7 years ago

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As it is the number of shorter duration giveaways are likely to drop down organically due to the changes. That is bad enough. We do not need further changes that make for even worse odds.


Also, changing the minimum giveaway duration would not significantly change user behavior. Why?

Let's say I would really like to win The Shrouded Isle (which I would, it has been on my wishlist for awhile now). Minimum giveaway duration is now 24 hours. I log in and see 100 giveaways made for it with end times ranging from say 18 to 36 hours. I can't enter them all, even if I put all of my points towards those giveaways (and there are probably at least a few other games I'd like to win as much), which is fine. So, what do I do?

Like most people I enter the giveaways with the lowest odds. But, I'm going to have to remember to come back before the giveaways end. Why? Since points are so low now, and giveaway duration so high, I need to make sure the odds have not significantly changed since the time I entered (which they will). So, I come back and see that the odds are shifted, so I move my points to some different giveaways of the same game. Some others do likewise. The process continues.

We are still going to be logging in frequently to micromanage entries like that, since its more important than ever to make the best use of limited points. Long duration giveaways just make that even more complicated since the long duration gives lots of time for odds to shift back and forth.

And, as I noted originally, it means no more low duration flash giveaways with better odds.

So no, do not want this change.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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I need to make sure the odds have not significantly changed since the time I entered (which they will). So, I come back and see that the odds are shifted, so I move my points to some different giveaways of the same game. Some others do likewise. The process continues.

+2. I like how a change supposedly designed to reduce the need for people to compulsively check the site actually increases the time you need to micromanage all your entries. Such a well-thought change! 🙄

7 years ago

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What flawed logic.
From your point you have an argument, but those that don't get the flash GA have 0 chance. And 0 chance << 1/1000.
And if you don't invest your points, you don't have a chance to win. So your 'rechange' of GA to get 'better' ods doesn't help because you still missed every GA you removed your entry mean = 0% chance to win.
So your wanting just give those users 'better' chances, who can be in the timeframe only and have points and ignore all others. And this forces MORE often to visit the site to not miss those.

So you DON'T want to be equal to others.

7 years ago

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I'm ok with whatever, but voted for 24.

7 years ago

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It's fine, let's keep it at 1h so the role of auto-joiners is even more important than previously :3.

Or let's change it to 15 minutes so I'll move my lazy ass and write one myself :3.

Voted 24h, but that will barely change anything.

7 years ago

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yes it supports the autojoiners
and 12 or 24h would be great

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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24 hours would be great, but I'd be totally fine with 12 hours as a compromise.

7 years ago

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Flash Giveaway are intended to be exactly that FLASH. But 1 hour now is a bit problematic i believe, hmm... i'll go with 2hs so it will still be some sort of FLASH without making it a regular giveaway full of entries loosing the point of creating them in the first place.

7 years ago

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1 hour is not that flash, compared to 1 minute =P let's lower the time-limit! XD

7 years ago

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The points system has been changed to not need to come to SG several times a day ... but what makes us come several times a day is not the points, but the fast GA.

(I don't care about "losing" points, I worry about not entering the GA for the games I want because I don't have time to see them)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I agree with this - and I'm someone who pretty much only does flash giveaways!

7 years ago

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Hmm, sorry, can't say I support changing the minimum giveaway time.
How long a giveaway lasts should be up to the person providing the game being given away, not the people who want to enter it.

7 years ago

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Second sentence is exactly what i think. You can make "your giveaways" 12 hours nobody is making you use lowest limit.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thing is, the change to points was made "because people were waking up in the night to enter 1 hour long giveaways".

Seeing how giveaways will still be 1 hour long, nothing will change and people will still join 24/7. I just think they;ll just join more 4-weeks-long giveaways to have more points for the Humble Giveaways in Tuesdays.

Unless of course cg announcement was "Valve Talk" where he said "I don't want people to wake up in the middle of the night" while what he meant was "now most auto-join botters will have to run once per day since they won't get full number of points until next day anyway".

We'll see in few weeks anyway.

7 years ago

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I won't be swayed in the slightest on this. It's something I've always stated on SG since the beginning - if you're paying for the game, it's up to you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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+1 Giveaway creators should have as many freedoms as possible.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Guess because it was a pretty big change and it's interesting to see how people see this part right after the pointsgeneration-change.

Personally I went for 12h, because if I check the site constantly for new GAs for a couple of hours..now I actualy have to constantly bank points in case a 1h "flash-GA" pops up that I really want...
Previously I'd check the site for new GAs I'm interested in and still would be pretty sure I would have enough points the next time I check the site for new short GAs.
More time for "flash" GAs would lessen the need for banking points.

7 years ago

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no, 1 hour minimum is perfect.

if people want to farm cv, let them pick 4 weeks. if others want to do flash giveaways, they are free to keep doing them.

7 years ago

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If people want to farm CV, they will make 1 hour long giveaways even more, because that way they'll get their CV fastest.

7 years ago

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so let them farm. what's the problem with that?

7 years ago

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They can farm all they want, just pointing out Mully's argument should be totally around.

7 years ago

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if they want to risk not reaching 5 entries, yes. my point is it's safer to make long giveaways.

7 years ago

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Public giveaways don't need 5 entries to count, only private and group ones.

7 years ago

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even 30 or 10 minutes would be fine for me xD

7 years ago

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I've seen people create giveaway topics for a private giveaway that was 5 minutes from completion. Now that's a flash giveaway.

7 years ago

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yup, indeed. the flash ga event :3

7 years ago

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Me too. Not sure what the fuss is about, tbh

7 years ago

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especially for lower levels flash GA gives much higher chances to win - usual lvl 0-1 GA running for a day easilly breaks 1000 Entries, for more wanted games 3-5k entries are not uncommon (at least that were the numbers in old point systems, but any changes will probably be more opr levv the same, if all GAs go down in entries by 50% now for example, so will do flash ones), flash GA for low levels usually ends up on +/-500 Entries, which basically means low level who caught it has 2-10 better chances for winning than in other GAs. On the other hand it also makes all kinds of bots more useful - people will want to snipe flash GAs when they are not online.

For higher levels it's not such a big deal thou, Lvl 0 Flash GA will still have more entries and smaller chance to win than lvl 5+ 24h GA ;)

7 years ago

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To me 1 hour seems reasonable enough, even if I only made a GA that short 2 or 3 times I think the creator should be able to pick whatever duration he/she wants.
Now if I truly had the power to chose any given time as a minimum I would say 3 hours is the sweet spot for shortest length.

7 years ago

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I don't make flash giveaways\one hour giveaways myself because I like that people can enter my giveaways not restricted by different time zones and real life but one of the most important things making SG giveaways is: my giveaways my rules, your giveaways your rules. Giveaway rules are set by the giveaway creators and not by those who enter the giveaways, so people who would like to make 1 hour giveaways should continue to be able to do so.

7 years ago

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Exactly ;)

7 years ago

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Why not a 5min GA if we want ??
There is already a minimum (a limit for the "rules" of creators). He just proposes we change the minimum ;)

7 years ago

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It's doable.
Create private ga.
5 minutes before its end make discussion where you post link to this ga.

7 years ago

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It would be desperating to see that ... :S

7 years ago

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You are completely right. This site is changing in the wrong direction. It is not a right to enter as much ga's as possible with the less amount of effort, it is a privilege. And if logging on the the site is too much effort to win free games given away by generous people I think you deserve no win at all.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Gawd no. There's already enough people that whine if you haven't sent the key after an hour, imagine the flood of tears if GAs were 24h and you weren't around the next day or two to confirm the giveaway.

Flash giveaways can be started, finished and confirmed in one session of sitting on your arse infront of the PC. It's quick, easy and minimises the chance of someone annoying you. Please don't take that away.

7 years ago

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1 hour is just fine :) some of us like to drop flash giveaways from time to time and that would eliminate possibility. Less posibilities - worse.

7 years ago

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I would say no to the change in previous SG system. Now i dont like new system and new system dont feet 1h GA. Thats is why i opt for 12h one...

Still would prefer to return to previous system with points between previous one and new one...

7 years ago

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Having 1-hour GAs is fine when people don't complain that they don't have enough time to refill their points when new bundle is out. Otherwise it's contradiction, they want to both be able to enter in every GA they think is nice and keep 1-hour limit (which means they will miss tons of GAs due to 20p/h limit) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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obv you don;'t like strategi :D
keep 50p always on hand :evillaugh,coughtodeath:

7 years ago

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I'm fine with the current limit, but If I had to choose I would go for 8h as it fits he recommended sleep time/working hours and logging in 3 times a day is not that much. At the same time the giveaways could still be considered flash based on the mentioned criteria(even some shops make flash sales 8h if they make business worldwide).
On the other hand I noticed that even now the 1h limit is not a true limit. If you open the create GA page and select end time within one hour but than wait before confirming the settings you're still able to create a shorter GA. In that case simply changing the limit without reworking the validation would simply end up with a creation of some sort of a script to create such flash GAs.

Edit: Ps. Quite often people make 1h GAs just to offer higher chances of winning to other users. So to also account for GA creators' needs it would be nice to simply have GAs with limited number of entries. to compensate for the change in timespan. Then probably both sides would be satisfied

7 years ago*

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The entire idea of capping points is that less people will join each giveaway, thus giving better odds. If you change the minimum time so that more giveaways are active at the same time you ruin that, since people won't have to "pick and choose".

So no, increasing the giveaway time runs entirely contrary to why the new point system was put in place.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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The entire idea wasn't that less people enter GA.... it's "users should not need to invest this much time into entering giveaways"....
If you don't change the minimum time, people will come on SG like always and spend as much time as always entering GA.

7 years ago

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If you read the original post where the point decrease was discussed it was clear that his point was that people would be able to enter less giveaways, but it would be made up by the fact that that means better odds in each individual giveaway since less people would be able to enter each individual giveaway.

Basically people can no longer spend all day here (unless they enjoy being active in the forums) because they simply won't have enough points to do so. It also doesn't matter how long the giveaways are because you can't enter any more of them in either case - once your points run out that's it... except if they're longer the odds are gonna be worse, so you'll have less chance of winning.

7 years ago

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I read the original post and my citation was of it ;)
People will still spend the same time here because if there is a GA of 1H for a game they want more and they are not here, they can't enter it.

The original idea wasn't entering less GA but spending less time here. Entering less GA is just a consequence of this.

7 years ago

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This would not impact how often a user wins (gifts are not disappearing). Users would have less points and enter less giveaways, but those giveaways would have higher odds of winning.

Here's another quote from the original post, making very clear that the idea was that people would enter less giveaways. Unfortunately if the minimum time was extended that last bit would no longer be true.

If they spend just as much time here to see every single 1H giveaway, that's just a steady stream of giveaways that end before they have enough points to enter them. That means people will quickly learn not to spend as much time here because it will just be disappointing.

7 years ago*

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I see this as an issue, because users should not need to invest this much time into entering giveaways. People should also not need to wake up in the middle of the night to avoid hitting the point cap. It encourages people to look into scripts for entering giveaways
This would not impact how often a user wins (gifts are not disappearing). Users would have less points and enter less giveaways, but those giveaways would have higher odds of winning.

Like i said :The original idea wasn't entering less GA (the consequence) but spending less time here (the issue he want to resolve).

7 years ago

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How can they enter more giveaways in the same time if the amount of points is unchanged???

Having 12H to spend your 30P doesn't magically give you the 30P, it allows you to gather the 30P, but that wont be spend on another giveaway then, thus same amount of entries.

You can't enter the 1H giveaway though since 30P can't be generated in 1 hour, you would have to leave another. Thus major shuffling... the path we're on now. I already got a few "bank GA" I entered.

7 years ago

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I don't say they enter more giveaway in the same time Oo'

I said : People will still spend the same time here because if there is a GA of 1H for a game they want more and they are not here, they can't enter it.

Yes the "bank GA" will probably be used more... (with the risk that people win GA they don't want if they forget it)

7 years ago

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I re-read your post again and yeah, you seem to agree that people still need to spend the same amount of time here due to short giveaways (and giveaway juggling now too).

Maybe I confused you with the OP who thinks that this system actually is opposite the point system instead of it's logical extension.

Or maybe I'm just getting confused now. So many topics, posts, opinions...

7 years ago

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All you would have to do to circumvent this is to create a 1-day giveaway and not post the link on the forum until one hour remains, so you may as well just leave the current limit.

7 years ago

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Maybe fixing this bug would be good too ;)

Edit: I don't think about private GA, my bad.

7 years ago

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The main reason why people make flash giveaways is that they want them to be over as soon as possible. What you are saying wouldn't help doing that.

7 years ago

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Don't know if I have ever created a flash GA, because I like all users interested in to have a chance (level aside), but I appreciate flash GAs and I think that the GA creator should be able to decide upon duration. So: no change!

7 years ago

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would be much better to give more points, more similiar to previous.

7 years ago

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I rarely have created flash GAs; some are for a day and most of my GAs are for a couple of days. I do this so people can enter regardless of being in my timezone or working shifts or such. Therefore I won't change anything now just because of a change in point allocation.
Short version: I'm equally fine with keeping it as it is or a change to a longer minimum.

7 years ago

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Normally I only use 24h/48h timers, but I feed trash for the bots with the 1h timer. So I really don't care how short the timers are, if people want to make giveaways for bots let them.

7 years ago

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Exactly the same here

7 years ago

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I voted for 12H.
It makes no sense to make the point change to "lower the amount of time people need to spend here" when the majority of that time here is to make sure you don't miss a 1H flash of your WL game.

Which with the new point system might take 2.5 hours of points worth so unless you got them in stock, it's shuffling time, making you spend even more time.

Meanwhile auto-joiners are the laughing third, being harmed not at all, and having increased odds to boot. And able to join all these 1H giveaways without even logging in at all.

7 years ago

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I think 1 week is reasonable. As some people have busy life and can only be around during week ends...

2 weeks would be somewhat excessive...

Just joking, even 1 hour is quite long...

7 years ago

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"1 hour is quite long"

Your sleeping time must equal hibernation XD

7 years ago

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Nah, I just don't think I deserve to enter every giveaway...

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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