Hey, it's F2P.
The story is good, the kept that part for free, but you will see some limitations being a free player.
Never tried PVP.
Grouping in PVE is a must on.. I don't know the planet, maybe Balmorra? Pretty much every planet after the first 2.
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No. Because it's a Cryptic game, Pay gives you access to a new market of special gear, and some account augments which exist only for convenience. You don't -need- to pay, ever. But if you do, you'll be prettier.
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I don't understand what you mean, but thank you for share your opinion :]
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It's an MMO so it's fun with friends and highly recommended.
"Free to play. What do you earn with a subscription?:
Check here
You can play it without subs. I'd say it's average to good, it's not terrible as people made it out to seem. I tried it out and had lots of fun.
One thing I dislike is the texture pop-ins which can be bad at times, and the classes are just god damn weird. For example there's a ranged tanked, and a tank that focuses on single enemies with no aggros as opposed to being a normal tank.
For example, you'd think the Sith Inquisitor would have a force-ranged DPS advanced class like some sort of mage and a healing advanced clased since they're a force-based class, but nope. One is a melee DPS like a rouge the other is primary a healer.
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It has a nice story and you will probably enjoy as someone who liked the previous single player games. It has both mmo and single player elements so stories alone are fun to play, you can make choices in quests etc (they are not KOTOR quality or deep though). That being said it's EA so free to play restrictions are problematic and you will need to subscribe to fully enjoy the game. You should download and try for free (play the first map) and see if it suits your taste.
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Awww, sounds like I really need to spend money on it to enjoy it as it need to be.
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first of all its awesome game, story makes it one of the best star wars games put there , plenty of choices and good voice-overs. BUT as a f2p you sometimes feel like crap beacuse you get only 2 action bars,not enough by far second, you get less exp after lvl 20 which makes leveling pain in the ass and last you get restriction on how many times you can get into flashpoints and pvp (and those are very fun). So my opinion try it enjoy it but if you want to do something serious you should probably pay for it
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Lack of action bars hurts yes, but i as a casual gamer haven't found xp penalty's all that bad and you can still run flashpoints, you just wont recieve loot from the last boss or something, still great for lvling tho, few runs through a flashpoint at lv 20-30 and you will gain one. The biggest problem for me is that f2p players must pay to unlock the best(purple) gear, if you really want to enjoy endgame content and heroic flashpoints and operations.. inventory size is annoying as well..
It's worth checking out at least and if you like it but dont want to become a subscriber you should invest about 10-15€ to remove the most annoying limitations( all gear, more crew skills&action bars&inventory/bank slots and galactic market slots if ur into that..)
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Still sounds good, thanks mate for the review. It helps. I should try it :D
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If I only want to play it to see the story and I don't care about any of the MMO stuff, what will I miss by not paying? I recently played through the KOTOR games again and I want to see how the story continues now, but I can't decide if I need to pay for a subscription for a couple of months to do this.
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If you play for any length of time, you will probably conclude their f2p option was calculated to give you dozens of little annoyances, enough that you say "I will pay money to make all this nonsense disappear" - but not quite so annoying that you say instead "I will find a better game to play." :)
There's some interesting story in there, but if you're looking for KOTOR 3 this ain't it. I seem to remember the "Imperial Agent" story was good, but it was nothing to do with KOTOR at all. Maybe someone who has played recently can say which class feels more like a continuation of the classic games, I can't remember and have absolutely no interest in going back. Sorry! :)
Maybe try to forget about KOTOR for a few months, then go back and replay one of those games with different choices. :)
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Mediocre at best. I found the combat to be very boring(how anyone can make lightsaber combat boring is beyond me), the story much weaker than KOTOR 1&2, the PvP was meh and some of the f2p restrictions are downright retarded, like the crafting ones. But you can give it a try and see for yourself, it's free.
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My Conclusion,
Play it for the story (best with friends) but its not worth if you are playing F2P
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History is what I am looking for, sounds great! :D
I will try it mate, thanks for share! :]
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I've played a lot of this game recently, and I think it's worth a try. The production value is there, if you compare it to other triple A MMO. From the graphics standpoint it's decent, sadly characters being the weakest part of the game, while the armor and mounts look good. The strong point of the game is the levelling experience, it takes the story of KOTOR into to future by 300 years and you can see what happened to the universe during that time. What separates this from other MMOs is that you have a fully fledged class story you can play through, fully voice acted and full of cutscenes. Also you have those morale choices just like in KOTOR and Mass Effect, which in this case have mostly minor and less so major part of the story. Every mission have a real story, the usual kill 10 boar or gather 5 claw type of missions are all bonus objectives here for extra XP or gear. And the best thing about this is if you have 3 more friends and each of you choose the same side but different classes, you can experience each other's stories during leveling. There are heroic missions just like in wow, it's 2-4 men here, and it usually gives great gear, so most of those heroics being run several times a day. Every planet acts as a leveling zone like the areas in wow, but here there are some travelling back and forth between planets dependig on your storyline.So the levelling is awesome in my opinion. You'll also get your own ship and companions during the story with romance options and some 'loyalty mission' type side missions with your companion. The game controls are very MMOesque, lots of skill on the action bars and each skills importance depends on your talent choices. It's a very cookie cutter system, don't expect much on this if you played wow. I guess the only thing worth mentioning is the cover mechanic some classes has. Talents are old school wow, you got 3 trees and you put point to them for passive and active abilities. The only twist here is that you have to make a choice between the 2 advanced classes at level 10, which makes the number of trees 2x3, but only in theory, you cannot change advanced classes after one has been chosen. So let me talk about F2P here for a bit. It has a very unfair F2P model with lots of restrictions, some of them are pretty ridiculous, however, you can get around that and enjoy your game with some effort. First of all, I advise you to upgrade your account to preferred F2P status, it'll cost 5 bucks or less and the game worth it. It will lift some if the restrictions you have but most importantly you will be able to carry more money on you, which you can use to unlock even more restrictions, buying them from the GTN. With that said, playing the endgame without a sub is very frustraiting, but by that point you should be able to deicide if you wanna play the game further or not. In my opinion the main restriction of the F2P model is the number of operations (raids) and any non-questing related stuff you can do each and every week. You can unlock titles, inventory, quickslot bar, character slot etc with ingame credits.
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Thank you for the review mate. I read it and actually the game sounds good. Also, yup... sounds like they almost force you to buy stuff to enjoy the game as an average user, but 5 bucks is not a big deal for a game with such content. Thank you mate.
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I think it's a great game. I've spend a lot of time playing it. I don't mind the restrictions as a f2p player.. The story (lvl 32) so far is awesome. The space missions are nice too. :)
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+1 Good, but I need something new now :o
Also thanks for share :D!
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It was a decently fun little game when I played it, though the gameplay just felt like WoW in Space. I stopped playing it fairly quickly though, because it became annoyingly apparent that if you don't pay the subscription you're extremely limited. I think the first thing I noticed was at level 10 or something. I did a quest and I couldn't accept one of the rewards unless I was subscribed.
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Played it during the pre-launch period. Was not impressed.
Stopped when it was officially launched and I'd have to start paying subscription.
Thought of picking it up again when it went F2P, saw the restrictions on free play which were blatantly designed to force you to sub anyway if you want to get anywhere, and decided to permanently give it the finger and not look back.
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Good fun for free. If you just intend to experience the story (and don't care about the MMO aspects of the game, like me) then you can enjoy the entire experience without paying a cent.
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I was in the beta, bought the collector's edition, and was sub'd for a while in the beginning. Later, the game went f2p and there were suddenly a lot of restrictions. A few months ago, I started playing again just to enjoy the storylines (I hadn't yet completed any of them). More recently, I re-sub'd to get a bunch of bonuses "for free."
SWTOR is an MMO, just like every other MMO on the market (except perhaps Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World, both of which are quite different from any other MMO). You can enjoy SWTOR without having to pay anything additional until you hit level 50. If you want the additional content, you either have to buy the expansion (comes with a month's sub) or subscribe (comes with the expansion). If I were you, I'd get the base game on sale, play the dickens out of it, and then decide whether or not to pay more at a later date. That way, you can be sure of getting your money's worth.
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There are 3 "plans"
Free to play, which has a number of limitations, good to get a feel for if you wanna spend cash on the game
Preferred, which requires you to have spent I believe $5 all at once on any purchase, and relaxes the limitations that the F2P players have and requires no upkeep to have, good if you've decided you want to play the game long term, this kind of feels more how the game is meant to be played in my opinion.
Subscription, the only restriction is if there are premium expansions, which may go free for subscribers later, you get a permanent XP boost, and a monthly allowance of premium money, which you can use to buy premium items to use for yourself or sell on the GTN(auction house). IDK the price, might be like $20 monthly, not looked into it in a long time.
I think the game is good, gameplay is enjoyable, and each class has their own story.
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I hated the prologue, was boring and really struggling. When I get the lightsaber the music changed... to real star wars music and the history start to take a nice path. I like this game but I will still hate the prologue, which makes me think of avoid to create a new character.
The graphics also look like a toon in the prologue, I felt like I was playing The Clone Wars series on TV. The game is not bad, the design is impressive, really cool. The gameplay for a Jedi Knight class is good. Also in this moment I dont have problems with the f2p thing, I still dont spend a buck on the game, but I am thinking of buy stuff soon. I think the game worth to play with friends.
Also... I HATE THE FIRST BLADES. When the character start the game, you get a Blade supposed to simulate a lightsaber. The deisgn is ackward and also kills the feeling of what a star wars lightsaber is. Just my opinion, dont blame me, but I just dont like it.
Anyways the game is awesome, the 3D artists in this game get an A+... really beautiful landscapes and environments. Just the textures, in the first planet a little bit like toon, the rocks look like a 3D toon movie. But a really good game in which you can escape from all you have seen in Star Wars. It has content of Star Wars, but dont feels at all like Star Wars. It is good :]
Thanks mates for their reviews and tips, I read most of your comments, specially the large ones. Thanks for the effort and your knowledge. Lets play more this game. Right now I am on Coruscant, the design is beautiful, impressive, awesome. Lets see if SWTOR keeps impressing us.
Best Regards! :D
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Yeah, the blades you start out with a sort of "meh," but they were the same as in the KOTOR series. They are training blades, not lightsabers, but you get past that section fairly quickly.
Regarding the intro, you picked the weakest of the storylines to start with, in my opinion. I've played most of them through the prologue, and the Jedi knight was my least favorite. The good news is that things continue to pick up from Chapter One onward. Every storyline is different, but the planets are not necessarily so.
1) Starting planets are the same for two classes, then the Chapter One world is the same for each faction (Repub/Empire).
2) Once you get to Chapter Two, both factions use the same planets, albeit with some different locations.
3) Regardless of the planet, each class will have story-specific areas, so there is still a bit of variety, there.
If you are an altaholic, like I am, then I recommend you switch up the planets you're playing on (jump around in your class/storyline point) to avoid getting "burnt out" on any specific planet. You won't like it if you end up playing through Dromund Kaas four times in a row, for example. Also, it helps avoid boredom if you switch classes from time to time. While you can choose to go tank, DPS (ranged or melee), or healer with more than one class, each class has a different feel to it. The differences between them offer you quite a bit of replayability as long as you don't focus too much on one thing. In other words, don't play six melee tanks (or whatever) in a row or you'll get tired of the game.
Hope that helps. )
By the way, all of my toons are on the Harbinger server (levels 20 and up). If you end up there, let me know and we can get in touch.
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Sounds cool mate, Ill give a shout if I go through Harbinger server. Im on Ebon Hawk :]
Also, you have reason, I just saw the game from just one perspective. I just forget that a player can choose a lot of classes. Sorry guys for that review, I just review my opinion towards the Jedi Guardian.
I am enjoying this game a lot. Also I invited some friends from where I live, they accept to try it too :]
Rock hard mates!
Best Regards!
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I like Jedi Knight and Knights of the Old Republic games, but this one is good and worth to spend some hours?
Also I don't understand the subscription plan if its Free to play. What do you earn with a subscription?
Best Regards :D!
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