g2a is known to sell 'illegal' keys of some games, and the key probably got revoked.
you should ask the guy who you traded with to contact g2a, they MIGHT be able to pay him back but im not sure how youre supposed to get your keys back, unless the guy is kind to trade you the keys after he gets his money back, if he does.
recent video about similar thing that happened to g2a and other key-selling sites
edit: wait... if he had an actual steam GIFT (untradeable for 30 days), it means he didnt buy it from g2a, and hes a straight scammer.
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The problem with Steam gifts given by email is that they remain the sender's account until redeemed. In other words, if you don't click on the "receive gift" button, it doesn't get transferred to your inventory/account. This means you can have the notice email and still have the gift taken away from you (by whomever redeems it first).
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contact steam support and tell what happened, what you traded, when you traded and ask for your items back
you will get your items back BUT it will take 2 weeks i think
edit:. NVM, i only noticed now that the gift was not tradable, you cant get anything back because that kind of trades is against steam ToS BUT if you traded with a legit trader then he will give you the items back otherwise you -rep his steamtrades profile explaining what happening until he solve the problem
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No, he will get nothing back because the "trade" happened outside of Steam's trade system thank to their policy of making games untradable for 30 days.
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Sadly that won't work anymore due to the 30 day lock, which is exactly why they implemented it.
Only way to get a trade reversed if it's a trade done in the same trade window, and even then it's still quite a hassle like you stated.
Also for the OP, G2A isn't a party in your trade, the trader that sold you the game is the only person responsible for it so if he doesn't want to be marked as a scammer he should reimburse you since he did the trade with you.
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You have been scammed. Only notice about revoked game you will get if the game is in your library, if it is in inventory you will not be notifed. The guy who scammed you eather gave you stolen gift or he chargeback the money. Report him and move along, you will not get your keys back because he sent you the game on email not through trade window. Next time trade only in trade window.
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That's the first think that came to my mind. I've never heard of any shop selling Steam gifts, only keys.
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No it's possible, it used to be the norm before the new region locks got implemented they got most of their games from RU and other regions, don't forget we're dealing with a reaaaaally shady retailer here that even offers "insurance" in case you get scammed buying something from them :P
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He used fraudulent methods to purchase a game and it was revoked, if he tells the truth and he got it from G2a then they or the sellers there used fraudulent method to pay, in any case, you have been scammed, and Steam Support won't help you sadly :/ Only thing you can do is ask that guy to return you your items, but I guess he is a just a scammer and won't do that.
Good you did not activated the gift, because if you did and game is revoked, then your account could be restricted, Steam support should help you if that case, unrestricting it, but they would't return anything you lost anyways.
Never trade with suspicious ppl or ppl with low rep for expensive gifts like CoD AW.
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Always....ALWAYS....Check their SteamTrades Rep. The easiest way to do this, and to make sure you have the correct profile, (not a profile that they linked to, which could be fake), is to get Enhanced Steam, go to their Steam profile page and click the relevant link on the right hand side of the page
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So, a few days ago I found a trader who I could trade some keys for a RoW gift copy of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. His gift was not tradeable, so he first sent me the game as a present, and then I gave him the keys. Everything seemed fine. Until today, when I went to Steam again, went to my inventory, and saw the gift was gone. It just completely disappeared. I didn't add it to my library or trade it with anyone. I just left the gift on my inventory and it disappeared. I don't know what to do, I talked to the guy and he said he didn't know how did the gift disappear and he won't give me the keys back. He said he bought the gift here: https://www.g2a.com/call-of-duty-advanced-warfare-steam-preorder.html
The gift had no picture of the game, but in the description it said it had Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Multiplayer, also, it was a RoW Gift.
I don't know what to do, any suggestions? I took a lot of time to get the keys, this is really frustrating :/
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