I said this sentence to my wife a couple minutes ago, and her response was shock and disgust. I will not say which one went in which blank. Answers are in alphabetical order. Thank you.

5 years ago

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Which is objectively better?

View Results
Harry Potter
The Office

I would say that you cannot compare one to another.
I only watched a few episodes of the office and I have read all harry books and seen all films so HP for me.

5 years ago

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Same on not being able to compare. She gave me a hard time for re-indulging in one, and I pointed out she does the other once a year. I then said the statement in the subject as a playful jab, and here we are.

I was just curious as to which would actually win. I posted here because I think our Facebook friends might be skewed and I have absolutely no idea on demographics here.

5 years ago

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Only seen a few episodes of The Office but it was fun. I do know that I love Harry Potter, and I think I would enjoy The Office a lot. They are so different, imo it's so much easier to like something (HP) that has a complex, huge world ( books, movies, games, spin-offs, kinda the fanfic too) than something that is entertaining and/but mundane that it's really unfair to compare. Heavily weighted towards HP as it would be towards Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, etc - anything that has a world, history *and* characters to engage with and like compared to only stories about a few characters.

5 years ago*

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The fandoms of both are cringe sometimes. The story themselves? I think harry potter has better plot whereas the office isn't a big story as HP. I like the office more than HP, but I voted for HP because of how in-depth the world is. I've only read the first HP book, and seen most HP movies (most of them as a little kid), but I have seen the office about 2-3 times. However this is really hard to compare since there are so many differences that set them apart.

5 years ago

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literature versions are better than movie/animated etc versions. (assuming it was a book, novel first etc that gets adapted into some monstrosity)

warframe > destiny, and that one game where USA collapses and youre some secret agent trying to revive the place kinda.
RTS > Moba stuffs
Top down adventure campaigny > moba

^^ the above is me answering without reading the whole thing... whoops

The Office is at least kinda relatable, since Harry Potter is just magical funstuff

5 years ago*

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literature versions are better than movie/animated etc versions

While generally true, I think there are some definite exceptions. For example: Stardust, The Hunger Games, and Harry Potter - I enjoyed the movie version of each more than the books (much more in the case of The Hunger Games and Harry Potter).

5 years ago

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a creative imagination when reading (hopefully) > someone else's interpretation and imagination as depicted in motion media.
maybe because to me its more intimate with books, you're slowly digesting the details of whats going on whereas in movies its just seconds or minutes at a time for a scene.

although now that i think about it, harry potter books were sooooo simple dimple for young readers.

5 years ago*

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The USA collapse youre talking about is The Division. Agreed with the moba comparison but saddly that doesnt matter as everyone plays mobas instead of RTS, making the genre dead.

5 years ago

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ahhh thats the one.
and yeah my most favorite genre is dead :(

5 years ago

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Ahhh thats the one.

It is. But I have to disagree about Warframe being better storywise than the Division 2. Granted the Story of Division 2 is nothing to write home about, mostly because it's just a bunch of small personal stories like how did those people die; how did a brighteyed idealistic federal Federal Prosecutor become the fanatic leader of a group of madmen but from what I've played of Warframe (~ 30 - 40 hours) it was just 4 or 5 story missions mixed in with 90% procedural generated content.

Granted the trailer for the last (?) expansion about the slave planet looks very cool and the work shanty they sing is awesome.

On the other hand better than Destiny 2? Maybe... but that's just because that game is utter garbage. Oh, how far the mighty have fallen.

5 years ago*

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dunno bout division 2, tried division one, beat it. hated it. aint gonna touch or look much at #2 with its association with #1

yeah, warframe slowly builds up on storyline eventually like a tortoise riding a sloth on a snail. i just overall enjoy the community and the eventually build up and hype about it that people do for it. plus its canadian. really can't beat their geneorsity and kindness. It used to be 100% procedurally generated XD

5 years ago

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The best part about the division was the survival mode and to me, its better than 2 in every way, saddly didnt play much, just the free weekends.
Warframe is a awfull game and i played it during early acess, a long time before it came to steam and then on steam for a while, it doesnt have a story its extremely repetetive and grindy, its a grindy game for the sake of grinding, all youre doing is grindingy slowly for new equipment and thats the game in a nutshell, thats it, its so bare.The Division actualy has storytelling and some story, it also has better other modes, and a straightfoward campaign to work trough and youre getting gear along the way, youre playing to proggress trough the content, not to grind.

5 years ago

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My most favourte genre aswell, i was only like 3 years or whatever or 5, i dunno, discovering age of empires 1 or 2 at my moms school being played by other people, aswell as commandos 1, i was a tiny little kid, playing Dune Battle For Arrakis on my sega genesis and fell in love with it, then discovering both first command and conquer games and dune 2000 on my dads work pc, no idea why they were there but thank god they were, loved, loved, loved those games, their SO GOOD. Then as a early teenager discovered starcraft, warcraft 2, krush kill n destroy xtreme, i fell in love with this genre and this genre was murdered by blizzard with starcraft 2 and warcraft 3 enablings dota... and then fucking idiots like EA and Relic try to get into that esports market blizzard is in with their 3rd and 4th games... esports are fucking cancer, tank rushing tryhard sweatlords make multiplayer non existant so i was only ever a campaign guy, not skirmish, not multiplayer, esspecialy when it wasnt avaivable anyway in those days....
But listen, if you want any chance of RTS to come back in some form, you gotta support what games are coming out, this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uPOr8PxeXk and this https://www.facebook.com/mars2000game/ i dont know about Age of Empires IV, i think its going to be fucking terrible because its not Ensemble Studios aka Robot Entertainment making it, its Relic, i fucking hate Relic, they made the pieces of shits that are warhammer 40k dawn of war 2, 3, retribution, company of heroes 2, terrible fucking games so i cant 100% say to you to support AoE IV, its being made only because microsoft desperately need to get games out there and they have so little IP of their own to do it, if they had way more IPs, i can tell you right now, AoE IV wouldnt be made, the definitive editions, sure, maybe, but 4? Nah.

5 years ago

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Hmmm... none of the above?

5 years ago

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I haven't seen The Office but Harry Potter is objectively very low level writing aimed at children and young adults. To name just one example: Slitherine wins the Years 1 challenge but since the story has to entirely revolve around Harry and it would be too hard to explain to children that despite doing the right thing sometimes you still lose they make up some bullshit excuse to award Gryffindor extra points and let them win.

5 years ago

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If you want to read proper novels about wizardry check out the Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch. The local colour alone is worth the read.

5 years ago

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I think appreciation for Harry Potter depends a lot on your starting point. People who haven't really read much fantasy loved it - it was great gateway fantasy for them.

But having grown up on J.R.R Tolkien along with Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, having read Ursula K. Le Guin, Niel Gaiman, Terry Brooks, David Eddings, and others, Harry Potter seemed generic and boring. Almost everything in the first book had been done before, and done better, by someone else. It seemed like Rowling was heavily inspired by Tolkien, Gaiman, and Weis and Hickman, but never rose to their level. The one part that felt unique, the logic puzzle towards the end of the book, was also impossible to solve because you weren't given all the information, and the answer required using hidden knowledge instead of logic - which just cheapened the whole experience and made me feel like I just had my time wasted.

5 years ago

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it's not a fair comparison. Harry Potter is more like candy, it's not meant to be deep, in the same way that Star Wars isn't serious science fiction. Harry Potter is about the hero's journey, not about mythology.

5 years ago

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Well, Star Wars is more space opera than science fiction, but that's beside the point. :)

I don't see how it's not a fair comparison - I compared Harry Potter to other fantasy works by prominent authors and found it lacking. I don't see "it's supposed to be shallow" as a legitimate excuse - The Wizard of Earthsea is another YA-style fantasy novel about a hero's journey, but I think it's better than Harry Potter in every way and feels unique where Harry Potter feels derivative. Same for Stardust, another YA-style fantasy about a hero's journey that's refreshingly unique.

I'm not trying to crap on Harry Potter, or people who like it, just trying to explain why it didn't interest me. Everything I came across in Harry Potter reminded me of something I had already read in another, better, book. For example, my friends would go on and on about how clever and novel it was to have a hidden world inside London that only the magic users could see, but I had read Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere so the concept didn't seem novel at all. Had I read Harry Potter before reading Tolkien, Gaiman, Weis and Hickman, Le Guin, etc, I'm sure I would have liked it. But having come to it only after reading lots of other fantasy, it just seemed like it took bits and pieces from other authors but didn't really do anything interesting with them and wasn't as interesting as the source materials.

But hey, it got lots of people into reading and fantasy, and that's a great thing! J K Rowling clearly did something right to create such a huge hit. :)

5 years ago

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I wish I could remember which author wrote it, but, I'm reminded of the quote

"sure, my writing is more like Jelly than like caviar. but people buy a whole lot more jelly than caviar"

It's like pop music - they're not masterpieces that will be taught in conservatories years later, but there's still a certain skill required to make a hit.

5 years ago*

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I don't know, sometimes I think some people are just in the right place at the right time. Admittedly, I haven't actually read Fifty Shades of Grey, but hearing from those who have it is a terrible book that is terribly written, and the only explanation for its success is that it just happened to come along at the right time.

The fact that Fifty Shades of Grey is an enormous hit while Kushiel's Dart languishes in relative obscurity is kind of a travesty. Granted that's largely because one is romance while the other is fantasy, but is tragic nonetheless.

5 years ago

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That actually makes a lot of sense. And I'm not saying Harry Potter is without merit. It brought a lot of people to reading and Fantasy which on it's own is worth a lot.

Yeah, I hate it when writers do broken puzzles like that. The puzzle contest against Blaine the Pain in Stephen King's Dark Tower series got me so furious I almost sent him an angry letter. When you have to exchange words in a puzzle for the puzzle to make sense the puzzle is inherently broken.

Like when you exchange a couple of words in the sentence "Stephen King is the grandmaster of horror." the actual meaning becomes apparent which is "Stephen King is a frickin' moron who couldn't write a decent ending even if his life depended on it."
He is good at Coming of Age and 80s nostalgia though.

5 years ago

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hur dur harry potter is for kids hur dur. Good luck mentioning harry potter without getting this kind of comment.

5 years ago

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My main point wasn't that it is aimed at children. There's lots of great novels for children and young readers. My main point was that it's just very poorly written.

5 years ago

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UK or US version? Seen the former not that latter. Still voted for Harry.

5 years ago

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We live in the US. The version of The Office referenced would be the US version.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This. I wanted to say this - but having not seen Office US did feel less than qualified, but totally able to offer an objective opinion.

5 years ago

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I saw the first episode of the US Office, and having seen the UK Office it made me not want to watch any more of the US Office. UK Office is indeed objectively better than the first episode of US Office.

5 years ago

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I live in the US and I agree with that statement. It's also objectively shorter which is another good thing.

5 years ago

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Ricky Gervais said that the less involved he became in The Office (US), the better the show became.
They're different beasts made for different audiences. The UK version is definitely smarter, whereas the US version is dumb jokes. It's like comparing the Three Stooges to the Marx Brothers - different strokes for different folks

5 years ago

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Nothing is objectively better or worse. Everything's subjective.

5 years ago

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Rowling's writting bored me to death, even when I was an avid lector at the time. The movies were fine, but I can't really remember the plot of any of the last 4 so... forgetable for me.

5 years ago

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what went in where?

5 years ago

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

5 years ago

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Posts with polls are objectively better than posts without polls.

5 years ago

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I think I was too old to get into Potter and as a result have only followed it when I accompanied others to films. Although that might be the source of my "objectivity", as people often told me that the movies didn't explain some book stuff as well, and most people were going in with that background knowledge.

More importantly, besides a few memes about noses and horcruxes, I've never seen Harry Potter manage a burn as 3rd degree as the one of Ted Cruz.

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5 years ago

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It's like comparing carrots with bananas. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5 years ago

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12 is better than 6 ???

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Never seen The Office. Stopped reading HP in the second book. The writing in the first was amateurish, but the second was simply boring. The movies were enjoyable though (though I haven't seen all of them yet).

5 years ago

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Office is fantastic, barely seen it but what ive seen, is great. Harry Potter though is breathtaking, far better, just not as much content to watch.

5 years ago

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butts are objectively better then boobs

5 years ago

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Comparing one to one - In my opinion harry potter is objectively better.
Soundtrack, cinematography, actors. It all comes down to a brilliant movies. Story is complicated and really greatly written. its executed brilliantly.. Yeah yeah, space nerds can calm it - I understand there are bunch of other sci fi writers who have even better stories. But even with that Harry Potter is famous for a reason.

I love office, I have seen it two times and would love to watch it again. Jim and Pams romance is much more enjoyable then any romance story in Harry Potter. But when it comes down to actually saying which is better - Harry Potter takes points in all around quality..

That is when we ignore the fact they are different genres and one is a movie and one is TV series...

5 years ago

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Marmite is objectively better than Vegemite?

5 years ago

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I chose HP and wow 50% 50% 105 each

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5 years ago*

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Closed 5 years ago by DirigibleDan.