dungeon siege 1 and 2 are the games that made me look for loot games
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Well I was going to suggest Path of Exile but you don't want to play a MMO.
So I'd guess my other suggestion would be any good RPG. Divinity: Original Sin seems to have a Diablo like loot system.
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Loot system is so bland in Skyrim compared to games like Borderlands or some dungeon crawlers.
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Titan Quest
Really underrated game - on the one hand if you like ancient cultures (Greek, Egypt, Asian) you'll find great things of every other corner and on the other hand it's one of the greates class-mechanics I encountered in a hack'n'slay game ever!
The Addon adds 1 class (since you can learn two classes for each caracter it actually adds a lot more possibilities through that), you get to explorer the Hades and it adds some nice elements to the main game as well (reskill and artifacts for example).
Borderlands 2
I don't think I have to say much about this one - pretty much the only EgoShooter that would also fit in a comparison with Diablo-Style RPGs and imho it would win this comparison even though I normally don't play shooters much...
The 4 Main-DLCs are pretty much the best DLCs of every game ever - one DLCs has more playtime and is more fun than a lot other games have to offer as a whole!
Torchlight II
The "cheap" Diablo without all that "always online" bullshit, with mod support, offline LAN mode, etc.
May not look as good as Diablo but I would prefer this one every time...
Sacred 2
Ignore the recent third game (other developer and a whole different game)!
This is one of my favourite Hack'n'Slay games - it has a pretty interesting skill system (you don't learn them while leveling but find them, and if you find the same one more than once you can improve it)
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I know. I'm sure a lot of people never even discovered the game until well after the Devs had closed up shop, as I did. With the expansion, fanpatch, and TQVault, its a wonderful game. Solid graphics, good voiceover work, large and varied game world, and tons & tons of loot.
I'm really hoping Grim Dawn turns out well. That's basically where Iron Lore went when they shut down.
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Skyrim, Borderlands series, Torchlight were the most lootalicious games for me.
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Morrwind III
Divinity though the latest one is turn based which is why i passed on it but the others are not
Two Worlds though it was not a perfect game if you can get it cheap it is worth a play if you have no other games to loot
State Of Decay if you like Zombies and can look past it being a bit ugly and clunky it is a good time killer and you do have to loot
Waste Land 2
Sacred 3 though i am sure the others would serve just as well
All Zombies Must Die
Dungeon Siege III
Fallout Series
Dragon Age
i am sure there are a lot more but i am not really sure what you have played and what type of looting games you like other then just Borderlands as there are not really to many fps looting type games like that
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I'm not sure I would consider TF2 to have loot.... Not like you actually "find" anything, or get stuff for doing or killing anything.... It just randomly gives you something - when it wants too... I've played it a little, but i'm not sold on the concept...
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Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, they put a system like this even in Darksiders II. This way, even Death himself can get a taste of the white-green-blue-purple-orange shiny delights.
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Path of Exile, Diablo2 + Lords of Destruction, Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls (preferably PS4/XboxOne version), Titan Quest and Sacred 2.
Disregard the posts that say Elder Scrolls' games are loot based, loot in those games is predefined by level and many times you can gamble dungeons to get certain items.
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any Rouge like game - 100% based on what you manage to loot :P
but more seriously, jagged alliance 2 (newer ones should pass too, but no DIY stuff there :<),
if you didn't play it and read any spoilers, it might seem like a great loot based game.
And ofc lets not forget Fallout series
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That free castle game erm.. mighty quest for epic loot. I share an account with a friend and we lv different chars but we do it because you can loot craft mats to make really op monsters to defend your castle from other players
Risk of Rain (roguelike, no perm loot, once you die it's all gone).
Any mmorpg (Probably try Atlantica for turnbased for sure, Path of exile for a action rpg) [Do no choose D3, they nerf the hard to get loot so it isn't gamechanging, in PoE the hard stuff you grind for is still worth the grind at least].
Maybe a card games (I love loot games and cardgames for booster packs xD).
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Defiance if you like fps but it is kind of an mmo. but you can find all sorts of crazy weapons.
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Torchlight's crap. You've seen Diablo, you've seen Torchlight. Sameness squared. Go for Path of Exile. Though it being online game might be a disadvantage it has amazing skill and passive skill systems. And that is a great pro in a world full of "copy-paste" aRPG.
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For a newbie, skill system can be a bit overwhelming. Reading guides is basically a must and even then you basically have to play with a planned skill tree open in order not to mess up your build. That's one thing that bothers me, but on the other hand, endless possibilities and customization.
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I think everyone enjoys looting the hell out of any type of game. Wondering if you lovely people can suggest me some good games based on a looting system that is not a mmo of some sort.
games like borderlands pls :)
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