Okay so long, long ago, I won a giveaway for Saint's Row 3 DLC. I kind of forgot about it and before I found out I still had it, I had already bought the complete pack from steam. So I had no use for the key.

So I decided to give it away (not here). Somehow this website found out and my account got suspended for it. 5 days for not redeeming the key and 5 days for regifting it. I suppose that's my own fault for not living up to the rules even though the key was worthless to me.

But what I don't get, is why I was unable to properly handle my running GA's during the suspension period. I could not see who won it, so there was no way for me to send keys to the winners. And now I received 3 bad feedbacks. How is that fair? Was there any way to prevent this? (Besides not getting suspended in the first place, of course). During suspension I was unable to get anywhere, even the FAQ. Which is kind of strange.


Wow, I had no idea this would create such a fuss. The essence of my thread is that SG should create a way where you can see who won your GA's even when you are suspended. This is not a cry-out for being suspended in the first place. It was totally deserved because I purposefully ignored a rule, so I'm not asking for any sympathy for that at all. That doesn't mean I should be stopped from adequately completing my running GA's.

12 years ago*

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You can always contact the winners now and send them the keys. And they can change feedback to received after that.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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They can still change their feedback? That is good to know. Then I will send them the keys. Thanks guys.

12 years ago

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Yes, but check whether they got the game already meanwhile....

12 years ago

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You can still give those games now.

12 years ago

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It almost happened to me. Edit: Nvm

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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Oh okay.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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...so uh, you're a horrible person, pottering.

Just a heads up.

12 years ago

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The 'black mark' on their 'reputation' could prevent them from making more giveaways if they wanted to, so they don't have to be entirely selfish to care about it.

12 years ago

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It's cool, if the winners can change their feedback, I will send them the keys now. Cheers.

@ Pottering, way to judge. By the looks of it, I still have today to send the gift within the FAQ's time limit of one week. That I got bad feedback before the time has ended says more about the winners than about me. If they would not be able to change that, they would not deserve the key in the first place. But they can, and they will get the keys anyway. So sod off :)

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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Reported, thanks.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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No its not

12 years ago

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No offence intended, you're face is anything but epic. Truly, none intended.

12 years ago

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He is face is?

12 years ago

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Winners can't mark gifts as not received before 7 days, until then the option isn't even available. So...

12 years ago

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Hmm well it said "closed 7 days ago" so I kind of thought I'd still have today. Slight brainfart then :)

12 years ago

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What? You got your Steam account suspended over not sending a DLC key? You should have sent it but that's fucked up anyway.

12 years ago

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No I think you misread. I got suspended for regifting (and also not activating) a key I won here. It was deserved, no doubt about that and that's not the problem. I just thought that it was unfair that I wasn't able to find out who won my running GA's. But now I know that my bad feedback due to that issue can be reverted. So it's cool. Case closed :)

12 years ago

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Still. I think Steam account shouldn't be banned even for that. All in all you bought all the games you had on your Steam account so they have no right to block you all games just because you didn't follow the rules of some giveaway site.

12 years ago

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His SG account was suspended. Not the Steam one.

12 years ago

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Ohhhh. Damn. How could have I missed that lol.

12 years ago

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"So I doubt I will gift anything here anymore. Sorry." Well you barley gifted anything, except some bundle games. And you think we should feel sorry for you regiftingg? The good thing to do would be to give the key back to original owner, and ask for re roll

12 years ago

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Well, I'll just take my Dawn of War 2 Gold GA somewhere else, then :)

12 years ago

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Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Seriously, this is a site for those who want to give things away out of their own generosity. Anything received here is purely gratuitous and therefore not missed if it never materializes. Threatening to "take your ball and go home" has no place on this website.

12 years ago

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You make my day!

12 years ago

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The people who won didn't contact you? Sounds like it's kind of their fault too, but you shouldn't be so angry either hahahaha

12 years ago

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You could still send the gifts now and have them marked as received. Unless you're not prepared to do it even now, in which case the negative feedback is fitting.

Edit: I just saw I'm not the only one suggesting that, and you acknowledged that. Good luck redeeming yourself.

12 years ago

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Some people need to learn to read. And that's my final reply. Keys have been sent, community is horrible here. I will take my planned GA's to IndieGala. Case closed.

12 years ago

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ok. Bye.

12 years ago

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"I could not see who won it, so there was no way for me to send keys to the winners. And now I received 3 bad feedbacks." Even after what you said above, I still edited my post to indicate that I bothered to read the whole thread, and even wish you luck. Ignoring that, you respond by threatening to leave... Well, have fun wherever it is you're going. I know we will.

12 years ago

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Your fault for getting suspended. Your fault for getting negative feedback.

12 years ago

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His fault for getting suspended.

Not his fault that because of the suspension, Steamgifts prevented him from honoring his other giveaways (as he couldn't see who won). And that is what led to getting negative feedback.

12 years ago

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If you get suspended from work and miss a deadline, is it your fault or your bosses fault?

In real life, it's always going to be your fault.

12 years ago

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When do you get suspended from work? Fired, yes. Some kind of punishment detail, yes. Maybe you mean one of those forcible "paid leave" deals? You know, the kind of thing that you can still have a chance to work around to meet your commitments? Like say "Boss, the Sullivan deal has to be closed in five days. If I can't do it, you need to put someone else on it," or asking a co-worker to make sure the files on your desk make it to Accounts.

If your boss has you forceably removed from the building and has all your access rights temporarily revoked, then your boss bears some of the responsibility for the work that doesn't get done while you are gone. In a sufficiently sized business, your boss would be held responsible by his boss for problems not sufficiently managed. ("Bob, we've got to talk. Yes, Adam was stealing stationary, and it was your right to send him home for two weeks. But Bob, we lost the Sullivan deal. It was Adam's baby, and the deal had to be closed five days after you sent him home. Bob, I'm getting heat from above. This is real life, and this is partly your fault. Don't just try to put it onto Adam, you knew about the deadline and did nothing.")

12 years ago

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Sure, it's his fault he was suspended, but I don't agree that he deserves additional bad feedback for that -- I mean, that's not what feedback is for. And even if you're totally heartless towards him, he's not the only person punished by this; the winners of his giveaways suffered, too. He wanted to send them the key, but he couldn't! They won a giveaway and got nothing. Why should they be punished for his suspension?

Obviously the system should be changed to let suspended users see who won their active giveaways. Why would we want to prevent people from giving away keys? Nobody benefits from going "HAHAHA, YOU ARE SUSPENDED, NOW WE WON'T ACCEPT THE GIFTS YOU PROMISED TO GIVE AWAY AND WILL MARK YOU DOWN FOR NOT GIVING THEM!"

12 years ago

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I'm not taking sides, but it seems to me that he is taking responsibility and for the most part not making excuses when proven wrong. He messed up and seems to want to fix it. He may have gone about it in the wrong way, but IMHO, I think we should encourage those that re trade their winnings, never activate said game, etc... to change their ways or make good on their mistakes and so forth instead of the random rudeness, names and so on that seem to be the norm here now. A bit disappointing.

12 years ago

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...wow this topic is majorly disappointing.

Therapy is just quite simply right that nothing should stop you from seeing who won a giveaway you created. That, or any giveaways made by someone who gets suspended are removed when they get suspended. You can't make any argument that that's anything but a design oversight.

The guy clearly owned up to his one mistake, and asked why the design of the site allowed that mistake to snowball in a way that punished not just him, but the 3 giveaway winners.

...and the community response is a pile-on? "Eat shit and die!" "It's all your fault!" Claiming that someone who was attempting to give things away isn't generous because he's upset that he was punished for trying to give things away?

It's like all the bullies have risen up. It's disgusting.

12 years ago

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To be fair, a suspension isn't the same as a ban. So maybe existing giveaways shouldn't be deleted.

Personally, I think they probably should. The suspended person can just recreate them afterwards if they want, and maybe it would help slightly against some of the fake giveaways. But SteamGifts has chosen to not delete them, as shown by a response by a Support staff above.

The next option should be to either let a suspended person still manage his existing giveaways, or to suspend or extend the giveaways themselves.

Letting the suspended person manage his existing giveaways is arguably the most obvious. For it to work, suspended people would need to be given limited site access. They'd need to be able to see their giveaways, and to mark gifts as sent for example. They'd probably need some decent way of reaching SteamGift staff with any questions.

Extending giveaways for the duration of the suspension would work, but it has the issue of allowing more people to enter a giveaway that may not be honored.

Suspending giveaways, so that people cannot enter them and time doesn't pass for them, has its own issues. It keeps people from continuing to enter a shady giveaway, but you might want to allow people to leave that giveaway.

At the very least, suspended creators should have their giveaways marked to warn people. Marked inside the giveaway page with full details, and maybe put a mark on the list pages as well. That way people can see that they are either about to enter, or have already entered, giveaways run by a suspended person, and decide whether they want to stay in it or not.

12 years ago

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I'm glad someone came in here and said it so I don't have to type all that out. Good on ya', Ruzinus.

12 years ago

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I agree with this. Only mistake OP made was not communicating what happened with the DLC so the creator of the giveaway could reroll a winner and instead gave it away elsewhere. That got a 10 day in total suspension and adding bad feedback to it is indeed unfair and something should be done with any giveaways that end before the suspension does.

Also agree that OP didn't deserve the bullying for it. Obviously some people here feel that if you don't gift in the way they feel you should that your gifts don't matter. A gift is a gift, even if it is a bundle key. Someone is still going to appreciate getting a free game even if it was something you got in a bundle. The site already has rules to ensure it isn't abused, so people really should stop treating someone like crap because they give away bundle keys. If no one wanted them, people wouldn't be entering the giveaways for them.

12 years ago

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Thank you for pointing out the essence of my thread. It's good to know there are people here who CAN read. I had no idea this would all be thrown out of proportion.

12 years ago

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You can get to the FAQ by signing out and going to the sticky on the forums (hopefully you won't need that for future reference). If you did send the keys to those three people, the mods should hopefully help you get them marked to received once they use the keys (or you submit some kind of proof). At any rate, I'll have to ask a friend later, but ten days seems a bit harsh, I thought each offense was worth a 2-3 day suspension, especially when the offense was for a DLC that was heavily abused via free offers.

12 years ago

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I don't think where or how the key was obtained should factor into the punishment for not redeeming as well as regifting.

12 years ago

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That was under the (now that I just asked my friend, wrong) assumption that each offense is supposed to be a 2 day suspension. I don't know why I thought that. I agree that punishment should be objective.

12 years ago

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Your giveaways don't get deleted or suspended if your account is suspended. People can still enter. Winner will stil be picked.

I was able to gift Witcher to the winner while under suspension because he was smart to mark it as received so I got someone to get me his profile. But of course, not everyone will do that or knows how to do that.

12 years ago

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He was suspended past the "week" giveaway time.

12 years ago

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Goddamn. You make it sound like it's unchangeable...

12 years ago

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Some people don't know that it can be changed.

12 years ago

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That & a good portion of the responses in threads like this are anything but helpful. The wolves see the word suspension & they ravenously leap on it like a warm wet carcass.

12 years ago

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If you've gotten your question answered OP you might want to close the thread, seeing as it's slowly gathering more & more hecklers.

The website found out in all likelihood because someone was lurking in your profile & reported you for it. I had a similar situation a while back where I got reported multiple times for re-gifting & was facing a 20 day suspension. I provided proofs of purchase & got the suspensions removed, but that being the first & only time I was suspended, I wasn't sure about the state of my active giveaways either. My experiences with support have shown them to be very helpful though, and while I can't speak for support or why exactly the lock you out of the rest of the site when you're suspended, but there are a couple of ways around the issue.

You can make a request to support while you are suspended to delete your active giveaways if you are worried that the length of your suspension will prevent you from gifting the winners within the 7 day limit, which is what I did (though it turned out I didn't have to since I got the suspensions revoked in time) you can also put in the descriptions of your giveaways that the winner should add you on steam if you don't send them their gift right away (which a lot of winners will do without being told anyway). If you are friends with anyone on the site you could also ask them to go into your giveaway and post a comment there on your behalf.

Hope you get everything worked out on your end.

12 years ago

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Your suggestions should have been put into place a long time ago but, sadly, I doubt they will anytime soon. That said, you should contact support and ask them to implement this ability.

Other than that, I recommend you contact the winners of your giveaways, give them their games (and take screenshots to prove you actually did), and then contact support to have them change your feedback (assuming the winners cannot change it).

12 years ago

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I would like to thank all people who actually posted a helpfull comment. The keys have been sent to their respective winners and I'll see what I can do about the feedback, and if SG will do anything with this request. Thread closed :)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Therapy77.