Bunch Keys Bundle #1


JET HERO - 杰特英雄 - 傑特英雄 77% of 18 Reviews 0 $0.99
Space Impact Glitch - of 9 Reviews 0 $2.99
Dream Stone - of 2 Reviews - 0 $2.99
CountDown 64% of 14 Reviews 3 $5.99
Killer Elite – Time to Die - of 2 Reviews - 0 $1.99
Tomato Way 71% of 38 Reviews 2 $5.99
Jumping Tank 42% of 19 Reviews 1 $4.99


  • $25.93


  • 3.8895

Owner Message:
"We are really sorry for the problem we had with Johns.Game. We tried to contact the game developer so he can remedy the situation. However, he's not answering on his E-mail adress nor on Steam. These kind of situations are out of our control, since it's impossible to test if the key is a duplicate or not & we are trusting game developers when they provide us keys. However we sent to everyone purchased our bundle with the game Johns.Game 3 free Steam key. We will also send them for free the game Killer Elite- Time to Die. For our next bundles, we will be more carefull about the keys provided by game developers & we will get 5-10 people testing random keys so we can make sure that there will be no more duplicate problem. We are really glad to provide our customers keys taken directly from game developers, games unbundled & a great customer support."

8 years ago*

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View Results
Yes! Sure!
No! Repeats!
Maybe, I don't know..
Nope, not worth it!

This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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It was the "|" on the chinese characters :b fixed!

8 years ago

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I basically see it as a 50% off Space Impact Glitch, with some other keys thrown in.

8 years ago

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LOL that's exactly how I saw it, but for Dream Stone.

8 years ago

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The only game in the bundle I already had was johns,game so it was worth it for me.

8 years ago

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Yeah for a buck-fiddy, you can't really go wrong.

8 years ago

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Thank you for posting GodFeelling! ^^

Missing 3 games and I can gift the others, why not. :O

8 years ago

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Can't find some on tremors. Guess he might have actually snagged some developers, nice.

8 years ago

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Yes! All the keys are from devs :)

8 years ago

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Would you say that about the last bundle that had two tiers?

8 years ago

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I don't really know but anyway the owner is now taking all of his keys from game devs so it's a really good thing, imo :)

8 years ago

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Well it's a good step up. Wasn't expecting it to last to long the other route. Was still impressive though.

8 years ago

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bunch of shovelware

8 years ago

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Got duplicate key of johns.game.
Trying to contact support.

Reply from support

I think the game developer had a problem with his keys. I'll send you a key as soon as I receive a new batch (within 24 hours). I'm really sorry & mad agaisn't the developer.

8 years ago*

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Same happened to me. Wrote to support and they replied immediately and with an extra game...but the new key for johns.game was a duplicate again :S.

Edit: Wanted to add - friendly support and with quick replies, so I'm not even bothered by the key not working :). Way better than with any of the major bundle sites or steam.

8 years ago*

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We'll contact the dev with the key problems, bundle will stop shortly, until this problem is solved!

8 years ago

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Is there a way to check if our key is a dupe if we already own it? I don't want to hold on to this key just to fail a giveaway or trade down the line.

8 years ago

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No, only the activating party can see that. If you are region locked from a key or already have the game there is nothing you can check.

8 years ago

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That's what I thought. Thanks

8 years ago

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johns.game from Groupees seems to work fine

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Missing 4, but only really interested in "Dream Stone". So I'll pass on this one.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Probably! :) If not, well then.. I got enough games to play^^'

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'll buy it when it becomes available. Cheap price, I'm missing some of the games, and I like to support new bundle sites to encourage more in the future. :)

8 years ago

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Missing the first three but I'll pass.

8 years ago

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Only waiting for it to be available. Missing 4 some of which I already stumbled with so I'm interested.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It's back but johns.game is no longer there. It has been replaced by Killer Elite - Time To Die.

8 years ago

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Wow, Steam and bundle sites have really spoiled gamers.
Majority vote in the poll is "No, not worth it."
How is $1.49 for $25+ worth of games not worth it?
I mean I get that maybe they aren't the best games ever, but would you rather pay full price for them?

8 years ago

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I got an answer from their support:

Dear customer,
Unfortunatly, we were not able to contact Johns.Game developer to get a new batch of key. However we bought a batch of keys for the game >Killer Elite & we will give you 1 free Steam key. We really want to apologize for that situation & it will no more happen. It’s out of our control, >since we can’t verify if the keys provided by game developers are duplicate. We also already sent you 3 free Steam games
There is your Steam Key for the game Killer Elite.
Thanks for buying from us!

Arnaud Brien-fiset | Owner
Phone: (418) 265-9325

Bunch Keys
Quebec City, Canada

Seems there will be no keys for johns.game at all. :(
I just don't understand why they claim that they can't contact the developer, yet there is no discussion thread in the community section on steam.

8 years ago

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Hey, this is a message that the owner asked me to reply to you:

"Hey ragnar00001. We tried to contact him on his PayPal Email adress, we tried to contact him on his studio Email Adress & we tried to contact him on his Steam by sending him a private message & he's not responding even if he was online a couple of hours ago. We are really sorry if we couldn't get you a Johns.Game key & we will be more carefull next time. We really did our best."

8 years ago

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Oh well. It seems they really tried. Have to admit the developer looks shady af.

And thanks for contacting them on my behalf. :)

8 years ago

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Picked up the bundle for JET HERO, Space Impact Glitch, and Dream Stone.

Accidentally gave the Killer Elite key to a friend who redeemed it because I thought it was a johns.game key. I don't have the game on my account but the game looks horrible so I'm not worried. If it's up on Tremor Games I'll pick it up there.

8 years ago

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It is a new early access game released within the past month, and apparently a multiplayer-only game with no servers and no players. Also, no cards, no achievements. So it would probably be a pure library +1 for all of us. :)

8 years ago

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Another message from the owner, quoted Johns.Game dev :)

"The game developer of the game Johns.Game apologize to everyone that had a duplicate key, it was only a mistake. Johns.Game will be featured in our next bundle."

8 years ago

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Can anyone who purchased the bundle tell me if they got their keys instantly? I've received the Paypal confirmation 10 minutes ago but no bundle yet.

Edit: Nevermind, they finally arrived.

8 years ago*

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I like the fact that the site owner is responsive and that they're at least trying to bundle something other than the usual. While we know these are cheap Russian games that probably cost no more than $0.10 each in bulk, I'm going to give them a chance.

8 years ago*

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Just bought and no issue at all. Glad to see a new peep on the block and I wish them the best :D.

8 years ago

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