Do you?
Eaten rabbit but not horse. My mum has and said it was alright. Not sure why peeps are against eating horses though since it is no different from eating a cow but w/e.
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Maybe for the emotional value? I don't know, but I mean, I would eat dog or cat if I was served it, I'm not too picky when it comes to which animals I eat.
Fish on the other hand, I hate them.
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Would you eat human meat as well if you were sure you would avoid punishment?
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Welp, apart from the health risks involved on eating human flesh, I don't think I would eat a member of my same species unless my own survival was severely threatened.
But I don't see what your point is.
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Whenever there's one of those accidents the production chain halts and the meat involved is discarded. It's like basic health safety regulations.
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They actually take those things seriously in here. I swear.
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The US FDA has regulatory measures in place. You can read about the allowable limitations for foreign matter (which can include dead factory workers) here:
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Just wanted to be sure, you've said you're not too picky when it comes to which animals you eat, after all. Basically, you're ok with killing and eating those percieved as friends by vast majority (fortunately); for me that's a form of cannibalism as well.
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Thanks for confirming that you're not just deluded in one sphere, but instead are a common asshole that didn't deserve responding to in the first place
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for me that's a form of cannibalism as well.
If that's not a retarded argument I'm Elvis Presley.
But whatever, keep being full of yourself in that high horse of yours. I don't know who's the greater asshole, if the one that asked about meat preferences in a public forum or the person that entered said thread insulting left right and centre.
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Sorry, but you can't say that you perceive some animals as "friends" then call someone else deluded. lol
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I would estimate that there is minimal risk consuming human flesh. The risk of prion diseases can be minimized by staying away from the nervous tissues. Heavy metals may be a concern If you're partaking regularly.
Kind of an odd "cut" of meat, but eating placenta can give you a taste. Sustainable too, since it's just going to be thrown out anyways.
kind of off topic
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Zebra's nice, I don't like eating hunted animals much tho, because if not cooked proper the meat is kindof hard.
I gotta try the other things and see how they are. I wanna try crocodrile too.
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It's probably not due to the way the meat is prepared - wild animals or game animals provide much leaner cuts of meat due to lower fat contents. Lean meat basically means toned/tight muscle groups with low fat content. It's why most people refer to sport animal meat as 'gamey'.
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Yeah, but I mean, I've eaten things like venison or boar and on stews thoroughly cooked they are not that coarse.
I do know that both wild and sport animals have lower fat contents.
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Here there is the Forks Over Knives documentary film:
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What's the point of this documentary? I mean are you telling me that eating to much meat is bad for you? I mean, you're like 5000 years late. Mediterranean diet ftw
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Never tried in my life. But i dont have anything against people who eart horse meat.
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Meat's meat, I prefer to not waste an animal if it's already passed.
Now people who slaughter dogs for meat, those guys can go choke on something. A dog bone I suppose.
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A horse is a friendship? How? I mean, people don't have horse pets around the house or whatever. Also I don't think you would've met the horse you're eating anyhow, not to mention that's gonna be glue if not...
I'd rather eat it.
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Domestication implies friendship. Mankind simply has an interesting relationship with horses. Our lives have been more dependent on them than animals domesticated purely for food like cows, pigs, chickens, etc.
We've gone to war with them, used them for work, used them for transportation. So, I suppose some value them more. But really it's just an upbringing.
Not many children books talk about eating horses like they do cows, chickens and pigs. Also, horse meat really isn't all that great given the requirements to raise them for meat. Of course it may not help that most horse meat is from older horses.
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Eating horses is wrong? What are you even about? Are you saying my upbringing and culture is wrong? Can you be more full of yourself?
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I know many people who have horse pets just like other people have dogs. Some have it right next to their house in villages and I know some in cities who drive out to villages to see their horses, pet them, train them etc. Those mainly rent a chamber for their horse in stables outside of the city.
In my opinion meat is meat and if you are not grossed out or have ridiculous morales (clearly differs from morals) you can give it a try.
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It's okay if it's ground, I can't stand it any other way.
Better than being sent to the glue factory at least, eh Secretariat?
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Lamb is great, specially the small ones, really tender meat.
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I have eaten rabbit but not horse. Would like to try but it's pretty hard to find.
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We do have horse sausages etc. in supermarkets but not plain horse. Most market halls sell it but there isn't one where i live. :(
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I had it once in Italy, it was alright. I liked it better than cow. I don't really like mammalian meats, and eating horse just isn't a thing in America so I haven't had it again, and probably won't.
I would try rabbit, but I don't really like meat so I doubt I'd like it.
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Just out of curiosity, not judging or anything. Do you like poultry?
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I don't mind eating horse. It tastes sweeter than most other meats though, which I guess can be off-putting. It's hard to get in my country though.
I also like rabbit, but I don't like the idea of breeding rabbits for food when there's enough of them being shot to avoid overpopulation in the wild. So I do check the source of that before purchasing.
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There is even Horse Milk, and it can act like alcohol, and Horse sausages, and it's normal eating horses in many countries. Horse Milk, in Central Asia, North Europe, East Europe, all this can be normal.
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Most of this place (Canada) you can't find horse meat, just the "edgy" food markets on the west coast and in our French province Quebec. Some delis in Ontario carry it too.
They slaughter piles of them in this province (Alberta) every day though, down around Calgary there's feedlots full of them. Most are trucked in from the US, thanks to the animal rights people "winning" and causing them to be stuck in a cattle trailer with no food or water their last few days of life just so they can say they weren't killed in the US.
Kind of like environmental people getting polluting factories shut down here and moved to China, nobody actually wins except in their minds. Guess it's easier that way to pretend they made a difference, or something.
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Shhh, 'murica greatest freedomest countriest in the world.
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The quality of rabbit meat depends a lot on it's breed. The Netherlands Dwarf rabbit for example? hardly worth butchering, and poor meat to boot. The Flemish Giant on the other hand...
Edit: also i had jello, and I think that's made form horse hooves, isnt it?
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I don't think so... except maybe if it was without me knowing it... I haven't had anything unusual - pig, lamb, cow, rabbit, deer, chicken, duck, various kinds of fish... but that's it I think. I mostly live of chicken though, very rarely pork/beef.
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Yeah, I mostly eat poultry too on a regular basis. It's the most affordable and leanest meat I guess.
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183 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by lav29
Pretty much the question explains itself. I mean, I've seen a lot of outrage on the internet about horse meat on things, and I kinda thing that it's a pretty good meat.
I mean, I do like some horse burgers and stuff, it's tasty. So I was wondering where the problem is.
Also as a follow up question, what do you think about eating rabbit?
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