Is there any actual value to get from crafting the badge? At first I was going to just sell every card and make quite some money out of it, but I'm having a bad feeling there might be some kind of cool paticipation bonus only to those who crafted the badge D:

Probably I'm just paranoid and the quick and easy money will bait me sooner or later anyway, but still would be cool to know if there has been something valuable to get out of those badges in earlier Sales?^^

10 years ago*

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Contributing 10 points to your team

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Nostalgic. Now I can't stop listening.

10 years ago

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Nope,except it worth more contribution points, if you craft the summer sale badge, rather than any other. For a normal you get 1 points ( 10 for FOIL), and you can get 10 points ( 100 for FOIL ) if you craft a Summer Adventure Badge.

10 years ago

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The Summer Adventure FAQ explains what benefits come from participating.

One of the benefits of crafting the badge is you get a chance at crafting a valuable item along with the badge.

10 years ago

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Yeah, probability isn't my friend though^^; I see myself getting some 3 cent item out of that only xD

10 years ago

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Looks like I stay true to my plan and just sell them over time^^ Holding on a little longer for now anyway, still got time to decide xD

10 years ago

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You get an in game item from the games that valve has selected. And well if you are really lucky, some of those items are quite pricy and you can get lots of games that way. :D So far i crafted 3 normal badges and i'm 2 euro ahead, because i got a foil :D. I will totally craft the Summer Sale Badge at least once to try my luck.

10 years ago

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Good luck with that :3

10 years ago

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Also if you crafted your full set of cards, you should recive 2 cards if your team win daily competetion or one if not.

10 years ago

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Nope, that's for any set, not just the summer sale badge itself :3

10 years ago

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So I will recive the card if I craft a badge for example for Portal 2? The FAQ, at least in my native language suggest me, that will only work only with Steam Adventure full sets of cards.

10 years ago

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I crafted one for RPG Maker VXAce yesterday. After the purple team won (the one I'm in), I had 5 cards instead of the 3 had before... guess it's working^^

And that is also following what's in my FAQ: Anyone who contributed at least 1 point gets 2/1 cards(depending on your team). And since you get 1 point for crafting any non-Summer Sale badge, you are eligable with that already :3

10 years ago

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Crafting a badge for any game gets 1 point for your team for a normal one, 10 for a foil. I crafted a badge for Millennium A New Hope and got the bonus cards. The Summer Adventure ones just give 10 for normal and 100 for a foil plus a chance at extra rewards.

10 years ago

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crafting event badge -> bad decision
buying remaining cards to half-done sets, getting event card, selling it for profit -> getting free games -> good decision

10 years ago

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noted, was my first thought, too^^

10 years ago

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The ladies can't resist a gamer with Summer Adventure badges.

10 years ago

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First I get the summer adventure badges, then I get the steam level, THEN I get the women!!!!!!

10 years ago

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If you craft badges you go up in level and have more of a chance to get booster packs. Don't sell off your cards so you can make less than a dollar, get cards, craft badges, get more cards. The rich get richer.

10 years ago

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That will never pay off, I'm guessing you just want more booster chances? ;P

10 years ago

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Doesn't seem like it makes much of a difference though. I'm level 2x and apparently I tend to get boosters at the same time as my level 50~100 friends.

10 years ago

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I was going to craft them, but when I saw them at 50 cents and up I sold like crazy.

Bought games, bumped up another 15 levels or so from buying cheap 9 cent cards to complete their badges.

Rinse and repeat.

Looks like today value is dropped a bit, so doing it again today for now, but not sure what I will do tomorrow if they continue to drop.

10 years ago

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I bought a buttload of cards, crafted

I initially invested $5
down to 4.01
.. but I have gained like 12 steam levels :/

yay for foils.. and getting stupid duplicates on summer cards(I have 2 of each(sold any extra beyond 2)).. haven't gotten a single 8

10 years ago

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I just don't understand why the prices are still that high, it hasn't the case during the previous sales. Would that only be because of their pathetic adventure game and people wanting to make their team win??

10 years ago

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I'm still trying to figure out why people keep buying them myself. No complaints on my end though.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm gaining levels and games, so I'm happy right now.

10 years ago

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You can craft some ingame items using the cards. Of course, the lower two item tiers are mostly worthless except for the tf2 stuff but people want them nevertheless.

10 years ago

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Isn't it obvious? People want free games from their wishlists. Therefore they spent hundreds of dollars on summer cards. If they are very very very very very lucky then, their team wins and they are one of the 30 in their team of 2 million people, that will win 3 random games of their wishlist. Then, if they prepared their wishlist to only contain AAA titles, they might get back the money they just invested. Well played!

10 years ago

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It's the "top 3 games off their Wishlist". But still, pretty crazy :)

10 years ago

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Cause GabeN changed the community market layout. On the 1st day the prices(of summer cards) where fluctuating every second from 0.25 to .0.50(due to old layout) . But due to this new system the prices are steady at 0.40 so GabeN earns around 4 cents on each trade. There is no room for buying cheap cards now.Heck I made profit of 3$ by buying/selling summer card on day 1 but now it isn't possible(Feeling sad).

10 years ago

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I crafted a set of Summer badges and got a "Steal 500 points" item. I sold it on the market for $18.

So..... Worth it IMO. I've bought 6 games and have $12 more in my wallet than when I started.

10 years ago

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You get an item.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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I only craft 1 normal badge of a random game I haven't got any card from when my team is going to win. That adds a chance to win the 3 top wishlist games for free, I think it works like a giveaway.
Like the others said, it's better to sell the cards to buy a cheap game for free. 10 summer sale cards = 5.00€
Try to craft a badge to get a summer sale card for games that requires between 5-9 cards. If you are lucky enough, you won't get any double and it will give you benefit if you buy the rest of the cards on the market. You can also try to follow the prices of the cheapest booster packs. I just got PAYDAY pack for 0.12 cents when it's originally for 0.24 cents.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Efrye684.