Distributed* Denial of Service, and you probably arent a victim. It basically consists of pinging the same ip multiple times but you have a lot of computers in on it so it has an effect and slows down/stops the person's internet getting DDOS'd
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This ^^
Edit: And for being affected by a (D)DoS attack, you probably wouldn't see the difference between a DDoS and DoS. Big difference is that with a DDoS you cannot simply block an IP or something, as a whole (bot)network is doing the attack. While a 'regular' DoS might come from just one computer.
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In a purely language sense, Disturbed Denial of Service would mean the denial of service is the thing that's being disturbed and not the service since "disturbed" is acting as an adjective to the noun "denial". So even in that sense it doesn't make sense.
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Unlikely they would target you specifically. Think of it like a hundred people calling your cell phone at once. Considering your phone can not answer or response to all of them, some will get the busy signal. Now magnify the scale and that's many IPs requesting service from one server.
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As far as how to prevent it? Good luck. Really, not all that easy to prevent them, but if you suspect your IP is being attacked, unplug your modem and router for about 5 minutes. Plug in modem first, then router. With most ISPs that's enough to get you a new IP address which is all that tends to be needed to stop an attack. It also is good to make sure you have a router, since they have firewalls to block that from getting to your computer. A software firewall does little good and often will crash because of an attack because it is just too much for most programs to keep track of. Basically you're getting around a million pings within a matter of seconds and most internet connections can't handle that.
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Other option is using another router/puting another device directly behind the modem. Worked at a helpdesk for an ISP, other mac adress connected to modem was other ip given out (usually after modem reset, modems in use by that particual ISP tended to not really cope with other mac address without powercycle). The methed you mention I am not that sure about and if you have a modem/router combo you are pretty much f*cked if you want another IP.
Also, I doubt OP is being (D)Dos'ed, as it stops after a couple of minutes. Sounds more like there are connections that are established (like P2P) that keep screwing up the connection as long as they try to remain active/open (from other computers that try to make the connection to OP's computer).
Edit: Now that I read the OP again, doesn't sound like (D)DoS at all, if it were, it really wouldn't stop immidiatly when stopping the game.
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Just a quick question.
and how do I prevent it?
and I think I'm a victim if this thing, on a certain game. But I stopped playing that game and my network is sorta cured.
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