We are speaking of an OFFLINE game that's missing part of its full files and they changed the product you bought to something that isn't what was pictured, advertised, promised and sold as.

3 years ago

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Yay.........a game the cry babies weren't even going to play in the first place.

3 years ago

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And? Did we pay for it or no?

3 years ago

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So, no more +1 in library, no booster packs.


But thanks for the info anyway.

3 years ago

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Yes and no. Now the Unrated version can be bought as a stand alone game or as a DLC for the normal version. The stand alone package still count as +1 and drop trading cards, currently that is the package with a 90-80% off (depending your region).

Stand Alone:


3 years ago

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Happy cake day :)

3 years ago

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Thanks! :D

3 years ago

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That doesn't really help me, i'm from Germany and the Unrated version's store page is unavailable here.

Also all possible bundles including the Unrated version cannot be bought from Germany, the links simply bring you back to Steam's main store page.

Everything was fine before all this mess. :/

But thanks anyway.

2 years ago*

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They have removed the bundles everywhere, so there is no option to buy it with Agony to get a big discount as it was before the DLC launch date.

2 years ago

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Ah ok, thanks. I thought it was only for Germany. :D

2 years ago

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You can add it via SteamDB:

2 years ago

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Yes, thanks, i already did that when the thread was posted. I was talking about the Unrated standalone version.

2 years ago

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Oh, just misread your post, I'm sorry.

2 years ago

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Or i didn't explain very well, could also be. :D

No problem. ^^

2 years ago

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i already blacklisted the dev. They earn lot of money for that 'buig discount' bundle and by delisting unrated from pack.

Shady practice, it was obvious scam. Still no proofs of steam doing this, just 'stem bad, buy bundle, we need sum moni'

2 years ago

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Well, this solution isn't perfect, but it's fine (as long as it's available in all regions, I haven't checked that).

2 years ago

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Germany only can have it semi-legally as it looks like

"While the Steam page is not working in Germany, it is possible to get the DLC via SteamDB:" ->

(I still don't find this a solution)

2 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by Lusifirmaykilsin1.