Hello gamers,

The DIG SUPER BUNDLE 121 is live with 6 STEAM games:


Games included in the bundle:

Tier 1 - $0.99 per Bundle - $0.5 for each extra bundle

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
Inferno Puzzle 67% of 15 reviews - 3 $0.99
NeverEnd 100% of 10 reviews 3 $1.99
Candy Machine 27% of 18 reviews 1 $8.99
Steel Punk Ball 86% of 7 reviews - 2 $1.99
Space Chaos 0% of 1 reviews - 1 $0.99
False Shelter 36% of 11 reviews 5 $0.99

☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.

  • $15.94


  • 2.3910

Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker

7 years ago*

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Chart is now in OP.

7 years ago

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Thanks! Added to OP!

7 years ago

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Why did you changed the payment options? Looks like shit now

6 years ago

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Sadly I have them all :( - so nothing to add to my collection here

7 years ago

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Exo can you investigate the LSD game in the DIG points store - as I purchased it thinking it was
which is the link your LSD game points to
but the game it tried to install was

which I already own and thus would not have purchased had I known :(

7 years ago

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Sorry, I'm not the correct person... :)

But I just bought one to test it, and mine redeemed http://store.steampowered.com/app/718370/LSD/ same as yours. Sounds like the DIG store is linking to the wrong game, which is ok for me since I didn't own that one anyway. :)

7 years ago

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yeah - it is annoying as I would not have purchased it had I known before hand :(3
have submitted a mail to support to see if I can get it refunded - as it looks like DIG is simply selling the wrong game :P and sadly for me I own it and had my tabs set to omit games I own on steam - but this showed up as not owning cause it is labeled wrong grrrr...

Edit - As usual good customer service from DIG and a refund on the game in question - so all is good :P

7 years ago*

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Well, on the plus side, I wanted the game it activated, and wouldn't have known had you not pointed it out.
So yes, thank you for that. :D

7 years ago

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LOL - glad I could help :)

7 years ago

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meh, I'll pass #121+

7 years ago

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its a pass for me as well

7 years ago

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Last year there was a promo on DIG points:

It's BLACK FRIDAY and instead of the usual 10% bonus when your top-up your DIG account, you will now receive a 20% bonus, until November 25, 2016.

This year I hoped for similar promo, didn't happen. I don't see even this 10% old promo.
Any chance that there will be any promotion on DIG Points?

7 years ago

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fixed as posting - lol

7 years ago

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Edited to keep on topic - as a mod has issues

7 years ago*

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So if someone else posts a link to a bundle that's okay, but if he does it himself then it's not?

7 years ago

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Or discussion about Marketplace on DIG namely...

7 years ago

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it did appear somewhat of an odd reaction given the plethora of other threads of a similar nature - but I am not a moderator so could not say - I left this message here for exo - just in case they were unaware that there was an issue (not for any drama issues or angst)

7 years ago

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That thing of about which the closed thread is, that is technically apparently a key-reselling service. As such it is quite different to the character especially of the Deals-section of the forum here, which isn't really intended to be a promotional place for key-reselling services.

7 years ago

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maybe dig needs a forum in their site to discuss market issues there?

it's like we were discussing steam market and client bugs here with a valve developer.

7 years ago

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Edited to keep on topic - as a mod has issues

7 years ago*

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added above

7 years ago*

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so we can have a thread about steamground, and can't about DIG? :О can't understand 😥

7 years ago

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apparently goes like that:
DIG store yes
DIG marketplace no

7 years ago

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aha, never used it before
Thanks for explaining 😖

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago*

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If someone would post especially in the Deals-section of forum their offer of a trade even if it were on associated Steamtrades (which are by the way probably reason why e.g. Humble Bundle apparently doesn't like SG much as ST is directly linked), that would probably get closed or even deleted straight away too tho. So I myself do not find closing that thread non-consequent in terms of forum rules. Additionally, I sure do not mind that the top 5 posts of the Deals-section are not constantly whichever technically key-reselling service (bumped by persons perhaps thinking that everyone surely cares about one game key for 10% cheaper than full retail price, etc.).

7 years ago

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agreed - and the comment for was exo - not for others (as indicated - were there a forum on DIG I would have posted it there) - but just to note that every thread here is an advertisement and every shop is a key reselling service - unless it is the developer themselves selling the item in question - even steam - and all shops that are listed on SG are designed to pull people away from the site itself - even bundlestars which pays for the ability to advertise here (which was one of the reasons for closing the thread)
Edited - which I hate to do - to keep on topic - as a mod has issues with discussing anything other than the OP noted !
anyway - I have a baby screaming to be fed :P - chat later :)

7 years ago*

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While it certainly is true that many a shop purchases its stock (unlike modern e-shops mostly tho), in that terminology "reselling" refers to individual users doing so, sort of flea market style, whereas a shop "sells". And those flea markets are then often filled with keys from bundles, where paying 90% of the retail price on the flea market seems a lot more expensive than having purchased the entire bundle for less (and the Deals-section seems better when knowing about bundles on first sight instead of having to go through perhaps even dozen of offers for individual resold keys from bundles).

So, not trying to read anything specific into comment posted here. Just meant to point out or clarify that there is a difference between a "shop" and a service which enables some guy on the internet to claim that he has a non-activated key you can purchase (with in laws often little to no customer rights protection when you purchase something on a flea market - e.g. when Humble Bundle revokes a key with banning an account accused of "reselling" keys, which is in violation of their ToS, if you purchased that key from that user, such receipt-holding user may not even be anymore on that site available for contact).

And the closed thread the talk is about is about that sort of flea market service. And about that there sure may be arguments on how legit or not such a service is (in terms of public offer and customer rights), but when it comes to SG and its Deals-section, there is quite a difference between a thread about a bundle sort of saying: "If you purchase it, here on SG you can make GA/s with double or unwanted keys straight away. (with some level of sureness that key is valid)" and a thread sort of saying: "Why care about making a GA when you can sell that key instead..." - with the latter being rather something to drive away users even tho they initially may have arrived here for sake of preferring to make GAs instead of reselling (and there is only so much one can do with a spare key), whereas the former is a sort of expansion on the SG concept.

7 years ago

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indeed - clarity appreciated - my initial comments were for exo only and my latter ones for for the store section not the marketplace - which will now need a new thread as they are no longer doing bundles :) (appols if my verbose nature confused matters :)
oh just one point though - just because humble says it is against their TOS does not mean that it is illegal to resell a key and indeed in europe it has been shown to be perfectly legal and thus humbles TOS legally unenforcable - but they will still ban people of course - just the law is not entirely on their side :P
in the states it is different and probably is still illegal - but not here (microsoft fell foul of a similar law on reselling window licences - and it was thrown out of court as being perfectly legal to do so - in europe that is) :P

7 years ago*

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Even if i.e. Humble Bundle is not allowed to revoke key when payment received (but does so), good luck trying to get a hold of that guy on the flea market who sold you a key he MAY HAVE purchased i.e. from Humble Bundle to begin with tho, and if you get a hold, good luck hoping that he personally would take matters up after he already received (and spent) your money before i.e. Humble Bundle eventually revoked a key he has the actual receipt for.

Meaning that a customer on a flea market is simply on the short end of it all, where even if it is clear that the key was resold from Humble Bundle and revoked by Humble Bundle, if you are the one affected, who you gonna take matters up with? Humble Bundle, where you have no receipt whatsoever showing that you paid for a key from them? That some guy you purchased it from on some flea market without even necessarily knowing his full name? See?

7 years ago*

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I was not negating your argument - I agree with it for the most part - I was merely pointing out that humbles TOS is not on a firm legal standpoint in Europe - as such its use in an argument to me was moot - be it from an analogous standpoint or not :P

7 years ago

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Yeah, fair point I suppose (albeit a topic in itself as some would perhaps argue that even in Europe somewhat doubtful that a TV station can resell an acquired "license" e.g. for rights to broadcast a movie when that wasn't explicitly permitted by that license agreement.)

Just meant to specify mentioned that regardless of legality and how much i.e. HB does it, when it happens the flea market customer is in legal rights worse off than a proper shop customer. And that is a quite significant difference between flea market and shop. And particularly on SG there is the moderation issue of what is on SG considered "normal" (i.e. bundle offer) and what is considered unpaid for advertisement (i.e. "come and sell your keys at my place instead of making use of these keys here").

7 years ago

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Yep indeedy :P - though to be fair I purchase alot of my keys from the DIG store - so I feel as though Steamgifts have benefitted from DIG being around.

7 years ago

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I purchased some keys from the DIG store too, including for GAs, but those keys were purchased from the site.

The DIG marketplace (about which the thread was closed) is that mentioned flea market thing tho. And there besides the issue of DIG merely letting a customer give a negative rating after a faulty key was purchased (and it being up to the individual seller on whether they want to give a refund), all the funds obtained from sold keys (including fee for DIG) are usable only on that website where there is no guarantee about what games are on offer (meaning that one may end up having some store credit from sold keys but only shovelware to purchase with it).

Some may find that still good enough, I personally do not - and in terms of business I would find it way more interesting if DIG would expand on bulk(-only) business for better quality games, where e.g. myself I could be quite interested if it were possible to make deal with DIG such as purchasing 3x1000 keys (for 3 games) at a price of e.g. $0.20 each key (where DIG would focus more on obtaining keys in bulk from legit sources whereas e.g. myself would focus on that last mile distribution, such as contacting CG and offering him cheap relatively quality keys as occasional bonus for his patreons).

But in either case, purchasing from DIG store sure is benefiting SG when some of those keys end up having GAs for, but that marketplace where only one individual key per offer can be purchased and advertisement for SG users to come and sell their keys for some DIG store credit, such is quite different.

Which all am I not saying in detail as to lecture, but to point out to all readers perhaps including exo a bit more in detail some issues around these things.

7 years ago

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ah well - I don't agree with the whole patreon thing - so will have to differ there :)

7 years ago

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I actually believe the same result would have occurred if, for instance, Humble Bundle began posting threads here advertising their bundles and store, or Fanatical, or Groupees, IndieGala, etc. However, in those cases, it's users not affiliated with the sites posting those bundle threads, deals, etc.

It hadn't actually occurred to me until I read the moderator's reason for closing the thread and in all honesty, it makes perfect sense from a "rules" standpoint - he's advertising his own site to make money for himself, which is clearly not allowed on Steamgifts. Once you start making exceptions, you open a whole can of worms.

7 years ago

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indeed - although fanatical does advertise here - as they pay for the service through their affiliate from what I have been led to believe - in future I suggest that exo gets someone else to post the deals they are offering on DIG - thus circumventing the rule as all the others do :) - also aren't some members here part of groupees staff?
Edit - I mean about the store that exo runs - as he no longer does bundles so will require a new thread for his store (not marketplace - sorry everyone seems to be so confused about that - this edit is to make this clearer and prevent comments regarding the marketplace)

7 years ago*

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I don't think it to be relevant who posts. If I or you would make a thread about the marketplace it would get closed too.
My interpretation rather is:
DIG store yes
DIG marketplace no

With the store having "limited-time offers" while the marketplace is basically trading, which doesn't belong here.

7 years ago

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edited - and to a certain extent I entirely agree :P

7 years ago*

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The moderator specifically mentioned "advertising" and not "trading."

7 years ago

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in context of "Rather than calling attention to a limited-time offer" which is the kind of ad allowed.

7 years ago

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Yes, they advertise their trading system (which they take a fee for).
The Deals sections is for fixed offers for everyone.

The DIG market is an unknow amount of keys for an unknown amount of money with unknown credibility.
Thats why it simpy does not meet the criteria for "deal".

All that thread was, was advertisment and suport for a commercial site.

If the creator of G2A or Kinguin starts a thread here advertising his site anyone would agree.

I do think DIG is way better and I personally see it more like trading using the points as intermediate step. The fees are cheaper and it's more suited for cheap games.

7 years ago*

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So, Point Store feedback. :D
When you're logged in, http://dailyindiegame.com/account_digstore.html, links to each game's Steam page.
But, logged in or not, http://dailyindiegame.com/content_digaccount.html, does not link to each game's Steam page.

I want to easily share the catalog with people who are way too casual to actually make an account and buy through DIG.

7 years ago

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Hey Dys,..

Did you get your $$$ to your DIG account for being one of the top 20 Marketplace Users during that contest???
I was in position # 2 and have never gotten it?????
Just curious if you heard anything or if yours was added?

Note: mine was just added!!! Coolio!

6 years ago*

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Wow huge congrats on the win guys! Too cool!

6 years ago

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yes I received mine today :)

6 years ago

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I was getting antsy about it this morning, but I came back tonight to find the email and I'd gotten it.

6 years ago

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Where u can see this rank?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thx =)
Strange... i use the marketplace a lot, my nickname is ok on profile and i cant see my nick in that list.

6 years ago*

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