It will be my Name Day soon! Hooray for me! So as a celebration you've got a chance to win up to 3 games! Don't get overexcited yet, all were bundled but on the other hand none of them is particularly bad which is something, right?

A name day is a tradition in many countries in Europe and Latin America that consists of celebrating the day of the year associated with one's given name. The custom originated with the Christian calendar of saints: believers named after a saint would celebrate that saint's feast day.

Sorry for no potato option in the poll, I'm genuinely interested in the unbiased outcome. :/

First game
Second game
Third game

10 years ago*

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Is it a thing where you are from?

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Yes, but I don't care.
Yes, I more or less celebrate it.

Happy Name Day, not a thing here in Portugal though (not to my knowledge). :)

10 years ago

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"The custom originated with the Christian calendar of saints: believers named after a saint..."
Didn't the icelandic and other people have this for the norse gods?

10 years ago

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I'm not a spokesman of the Icelandic people but they were christianized back then in 10-13th century. I'm not doing a statements here but maybe it was the other way round and they adapted it with the sentiment for their old gods or something like that.

10 years ago

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I don't think so but hey, I'm no historian so you may be right.

10 years ago

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Happy name day!

10 years ago

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Happy nameday, it's called a "imieniny" in Poland and some people (especially older) like to celebrate rather a nameday than a birthday, I presume because birthday give you an impression of time flying by and getting you older.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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happy name day

10 years ago

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Thanks! And Happy name day! :)

10 years ago

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sure we have, and best part that form trends coming from western countries we celebrate birthday now too, so parties 2x in the year, hurray

10 years ago

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Last five hours to enter the giveaways!

Or to wish me happy happy, of course.

10 years ago

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Happy Name Day! :) We celebrate it too. (Hungary) More or less it's just another excuse to justify why we get drunk. :D

10 years ago

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Happy Name Day!!
Here in Sweden we sometimes celebrate our Name Days, but not so often in my family/social circles:-P

10 years ago

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