Sounds fucked to me, sorry that happened to you Majima
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If it's a repeat offender, or 3-5-ish months you still get in trouble. I had a person with 9 unactivated wins within 5 months (when they joined) get a significant suspension. Mods are not unreasonable and I suspect there is more OP might not be mentioning.
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You get a suspension for a rule break as soon as the mods see it or handle a ticket to it.
When you had a suspension in the last 1 month, the gifters can request a reroll and it is always granted in this case.
If your suspension is older, then there are no reroll possibility for the gifter.
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Ha! Not even close.
I received a suspension 9 years after the fact for an issue I filed a ticket for that didn't get touched until six years after the fact--long past any time when the answer I was looking for could have helped.
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I assume it's about this giveaway.
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yep thast the one , Rise of Flight: Legendary Bombers
won it and redeemed it same day
from what i undedrstand , maybe cause my steam was privat
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Yes, that must be it! I don't know how I missed it, thanks for pointing it out.
If that's the case, the game is still in the user's library, so why the ban? Maybe they removed the game (since it's free to play) and only recently added it back?
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You won that DLC some hours before you gave it away. A different key ofcourse, as you explain above, but still that's a part of the story that shouldn't be left out and that contributed to the moderator's understanding of the situation.
Edit: I might be looking at the wrong DLC, because that main game Kung Fu Strike isn't free to play.
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no , its the same key and its nott kung fu strikes , its Rise of Flight: Legendary Bombers
redeemed it right after i won it , i can prove it
the mod banned me cause the main game didnt show on my steam acount , but i do have it and steam doesnt let you redeem keys if you dont have the main game
than they added 7 days ban on top of the first 5 days cause i was banned 3times 9 years ago
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It can't be easy moderating here and it's a thankless job.
While everyone has their opinions on what should be prioritised and what should be more considered the ones putting the hours in are the ones putting the hours in - and that should be respected regardless of an individual's personal experience with them.
I've been hit and considered it unfair. But you only have to look at the numbers and the amount of people trying to exploit the system and it puts it all into perspective.
And the mods are people who are just as susceptible to whims, flights of fancy and inappropriate action occasionally like all of us are.
Take a breath and get back into the swing of things is the best advice I can give. And that goes to everyone :)
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Ha! Just to say. I was banned by moderator on some other site that is related to games because of my nick name (this one). His reason was "other players might read my nick name and want to use cheats in game because of that"
Very reasonable, yes xD
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i know its hard to monitor a site like this one but banning someone for 12 days after 9 years and giving the silent treatment when someone submitting a ticket explain what happen is just wrong imo
also i was banned right after i won a game and now when i came back i found that the one who made the giveaway chose a different winner :/
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no , the creator requested another winner cause i took too much time to claim the key , cause i was banned
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I strongly suggest that you don't start a personal vendetta's here, by naming the mod. Unless you are keen to get suspended for several more days.
No idea what went wrong in your case. Steam's API doesn't share ownership information about DLC. Maybe you had hidden the related F2P game and that triggered the alert.
To you it certainly most feel harsh but that's how generally all such cases are handled. Just don't hide or mark won games as private. Or games related to won DLC
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im not starting anything or looking for apologies
i just find it weird and kinda abusive and i wanted to explain what happened to me and if someone else had this problem
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This thread is interesting. I'll come back to it.
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Funny enough this is exactly what happened to me a while ago after i came back to SG after 2 years break.
made a ticket reporting a user for breaking TOS only to get banned myself for a similar reason as OP :D
reported used didn't get banned and yes they're still breaking TOS to this day (i can prove it) LOL
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I would say some are significantly worse than others. Which is weird considering some are excellent. Consistency seems nonexistent. I actually preferred MSKOTOR's days of complete transparency rather than what we often get now.
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When you appealed, was it the same mod handling the appeal? Because that is completely inappropriate and yet 100% happens.
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nope , 2 other super mod replayed once and never again
waited the first 5 days and than asked again for help but no one replayed sadly
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At least it wasn't the same mod. You got more fair consideration than a lot of users do at least. Even though it didn't work out the way you had hoped.
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wait so you mean some people got it even worse than this ?
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IDK about the specific punishment. That seems extreme. But yes, certain mods seem highly protective of their judgements and how dare you question them is the attitude.
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I was once suspended for 7 days for an incorrect claim of not activating a very old game win. I immediately reached out to the mod and provided proof that it was activated. Mod claimed that a script that they run must have made a mistake. It took 5 days to get reinstated. I would have thought that activating thousands of games and having given thousands more would cause some pause, but it seems that some of the hall monitors take things very seriously. They're games, right? We're playing games?
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The problem with what you say is that the user you replied to did nothing wrong, the moderator made a mistake by not checking properly and despite the user reaching out and providing proof it still took 5 days to fix the moderator's mistake. This all according to the statement the user made of course. We haven't seen the ticket.
So there's no bribing involved, just someone who bans without knowing what they're doing. He just pointed out he had well standing account, not likely someone to just steal and run and abandon his account. So it would've been proper for the mod to investigate, not just ban. Because if you can wait years to send out a ban, surely you can wait one or two more weeks to speak to the user and see what happened and make sure you're not making a mistake.
If the moderators start handing out bans on guesswork and feeling then you can't exactly trust the moderators right? They need some data to ban someone right? And if that data is wrong, then maybe don't send the ban out. I feel like I shouldn't even have to say this and I fail to see how you'd defend this further.
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Since you've chosen my experience to debate, another important part was that I received backlash for reaching out to the moderator on Steam Chat. I was under a ban as a result of a mistake. I don't believe that i could create a ticket on SG as a result. I believed that the only way to correct this was to contact the moderator on Steam. So, in my view, I got backlash for reaching out to a SG moderator on Steam to point out the mistake that they made.
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I'm confused. Did you mean to post that as a reply to my post? Breaking rules? Bribing judges? Whaaaa?
What'chu talking 'bout Willis?
"Rules are be abided by, or be judged upon.
A justice system should be based on judging all who break the rules, not on how much money you can give to bribe the judge."
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I would have thought that activating thousands of games and having given thousands more would cause some pause, but it seems that some of the hall monitors take things very seriously.
Just cos you’ve given away lots of games doesn’t make you exempt from the rules is what I’m saying.
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Maybe it should make the mod go through a questionnaire like 1. "Would this user throw their account away on purpose to steal 1 $3 game after giving away like $5000" then the mod should maybe say "seems unlikely I wonder what happened? then maybe look at the questionnaire again and go with "2. I should ask the user for any clarification before I ban" instead of "hell yeah I get to send out another ban lets goooooooooo" ?
So maybe having a reputable account with a long tenure should mean something. Doesn't mean they should be exempt from the rules, but when you give and win hundreds and thousands of games sometimes, you think 1 mistake can't happen? Look at how many users make giveaways and then delete them cause they made a mistake. Heck the mod in question just made one by not giving the user a chance to demonstrate ownership. That mod trusted the API knowing it's all over the place sometimes. Sometimes Jesus should not take the wheel.
The problem here is even if you have a problem with your account, there's no way to know until a mod just suspends. Instead of telling you hey there's this problem with your account, you just get suspended. When they suspend all you can do is wait it out it's not like you can address the concern at all.
TLDR: He never broke a rule, at least according to his statement, it was the mod that was wrong all along in his case. Thereforethere was nothing to give a suspension for, yet he still got one. Not sure if that makes sense.
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"Just cos you’ve given away lots of games doesn’t make you exempt from the rules is what I’m saying."
But the word 'exempt' was never used. You're inserting your made up facts to claim an easy 'victory' in your straw man argument. If you have to insert different facts to feel that you've won, then you're argument is probably not that good?
I was just sharing my experience. You picked it and then changed the facts to turn it into your Cause célèbre.
There are differences between a 6 month member that gives away zero games and appears to have an unactivated win, and a 5 year member that has given away 1,000 games and appears to have the same unactivated win. The second is more likely to be the result of a mistake. The first is more likely to be abusing the rules.
No system is perfect and no one expects it to be. But there are overzealous mods that, in the view of many, myself included, unreasonably use their strictest interpretation of a rule to justify what to others appears to be an overreaction. This is in the context of a group whose goals are to have a friendly community around playing games. Playing games.
Krushchev bangs his shoe
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Don't feel bad, I got banned once for a referral code for Star Citizen. When there is no rule against them, only against referral links, as seen in the community guidelines. All it was, was a code, separate from the website link, that was completely optional for people to use, so we'd both get free rewards (vehicles) if they did buy the game. I attempted to dispute, but never got a response. Took over 2 years before they even closed the ticket. There aren't enough mods, and as volunteers, there are bound to be some that don't do a great job (assuming they did mess up).
Sure a number of people have been banned unlawfully over time.
Referral links. If you choose to post a link, please be sure all referral codes have been removed. For example, by changing to Also, do not attempt to circumvent this rule by adding referral links through intermediary processes as users try to reach their intended destination.
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Since you came to discussion board I took a moment to look into your suspension as well as your ticket and the replies you received from the support team. If you are going explain the situation you should include important details.
So first you didn't just get a suspension for "Nothing". You received an appropriate suspension because you broke the rules of SG.
First there is no auto checker to see if you activate your games, as it was already told you in the ticket by a support member there's no SG statute of limitations, so it could be from 100 years ago or month ago, it's whenever it's discovered. You received an longer than normal timed suspension(an extension) because you have previous violations for not activating wins.
Next with regards to the game. When the support member checked your library the base game wasn't there and they highlighted the rule which wasn't followed in the suspension which you showed in a screenshot. An SG support member mentioned that you chose to either remove the base game from your account or use Steam's new private feature to hide the base game so when they checked. You then told them it was private and then it was changed so it was able to be viewed in your library.
This is your responsibility, you made the mistake.
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Seems to me like we need a statute of limitations, an auto checker users can also use to prevent such mistakes, and maybe a more relax IRS tax system. It's been 9 years and it's a free to play game, you could've contacted him and just said "bro I just ran across this, just make sure its public or you get a ban. I'll give you a week since I missed it for 9 years" I don't see why you gotta be so tense for something that happened 9 years ago. Threatening a perma ban too for something you discovered 9 years late. Even if he's in the wrong here for making it private, you're 9 years late to the problem, and you know when steam launched that private system a bunch of people rolled into that and maybe forgot to take all of them out. I don't see his other acc history to see his other unactivated wins and sgtools doesn't catch them, so I can't take your side here. I'm for changing the rule to better fit the timeframe and perma ban threat needs to go(feels targeted imo) for something so late and the situation(a f2p game).
Edit: I mean since we have a button to sync, why can't we have a button there for checking unactivated wins or to show potential unactivated wins(things that the api has issues with)?
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That is something that has bothered me from a development perspective (I don't private games so doesn't affect me personally), but it would be feasible to, on sync, validate that wins were activated and even if the game is revoked or privated it doesn't matter because the win was previously validated. Not to say it's a trivial amount of work, just that it's feasible.
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Well you said it's low priority to have this feature. To me it seems this should be high priority to relieve mods of this stress in the first place and focus on specific cases and give them proper time to look at a situation to discern what the proper procedure should be.
Like if you're saying both of those processes are low priority maybe we should focus on what's high priority and ignore 9 year old suspensions all together and not even look for them because what a waste of time this was. Or what was your point?
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Why not implement this in code tho? He doesn't trust anyone, but doesn't want to do it either?
I'm also saying there should be rule changes considering op's situation. 10 year acc, 9 year old win no one noticed until now, f2p game, api problems, and steam releasing their private system recently. I'm all for giving the user the chance to rectify the problem, instead of banning before we even try. With no system to let the user know something is wrong, they can't fix the problem until they get banned, that's not right either.
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I never said it shouldn't be implemented in code. I said it wasn't a priority.
Please read what people write before you respond with lies about their position and what they said. You seem to make it your primary objective to lie about what people just said. Please stop doing that. It's very dishonest of you.
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That makes sense, but there's a small loophole to this. One could win a key for a game, then buy the game on Steam, then sync with SG (key appears activated), then refund the game on Steam and resell the key.
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This could be solved by periodically saving a list of the user's wins, alongside their synced library, and comparing their library to see if it contains the won list. After 14 days you could remove the check needed for that game and could make an offset for where you start checking to not waste resources, as in not needing to check all 2000 games someone has, but only what was won in the past month lets say, since they wouldn't be able to refund something that's that old anyways. You could alternate that with doing a full check like 1 time a year or something like that, and otherwise sticking to monthly wins. Checks could be at random times and random days on the server, so users couldn't expect or know when a check has been done, if a unactivated win pops up. Then the mods could filter in the system for special exemptions, and check for only those manually, where it would be proper to ask the user for their activation proof.
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What if the rule didn't exist when he broke it and he was caught in it later after it was implemented? What I'm guessing happened is steam rolled the option to private games, he did private this one, CG updated the rules to include private games and then the user fell for a rule that changed. However, keep in mind CG usually posts a discussions forum with the rules, doesn't instead log everyone out and make them accept the new terms. More than possible thousands of users never saw his thread on the update. There's also no sticky's so it doesn't even stay at the top or something. So I guess to be safe, just log in to sg and check the rules every day in case there's been a change? Like considering all this, I'm still on the user's side.'
"Are you arguing that it shouldn't be a rule, or that it should be a rule, and he did break it, but that he shouldn't get punished for breaking
It should definitely be a rule, but I'm saying he got punished for a rule that changed too. Like there's so many variables the mod should've just been understanding. I'm just saying they were "too extra" for no reason. As you pointed out OP has some tenure on the site, it's not exactly his second week here or something, but he got treated like he's some reseller and trader of keys won. I'm also against making games private, I was before steam even made it an option, including their new privacy options for the profiles. But we as users also lack features to help us in tracking these issues. There's people here with over 1000 wins, what if someone gives a removed game or something and there's another game with the same name and the key is that and it activates wrong for instance and you think you got the game and mark it as received, and you don't realize as the user. Years could go by and you get a random ban for an unactivated win, instead the mod could just ask you, you look at your library and at least you can provide proof of the misunderstanding. Getting insta banned after years went by (9 nonetheless) with the mod putting in 0 effort to at least contact you to give you the chance to make the misunderstanding or mistake right seems extra.
TLDR: It should be a rule, but he shouldn't have gotten punished for it due to the circumstances. Mod should've attempted to contact him first to see where the mistake is.
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The rule might not have been in place at the time when he made the game private. So at the time he broke no rule. Then cg changed the rule, made a forum thread that only some people might have seen, the user had no clue maybe and didn't remember which games he made private when the rule didn't exist, then he got punished for it.
Kinda like cg pushing out a rule today for not replying to each other in the forums, and then tomorrow we all get perma'd because there's proof of us replying to others in the forums and we didn't delete all of our replies in all the threads we ever made and somehow missed one or two replies we made 10 years ago. Not something he'd do clearly, but the analogy works.
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made a forum thread that only some people might have seen, the user had no clue maybe
That should NEVER be a reason to excuse someones guilt. Being unaware of a rule does not take away liability. Simple as that.
It is a different discussion on how SG mods handle this. But again - how is not knowing a rule good enough reason to excuse someone?
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Because the rule had been recently edited, after being a different rule for 8 years or whatever maybe? You kinda see the rules when you sign up, and then you kinda move on and forget to look at them daily. If there's changes to the rules it is probably important the users have some notice. It also seems sensible to look at the overall situation and see if it's necessary.
I'm against making games private myself and I support that rule, but how long did it take sg to push a forum thread that the rule has been changed(was there even one, probably I don't remember), and how quickly it was buried, I'm guessing a few hours?
OP's been here for 10 years, it wasn't an acc that's been here for 2 weeks, and did it, in that case I'd find it reasonable, but there was no reason for op to ignore it on purpose. Like think about it, why was the game made private, likely before it was a rule to not make it private, he did because he didn't like the game or whatever, the rule changed, and he forgot to change it back. If 10 years of tenure doesn't give you a break on this idk.
I'm gonna take a gamble here, and say I'm 100% correct when I say that not every single user that signed in today checked the rules first before operating the site, and not every mod that visited the site today did it either. It's just a guess, but the rules can change at any time with no notice or a forum thread that gets buried in minutes. If you disagree and you think every single person that logged in today looked at the rules today let me know. But I believe that's what you're suggesting so we're aware. To me that seems extreme.
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Before suspending the user, the mod could easily have simply reached out to the user to see if it could be resolved without the suspension. Some modicum of discretion should be used by the mods before handing out suspensions.
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"too much work for unpaid work, say thanks and shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"..............
This seems to be the latest trend and imo, it makes no sense whatsoever.
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All of this is a mess actually. From the part that you can't enter for a dlc you are missing the base game of, to giving a suspension 9 years later, to never communicating anything properly, to mods acting "randomly" and so on.. Volunteering is irrelevant.
At some point common sense should surpass rules as they can't cover every situation and also, automated systems can make many mistakes.
No rule is golden and there is a reason for that.
Try reading Les Miserables. READING, not watching
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The new private feature came out in 2023, so they turned it private recently, but that's neither here nor there. It's an SG members responsibility to ensure that they follow the rules.
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Correct, I'm just saying the way the rule is right now to me is wrong. Even ignoring this user all together, going 9 years back into someone's account, knowing there's api issues regarding dlc's and f2p games, knowing steam pushed out the private feature, knowing it took sg like a month to change the rules according to that, knowing there's no notification that the rules have been changed, and issuing a suspend and threatening a perma vs contacting the user first and asking him about it first and saying "you need to show the base game activated on your account and submit an image of the dlc redemption date as proof". What part of that would've been worse and how vs giving a insta suspend?
I mentioned it earlier too, but you could push a new rule right now, no one would even know about it, and then ban a bunch of people on the pretext of "users should know the rules". Doesn't sit well with me, not sure why it sits well with you, maybe cause it's easy for you to ban and move on, and you're free and shielded from bans yourself so you never have to worry about them. When you got the privilege you don't actually see the problems. Tell me, what if something like this happened to you, would a fellow moderator insta suspend you or let you know about it? Is that the safe circle?
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"Next with regards to the game. When the support member checked your library the base game wasn't there and they highlighted the rule which wasn't followed in the suspension which you showed in a screenshot. An SG support member mentioned that you chose to either remove the base game from your account or use Steam's new private feature to hide the base game so when they checked. You then told them it was private and then it was changed so it was able to be viewed in your library."
i got banned a while ago for a random steam bug that somehow made a game not show up in my library with absolutely no way for me to know about it
and the supermod who banned me, NO they didn't have access to check/see my library so my ban was basically based on SGTOOLS check i would assume.
after clearly explaining in my un-suspension request i still got indirectly threatened with a perma ban if something like this happens again
Something i DID NOT personally do, had no idea about & out of my control
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You had the dlc activated but had deleted the main game? I'm semi confused
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This happens all the time and has happened to me multiple times. Last time was for a game that was revoked by the developer from my account that I won here but I still have all the DLC for that game on my account (which would be impossible if I never had the base game on my account). That is the one game that shows as not activated as it is a removed game I won it a long time ago.
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He didn't say the game got removed from steam but "revoked by the developer from my account".
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But regardless, you are not allowed to remove a gift from your account or private it.
Gifts you win must be activated on the Steam account you used to register. Do not regift, trade, or sell the gifts. After activating a gift on your Steam account, do not remove the game or set it to private, as we may need to verify the activation if your account is reviewed in the future.
He privated the game.
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The other flipside is you can buy and refund a base game. Seems the Free to play base is a casualty. Some Free to plays are in a window.
Deleting any Steam game has repercussions on SG.
And I'd hate to be a mod that isnt being paid, on a site that is free. Mods are always dealing with people with drama that want to wear them down with time consuming courtroom paper avalanche to be "right".
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I also used to think than that was the case, but steam's way of showing ownership has enough little edge cases that you can totally "own" a game while not technically owning it and not even notice the actual deference until much later. Although it doesn't prove any wrongdoing since an user can accidentally stumble their way into that situation.
Not to mention that during the beta period of the new private function the system had a tendency to randomly just bug out and mark new games as private by default without giving the option to correct that until after the activation. But as far as I'm aware that bug only affected gifts sent directly through steam and not keys.
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The mod should've just asked for the license page activations proof of the dlc to confirm his suspicion. Issuing the suspension on belief alone when there's issues of the sort with the api to a long term user for something he won 9 years ago has too much uncertainty to it. It was just a mistake all around.
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They're harder to manufacture than the excuse the mod made to give a suspension for something that's 9 years dead. I see what you mean, but is it really worth the fight for that value for a f2p game for a user that's been on the site for 10 years? I'd understand maybe for new recent games maybe go a little extra, ask for hours in the game and a screenshot from the game posted by the user, heck they can bring up the steam overlay and settings while in the game and probably take a screenshot of the game, while also showing in the overlay they got the dlc and on which date it was redeemed That's kinda foolproof at that point.
Just saying tho, atm to re-roll a giveaway, you can submit a screenshot that you attempted to contact a user, that could also be easily manufactured. We use the screenshot system as a proof system, if we don't trust that, maybe we gotta dump it from wherever else it's being used.
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Something similar happened to me last year, got hit with a suspension for a DLC that still was on my account because the base game decided to bug out and stopped showing on my profile, but I was able to argue my way out of that suspension by presenting proof that I had done nothing wrong.
The way I solved the issue of the game not showing up was by playing it for about half an hour and getting some achievements, apparently that did the trick and got steam to show it on my account once again. After doing some digging after the fact I managed to piece together an explanation of what happened: even tho the game was F2P and I owned multiple DLC for it apparently I never activated the main sub ID for it directly, instead I had gained access to the game through another package back during the game's beta, said package was an extension of the activation of a previous game in the series that was paid and had granted me one of the DLC's. So basically I had access to the game and it showed in my library for years despite never technically owning it properly, then the devs did some adjustments to the back end during an update and the game vanished from the list of owned games in my profile without me ever noticing any change on my end, when I installed and ran the game it stealthily added the main license to my account and the problem fixed itself, probably the intended behavior and generally harmless except that it made it look like I had broken the rules of this site. I of course was pretty angry while arguing with support to lift the suspension so I didn't consider the possibility of me having been the one to have fucked up at the time and only realized all of this after the fact, from my perspective I was being accused of doing something that I never did and that also made zero sense because I had never deleted any game from my account at the time, much less something I had won here. Now in retrospective I can agree that I was probably at fault then because I basically had broken a rule by sheer negligence on my part. The whole experience made me realize that even if don't intend to break any rule so many factors of how steam works are outside my control that I can end up being guilty of crimes I never meant to commit and those looking from the outside have no reason to care about my intentions as they are pretty irrelevant to the actual material evidence they're presented with, in the real world we're all guilty until proven innocent after all despite people liking to think it's the other way around, true justice is unachievable without perfectly accurate information and perfectly accurate information is itself unachievable so instead we usually get what's deemed good enough justice by the justice system itself.
So, just move on with your life because there's currently no way to fix this particular issue.
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Anotha` one.
The problem here is the mod instantly gives the suspension instead of contacting you to give you time to post the activation. Like that process is just wrong. The user is automatically at fault when it's steam's api fault and that doesn't make much sense.
Like I'd change the process they follow so automatically for all DLC's the user is given a timeframe to post proof of activation, instead of the mod being able to insta suspend. Problem solved. Will it happen? We'll see.
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Some sort of notification system that let's us know about wins not showing up in our account would be really nice but it might be a bit too resource intensive for CG to ever consider implementing. The second best thing I can think about would be something like how isthereanydeal sends us an email whenever it can't find a game in our steam account but made specifically for SG's wins, maybe as an extension of sgtools set up by some user and automatically sending an email to users who subscribed to it.
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It was normal back then that F2P games vanished from your account after some time on their own.
There was a change on steam that changed that so you had to actively remove it.
If memeory serves me right this change was around the same time as they allowed you to delete any of your owned games.
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North Vs South keys are pretty cheap. You can replace that game you didn't activate and stop failing SGTools checks.
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Isn't AllKeyShop a grey market shop (reseller store)?
If so you should edit it out of your post, you can name it but not link to it:
Reselling keys and links to reseller stores. Do not use our site to resell keys, and do not post offers from stores which allow third parties to resell their keys or gifts. For example, do not ask others if they are interested in buying your leftover keys from a recent bundle purchase, or link to keys for sale on sites such as Kinguin, G2A, or Eneba.
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No, It's not a store. It's a price tracker.
Nice try backseat moderating though.
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Backseat Modding?
Dude, I was simply asking a query and giving a heads up in case it was, so you AVOID a suspension from a mod. Literally trying to HELP you, NOT pretend to be a Mod.
Did a little search and seems linking to a price tracker that shows Kinguin and such, use to be against the rules. Apparently this is no longer the case, staff have eased off on it.
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That wasn't the problem tho, not sure how much he cares about 1 thing on sgtools that's likely a misunderstanding between the steam api and sgtools, someone explained that case above. This post was for a different game tho.
Also, sg tools has it's own issues, it doesn't report the wins/losses properly, so the numbers might be more inconsistent, even more so especially with removed games, dlc's and other special cases. Tried to point this out to it's creator and he feigned ignorance so the best I can tell you is don't rely on sgtools for data, it ain't there.
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I am on my last stand, if i am ever banned again it will be permanent, due to being a turd in the forums before. Anyway, i stopped with entering giveaways and just give away every now and then, but mostly i just use the forums since i like the community and want to follow bundles etc. I don't think i was ever banned due to giveaways tho, afair. But, one time due to suspected auto join, which i had installed at the time but didn't ever use, actually (and i am 100% honest about that).
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You claiming two copies of the same DLC isn't "unfair".
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FWIW, I have seen evidence of good moderation and to those, I say 'thank you'. I appreciate your efforts.
Part of volunteering should be the goal of doing a proper job. If someone doesn't, then the logic of 'I'm an unpaid volunteer' doesn't make sense and if that's all that someone has, they should resign.
Sincere question to Moderators: If someone feels that they have received an undeserved ban, what action should they take?
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hey again everyone
i was banned for 12 days for basically nothing .
i won a dlc for a free 2 play game in 2016 and i redeemed the key the same day ( have prof of it here and on steam, and i marked it as received )
but 8 years later a super moderator banned me for 5 days for not having the main game which is a free 2 play ( a game that was already in my account, also steam doesn't even late you redeem dlc keys without owning the main game) .
than banned me again for 7 days cause i was banned before :) .
when i created a ticket to explain my situation , the response basically was "we dont care"
so yeah thanks again and happy new year :)
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