Sooooo 2 years ago before coma i got like 8000 games - every single day steam was banning from steam store yet another unity dogsh't it ALLOWED previously without any moderation,now i have exactly 7000 games lol. - 1000 over a year. Sup?

4 years ago

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When doest steam cancer ends?

View Results
When gabe get thin
Anine titties

I plan to stick to the free games for now. I will stop buying games.

and bro you have many games.

unless i see something interesting in sale. then i had probly grab it and good deal

4 years ago

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Gotta fix the home pc 1st, was unable to even use steam gift half a year lol

4 years ago

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Well, you haven't lost those "games", you can still "play" them. You only "lost" number on counter in profile. And honestly, with all your misadventures - it's the last thing to worry about.

4 years ago

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Ikr thats why i lol on how beain damaged steam rules =3=

4 years ago

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Isn't the real question why you bought so much "dogsh't"? ;)

4 years ago

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To sell cards and make profits

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago*

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On whatever amount of people tho. More better

4 years ago

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-You know this been going on for over a year now.
-As someone else said you didn't lose them, it's just about the number to boast about.
-Dogsh*t, anime titties, and especially cancer really is a mature way to try adress something?

I would have had 11,5k games instead of 9k, it's life, there are bigger things to complain about right now.

Laugh or cry about it.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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Why collecting rubbish?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Happy cake day :)

4 years ago

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Does shovel-ware matter that much to you? You never did care for those game, if you did, it wouldn't have mattered that much to you because you could still play those games. You are here just to rant on how you have lost the ability to boast about 8000 "awesome" you had in your library and now you have to settle with only being able to boast about the 7000 games.

I do agree with you in one thing though, that steam being a cancer, but not for the reason you think. Steam is cancer because it didn't moderate and filter out the shovel-wares, asset-flip games.

4 years ago

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Is it really lose if such games deserved ban?

4 years ago

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Games get usually banned when the developer acts shady at some point. That doesn't have to mean that the games themselves are bad. However, in most cases it's both.

4 years ago

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Why steam lets this shit on sale on the 1st place is the question. If you let this trash happen dont delete then

4 years ago

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I seen i am blacklisted from you. I don't have hard feelings about it and all fine but would you tell me why ?
I can't remember at a "hot discussion" or something like that.

And to your thing.... you only loosed the +1000 number at the game counter, the games are still there and i think it is a good thing that people realize they shouldn't buy games only for the +1. That is not meant to you, i mean it in general.
But of course i understand that a reduction after someone paid money (or done tasks at freebie sites) is frustrating.

I have a few games too that aren't give anymore a +1 AND can't be reviewed anymore.
The latter thing is more negative for me because it kill reviews of my curation if we made a review from such a game -and that happened in the past, with games that i bought at the steam store (and yes mostly nsfw games^^). I, as normal customer, weren't able to know they used stolen art, to give one example.

4 years ago

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o.O Do you randomly check people's blacklists who make topics of any kind?

4 years ago

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Other ones use scripts to see which one blacklisted them, i don't.

I enter the one or other profile, mostly because curiousity or to check a few things, as example if it is needed to do the one or other add game ticket, that was the reason that i seen i am blacklisted.
So more or less stumbled by coincidence about it.

I am not sure if i understand your "...make topics of any kind" fully.
If you mean if i check each one that make a thread, then no. I don't have the time for it and not the will or need.
I prefer to invest the majority of my time into my reallife :o)

4 years ago*

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обычное дело )

4 years ago

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well, the next step is not even allowing shitware to be sold on steam. So I hope removing these games is only the start.

4 years ago

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Ha-ha, fat chance.

4 years ago

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Anyway this cake is great!

4 years ago

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It's so delicios and moist!

4 years ago

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Exacrlly my point

4 years ago

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It would be much more intuitive not to list them and have the system check these products beforehand.
Don't expect to make profits.

4 years ago*

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Steam has no quality control. They tried to let users do it with voting via greenlight, after which they thought putting a 100$ fee would stop people who weren't serious. They were very wrong.
With each change comes more and more restrictions, from the loss of trading cards, to the loss of game count.
I wouldn't be surprised if in the future they wipe out such features entirely. It's a case of a few bad actors ruining it for everyone.

The purge will continue for what steam defines as trolling, review manipulation, or anything in clear violation of TOS (content wise)

4 years ago

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When they put $100 fee, they are effectively open up Steam to all kinds of games. The $100 is not meant to be a high barrier -- just a small one to block any average Joe on the road to submit a "game" and clog up their review queue.

4 years ago

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same has happened to me, i should have over 3500games but steam has banned over 1000 games in about a year the heck..-

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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wow, what a dumb move
by the same dev that made Woodle Tree, the game with fake levels, and no way to pass level 2

4 years ago

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