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Level 0 $ 0
Level 1 $ 0.01 - 25
Level 2 $ 25 - 50
Level 3 $ 50 - 100
Level 4 $ 100 - 250
Level 5 $ 250 - 500
Level 6 $ 500 - 1000
Level 7 $ 1000 - 2000
Level 8 $ 2000 - 3000
Level 9 $ 3000 - 5000
Level 10 $ 5000+
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In America, where they don't know it's "over 8000".
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I'd disagree. $0 to $ 50 is one set of bundle games given away. Anyone that actually tries to level would basically go instantly from 0 to 4.
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A couple bundles then? You're still killing the bottom end by people being able to blow right by it quickly, then pooling up at the same level 4 into a blob. What needs to be smoothed is 6 to 10, not 0 to 5.
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mhhh. idk about that. people are already leveling up too fast imo. i couldn't believe how fast i flew from lvl6 to lvl9. if anything i think the spread needs to be larger so it's even harder to get to lvl9.. (yes, i'm ultimately asking for a decrease in level)
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I have told it a few times that I earn about 550€ (or 600 USD), yet I didn't find it particularly difficult to reach level 10 in a decent time with a relatively small investment. People of poorer regions (or in regions richer than mine, meaning: Russia) have their own reduced Steam prices for great CV returns or the same high-CV bundles everyone else has. I think the fact that in 2 years, the number of level 10 users has almost nonupled, with level 8–10 nearly quadrupled, shows that levelling isn't particularly challenging as the population of mid and high levels is increasing in a pretty rapid manner.
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Allowing only good games - I can only support this. No more pixelated junk, platformers, dungeon crawlers and other stupid bullshit...
Hell yeah! Sign me up!
On a serious note, finish the design and put forward whole system for discussion. Bits and pieces don't make a bit of sense when considered separately in the context of current system.
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Allowing only good games - I can only support this. No more pixelated junk, platformers, dungeon crawlers and other stupid bullshit...
Hell yeah! Sign me up!
You signed up for lack of quality control when you agreed to use Steam. That's on Valve, not SteamGifts. :P
Though we're moving more and more toward outright bigotry in some of the recent game releases, and that's.. far more concerning. :/
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weighted by a coefficient derived from entries received.
That'd require cg actually "fixing" public giveaways (by integrating a system similar to SGTools), or flat out dropping any pretense of giveaway management. Otherwise the hypocrisy of the setup would be too pronounced- it'd be simpler and less contrary to just remove non-public giveaways entirely.
While there is certainly some abuse involved in private and group giveaways, they're also part of the lifeblood of the site, encouraging community participation, SG-related group formation and socialization, and avoidance of the stresses so integral to SG's deeply troubled structure.
Besides, you could just do a +10%CV bonus for public giveaways, and it'd accomplish much the same thing, with a less complex arrangement. As far as hindering exploiters by encouraging higher entries, it's indubitable that exploiters will find a way regardless of any minor hindrances established.
Of course, you seem to be referring more to overall entries for a specific game, to avoid CV farming, and that seems far too complex a matter to expect the site to functionally develop a system to address. At the least, there've certainly been easier-to-implement and likely better-balanced suggestions made in the past to address such things. :X
Also, I still find it amusing that people refer to them as clickfarm bundles, even though clickteam bundles aren't remotely the most CV-beneficial (or even exploitative, according to Tempete's math [>>]), nor, I believe, released near as frequently as the more CV-beneficial gamemaker bundles.
Perhaps they'd be better referred to as CVMaker or Gamefarm bundles, instead? :'P
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part of the lifeblood of the site, encouraging community participation, SG-related group formation and socialization
And this won't disappear, CV isn't the glue bonding people within. a +10%CV bonus for public giveaways, and it'd accomplish much the same thing...
Rewarding wider reach more is only one facet of this method. More important is that games desired more (witcher 3) give higher "reward" than typical "+1 library" fodder. If I was looking to "punish" group giveaways, I'd simply advocate rising entries threshold for CV from 5 to 50...
But clikfarm is just such a catchy name, facts be damned p
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And this won't disappear, CV isn't the glue bonding people within.
It will, in at least some small part, if people feel they're being punished for avoiding a deeply flawed system. The CV isn't the issue- it certainly isn't for me- but I'd personally be far less inclined to utilize the site if I felt that sort of sentiment was being promoted by cg. It's just distasteful. Though, amusingly, my alternative approach in light of that context would simply be to never make another public or open-invite giveaway again. So either way, I can assure you that at least one person would feel less inclined to contribute to the open community, due to that feeling of punished for not wanting to be punished for no reason. :P
I believe you misinterpreted my sentiments to be a statement that the site itself would crumble, which wasn't what I was expressing. Just that the approach you suggested is itself a distasteful one, and that better options exist (and have already been suggested in the past).
Rewarding wider reach more is only one facet of this method. More important is that games desired more (witcher 3) give higher "reward" than typical "+1 library" fodder.
That's faulty. You'd primarily be rewarding low level and longer duration giveaways (as well as either rewarding or punishing multicopy, depending on if you didn't divide benefit or did divide benefit by copy amount), as high interest is typically secondary to those two factors. People've already suggested using a combination of community wishlist and # of giveaways already made for that game as a premise for dynamic valuation, and that makes a whole lot more sense than your approach. :X
Again, (and CV considerations be damned) there're simply less distasteful and more functional suggestions that've already been made on this topic.
More important is that games desired more (witcher 3) give higher "reward" than typical "+1 library" fodder.
Also, that's elitist as heck. There are some obscure games, and some newly released games, that so rarely get giveaways, that I value far higher than nearly all AAA games. These games often only get 100 to 300 entries even after weeks in public level 0, just because of lack of awareness. Nevermind that DLCs for any game are rarely offered and typically to very low entry count- making DLCs (especially obscure, store-removed, or pricey ones) that much more noteworthy to encounter on the site. Why should GA creators be punished for those amazing gifts? Why should someone be rewarded for putting up a T1 AAA game?
All you're doing is changing the dynamic of which games get exploitative focus, and at the detriment of things that we want to encourage being put up for giveaway.
As I said- there are better options. :)
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Pigs should get x2 CV because it's really hard to buy those damn games using hoofs.
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not everyone has that kind of money.
not everyone is rich
So we should instead base it off the lowest common denominator? While I understand the concern about people with less money not being able to give away as much, this site is not a need. Should a user not have much money or vast amounts for that matter, they can choose to not give anything away at all, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with not being able to reach the higher, or even "mid tier" echelons of anything, never-mind a leveling system on a website devoted to giving away games.
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Before the clickteam bundle I'd agree, but now everyone and their mothers are lvl3+. I think the level system is still fine, but it'll have to be changed in a few years(maybe months if another clickteam bundle or anything similar comes out) because when everybody is lvl 5+, no one really is.
If nothing changes, people start using stuff like SGTools or hidden giveaways more and more.
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well... i was against this change when it was initially suggested.. however, with steam making it much more difficult for people to level up now, i think this idea isn't so bad now...
smooth out the levels a little bit better, and addon an extra couple of levels to make up the difference for those that are already beyond the current limit.
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mmk. that still doesn't really change anything though.
what i mean to say is, now steam will no longer allow me to giveback to this community by using my trading card income funds on other people. now when i have $5 in steam wallet solely from card sales, i can only spend it on myself, therefore it will be slower at leveling up for people that do the same thing as me. that also causes me to spend less $ on valve's storefront too because i'll be saving up those card funds rather then spending them on other people.
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The argument would be, spend it on others. Theres no true "fair" way to do things. People who spent £30 on steam store got the same CV as a grey market purchaser spending £5.
Storing in inventories isn't going to stop gifts, it'll just make gifts bland and repetitive, whereas before people may have stored sales gifts for a later date, everyone now will make GA's for the weekly sales instead leading to an influx of GA's for the same stuff every week. Its a shame but not the end of the world.
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weekly sales last 5days only though, not 7days. if the user doesn't accept my steam friend request within those first 5days, i'm screwed and am forced to pay full price for the item for that same first initial winner. it is the end of steam gift world (literal gift only), cause that's far too risky.
edit: there is ofc longer then weekly sales, and those would obviously be fine though. ^^
(latest example i can think of being the new reality studio pack)
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i think people will have to just learn to be more relaxed and forgiving in delivery department. either we learn to start ignoring the fact that people have "not received" marks on their profile, or possibly adjust the rules for needing winners permission for removal, or maybe something between those two.
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One solution would be to buy cs:go keys with your steam wallet, convert your cs:go keys into paypal (using e.g. opskins), and then use humble bundle.
You'll obtain 75% of your initial steam wallet capital in real $ this way, and it's only moderately painful.
(There are probably cleverer options using the same idea)
(this is assuming you can use paypal)
(this is just to give you one way out of your current problem. I'm not saying it's a good solution, but it's a solution)
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i'm far too lazy for trading anymore. done my share of it in the past and have no interest in returning to it. ^^
thanks for suggestion though, but i'll just have to be more selfish with steam wallet funds and use them on myself instead.. but i'll still continue to gift bundle stuff & anything i can afford to purchase elsewhere though. xD
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Levels mean nothing. Making it a smoother ride is hardly going to do anything. It's pretty easy to level if you try... spam some clickwhatever it's called and you'll be level 10 in no time xD
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I already got a pet unicorn for reaching level 9! I don't need anything else 🦄
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