I'm currently sitting at level 0, so I can't even apply for most of the giveaways, but so far I haven't won any of them, which is fine. No big deal! So, anyway, I'm just anxiously awaiting for my moment to arrive before I run out of points to spend. So, I decided to read the FAQ and learn about the levels and points and I learned myself up on how to level up. Leeches can't level up so I need to get involved and create some giveaways myself and get some good feedback from the community if I ever want to make it to the next level. So, after learning this, I immediately maxed out my 3 giveaways, with 2 games being offered to members of any level with a 1 hour time limit. And the 3rd game, I set a 2-3 day time limit. I'm new to this so I didn't know if it was frowned upon to only offer giveaways for 1 hour so I at least set 1 giveaway up to last a few days despite my overwhelming desire to level up as fast as possible.

An hour passed and 2 of my 3 giveaways ended and It was absolutely lovely seeing their usernames and emails in the "winners" tab. So, I set my momentary rush of envy aside and congratulated them on their wins and immediately sent them their keys/steam gift emails. I wrongly assumed that due to my expeditiousness that the winners would have no problem reciprocating by swiftly giving me some feedback. So I could start leveling up right?!?! Can't enter the higher level giveaways at level 0!!!! Anyway, a few hours later I came to terms that feedback might take a little longer than I anticipated, so I decided to kill some time and enter a few dozen giveaways, lost them all, and when I checked back on my giveaway status I saw that both of my winners had still yet to provide me any feedback. So I decided to get on this discussion board and ask for words of advice or spiritual guidance from you long term members because I was afraid that I was starting to get a little ornery. Lol. I often seek help from strangers on ways to cope with life's random difficulties. Anyway, just ignore me, the longer I go without sleep, the more neurotic I get and the more I ramble. Hence the following aforementioned and following paragraphs....

All in all, I love this site and I'm looking forward to a long mutualistic relationship with steamgifts.com, and so for the sake of my future here, I would just like to clarify that I am completely sane. I want to make sure that everyone understands me on that and knows that I'm not mad or mad at my giveaway winners for being lazy thankless bums and not immediately posting feedback. I'm just OCDing right now and this seemed like a good place to vent my infinitesimal level of frustration since more than likely, no one will ever read this. If for some ungodly reason, someone has read all of this, up to this point, I just want to say "hello" and "how's it going bud". As you may have noticed, I've decided to vent on here and greet you in the most annoying and long winded way I could imagine, so I would like to apologize to you while I have a brief moment of lucidity.... Moments over, I also wanted to say hello to everyone else, not just you. Everyone in this awesome community which I will spending a lot of time with in the future, if I can ever level UP that is!! Just checked again, where's my GD FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!!! Lol, that's fake anger, don't worry. ;) While I was waiting for feedback, I also decided to try my hand on the trading boards and I have put up a trade request. I've offered a variety of games to anyone and everyone and all I've asked people for in return is to just make me an offer that I can't refuse, but no bites on that either. Maybe some lucky brave soul will take my trade seriously and get all 11 of my games, all for the low low price of 1 random game that tickles my fancy and a written agreement that I will become the sole proprietor of their immortal soul. So, while I wait for the feedback that will never come and for responses to my trade proposal, I'm waiting/writing here, droning on and on idiotically to myself and probably no one else, because I seriously doubt that anyone will have made it this far. But if you did, congrats! You are obviously a very strong willed and determined person but also clearly not very bright because the time that you took to read this verbose claptrap was absolutely wasted and could have been spent in a much more productive manner if you were so intellectually inclined. Don't you dare sass me about how "I'M" the moron, because I clearly wasted way more time in the writing of this than you did in the reading of it, young lady/madam. So, I think I've done all I can do on here for the night. I should probably save a little of my dignity for tomorrow.

I will crawl out of this Level 0 hell soon and I'll see you/ you all in the promised land very soon my fellow frugal brothers and sisters. Just as soon as I trade/giveaway my level 0 shackle, I will be with you. I obviously need to go to bed now, because I'm anti ADD'ing hard, maybe stage 5 and I've only just realized that this entire discussion is moronic and pointless and that I've basically just come across as an impatient, insulting, whiny bitch, who is annoying and not funny .

Speaking of self-awareness, my therapist told me that the next time I get like this, fighting with my sanity, that I should resist the urge to self-destruct and just take my medicine and strap into bed. He says that sleep is our body's way of resetting and regulating itself and that hopefully, after a good night's sleep, my abnormal brain chemistry will return to homeostasis and I won't have to worry about bad thoughts or police showing up at my house again. Nice healthy productive sleep. He emphasizes the "hopefully" because, so far, the pills haven't worked and just as soon as I nod off to the land of eternal shadow and Fox News, I immediately begin experiencing horrifically violent night terrors. Accompanied by sleep spitting, sleep swearing, sleep prancercizing and occasionally sleep eating. Regardless of sleep eating though, sleep shitting is a guarantee. Every damn night. There isn't a diaper on this earth that handle the nightly onslaught that I perpetrate on my underwear, so my sheets get wrapped up in my shit all the time too. I also occasionally experience fugue states during my nightly episodes and won't remember anything for days at a time. It was during one of these episodes that coincidentally my neighbor's dog was killed and the police had me pegged as the prime suspect. They questioned me for hours, said they knew I was lying about fugue states and that they had video surveillance footage that proved it, so I might as well confess. They said I was clearly the man in the video who brutally stabbed the poor defenseless animal to death and that it was just too convenient that I couldn't remember the past few days. Told me that I was only making it harder on myself by lying. Detective Dickface, being the genius that he is, worked out the math, and stated that the odds of someone else matching my height and description killing MY neighbor's dog COINCIDENTALLY at the same time as one of my supposed fugue states was astronomical and that if I didn't confess then they were going to punish me to the full extent of the law. I explained to them that I did have issues that cause black outs and outbursts but that there was NO WAY that I could ever hurt another creature, ever. I was so flustered and the voices in my head were starting to scream really loud to give in while the others screamed even louder to be nonchalant, so I did get a little upset for a moment and demanded that they show me this supposed evidence so that I could at least see what they were accusing me off. A few hours and a stale cup of coffee later, they rolled in a TV and VCR and put the video on without saying a word.

The screen showed security cam footage from my neighbors garage. It was a extremely dark that night and the only lighting coming into video was from the garage security light, pointed towards the road. I could see that the man was completely camouflaged from head to toe in black, and covered in some sort of black paint. He reminded me of a Ninja except for the ridiculous way he moved. Like he was drunk. My worry eased a bit after seeing him. I didn't have any memory of that night, so that small part of me that worried me capable of this relaxed a bit. I knew how these guys operated though. Even though, they didn't have verifiable proof, they just wanted to close the case, and for any outsider looking in, Vegas odds that I was the culprit were 10:1. Even though I didn't do it, without a witness or some evidence to prove that man's identity, I knew they didn't have a case against me. Of course I wasn't going to mention that I hated that dog with passion, but still could never sneak over there in the dead of night just to murder the barking bastard. Especially in black face, that's racist! After a while, I got the feeling that these guys were trolling me, because this surveillance video of a man eating a ham sandwich while stabbing my neighbor's dog to death with a butter knife seemed to ridiculous to believe, so I was thinking CSI went CGI and digitally inserted the sandwich and the dog, just to throw me off my game. It didn't work though. I was ready for whatever they threw at me. I was innocent. You couldn't quite make out the sandwich eating dog killer's face, but occasionally, in the right light, I would get a hint of recognition. Kept seeing the light shine off his big ass front teeth. Definitely wasn't me, I wear dentures and I sure as hell wouldn't get some dentures that make me look like Gary Busey.

I really didn't help my case though when I kept laughing during the viewing, but here's why. Well just call him Gary Busey. Gary Busey keeps angrily shaking his head like a man possessed, every time the dog looks at him and cocks his head. The poor confused dog don't know what the hell Gary Busey is doing in his yard eating a sandwich, so he just keeps cocking his head over and over wondering if he's being Punk'd. Hence, a feedback loop of hilarity. Then Gary Busey starts screaming at the dog, "QUIT MOCKING ME! I WILL NOTTTT BE SCOLDED, INSTRUCTED, or MOCKED by a FUCKING DOG!!!" The dog cocks it head again… that's when Gary Busey blows his top. He goes ballistic and screams "FIRST YOU HAVE THE NERRRRVE, TO TELL ME THAT I PUT TOO MUCH GODDAMN MAYO ON MY SANDWICH…. THEN YOU ASK IF YOU CAN FUCKING EAT IT…. THEN, WHEN NATURALLY I SAY, UH, NOOOOO, IT'S MY SANDWICH, YOU COCK YOUR FUCKING HEAD AT ME LIKE I'M THE ASSHOLE." The dog cocks his head the other way "I'VE HAD ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE FUCKFACE. YOU THINK YOU CAN COCK YOUR HEAD AT ME!!! MOCK ME RIGHT IN MY GODDAMN FACE AND THERE WONT BE CONSEQUENCES." Despite the darkness you see the dog lift its head up, as if it's sniffing for something. I assumed it was smelling Gary's sandwich.

"OHHHH, SO SORRY TO OFFEND YOUR DELICATE SENSES PRECIOUSSS! BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!! LIKE YOU'VE NEVER ATE A GODDAMN SANDWICH AFTER SHITTING ALL OVER YOURSELF!!!! IT'S PERFECTLY NATURAL!!!!" At this point I'm laughing my ass off, while the detectives look at me like I'm the Gary Busey. I didn't care though, I couldn't help myself. That Gary Busey's is bat shit crazy and he's hilarious! Unfortunately, almost immediately after that outburst, the dog cocked it's head one final time and that sent Busey to dog shank town in a hurry. Naturally, I was still giggling from earlier, like any NORMAL human being would, but they looked at me with pure disgust. Luckily, I managed to stifle my laughter just before Gary Busey started in on the 3 way with the dog's corpse and the remainder of his ham sandwich. So I think they were convinced by then that it wasn't me on that video, when I couldn't stop vomiting. So, long story short, TOO LATE, I was eventually able to convince them that I wasn't the psycho on the tape and I was able to help point them in the right direction. The man in that video was clearly Gary Busey or one his Chicklet toothed family members, regardless, I was off the hook and I never had to worry about hearing that damn dog bark again. The only thing worse than having those night terrors every night of my life, was hearing that damn barking in between em' whenever I'd have a pretty lively screaming fit. Well, I guess violently shitting myself every night is worse, but only barely.

Anyway, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, I'm still going to give it the old college try and attempt to sleep the night through. Hopefully these new pills will work and I'll rest easy. It would be so nice for once to wake up, take a shower, wash my shit riddled body and sheets and not have to worry about what else I might have done in the night…. BESIDES shit the bed of course.

So instead of deleting all this and beating the shit out of my neighbor's taxidermied dog in my garage for a few hours , I'm actually going to ignore the voices for a change and listen to Dr. LipShitz. The voices don't care about me like Dr. LipShitz does. They criticize my every move and action and constantly remind me of my inadequacies and berate me about my incessant prattling about inane, random, stupid crap that no one cares about me and tell me that I'm a friendless weirdo because people want nothing to do with me because I'm just a "fucking ratchet mess" and that I should just embrace them and they'll be my friends in the darkness and they'll help me achieve my masterpiece of taxiderming all the dogs in the neighborhood… and their owners. Lol. Yeah right. That sounds like way too much work. So, okay Dr. LipShitz, I'll try it your way, I'm going to leave this as is, submit it, and see what the voices tell me in the morning.

So goodnight Steamgifters!!!!!! When I wake up with a more level head, I'll read this back over and see if I need to set aside some time to self-flagellate for posting this garbage and wasting everyone's time. The Nancy Pelosi doppelganger that lives in my head is telling me "Seriously, wrap it the fuck up asshole!" So, I better go, have a good day everyone, I'm going to bed!!!!!

9 years ago

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So text, many long, very wall, wow.

9 years ago

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Nice avatar! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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Thanks! You too!!!!!! :)

9 years ago

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Oh man, you guys should read this thing. There's sandwiches and pants shitting in it.

9 years ago

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Lol... glad you enjoyed my ADHD pill story!

9 years ago

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Good post

9 years ago

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If you needed 2000 words of filler text, you should have just gone the lorem ipsum way. Why bother writing them youself?

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Yes, I can agree with you about everything stated in this brief post.

9 years ago

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I'm glad you are able to vent to the community ... It's a better outlet than bottling up your rage/anxiety. Be patient with the winners. It's the weekend and people are out. You'll level up soon enough ! :)

And I thought my celebration post http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/MgxdY/rachellove-bundle-courage-a-ginormous-celebration-of-love-10-bonuses-end-111 was long 0.0 well, I guess this is quite long too.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I've just finished reading it. What the heck am I doing with my life?

Anyway, I was about to comment the extra information you provided about yourself, but nah I don't want to judge anyone.
I will just say that it's too much information for the most part and I'm not sure what did you expect to happen after writing
it all here on SG as it's totally unrelated to your main concern on SG. Anyway, no offense but I think you are either a bit
disturbed so to speak, or you have a really wild imagination. If it's the latter, you should be a writer (if you aren't yet).

I wish you good luck and many nights full of uninterrupted sleep.

9 years ago

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Lol. Thanks for that... yeah, I just got carried away and for some reason decided to use this forum as a writing exercise and I quite enjoyed myself. You are correct on both accounts. I am a bit disturbed and I have a vivid imagination... but don't worry nothing about that post was actually about me or anything in real life. Thanks for the words of encouragement on the writing though. Take care of yourself and SWEET DREAMS!!! :)

9 years ago

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I couldn't agree more. I was about to say the exact same thing yesterday but didn't!

9 years ago

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